Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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Ali was too fast and mobile to get caught often enough by Rocky and if he did catch him, it's probably the solidest chin of all time Rocky would be hitting. I don’t totally dismiss a Marciano win because the hardest Ali was dropped was by Henry Cooper’s left hook. So Rocky could for sure have hurt Ali and if Frazier could get to Ali there’s no reason Marciano couldn’t

But Rocky never fought anybody that had the movement like Ali did. That was as slick as Ali was. Marciano was able to get inside against Joe Louis, Ezzard Charles, Archie Moore and Jersey Joe but compared to Ali those guys are slow as molasses.

All in all Ali had way too much ring IQ for Marciano. Rocky doesn't do much better than Chuvalo,
Enough already! I didn't need to hear any more idiotic, racist bullshit. Go root for your black athletes in some other thread. If you have something to add to the subject of abnormally large numbers of blacks, in pro sports (especially NFL) post it, otherwise stay the hell out of here.
White Men Can’t Jump

One more racist comment. Gee thanks so much. :confused:
That's the bottom line. And the fact is that practically 100% of the owners are conservative white males. And what matters most to them is MONEY.

if they could win championships with malignant midgets that are lepers, they would do so.
But they've been LOSING championships (31 out of 32 of them). So maybe they're more concerned with not being targeted by mouthy liberals calling them a "racist". Sounds stupid, huh ? Yup, that's the word for it.
You'd be sorely disappointed at what would happen to you on a baseball field. Not only did I play football, I played rugby at an all star level. You're a loser. That's why you are 92 and crying about affirmative action.
You couldn't play marbles. :cool:
OK. So what you're saying is that the white owners and coaches of the NFL are saying "Hey. We have better white players than black players. But we are gong to play the black players and lose more games and have let's chance of winning the super bowl"
I'm ASKING if that is what they're saying. Yeah. EXACTLY THAT.

Any more questions ?
I am not a "Lib" and I do not live to politicize every life scenario as you do. I have no political loyalty to any party.

You cannot find any post in this forum or on the internet where I have ever stated that ANY race is inferior on ANY level.

There are white people in my family. A sister in law and two brothers in law, and they are cared for just as much as everyone else in my family.

And that being said, I will NOT quietly accept being categorized as "racially inferior" by anyone.

And for your information professional sports is one of the few professions where individual personality, nepotism, cronyism, favoritism and especially DISCRIMINATION are not a factor. Maybe so in the front office, but definitely not on the field.

Rewards are purely performance based.

Why do you think so many pro athletes risk their health with performance enhancing substances? if something can give them an edge physically, many are willing to take the risk.
All you do is keep stating you opinion, with absolutely NOTHING to back it up. Broken record. Ho hum. Yawn****
No he was not. Ali had a vast amatuer career capturing numerous

championships and won a gold medal in the olympics. And when he returned home to segregated and racist Louisvile, Kentucky, he could not even get served a sandwich in his own hometown.

As far as his religious beliefs go, at least he had the principles to stand up for his beliefs and had his title stripped during his peak years.

All of that aside, you obviously do not know the real story about the joke that was the computerized fight between Ali and Marciano.

In Archie Moores own words that I heard myself. And Archie at that time was the ONLY boxer who actually fought both Ali and Marciano:

*"During the filming, they both had to go down as part of the various scripted endings of the fight.
Ali took a body punch, and sat on his stool but refused to go to the canvas, and laughed. Marciano also laughed and went down as instructed. Yes Ali asked for more money, but he asked for it because of the fact that he needed it after he was stripped of his title.

Marciano said during the filming, I have never seen that big a man with hands that fast."

*The "Heavyweight Champion" that Marciano defeated for the title was 37 year old Jersey Joe Walcott, who was knocked out by Joe Louis years earlier, and he was way past his prime. Marciano was 28 years old at the time and it took him 13 rounds and a trip to the deck to win. Jersey Joe was not a great champion. At best, he was a journeyman with an inconsistent record. When Ali won his first title he won it at 22 years old and beat Sonny Liston, who was a knockout puncher with one of the best jabs in history, and feared by everyone. Liston would would have beaten Marciano to a bloody pulp.

