blacks are more racist-another example of racism/MSM bias

The average IQ of a black American is only around 85. And racism is highly correlated with low IQ. That could be one of the various reasons of why American blacks tend to be significantly more racist than American whites.

And also why so many low IQ white Americans tend to be racist against whites. SJWs.

Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't give a crap about that.

I'm a black man.

So all I want to know from all you guys running around trying to prove how stupid blk ppl are is - What do you do with a race of blk ppl who are stupid ? (on av)
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I don't think this necessarily is a racist comment, rather it shows how hypocritical the left is.
Indeed... if a white man made a comment saying it would be great if FUBU was white owned... the left would rip their clothes off shrieking in the streets.

So a blk person even "thinking" about owning (not actually) a major company is racist?

Meanwhile whites own pretty much all the major shoe companies and that's not racist of course.

Hang on. I thought blk ppl should stop looking for handouts? Stop living on welfare ? Should do for self ?

So which is it ?

You get angry when blk ppl do nothing and now your angry when blk ppl want to do something.
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...I've posted numerous links before about how blacks are racist.....and yesterday I posted that in a thread...and what do you know-?-same day as that, we have ANOTHER example of black racism--for all those that laughed and down voted my post = HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
right HERE--

Master P [ hahahhahahh-idiot ] says this:
Master P said it would be 'history' if Reebok were to be 'black-owned'

black owned!!!!!
they eat/shit/dream/think/ RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not understand what's wrong if that shoe company were owned by two African Americans.

Many liberals say that certain young gentlemen engage in anti-social behavior because of poverty. So maybe if more African Americans started their own businesses and gave employment to those young gentlemen, we might see some decline in crime.
Interesting. Just like the Regressive Left, the Trumpsters don't know the difference between a "racial" comment and a "racist" comment.

If it's a comment they don't like that includes race, the first thing they do is shout RACIST. RACIST covers everything now.

Just the zillionth example of how similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.
eat/shit/think/etc RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

he's saying it's not good if whites own it
Poor you. He didn't say that. It's just in your race-soaked mind.
sorry----all you blacks/sympathizers do is bring up RACE!!!!!!!!!!
you people are racist
The average IQ of a black American is only around 85. And racism is highly correlated with low IQ. That could be one of the various reasons of why American blacks tend to be significantly more racist than American whites.

And also why so many low IQ white Americans tend to be racist against whites. SJWs.

Call me intellectually inferior all day. I don't give a crap about that.

I'm a black man.

So all I want to know from all you guys running around trying to prove how stupid blk ppl are is - What do you do with a race of blk ppl who are stupid ? (on av)
What do you think we should do with them?

Do you have a simple final solution to this complicated issue?
I worked with a particular black man once. He had no problem admitting he was racist. I told him how I saw that as counter productive. He then told me this story.

His daughter integrated the local schools. He told me how he would go to the school at lunch and sit with her because no one else would (he was a local barber). He could hear the names the other kids would call her.

I understood.
What do you think we should do with them?

What are you asking me for ? You're the smart one. Right ? I'm the intellectually inferior one. No ?

So I'll ask you for the second time.

What do you do with a race of blk ppl who you are claiming are stupid on average ?
...I've posted numerous links before about how blacks are racist.....and yesterday I posted that in a thread...and what do you know-?-same day as that, we have ANOTHER example of black racism--for all those that laughed and down voted my post = HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
right HERE--

Master P [ hahahhahahh-idiot ] says this:
Master P said it would be 'history' if Reebok were to be 'black-owned'

black owned!!!!!
they eat/shit/dream/think/ RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not understand what's wrong if that shoe company were owned by two African Americans.

Many liberals say that certain young gentlemen engage in anti-social behavior because of poverty. So maybe if more African Americans started their own businesses and gave employment to those young gentlemen, we might see some decline in crime.
All of those manufactures make their shoes/clothing in Asian sweatshops, so besides job in the HQ office there would not be much employment specifically geared for blacks.

So a blk person even "thinking" about owning (not actually) a major company is racist?

Meanwhile whites own pretty much all the major shoe companies and that's not racist of course.

Hang on. I thought blk ppl should stop looking for handouts? Stop living on welfare ? Should do for self ?

So which is it ?

You get angry when blk ppl do nothing and now your angry when blk ppl want to do something.
Most of them a publicly traded companies so anyone can own stock in them.


And that's the way to shut guys like you down.

Because you guys always wimp out when it gets to the doing part.
What part is that?? Having National Geographic film them or just mass incarcerate them? Exterminate them?

Once again. What are you asking me for ? I'm a black man. You are intellectually superior to me.

So if you believe that blk ppl should be exterminated then say it and then you can talk about how that extermination should be carried out.

My point is - What do you do with all these dumb blk ppl ?

The doing part.
Racism is alive and well among the reprehensible right.
The term "racism" is nothing more than a commie created red herring that first appeared from Marxist inspired European writers. Preferring one's own ethnic group/tribe is a normal evolutionary defense mechanism. And often X tribe thinks they are better than Y tribe.
...I've posted numerous links before about how blacks are racist.....and yesterday I posted that in a thread...and what do you know-?-same day as that, we have ANOTHER example of black racism--for all those that laughed and down voted my post = HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
right HERE--

Master P [ hahahhahahh-idiot ] says this:
Master P said it would be 'history' if Reebok were to be 'black-owned'

black owned!!!!!
they eat/shit/dream/think/ RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Explain what a continuing discussion of your opinion of "black racism" is meant to accomplish in a 330+ million person country struggling to go forward as a nation. I live in an incredibly diverse neighborhood outside of DC. Everybody is polite and helps out. If you see somebody with a problem, you help out. society is functioning. Healthcare workers are on the job, food being shipped and stocked, food is being prepared, computers are being repaired, the streets are being patrolled, buses and taxis are being driven. In short, we are a functioning society.

Just what is it that you want?
I know. So is nearly everyone else here.

Is that supposed to hurt my feelings ?

Look. Come bk 2 me when you have answer to; what you do with a race of blk ppl who are intellectually inferior ?

I'll wait

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