Blacks Are Losing The Moral Highground Rapidly

So what have we learned. Protesting in the streets are bad. Protesting online is bad. Protesting by not standing is bad.

Black people are dumb to do bad protests. Protests et al are stupid. And blame it on blacks for not liking being shot...but dont mention the whites because its not about race. But if you do mention the whites make sure you grab your broad brush for that too.

Its almost like if you disagree with being shot by the police you're the bad person
No. Protesting is fine. Rioting isn't. All Marxist movements have their political, nonviolent front and their militant front. It's all organized. Does every person involved in the protest know this? No. If they did, they probably wouldn't appreciate being used and lied to.

In the eyes of those that disagree with the protest is fine.
For some, I have no issue if you want to protest police brutality and all of that... I may think you have bad info and disagree with your stance, but as long as you do it peacefully you should be allowed to do it.

MLK said "rioting is the language of the unheard."

We should start hearing them. That stands a better chance of ending the rioting.
There's this new medium called the Internet...

Right, all the kids in the inner cities with ipads and laptops should just message the president and racial prejudice will end.

No. Protesting is fine. Rioting isn't. All Marxist movements have their political, nonviolent front and their militant front. It's all organized. Does every person involved in the protest know this? No. If they did, they probably wouldn't appreciate being used and lied to.

In the eyes of those that disagree with the protest is fine.
For some, I have no issue if you want to protest police brutality and all of that... I may think you have bad info and disagree with your stance, but as long as you do it peacefully you should be allowed to do it.

MLK said "rioting is the language of the unheard."

We should start hearing them. That stands a better chance of ending the rioting.
There's this new medium called the Internet...

Right, all the kids in the inner cities with ipads and laptops should just message the president and racial prejudice will end.

Ad hominem.
The Internet has brought Trump to within reach of the White House.
The Internet can accomplish a lot for those willing to type rather than loot and burn.
So what have we learned. Protesting in the streets are bad. Protesting online is bad. Protesting by not standing is bad.

Black people are dumb to do bad protests. Protests et al are stupid. And blame it on blacks for not liking being shot...but dont mention the whites because its not about race. But if you do mention the whites make sure you grab your broad brush for that too.

Its almost like if you disagree with being shot by the police you're the bad person
No. Protesting is fine. Rioting isn't. All Marxist movements have their political, nonviolent front and their militant front. It's all organized. Does every person involved in the protest know this? No. If they did, they probably wouldn't appreciate being used and lied to.

In the eyes of those that disagree with the protest is fine.
For some, I have no issue if you want to protest police brutality and all of that... I may think you have bad info and disagree with your stance, but as long as you do it peacefully you should be allowed to do it.

MLK said "rioting is the language of the unheard."

We should start hearing them. That stands a better chance of ending the rioting.
The conversation needs to flow freely in both directions. It needs to be open and honest and unrestricted, and no one should be shouted down or called names for participating, and all participants must also commit to honestly looking in the mirror as a critical part of the process.
. How can a person communicate with people that are wearing their pants to their knees, acting like prison thugs, breaking things, robbing & looting, and using white oppression excuses from hundreds of years ago in order to justify these things in which they do ????? I mean they don't even trust the justice system of the first black president to go in and get justice on those whom they think perpetrated a crime against them. How does one convince them they will get justice if they don't want to hear it ??? Like I said, is it really the whole story or is there a whole lot more going on here then meets the eye ?? People need to find out the real story, and be honest about it all finally.
No. Protesting is fine. Rioting isn't. All Marxist movements have their political, nonviolent front and their militant front. It's all organized. Does every person involved in the protest know this? No. If they did, they probably wouldn't appreciate being used and lied to.

In the eyes of those that disagree with the protest is fine.
For some, I have no issue if you want to protest police brutality and all of that... I may think you have bad info and disagree with your stance, but as long as you do it peacefully you should be allowed to do it.

MLK said "rioting is the language of the unheard."

We should start hearing them. That stands a better chance of ending the rioting.
. King said "rioting" is the voice of the unheard or peaceful "protest" is the voice of the unheard ???