Ali stopped Liston in the 7th round and knocked him out in 1 round in the rematch.

The so called third rate fighter that Ali lost to was as you say, Leon Spinks. When Ali fought Spinks he had already long ago cleaned out the entire heavyweight division by beating every top contender out there. Most of whom were champions themselves. Ken Norton, Joe Frazier, George Foreman and Jimmy Ellis.

All of thse men would have towered over Marciano, cut him up and stopped him.

Ali had also beaten some great contenders who would have been champions in the weak era that Marciano fought in.

That aside, Ali beat Spinks in a rematch at the age of 36!
Nearly the age that Walcott was when he LOST his title to Marciano.

Quality of opposition and length of career are two of the most important metrics in rating a champion.

*Marcianos opposition was substandard compared to Ali"s. Ali fought and defeated fighters who are ranked as all time greats. And he beat them IN THEIR PRIME. Marciano did not defeat a single all time great during their prime fighting years.

*Marciano was the champion for 4 years and fought a total of 9 years.

*Ali was champion for 3 years in his first reign, and came back almost 4 years later after having his prime years taken away, and won his title back and held it another 4 years during one of the most competitive eras in heavyweight boxing history.

He fought a total of 20 years.

* Joe Louis statement that "Rocky would have beaten him when he was younger" was Joe being gracious. He needed money to get the IRS off his back and Rocky gave him a shot. Joe was always humble in victory and defeat. That's the kind of guy he was. The real greatest overall fighter in history, Sugar Ray Robinson told me that himself, and he grew up in Detroit around Joe.

Lastly, I am not disparaging Marciano. Winning 49 fights and losing none is commendable, no matter what. He was a nice guy and I even have his autograph, and was sad whn he died in that plane crash. But he was not the greatest heavyweight champion by any means.
But he was a good one.

Here is what the real experts say:

From THE RING: The greatest heavyweight of all time - The Ring

I saw that post and it lists players who are actually in the NFL. It sort of means that they are not victims.

Now, have you got a list of players who have missed out because of "AA" ? Its not complicated old fellow.
Already answered that, young man. :biggrin:

Try reading the OP.
It seems to be very common to see NFL football fields and NBA courts with more blacks than all other races combined. There also has been a majority of blacks in professional boxing for many years. How does this come to be ? Since it is common for lesser qualified blacks to be hired to many types of jobs in industry generally, one might wonder if this isn't also the case with pro sports.

Are better talented, faster, stronger whites being denied opportunities, based on race ? How about Hispanics and Asians ? When is the last time you saw a Chinese, Japanese, or Korean guy on an NFL football field ? How about guys from India on a basketball court ? There are so few Asians in the most popular American sports that it's practically impossible to rate their performances.

This is not the case with Whites, however. In the top 4 pro US sports > baseball, football, basketball, and boxing, whites have proven to be as good or often better than blacks, yet still have smaller numbers there. This is despite the fact that blacks are only 13% of the US population, as compared to whites at 76%. Could affirmative action be at work here, putting blacks ahead of better qualified whites, et al races ?



Affirmative action is for minorities.
Are white people a minority?

Face the truth. Black people are better at sports than whites.

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Blacks owe their ability to the genius of the slave owners selective breeding practices.

Keep dreaming.

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By the standards that race baiters use in every field where blacks or browns are underrepresented,

the under representation of whites relative to their share of the population,

is defacto proof of racism, and discrimination, and any denial of that can only be motivated by evulness and racism.

So, by your own rules, you have demonstrated that you are evul and "racist".
A fair assessment. Finally, an objective perspective.

From one racist punk to another.

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Said the racist.

It seems your obsession with me is still in effect.
Get therapy.

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I saw that post and it lists players who are actually in the NFL. It sort of means that they are not victims.

