blacks are more racist-another example of racism/MSM bias

Most of them a publicly traded companies so anyone can own stock in them

I'm talking about ownership. Most companies, including shoe companies are owned by white people.

As I said earlier harmonica needs to make up his mind.

He complains that black ppl are looking for handouts n welfare and we should do for self.

But when do for self like in his example, then he also complains

So he complains when blk ppl do nothing but then complaints when blk ppl do something.
Interesting. Just like the Regressive Left, the Trumpsters don't know the difference between a "racial" comment and a "racist" comment.

If it's a comment they don't like that includes race, the first thing they do is reflexively shout RACIST. RACIST covers everything now.

Just the zillionth example of how similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.
You are so specific when you want to be for your causes and miscues. But spew endless banter in a general sense about Trump voters. They are conservatives for example is just one of your agendas.
I know. So is nearly everyone else here.

Is that supposed to hurt my feelings ?

Look. Come bk 2 me when you have answer to; what you do with a race of blk ppl who are intellectually inferior ?

I'll wait
If our nation suffers from an economic decline for any reason, it will not be nice. The 1930's Depression will seem like a party. The men and women back then were a bit more hearty then us.
...I've posted numerous links before about how blacks are racist.....and yesterday I posted that in a thread...and what do you know-?-same day as that, we have ANOTHER example of black racism--for all those that laughed and down voted my post = HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
right HERE--

Master P [ hahahhahahh-idiot ] says this:
Master P said it would be 'history' if Reebok were to be 'black-owned'

black owned!!!!!
they eat/shit/dream/think/ RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Explain what a continuing discussion of your opinion of "black racism" is meant to accomplish in a 330+ million person country struggling to go forward as a nation. I live in an incredibly diverse neighborhood outside of DC. Everybody is polite and helps out. If you see somebody with a problem, you help out. society is functioning. Healthcare workers are on the job, food being shipped and stocked, food is being prepared, computers are being repaired, the streets are being patrolled, buses and taxis are being driven. In short, we are a functioning society.

Just what is it that you want?
where the heck have you been in the last few years!!!???BLACK WHITE COP BLM/etc!!!! HATE whitey riots/protests/burning/looting/etc
WHITE COP WHITE COP Starbucks/etc!!!!!!!
...hahahahah--if you are white and think Mr Nice black man or woman is not sympathizing with the black criminals/BLM/hate whitey/etc, you are very naive.......
Interesting. Just like the Regressive Left, the Trumpsters don't know the difference between a "racial" comment and a "racist" comment.

If it's a comment they don't like that includes race, the first thing they do is shout RACIST. RACIST covers everything now.

Just the zillionth example of how similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.
eat/shit/think/etc RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he's saying it's not good if whites own it
Poor you. He didn't say that. It's just in your race-soaked mind.
..if he's not racist, he would not have brought up race--just like Smollet, Cannon, etc
Cannon made terribly racist remarks about 2 groups and only apologized to 1 group.
he's a racist--like a lot more blacks than people think there are
Interesting. Just like the Regressive Left, the Trumpsters don't know the difference between a "racial" comment and a "racist" comment.

If it's a comment they don't like that includes race, the first thing they do is reflexively shout RACIST. RACIST covers everything now.

Just the zillionth example of how similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.
You would lose your shit if someone said that a black company should be "white owned" you fucking hypocrite.
Interesting. Just like the Regressive Left, the Trumpsters don't know the difference between a "racial" comment and a "racist" comment.

If it's a comment they don't like that includes race, the first thing they do is reflexively shout RACIST. RACIST covers everything now.

Just the zillionth example of how similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.
You would lose your shit if someone said that a black company should be "white owned" you fucking hypocrite.
So all you saw was one half of my post.

Not my problem.

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