No. He said "riot." King was a radical, not a kindly house nigga, the way you want him to be.

'A Riot Is the Language of the Unheard': 9 MLK Quotes the Mainstream Media Won't Cite
. I just saw Alfreda King put down Jessie Jackson on the news for siding with the rioters. What do you think about that ?
Coast to coast blacks are attacking whites in increasing numbers and last night they may have murdered one of their own, live on national television, and blamed it on the cops.

While I was watching the riots in NC, two shots were fired from the crowd and two of the 'protesters' fell, one on life-support it was last reported.

What we could clearly see is blacks don't care about the facts. All they wanted to do last night was break into stores and loot. The cops were just there to stop them.

All over the country Blacklivesmatter followers are getting increasingly hostile:


One fatally shot in second night of Charlotte police shooting protests

One person was fatally shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets, according to Medic.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.


STOCKTON (CBS13) – Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts Avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors.

What was supposed to be a peaceful protest remembering Colby Friday turned into a vicious brawl directed against two sisters, and now, investigators are looking for suspects.

“Our understanding is that it involved several out-of-towners whose intent was more than protesting,” said Ron Freitas, the Assistant District Attorney for San Joaquin County.Stockton police say the protestors claimed to be connected with the Black Lives Matter movement and were protesting recent officer-involved shootings against blacks.

According to police, the two female victims say they felt the attack was racially-fueled because they are white.

Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White


you've been a bigoted obama deranged creep for eight years.... asif you suddenly gave black people the "high ground".

i have a better idea.... worry less about the "high ground" and more about unarmed black men not being shot dead for no reason.
No. Protesting is fine. Rioting isn't. All Marxist movements have their political, nonviolent front and their militant front. It's all organized. Does every person involved in the protest know this? No. If they did, they probably wouldn't appreciate being used and lied to.

In the eyes of those that disagree with the protest is fine.
For some, I have no issue if you want to protest police brutality and all of that... I may think you have bad info and disagree with your stance, but as long as you do it peacefully you should be allowed to do it.

MLK said "rioting is the language of the unheard."

We should start hearing them. That stands a better chance of ending the rioting.
The conversation needs to flow freely in both directions. It needs to be open and honest and unrestricted, and no one should be shouted down or called names for participating, and all participants must also commit to honestly looking in the mirror as a critical part of the process.
. How can a person communicate with people that are wearing their pants to their knees, acting like prison thugs, breaking things, robbing & looting, and using white oppression excuses from hundreds of years ago in order to justify these things in which they do ????? I mean they don't even trust the justice system of the first black president to go in and get justice on those whom they think perpetrated a crime against them. How does one convince them they will get justice if they don't want to hear it ??? Like I said, is it really the whole story or is there a whole lot more going on here then meets the eye ?? People need to find out the real story, and be honest about it all finally.
Those people simply can't be a part of the conversation, at least at the beginning until some roads are constructed. Neither can those who enable their poor behavior by excusing it and deflecting for it and by screaming "racist" at anyone who points it out.

Neither can those on the other side of the debate who actually are racist, and those who enable them by pretending racism doesn't exist and refuse to admit that a lot of work still lies ahead on that end.

This will take some brave leaders on both ends who aren't afraid to force their side to look in the mirror and admit their misdeeds.

Do you see any such brave leaders right now?

I don't.
Coast to coast blacks are attacking whites in increasing numbers and last night they may have murdered one of their own, live on national television, and blamed it on the cops.

While I was watching the riots in NC, two shots were fired from the crowd and two of the 'protesters' fell, one on life-support it was last reported.

What we could clearly see is blacks don't care about the facts. All they wanted to do last night was break into stores and loot. The cops were just there to stop them.

All over the country Blacklivesmatter followers are getting increasingly hostile:


One fatally shot in second night of Charlotte police shooting protests

One person was fatally shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets, according to Medic.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.


STOCKTON (CBS13) – Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts Avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors.

What was supposed to be a peaceful protest remembering Colby Friday turned into a vicious brawl directed against two sisters, and now, investigators are looking for suspects.

