Blacks' Abundance In Pro Sports: Affirmative Action ?

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Ask yourself some questions before you rush to your bias for explanations?

Where does the NFL almost EXCLUSIVELY recruit from? --- Colleges.

How many kids want to go to college JUST primarily to play football or basketball --- not many..

What are these colleges OFFERING these kids? --- training for the NFL and 4 or 5 years out of da hood.

It's a vocational training thing. And kids who don't have academic priorities are the ones jumping for the sports scholarships. (in football/basketball) Although many can swim or golf or row or tennis without as much dedication to the teams, only the kids make the choice to BE the NFL farm team lucky dog draft pick get a chance at a career..

And the odds are NOT that great that they get a draft pick..

Hopefully, they KNOW THIS and decide to actually study for an alternate career...
I'm not seeing a connection between all that and the overpopulation of blacks in say, the NFL (with a low% in society) > and the possibility of AA at work here.

And I'm not rushing to bias, I'm asking you all for explantions. Note the title of the thread. It ends with a question mark.
And I explained the Rooney Rule to your dumbass. That is the only program that bears any relation to AA, in the NFL.

There is no AA program for players. Making the team is soley based on ability to play.

You need to stop making up nonsense that is not factual.
I haven't made anything up. Can you read thread titles ? Its a QUESTION, dum dum.

YOU are the one who is making something up, by stating there is no AA in the NFL, for which you present zero evidence - 100% made up from you.
Affirmative action does not exist for PLAYERS in the NFL today.

And if it EVER did exist it was during the era that the league was segregated, and white players were the beneficiaries of it.

There is no MIGHT BE anything on the field. It is a game that requires the best of athletic skill.

The fact that you are too thickheaded to understand that is no one's fault but yours.
All you're doing here is talking about things in the sense of how you would LIKE THEM TO BE. You've shown no proof of anything. Childish.
GENETICS......when chased by a lion in Africa you either GET FAST, or you are lunch!
All these reasoning why there is no discrimination against white in sport also shows why there is not discrimination in favor of asians in Math? Why not realize that different races have different traits and one just do better and certain things and that explains the difference of demographic.
You want me to shut up? Ain’t gonna happen.
Stop whining white boy.
1. I'm 72 years old, not a "boy", and not entirely white either, I'm half Hispanic.

2.The telling you to shut up, wasn't an order. It was advice. If you want to come in here blabbering what you know nothing about, and making a fool out of yourself, well, not my problem.
So name some of these "high calibre" players who are missing out. Because at the moment you have nothing.
Very careless of you to come into a thread late, not bother to read it (so you could know what you're talking about), and then proceed blind, to make FALSE and utterly imbecile statements, because of your own careless ignorance/foolishness.

The high caliber players (25 of them) were listed in detail in Post # 132, Mr Careless, and also examples of the 6 time Super Bowl winning New England Patriots,even shown in
repeatedly in this thread, in color photos,​

Back to the reading assignment for you. :rolleyes:

PS - all this scolding for your careless stupidity, also goes to the 2 numbskulls who clicked "Thank You" for this foolish post.
You apply the same old tired argument in every scenario. This is not a "left" issue. there is unequal outcome based on skill level and who the owners choose to draft.

But you obviously know nothing about the NFL either. There is no problem. The league is results oriented and the same white people that you are whining about being treated unjustly, make the rules....not me.
They are not the "same white people" The team owners and managers who hire players are one group, the not hired players are another. How pathetic that you have to have this explained. Sheeesh!
Perform and you're in the team; don't and you're OUT!! Seems fair to me. Whatever the opportunity take it with both hands!!! But perform or OUT!!

Marciano....protected by ducking the best competition

Ali.......fought all comers and ducked no one. He defeated opposition that would have murdered short, slow Marciano.