Now, have you got a list of players who have missed out because of "AA" ? Its not complicated old fellow.
Already answered that, young man. :biggrin:

Try reading the OP.
No you havent. Where is the list of players who have missed out ? It should be easy to stump up the evidence. Just one will do.
Ali was too fast and mobile to get caught often enough by Rocky and if he did catch him, it's probably the solidest chin of all time Rocky would be hitting. I don’t totally dismiss a Marciano win because the hardest Ali was dropped was by Henry Cooper’s left hook. So Rocky could for sure have hurt Ali and if Frazier could get to Ali there’s no reason Marciano couldn’t

But Rocky never fought anybody that had the movement like Ali did. That was as slick as Ali was. Marciano was able to get inside against Joe Louis, Ezzard Charles, Archie Moore and Jersey Joe but compared to Ali those guys are slow as molasses.

All in all Ali had way too much ring IQ for Marciano. Rocky doesn't do much better than Chuvalo,
Enough already! I didn't need to hear any more idiotic, racist bullshit. Go root for your black athletes in some other thread. If you have something to add to the subject of abnormally large numbers of blacks, in pro sports (especially NFL) post it, otherwise stay the hell out of here.
You made the point dude.

In fact I'll broaden it out.

Never mind the old Ali or Marciano debate.

Can you name a great black boxer in the last 50 years (who was in his prime) who lost to a white fighter ?
OK. So what you're saying is that the white owners and coaches of the NFL are saying "Hey. We have better white players than black players. But we are gong to play the black players and lose more games and have let's chance of winning the super bowl"
I'm ASKING if that is what they're saying. Yeah. EXACTLY THAT.

Any more questions ?
Sp basically your not saying anything.

You just don't like to see groups of young black men earning a lot more money, banging hotter women than you (if your old ass can still get it up at seventy two) and having more shine on them than you.
Ali was too fast and mobile to get caught often enough by Rocky and if he did catch him, it's probably the solidest chin of all time Rocky would be hitting. I don’t totally dismiss a Marciano win because the hardest Ali was dropped was by Henry Cooper’s left hook. So Rocky could for sure have hurt Ali and if Frazier could get to Ali there’s no reason Marciano couldn’t

But Rocky never fought anybody that had the movement like Ali did. That was as slick as Ali was. Marciano was able to get inside against Joe Louis, Ezzard Charles, Archie Moore and Jersey Joe but compared to Ali those guys are slow as molasses.

All in all Ali had way too much ring IQ for Marciano. Rocky doesn't do much better than Chuvalo,
Enough already! I didn't need to hear any more idiotic, racist bullshit. Go root for your black athletes in some other thread. If you have something to add to the subject of abnormally large numbers of blacks, in pro sports (especially NFL) post it, otherwise stay the hell out of here.

The OP is idiotic, racist bullshit. There are so many black athletes because we whip white athletes to get the job.

And 31 out of 32 teams with white coaches and players lose if we look at this like you are.

You're a dumb ass disgrace to your race.
You'd be sorely disappointed at what would happen to you on a baseball field. Not only did I play football, I played rugby at an all star level. You're a loser. That's why you are 92 and crying about affirmative action.
You couldn't play marbles. :cool:

You wouldn't have wanted to line up across from me, that's for certain.
Ali was too fast and mobile to get caught often enough by Rocky and if he did catch him, it's probably the solidest chin of all time Rocky would be hitting. I don’t totally dismiss a Marciano win because the hardest Ali was dropped was by Henry Cooper’s left hook. So Rocky could for sure have hurt Ali and if Frazier could get to Ali there’s no reason Marciano couldn’t

But Rocky never fought anybody that had the movement like Ali did. That was as slick as Ali was. Marciano was able to get inside against Joe Louis, Ezzard Charles, Archie Moore and Jersey Joe but compared to Ali those guys are slow as molasses.

All in all Ali had way too much ring IQ for Marciano. Rocky doesn't do much better than Chuvalo,
Enough already! I didn't need to hear any more idiotic, racist bullshit. Go root for your black athletes in some other thread. If you have something to add to the subject of abnormally large numbers of blacks, in pro sports (especially NFL) post it, otherwise stay the hell out of here.

What's racist about dissenting opinions on a public message board?