“Our understanding is that it involved several out-of-towners whose intent was more than protesting,” said Ron Freitas, the Assistant District Attorney for San Joaquin County.Stockton police say the protestors claimed to be connected with the Black Lives Matter movement and were protesting recent officer-involved shootings against blacks.

According to police, the two female victims say they felt the attack was racially-fueled because they are white.

Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White


you've been a bigoted obama deranged creep for eight years.... asif you suddenly gave black people the "high ground".

i have a better idea.... worry less about the "high ground" and more about unarmed black men not being shot dead for no reason.
Are all unarmed black men being targeted by the police to be killed or is this the false narrative that has been created here, and then carried around loosely by people like you ??? Can you honestly say that you truly think that the cops are intentially targeting black folk ????
In the eyes of those that disagree with the protest is fine.
For some, I have no issue if you want to protest police brutality and all of that... I may think you have bad info and disagree with your stance, but as long as you do it peacefully you should be allowed to do it.

MLK said "rioting is the language of the unheard."

We should start hearing them. That stands a better chance of ending the rioting.
The conversation needs to flow freely in both directions. It needs to be open and honest and unrestricted, and no one should be shouted down or called names for participating, and all participants must also commit to honestly looking in the mirror as a critical part of the process.
. How can a person communicate with people that are wearing their pants to their knees, acting like prison thugs, breaking things, robbing & looting, and using white oppression excuses from hundreds of years ago in order to justify these things in which they do ????? I mean they don't even trust the justice system of the first black president to go in and get justice on those whom they think perpetrated a crime against them. How does one convince them they will get justice if they don't want to hear it ??? Like I said, is it really the whole story or is there a whole lot more going on here then meets the eye ?? People need to find out the real story, and be honest about it all finally.
Those people simply can't be a part of the conversation, at least at the beginning until some roads are constructed. Neither can those who enable their poor behavior by excusing it and deflecting for it and by screaming "racist" at anyone who points it out.

Neither can those on the other side of the debate who actually are racist, and those who enable them by pretending racism doesn't exist and refuse to admit that a lot of work still lies ahead on that end.

This will take some brave leaders on both ends who aren't afraid to force their side to look in the mirror and admit their misdeeds.

Do you see any such brave leaders right now?

I don't.
. Trump could be one of them, but we will have to follow along and see.
For some, I have no issue if you want to protest police brutality and all of that... I may think you have bad info and disagree with your stance, but as long as you do it peacefully you should be allowed to do it.

MLK said "rioting is the language of the unheard."

We should start hearing them. That stands a better chance of ending the rioting.
The conversation needs to flow freely in both directions. It needs to be open and honest and unrestricted, and no one should be shouted down or called names for participating, and all participants must also commit to honestly looking in the mirror as a critical part of the process.
. How can a person communicate with people that are wearing their pants to their knees, acting like prison thugs, breaking things, robbing & looting, and using white oppression excuses from hundreds of years ago in order to justify these things in which they do ????? I mean they don't even trust the justice system of the first black president to go in and get justice on those whom they think perpetrated a crime against them. How does one convince them they will get justice if they don't want to hear it ??? Like I said, is it really the whole story or is there a whole lot more going on here then meets the eye ?? People need to find out the real story, and be honest about it all finally.
Those people simply can't be a part of the conversation, at least at the beginning until some roads are constructed. Neither can those who enable their poor behavior by excusing it and deflecting for it and by screaming "racist" at anyone who points it out.

Neither can those on the other side of the debate who actually are racist, and those who enable them by pretending racism doesn't exist and refuse to admit that a lot of work still lies ahead on that end.

This will take some brave leaders on both ends who aren't afraid to force their side to look in the mirror and admit their misdeeds.

Do you see any such brave leaders right now?

I don't.
. Trump could be one of them, but we will have to follow along and see.
Strangely enough, I wouldn't be surprised if it did take someone from out of politics, such as entertainment, sports, business, etc.

Since professional politicians are terrified to disturb their bases and their donors, there's no reason to expect them to be of any help.
Coast to coast blacks are attacking whites in increasing numbers and last night they may have murdered one of their own, live on national television, and blamed it on the cops.

