Blacks Are Losing The Moral Highground Rapidly

POS racist threads like this show why they riot.
This is why so many whites NEVER talk about race problems, because as soon as they present the facts as they see them, idiots like you rush in and denounce them as racists unless the whites are screaming mea culpas and accepting fault for EVERYTHING ever done that was bad to any brown person anywhere on the fucking planet.

Piss off.
No, we think you're a goddamned racist because you talk like a goddamned racist. Stop espousing racist bullshit, and maybe you won't be labeled a racist bullshit artist.
Why don't you go fuck yourself.

Problem with you liberals is you've lost your sense of right and wrong. Fact is, white people had nothing to do with NC. A Blackman shot by a black cop because he wouldn't drop his gun. Perfect reason to break into Walmart.

Your motherfucking problem is you can't stand the truth.

The language you used in your thread title proves everything in my comment is true.

The only question remaining is your connection to the kkk. Are you simply a member of the rank & file, or, do you hold a leadership position? Which is it ?
Is that a serious question?

Apparently people like you believe that everybody should ignore the obvious and defend whatever these people do in their communities.
However, having lived among them long enough, I can say that what they're doing plays one way on TV, but close to home it has become intolerable.

So.....again go fuck yourself.

Perhaps you can come back and troll USMB in another election cycle 4 years from now.

You failed to answer my question!
He's on my ignore list.

Waste of bandwidth
POS racist threads like this show why they riot.
This is why so many whbites NEVER talk about race problems, because as soon as they present the facts as they see them, idiots like you rush in and denounce them as racists unless the whites are screaming mea culpas and accepting fault for EVERYTHING ever done that was bad to any brown person anywhere on the fucking planet.

Piss off.

Excellent post.
No, we think you're a goddamned racist because you talk like a goddamned racist. Stop espousing racist bullshit, and maybe you won't be labeled a racist bullshit artist.
Why don't you go fuck yourself.

Problem with you liberals is you've lost your sense of right and wrong. Fact is, white people had nothing to do with NC. A Blackman shot by a black cop because he wouldn't drop his gun. Perfect reason to break into Walmart.

Your motherfucking problem is you can't stand the truth.

The language you used in your thread title proves everything in my comment is true.

The only question remaining is your connection to the kkk. Are you simply a member of the rank & file, or, do you hold a leadership position? Which is it ?
Is that a serious question?

Apparently people like you believe that everybody should ignore the obvious and defend whatever these people do in their communities.
However, having lived among them long enough, I can say that what they're doing plays one way on TV, but close to home it has become intolerable.

So.....again go fuck yourself.

Perhaps you can come back and troll USMB in another election cycle 4 years from now.

You failed to answer my question!

No not at all. Mudwhistles thread title assumes every black person must be bad. And that's a racist point of view. I merely brought that to his attention.
Coast to coast blacks are attacking whites in increasing numbers and last night they may have murdered one of their own, live on national television, and blamed it on the cops.

While I was watching the riots in NC, two shots were fired from the crowd and two of the 'protesters' fell, one on life-support it was last reported.

What we could clearly see is blacks don't care about the facts. All they wanted to do last night was break into stores and loot. The cops were just there to stop them.

All over the country Blacklivesmatter followers are getting increasingly hostile:


One fatally shot in second night of Charlotte police shooting protests

One person was fatally shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets, according to Medic.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.


STOCKTON (CBS13) – Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts Avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors.

What was supposed to be a peaceful protest remembering Colby Friday turned into a vicious brawl directed against two sisters, and now, investigators are looking for suspects.

“Our understanding is that it involved several out-of-towners whose intent was more than protesting,” said Ron Freitas, the Assistant District Attorney for San Joaquin County.Stockton police say the protestors claimed to be connected with the Black Lives Matter movement and were protesting recent officer-involved shootings against blacks.

According to police, the two female victims say they felt the attack was racially-fueled because they are white.

Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White


Then again whites haven't have the moral ground for a single minute of the last few hundred years. So, blacks are starting to feel the moral high ground doesn't get them anywhere.....
It's all Barry's fault.

Every single police shooting could probably be avoided if blacks stopped intentionally escalating the situation. And they are doing it because Obama keeps taking shit and blaming police every time. Even after its proven (most of the time) that the cop did what he was supposed to do, Obama won't come back and say the cops were right.

And so this has led to a new age of "black privilege" these last few years where its never their fault and they can treat the police however they want and no matter that they are in the wrong, the public will take their side.

Here is the example. Cops did everything by the book. After watching video all the 'brutality' by the cops has the context of a violent animal being detained included.

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Here is how media reported it.

Cops caught on video pepper-spraying handcuffed biracial girl — after a car hit her

The media not only censors black crime, it rewrites it, deliberately misrepresents it, and exaggerates white crime.
Maybe we should elect a black president? That should prove everyone has a chance in this country.
. I would have taken a Herman Cain, Ben Carson any day over the racist & chief in charge now.