You are NOT a moderator who gets to decide what ANYONE comments on.

A few days ago, you were complaining about "no one touching" your thread. Now that you have some informed feedback, you want to try to whine about it?

What kind of person are you?

If you wanted a thread to sing the praises of only white athletes, and have no different opinions, you should be on Stormfront, you senile, old fool.
Last edited:
No he was not. Ali had a vast amatuer career capturing numerous

championships and won a gold medal in the olympics. And when he returned home to segregated and racist Louisvile, Kentucky, he could not even get served a sandwich in his own hometown.

As far as his religious beliefs go, at least he had the principles to stand up for his beliefs and had his title stripped during his peak years.

All of that aside, you obviously do not know the real story about the joke that was the computerized fight between Ali and Marciano.

In Archie Moores own words that I heard myself. And Archie at that time was the ONLY boxer who actually fought both Ali and Marciano:

*"During the filming, they both had to go down as part of the various scripted endings of the fight.
Ali took a body punch, and sat on his stool but refused to go to the canvas, and laughed. Marciano also laughed and went down as instructed. Yes Ali asked for more money, but he asked for it because of the fact that he needed it after he was stripped of his title.

Marciano said during the filming, I have never seen that big a man with hands that fast."

*The "Heavyweight Champion" that Marciano defeated for the title was 37 year old Jersey Joe Walcott, who was knocked out by Joe Louis years earlier, and he was way past his prime. Marciano was 28 years old at the time and it took him 13 rounds and a trip to the deck to win. Jersey Joe was not a great champion. At best, he was a journeyman with an inconsistent record. When Ali won his first title he won it at 22 years old and beat Sonny Liston, who was a knockout puncher with one of the best jabs in history, and feared by everyone. Liston would would have beaten Marciano to a bloody pulp.

Ali stopped Liston in the 7th round and knocked him out in 1 round in the rematch.

The so called third rate fighter that Ali lost to was as you say, Leon Spinks. When Ali fought Spinks he had already long ago cleaned out the entire heavyweight division by beating every top contender out there. Most of whom were champions themselves. Ken Norton, Joe Frazier, George Foreman and Jimmy Ellis.

All of thse men would have towered over Marciano, cut him up and stopped him.

Ali had also beaten some great contenders who would have been champions in the weak era that Marciano fought in.

That aside, Ali beat Spinks in a rematch at the age of 36!
Nearly the age that Walcott was when he LOST his title to Marciano.

Quality of opposition and length of career are two of the most important metrics in rating a champion.

*Marcianos opposition was substandard compared to Ali"s. Ali fought and defeated fighters who are ranked as all time greats. And he beat them IN THEIR PRIME. Marciano did not defeat a single all time great during their prime fighting years.

*Marciano was the champion for 4 years and fought a total of 9 years.

*Ali was champion for 3 years in his first reign, and came back almost 4 years later after having his prime years taken away, and won his title back and held it another 4 years during one of the most competitive eras in heavyweight boxing history.

He fought a total of 20 years.

* Joe Louis statement that "Rocky would have beaten him when he was younger" was Joe being gracious. He needed money to get the IRS off his back and Rocky gave him a shot. Joe was always humble in victory and defeat. That's the kind of guy he was. The real greatest overall fighter in history, Sugar Ray Robinson told me that himself, and he grew up in Detroit around Joe.

Lastly, I am not disparaging Marciano. Winning 49 fights and losing none is commendable, no matter what. He was a nice guy and I even have his autograph, and was sad whn he died in that plane crash. But he was not the greatest heavyweight champion by any means.
But he was a good one.

Here is what the real experts say:

From THE RING: The greatest heavyweight of all time - The Ring

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Not off topic at all. And if it was, how so?

Marciano WAS NOT the greatest heavyweight champion ever, and if you believe that he was, you're more of a fool than you have shown yourself to be thusfar.

Every REAL boxing expert including Nat Fleicher, who founded The Ring magazine in 1922, NEVER endorsed Marciano as the greatest heavyweight in history.

You are fucking crazy, and should be in restraints. You're a danger to yourself.
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