While I was watching the riots in NC, two shots were fired from the crowd and two of the 'protesters' fell, one on life-support it was last reported.

What we could clearly see is blacks don't care about the facts. All they wanted to do last night was break into stores and loot. The cops were just there to stop them.

All over the country Blacklivesmatter followers are getting increasingly hostile:


One fatally shot in second night of Charlotte police shooting protests

One person was fatally shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets, according to Medic.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.


STOCKTON (CBS13) – Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts Avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors.

What was supposed to be a peaceful protest remembering Colby Friday turned into a vicious brawl directed against two sisters, and now, investigators are looking for suspects.

“Our understanding is that it involved several out-of-towners whose intent was more than protesting,” said Ron Freitas, the Assistant District Attorney for San Joaquin County.Stockton police say the protestors claimed to be connected with the Black Lives Matter movement and were protesting recent officer-involved shootings against blacks.

According to police, the two female victims say they felt the attack was racially-fueled because they are white.

Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White


you've been a bigoted obama deranged creep for eight years.... asif you suddenly gave black people the "high ground".

i have a better idea.... worry less about the "high ground" and more about unarmed black men not being shot dead for no reason.
Are all unarmed black men being targeted by the police to be killed or is this the false narrative that has been created here, and then carried around loosely by people like you ??? Can you honestly say that you truly think that the cops are intentially targeting black folk ????

This is a bellweather for all police brutality against people in the black community, not just the occasional unarmed black man shot dead. They've been dealing with various forms of disproportionate oppression for years. That's what you don't get. NONE of these riots are ever about one thing.
Coast to coast blacks are attacking whites in increasing numbers and last night they may have murdered one of their own, live on national television, and blamed it on the cops.

While I was watching the riots in NC, two shots were fired from the crowd and two of the 'protesters' fell, one on life-support it was last reported.

What we could clearly see is blacks don't care about the facts. All they wanted to do last night was break into stores and loot. The cops were just there to stop them.

All over the country Blacklivesmatter followers are getting increasingly hostile:


One fatally shot in second night of Charlotte police shooting protests

One person was fatally shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets, according to Medic.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.


STOCKTON (CBS13) – Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts Avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors.

What was supposed to be a peaceful protest remembering Colby Friday turned into a vicious brawl directed against two sisters, and now, investigators are looking for suspects.

“Our understanding is that it involved several out-of-towners whose intent was more than protesting,” said Ron Freitas, the Assistant District Attorney for San Joaquin County.Stockton police say the protestors claimed to be connected with the Black Lives Matter movement and were protesting recent officer-involved shootings against blacks.

According to police, the two female victims say they felt the attack was racially-fueled because they are white.

Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White


Hey there mudwhistle, how's the kkk doing these days?

And I'm sure you must know your premise that every Blackman is a criminal makes you a fully blown racist. And no doubt the chief in charge of your local kkk chapter.

And I'm certain of the horror you must feel knowing that every Blackman has as much of a right to protest as you. lol

Unfortunately the criminal element takes advantage of legit protestors and that's when the bad behavior begins. But you don't understand that, and for the reasons I already stated above.

You will never ever figure that out due to your blind hatred for the Blackman.
Yeah.....I'll show my hatred for them by giving my African-American wife a hug and a kiss and tell her I think all blacks are just a bunch of nappy haired, ashy skinned, shitforbrains.

Problem with you dip-stick assholes is you think if we aren't tossing their salad like you, we're God Damned racists.

Fuck you

No, we think you're a goddamned racist because you talk like a goddamned racist. Stop espousing racist bullshit, and maybe you won't be labeled a racist bullshit artist.
Why don't you go fuck yourself.

Problem with you liberals is you've lost your sense of right and wrong. Fact is, white people had nothing to do with NC. A Blackman shot by a black cop because he wouldn't drop his gun. Perfect reason to break into Walmart.

Your motherfucking problem is you can't stand the truth.

The language you used in your thread title proves everything in my comment is true.