You'd even have taken Obama as a Republican over this Obama as a Democrat. As a Republican he'd have been a great man, as a Democrat he's a racist.
. No he's just a racist, and it doesn't matter which one he is.
Maybe we should elect a black president? That should prove everyone has a chance in this country.
. I would have taken a Herman Cain, Ben Carson any day over the racist & chief in charge now.

You'd even have taken Obama as a Republican over this Obama as a Democrat. As a Republican he'd have been a great man, as a Democrat he's a racist.
. No he's just a racist, and it doesn't matter which one he is.

That's complete rubbish. People who are shouting that he's a racist are people who are trying to divert attention away from racism in their own "team" (because they've become teams on some dodgy Japanese game show, rather than political parties).
It's all Barry's fault.

Every single police shooting could probably be avoided if blacks stopped intentionally escalating the situation. And they are doing it because Obama keeps taking shit and blaming police every time. Even after its proven (most of the time) that the cop did what he was supposed to do, Obama won't come back and say the cops were right.

And so this has led to a new age of "black privilege" these last few years where its never their fault and they can treat the police however they want and no matter that they are in the wrong, the public will take their side.

Here is the example. Cops did everything by the book. After watching video all the 'brutality' by the cops has the context of a violent animal being detained included.

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Here is how media reported it.

Cops caught on video pepper-spraying handcuffed biracial girl — after a car hit her

The media not only censors black crime, it rewrites it, deliberately misrepresents it, and exaggerates white crime.
. Wow... Here is why I think she resisted and was uncooperative.. Once upon a time I was a supervisor at an electric utility, and I went to an address to check a call where a customer wanted some work done. I met with a lady for whom wanted me to send a tree crew to her residence to do some work on the limbs around her lines. Well we agreed on certain things being done, and I later that week sent a crew to her residence. The crew Foreman then called me to tell me that the lady appeared to be wanting way more done than the work order had written upon it.

I said ok, but just do what the order said and no more. He then called back and said that the lady demanded they leave. Then the tree crews general Foreman called and wanted me to come to the residence because the lady was raising cane because the crew wouldn't comply. I told him ok, but that it won't be good, because when the lady see's me, then she will get worse because she will be embarrassed that she tried such a thing.

Well I was right, because when I got there she threw a fit, and ran into the house. I left, and the crew Foreman said that after I left she came back out, and she was the nicest person you would want to meet. I said well she just tried to get away with something, got caught at it, and then got ok after the one who knew left the building.

The girl in the video knew she was in trouble, and her reaction showed that she was hiding or trying to hide the fact that she had done something bad, and didn't want to own up to it. The guy interfering with the situation wasn't helpful at all, and they told him right to back off. This girl was very spoiled that she thought she didn't have to own up to what she did, and it goes back to her up bringing. The cursing and carrying on like that was very sad.
Maybe we should elect a black president? That should prove everyone has a chance in this country.
. I would have taken a Herman Cain, Ben Carson any day over the racist & chief in charge now.

You'd even have taken Obama as a Republican over this Obama as a Democrat. As a Republican he'd have been a great man, as a Democrat he's a racist.
. No he's just a racist, and it doesn't matter which one he is.

That's complete rubbish. People who are shouting that he's a racist are people who are trying to divert attention away from racism in their own "team" (because they've become teams on some dodgy Japanese game show, rather than political parties).
. Huh ?
The protestors look peaceful and good tonight. Many whites among the crowd as supporters of the protest as well... Great stuff, as this is how it is supposed to go down. Nothing wrong with protest just as long as it's done right. My hat is off to the protestors tonight.
Maybe we should elect a black president? That should prove everyone has a chance in this country.
. I would have taken a Herman Cain, Ben Carson any day over the racist & chief in charge now.

You'd even have taken Obama as a Republican over this Obama as a Democrat. As a Republican he'd have been a great man, as a Democrat he's a racist.
. No he's just a racist, and it doesn't matter which one he is.

That's complete rubbish. People who are shouting that he's a racist are people who are trying to divert attention away from racism in their own "team" (because they've become teams on some dodgy Japanese game show, rather than political parties).
. Huh ?

Diverting attention away from the racists.

The right has a lot of racists, there's no doubt about this. The KKK, white supremacists, Nazis etc. They exist and they're more likely to be supporters of the Republicans. So to divert attention away from this one tactic that is employed a lot is to accuse the other "team" of being this very same thing. So people shout "racist" at those on the left in order to stop people talking about the racists on the right.

I mean, people have even attempted to make Hitler left wing, when the reality is he was FAR right, and the far part is the most important here. Left and right and far-left and far-right are two separate entities that don't share much in common, the far separates them a long way.
Mudwhistles thread title assumes every black person must be bad. And that's a racist point of view.

Nonsense. What blacks are doing today reflects badly on the Black community at large. These rioting thugs and they're supporters are retched and bitter people. The poison in them is eating them up and making it miserable for everyone else.
What a freaking idiot. The Second Amendment does not give yo the right to confront he cops with a gun in your hand and ignore orders to drop that gun.