You don't know shit about boxing or fighters or football.
Dumbass. He knocked out the heavyweight CHAMPION of the world ( and damn near killed him with one punch) And Clay lost to guys (ex, Leon Spinks) who would have lasted one minute with Marciano. Back to the drawing board for you.
and get back on topic.

Rocky Marciano The Punch - Bing video
This is not a "lib issue" or a "racial issue". You and the idiot OP are the ones who are race baiting and repeating yourselves and sounding absurd.

If there was actually anti white discrimination in the NFL, white people would not be turning out by the thousands to attend games, every year, and the highest paid players would not be white.

White players who did not make it and were good enough to make it would speak up as well.

In fact, your god, Trump tried to buy an NFL team once, and was rejected.
A lot of use of the word "would" in that post. Lots of speculation. What is not speculation though, is an abundance of black players in the NFL, who keep on losing to white players (the Patriots).

So why so many black players ? Why so relatively few whites ? Affirmative Action ? Anybody have any answers ? (with evidence)
You showed exactly 1 player who played on 6 super bowl winning teams. 76 out 101 of the top players in the NFL are black. Of the 3 you showed only 1 was on that list.

AA did not make Shaquem Griffin, a young brother from Central Florida who played linebacker, bench 225 pounds 20 times with one hand and no white player in his position could do as many.. You started this and got shut down. So show us the AA clause in an NFL contract or shut the hell up.

Because you have no point.
I didn't say I had a point, dum dum. Can you read ? Try the title of the thread. Notice that it's a QUESTION ? (as is the post you quoted)

And NO, I did not show "exactly 1 player who played on 6 super bowl winning teams" I showed a whole bunch of them, who played on 6 Super Bowl winning teams. And don't be surprised if the number 6 becomes 10 in a few years. :biggrin:
Ali would have beat the shit out of Marciano.

Superior hand speed.
Cassius Clay lost 5 fights. And did somebody say he only fought top rate boxers ? Yeah ?

Here's list of guys Clay fought who had a lot of losses on their record, at the time of their fight with Clay.

Tunney Hunsaker - lost 9 fights
Donnie Fleeman - lost 11 fights
Duke Sabedong - lost 11 fights
Alex Miteff - lost 10 fights
Willie Besmanoff - lost 27 fights
Archie Moore - lost 22 fights
George Chuvalo - lost 17 fights
Brian London - lost 13 fights
Henry Cooper - lost 11 fights
Chuck Wepner - lost 9 fights
Richard Dunn - lost 9 fights
Because we are not running around preaching how superior we are.
Sure you are. That's what Farrakan and his loons say. That's what BLM says. what NBPP says.

And black supremacists don't just talk about being superior. They just grab and steal jobs and other things from whites by way of affirmative action. And exercise black privilege at the expense of non-blacks.
You are the one with ZERO EVIDENCE.

Because your whole life has been Affirmative Action white man.
1. I'm a white-Hispanic man.

2. What statement did I make with zero evidence ?

3. My life has been much more than about affirmative action.
Yes we do. And you just have to live with that. The New England Patriots have won 6 Super Bowls with 6 different rosters. And each time the majority of players on the Patriots have been black..
Each time almost the entire offense has been white. :biggrin:
We don't have to. Everybody but you knows players try out.
That's right. You don't HAVE TO present evidence of your belief. Just realize though, that without any evidence, all you're doing is presenting a hunch. Oh boy. Lucky us to have been exposed to that. :rolleyes:
All these reasoning why there is no discrimination against white in sport also shows why there is not discrimination in favor of asians in Math? Why not realize that different races have different traits and one just do better and certain things and that explains the difference of demographic.
But it doesn't, because it's the whites who "do better" in the NFL. So it makes you wonder why there are so few of them, compared to blacks.



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Perform and you're in the team; don't and you're OUT!! Seems fair to me. Whatever the opportunity take it with both hands!!! But perform or OUT!!

Correct! But people who support Affirmative Action don't believe in hiring on qualifications (performance). They choose by race.
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