The only question remaining is your connection to the kkk. Are you simply a member of the rank & file, or, do you hold a leadership position? Which is it ?
Coast to coast blacks are attacking whites in increasing numbers and last night they may have murdered one of their own, live on national television, and blamed it on the cops.

While I was watching the riots in NC, two shots were fired from the crowd and two of the 'protesters' fell, one on life-support it was last reported.

What we could clearly see is blacks don't care about the facts. All they wanted to do last night was break into stores and loot. The cops were just there to stop them.

All over the country Blacklivesmatter followers are getting increasingly hostile:


One fatally shot in second night of Charlotte police shooting protests

One person was fatally shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets, according to Medic.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.


STOCKTON (CBS13) – Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts Avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors.

What was supposed to be a peaceful protest remembering Colby Friday turned into a vicious brawl directed against two sisters, and now, investigators are looking for suspects.

“Our understanding is that it involved several out-of-towners whose intent was more than protesting,” said Ron Freitas, the Assistant District Attorney for San Joaquin County.Stockton police say the protestors claimed to be connected with the Black Lives Matter movement and were protesting recent officer-involved shootings against blacks.

According to police, the two female victims say they felt the attack was racially-fueled because they are white.

Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White


Hey there mudwhistle, how's the kkk doing these days?

And I'm sure you must know your premise that every Blackman is a criminal makes you a fully blown racist. And no doubt the chief in charge of your local kkk chapter.

And I'm certain of the horror you must feel knowing that every Blackman has as much of a right to protest as you. lol

Unfortunately the criminal element takes advantage of legit protestors and that's when the bad behavior begins. But you don't understand that, and for the reasons I already stated above.

You will never ever figure that out due to your blind hatred for the Blackman.
Yeah.....I'll show my hatred for them by giving my African-American wife a hug and a kiss and tell her I think all blacks are just a bunch of nappy haired, ashy skinned, shitforbrains.

Problem with you dip-stick assholes is you think if we aren't tossing their salad like you, we're God Damned racists.

Fuck you

No, we think you're a goddamned racist because you talk like a goddamned racist. Stop espousing racist bullshit, and maybe you won't be labeled a racist bullshit artist.
Why don't you go fuck yourself.

Problem with you liberals is you've lost your sense of right and wrong. Fact is, white people had nothing to do with NC. A Blackman shot by a black cop because he wouldn't drop his gun. Perfect reason to break into Walmart.

Your motherfucking problem is you can't stand the truth.

The language you used in your thread title proves everything in my comment is true.

The only question remaining is your connection to the kkk. Are you simply a member of the rank & file, or, do you hold a leadership position? Which is it ?
Is that a serious question?

Apparently people like you believe that everybody should ignore the obvious and defend whatever these people do in their communities.
However, having lived among them long enough, I can say that what they're doing plays one way on TV, but close to home it has become intolerable.

So.....again go fuck yourself.

Perhaps you can come back and troll USMB in another election cycle 4 years from now.
Hey there mudwhistle, how's the kkk doing these days?

And I'm sure you must know your premise that every Blackman is a criminal makes you a fully blown racist. And no doubt the chief in charge of your local kkk chapter.

And I'm certain of the horror you must feel knowing that every Blackman has as much of a right to protest as you. lol

Unfortunately the criminal element takes advantage of legit protestors and that's when the bad behavior begins. But you don't understand that, and for the reasons I already stated above.

You will never ever figure that out due to your blind hatred for the Blackman.
Yeah.....I'll show my hatred for them by giving my African-American wife a hug and a kiss and tell her I think all blacks are just a bunch of nappy haired, ashy skinned, shitforbrains.

Problem with you dip-stick assholes is you think if we aren't tossing their salad like you, we're God Damned racists.

Fuck you

No, we think you're a goddamned racist because you talk like a goddamned racist. Stop espousing racist bullshit, and maybe you won't be labeled a racist bullshit artist.
Why don't you go fuck yourself.

Problem with you liberals is you've lost your sense of right and wrong. Fact is, white people had nothing to do with NC. A Blackman shot by a black cop because he wouldn't drop his gun. Perfect reason to break into Walmart.