Charlotte NAACP President: 'It Doesn't Really Matter' If Keith Lamont Scott Had a Gun - Breitbart

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” Charlotte-Mecklenburg NAACP President Minister Corine Mack argued that “it doesn’t really matter” if Keith Lamont Scott had a gun when he was shot by police.

Mack said that the police should release video of the Scott incident. She added, “At the end of the day, you know, a video may show a different perspective, depending on the angle, and so it will have many different angles. You may not get the full picture. I think the most important part is the contrast in him having a book versus a gun, but in my mind, and in most of the community’s mind, it really doesn’t matter if he had a gun. At the end of the day we have the right under the Second Amendment to carry here in North Carolina. And their responsibility was to engage him in a more de-escalated way, to find out if he had a permit for his gun, and allow him to go on his merry way, and he would still be living today.
. I would have taken a Herman Cain, Ben Carson any day over the racist & chief in charge now.

You'd even have taken Obama as a Republican over this Obama as a Democrat. As a Republican he'd have been a great man, as a Democrat he's a racist.
. No he's just a racist, and it doesn't matter which one he is.

That's complete rubbish. People who are shouting that he's a racist are people who are trying to divert attention away from racism in their own "team" (because they've become teams on some dodgy Japanese game show, rather than political parties).
. Huh ?

Diverting attention away from the racists.

The right has a lot of racists, there's no doubt about this. The KKK, white supremacists, Nazis etc. They exist and they're more likely to be supporters of the Republicans. So to divert attention away from this one tactic that is employed a lot is to accuse the other "team" of being this very same thing. So people shout "racist" at those on the left in order to stop people talking about the racists on the right.

I mean, people have even attempted to make Hitler left wing, when the reality is he was FAR right, and the far part is the most important here. Left and right and far-left and far-right are two separate entities that don't share much in common, the far separates them a long way.
. It still doesn't get away from the fact that Obama is either a racist or he is a race baiter in which is the same thing. The very fact that these people are having to protest like this, makes me think that they have lost all faith in government, and Obama is included in that loss of faith.
Diverting attention away from the racists.

The right has a lot of racists, there's no doubt about this. The KKK, white supremacists, Nazis etc. They exist and they're more likely to be supporters of the Republicans. So to divert attention away from this one tactic that is employed a lot is to accuse the other "team" of being this very same thing. So people shout "racist" at those on the left in order to stop people talking about the racists on the right.

Oh fuck off with this bull shit. You're a jerk and a troll. Time to put you into the box.
What a freaking idiot. The Second Amendment does not give yo the right to confront he cops with a gun in your hand and ignore orders to drop that gun.

Charlotte NAACP President: 'It Doesn't Really Matter' If Keith Lamont Scott Had a Gun - Breitbart

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” Charlotte-Mecklenburg NAACP President Minister Corine Mack argued that “it doesn’t really matter” if Keith Lamont Scott had a gun when he was shot by police.

Mack said that the police should release video of the Scott incident. She added, “At the end of the day, you know, a video may show a different perspective, depending on the angle, and so it will have many different angles. You may not get the full picture. I think the most important part is the contrast in him having a book versus a gun, but in my mind, and in most of the community’s mind, it really doesn’t matter if he had a gun. At the end of the day we have the right under the Second Amendment to carry here in North Carolina. And their responsibility was to engage him in a more de-escalated way, to find out if he had a permit for his gun, and allow him to go on his merry way, and he would still be living today.
I don't know of any situation where a gun is in the hand of a citizen, and the cops order that person/citizen to drop that weapon, (and he doesn't do it), that they won't eventually take the refusal as a threat in which they have to deal with. Why on earth wouldn't he have just dropped that weapon is amazing.
What a freaking idiot. The Second Amendment does not give yo the right to confront he cops with a gun in your hand and ignore orders to drop that gun.

Charlotte NAACP President: 'It Doesn't Really Matter' If Keith Lamont Scott Had a Gun - Breitbart

On Thursday’s broadcast of “CNN Newsroom,” Charlotte-Mecklenburg NAACP President Minister Corine Mack argued that “it doesn’t really matter” if Keith Lamont Scott had a gun when he was shot by police.

Mack said that the police should release video of the Scott incident. She added, “At the end of the day, you know, a video may show a different perspective, depending on the angle, and so it will have many different angles. You may not get the full picture. I think the most important part is the contrast in him having a book versus a gun, but in my mind, and in most of the community’s mind, it really doesn’t matter if he had a gun. At the end of the day we have the right under the Second Amendment to carry here in North Carolina. And their responsibility was to engage him in a more de-escalated way, to find out if he had a permit for his gun, and allow him to go on his merry way, and he would still be living today.
I don't know of any situation where a gun is in the hand of a citizen, and the cops order that person/citizen to drop that weapon, (and he doesn't do it), that they won't eventually take the refusal as a threat in which they have to deal with. Why on earth wouldn't he have just dropped that weapon is amazing.
Likely high or drunk or both.

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