Your motherfucking problem is you can't stand the truth.

The language you used in your thread title proves everything in my comment is true.

The only question remaining is your connection to the kkk. Are you simply a member of the rank & file, or, do you hold a leadership position? Which is it ?
Is that a serious question?

Apparently people like you believe that everybody should ignore the obvious and defend whatever these people do in their communities.
However, having lived among them long enough, I can say that what they're doing plays one way on TV, but close to home it has become intolerable.

So.....again go fuck yourself.

Perhaps you can come back and troll USMB in another election cycle 4 years from now.

You failed to answer my question!
The fact is, even Hillary is repeating lies and using inflammatory rhetoric in an attempt to gin up support for her floundering campaign. She called into a radio talk show and started screaming about the injustice. Truth is, blacks are getting shot because of a lack of trust generated by Democrats.

The rioters in NC could care less about the fact that an armed black man was shot by a black police officer, they just wanted to steal some shit. Democrats think this is a winner for them. Meanwhile Hillary is being crushed in the polls. People that never would have voted for Trump are jumping the plantation in droves.
I'm glad she thinks its a good idea to pander to the criminal element of 10% of the population while she blames the 70% white population. I guess like Obama, she's written off the white voter to pander to the Africans. Yeah, that's a winning strategy.
Coast to coast blacks are attacking whites in increasing numbers and last night they may have murdered one of their own, live on national television, and blamed it on the cops.

While I was watching the riots in NC, two shots were fired from the crowd and two of the 'protesters' fell, one on life-support it was last reported.

What we could clearly see is blacks don't care about the facts. All they wanted to do last night was break into stores and loot. The cops were just there to stop them.

All over the country Blacklivesmatter followers are getting increasingly hostile:


One fatally shot in second night of Charlotte police shooting protests

One person was fatally shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets, according to Medic.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.


STOCKTON (CBS13) – Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts Avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors.

What was supposed to be a peaceful protest remembering Colby Friday turned into a vicious brawl directed against two sisters, and now, investigators are looking for suspects.

“Our understanding is that it involved several out-of-towners whose intent was more than protesting,” said Ron Freitas, the Assistant District Attorney for San Joaquin County.Stockton police say the protestors claimed to be connected with the Black Lives Matter movement and were protesting recent officer-involved shootings against blacks.

According to police, the two female victims say they felt the attack was racially-fueled because they are white.

Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White


Blacks can only see so many videos of unarmed black men and women being shot and killed by fuck-ups like George Zimmerman or ignorant cops before they blow. The NYPD managed to take down the NY/NJ bomber without killing him, didn't they? And he wasn't simply driving down the road, he was a marked man. You want a race war in this country, everyone loses.
Yes, and isn't this like the extremely low tolerance Muslims show for anyone who insults Muhammad??

I see no difference.

These people have always been their own worst enemy.

This has not a damned thing to do with is nothing but blacks showing what a pack of racists some of them are, much to the chagrin of other more responsible blacks. A pack of stank-assed worthless fuck heads out looking for trouble. Nothing more.

You are truly ignorant. And a huge part of the problem.
I've asked you several times to not pack so much information into one post.

When someone like you and Mud shows yourselves to be what you truly are, it only takes one sentence.

You're still a nooby flake.. Don't call him, "Mud." You don't know him so don't act like you fucking do. In other words, STFU
Yeah.....I'll show my hatred for them by giving my African-American wife a hug and a kiss and tell her I think all blacks are just a bunch of nappy haired, ashy skinned, shitforbrains.

Problem with you dip-stick assholes is you think if we aren't tossing their salad like you, we're God Damned racists.

Fuck you

No, we think you're a goddamned racist because you talk like a goddamned racist. Stop espousing racist bullshit, and maybe you won't be labeled a racist bullshit artist.
Why don't you go fuck yourself.

Problem with you liberals is you've lost your sense of right and wrong. Fact is, white people had nothing to do with NC. A Blackman shot by a black cop because he wouldn't drop his gun. Perfect reason to break into Walmart.

Your motherfucking problem is you can't stand the truth.

The language you used in your thread title proves everything in my comment is true.

The only question remaining is your connection to the kkk. Are you simply a member of the rank & file, or, do you hold a leadership position? Which is it ?
Is that a serious question?

Apparently people like you believe that everybody should ignore the obvious and defend whatever these people do in their communities.
However, having lived among them long enough, I can say that what they're doing plays one way on TV, but close to home it has become intolerable.

So.....again go fuck yourself.

Perhaps you can come back and troll USMB in another election cycle 4 years from now.

You failed to answer my question!
Coast to coast blacks are attacking whites in increasing numbers and last night they may have murdered one of their own, live on national television, and blamed it on the cops.

While I was watching the riots in NC, two shots were fired from the crowd and two of the 'protesters' fell, one on life-support it was last reported.

What we could clearly see is blacks don't care about the facts. All they wanted to do last night was break into stores and loot. The cops were just there to stop them.

All over the country Blacklivesmatter followers are getting increasingly hostile:


One fatally shot in second night of Charlotte police shooting protests

One person was fatally shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets, according to Medic.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.


STOCKTON (CBS13) – Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts Avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors.

What was supposed to be a peaceful protest remembering Colby Friday turned into a vicious brawl directed against two sisters, and now, investigators are looking for suspects.

“Our understanding is that it involved several out-of-towners whose intent was more than protesting,” said Ron Freitas, the Assistant District Attorney for San Joaquin County.Stockton police say the protestors claimed to be connected with the Black Lives Matter movement and were protesting recent officer-involved shootings against blacks.

According to police, the two female victims say they felt the attack was racially-fueled because they are white.

Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White


you've been a bigoted obama deranged creep for eight years.... asif you suddenly gave black people the "high ground".

i have a better idea.... worry less about the "high ground" and more about unarmed black men not being shot dead for no reason.
Are all unarmed black men being targeted by the police to be killed or is this the false narrative that has been created here, and then carried around loosely by people like you ??? Can you honestly say that you truly think that the cops are intentially targeting black folk ????

This is a bellweather for all police brutality against people in the black community, not just the occasional unarmed black man shot dead. They've been dealing with various forms of disproportionate oppression for years. That's what you don't get. NONE of these riots are ever about one thing.
. No... what you don't understand is that everyone is to be mindful of the law always, because at any given time you can run into a butt head or you can come in contact with some good ones. I have encountered 3 idiots in the last 15 years, and that was 3 to many. One was actually dangerous, and the other two were just A-holes who had to much power given them. But funny it didn't make me think that the law was randomly targeting all civilians, and this because they are all bad cops like some try and say such a stupid thing. I know, I know, but I ain't black right, and my experience is not the black experience right ?? Maybe not, but the experience talked about by some blacks is something I can definitely relate to even though I'm not black. It was the same experience, but just that I am white not black. I agree that the protest is multi-layered according to you, but how does all those problems never get settled to the point of a build up after so much time has past ????
Last edited:
Coast to coast blacks are attacking whites in increasing numbers and last night they may have murdered one of their own, live on national television, and blamed it on the cops.

While I was watching the riots in NC, two shots were fired from the crowd and two of the 'protesters' fell, one on life-support it was last reported.

What we could clearly see is blacks don't care about the facts. All they wanted to do last night was break into stores and loot. The cops were just there to stop them.

All over the country Blacklivesmatter followers are getting increasingly hostile:


One fatally shot in second night of Charlotte police shooting protests

One person was fatally shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets, according to Medic.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.


STOCKTON (CBS13) – Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts Avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors.

What was supposed to be a peaceful protest remembering Colby Friday turned into a vicious brawl directed against two sisters, and now, investigators are looking for suspects.

“Our understanding is that it involved several out-of-towners whose intent was more than protesting,” said Ron Freitas, the Assistant District Attorney for San Joaquin County.Stockton police say the protestors claimed to be connected with the Black Lives Matter movement and were protesting recent officer-involved shootings against blacks.

According to police, the two female victims say they felt the attack was racially-fueled because they are white.

Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White


you've been a bigoted obama deranged creep for eight years.... asif you suddenly gave black people the "high ground".

i have a better idea.... worry less about the "high ground" and more about unarmed black men not being shot dead for no reason.
Are all unarmed black men being targeted by the police to be killed or is this the false narrative that has been created here, and then carried around loosely by people like you ??? Can you honestly say that you truly think that the cops are intentially targeting black folk ????

This is a bellweather for all police brutality against people in the black community, not just the occasional unarmed black man shot dead. They've been dealing with various forms of disproportionate oppression for years. That's what you don't get. NONE of these riots are ever about one thing.
Coast to coast blacks are attacking whites in increasing numbers and last night they may have murdered one of their own, live on national television, and blamed it on the cops.

While I was watching the riots in NC, two shots were fired from the crowd and two of the 'protesters' fell, one on life-support it was last reported.

What we could clearly see is blacks don't care about the facts. All they wanted to do last night was break into stores and loot. The cops were just there to stop them.

All over the country Blacklivesmatter followers are getting increasingly hostile:


One fatally shot in second night of Charlotte police shooting protests

One person was fatally shot during protests in uptown Charlotte that turned violent Wednesday night.

Medic said on Twitter that it was treating the patient for a gunshot wound en route to Carolinas Medical Center at about 8:45 p.m.

The person was shot in the area of North College and East Trade streets, according to Medic.

Medic said it was responding to “multiple incidents uptown related to the situation in the College Street area” but was no more specific.

Moments earlier, police fired tear gas at protesters at the entrance to the Omni Hotel in uptown Charlotte. Loud booms sounded, and police said explosives had been used.


STOCKTON (CBS13) – Stockton police are searching for the suspects in a vicious attack that happened on Friday against two teenaged sisters.

Police say a group of protestors wearing Black Lives Matter shirts held a vigil and a protest near the intersection of Pacific and Yokuts Avenues.

Protestors were remembering Colby Friday, an African-American man who was shot and killed by Stockton police in August after he ignored an officer’s commands to drop his handgun.

Police say two Caucasian girls left a local restaurant and passed by the protest when they were attacked by the protestors.

What was supposed to be a peaceful protest remembering Colby Friday turned into a vicious brawl directed against two sisters, and now, investigators are looking for suspects.

“Our understanding is that it involved several out-of-towners whose intent was more than protesting,” said Ron Freitas, the Assistant District Attorney for San Joaquin County.Stockton police say the protestors claimed to be connected with the Black Lives Matter movement and were protesting recent officer-involved shootings against blacks.

According to police, the two female victims say they felt the attack was racially-fueled because they are white.

Teen Sisters Hurt During Stockton Protest Felt Targeted Because They Are White


you've been a bigoted obama deranged creep for eight years.... asif you suddenly gave black people the "high ground".

i have a better idea.... worry less about the "high ground" and more about unarmed black men not being shot dead for no reason.
Are all unarmed black men being targeted by the police to be killed or is this the false narrative that has been created here, and then carried around loosely by people like you ??? Can you honestly say that you truly think that the cops are intentially targeting black folk ????

This is a bellweather for all police brutality against people in the black community, not just the occasional unarmed black man shot dead. They've been dealing with various forms of disproportionate oppression for years. That's what you don't get. NONE of these riots are ever about one thing.
. No... what you don't understand is that everyone is to be mindful of the law always, because at any given time you can run into a butt head or you can come in contact with some good ones. I have encountered 3 idiots in the last 15 years, and that was 3 to many. One was actually dangerous, and the other two were just A-holes who had to much power given them. But funny it didn't make me think that the law was randomly targeting all civilians, and this because they are all bad cops like some try and say such a stupid thing. I know, I know, but I ain't black right, and my experience is not the black experience right ?? Maybe not, but the experience talked about by some blacks is something I can definitely relate to even though I'm not black. It was the same experience, but just that I am white not black. I agree that the protest is multi-layered according to you, but how does all those problems never get settled to the point of a build up after so much time has past ????
The first solution is "Don't Break The Law".

How's that for a solution.

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