blacks are racists/you are a racist


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
see, I can call anybody a racist--with no proof
Obama is a racist.....Hillary is a racist are a racist ...
racist racist racist....I can say it also..........
everybody--together.... '''RACIST''
Who decided that being a "racist", is a bad thing? The notion on its face is quite retarded. Its only natural that one should be "racist". I favor my children, over other peoples children. And I should. We have common blood. The same applies to members of ones own race. The term "familist" would be more appropriate...
A real racist would do things like:
Go to Rev. Wright's church for 20 years
Give a speech to the New Black Panther
Volunteer to work for Louis Farakahn
Say if he had a son he would look like Trayvon Martin
Host the Muslim Brotherhood in the White House
Host La Raza in the White House
Host BLM in the White House
Who decided that being a "racist", is a bad thing? The notion on its face is quite retarded. Its only natural that one should be "racist". I favor my children, over other peoples children. And I should. We have common blood. The same applies to members of ones own race. The term "familist" would be more appropriate...
Who decided that being a "racist", is a bad thing?

It's not about good or bad. It's about rational, seemingly rational yet not, and patently irrational beliefs and acting on the latter two. I don't think racists are inherently good or bad, though some may be; I think they're just ignorant and fatuously gormless.

You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be ignorant. [no kind of ignorant -- willful or circumstantial]
-- Harlan Ellison​
so now, every time blacks/MSM claim racism--it means NOTHING--cause they say it ALL the time
This is a troll thread.

The tern "racist" has been so misused and overused as to rendering it meaningless.

Actually is has a meaning and it not the one whites have made up as they are the ones overusing it.

The tern "racist" has been so misused and overused as to rendering it meaningless.

Actually is has a meaning and it not the one whites have made up as they are the ones overusing it.

What do you think the word racism means?

We all know what it means. I shall not be explaining it.

I think the reason why you avoid answering questions is that you're just too stupid to type a coherent argument.
see, I can call anybody a racist--with no proof
Obama is a racist.....Hillary is a racist are a racist ...
racist racist racist....I can say it also..........
everybody--together.... '''RACIST''

Listen, just because 99.9999999% of blacks voted for a black man for President does not mean all blacks are racist.

There is that 0.000001% out there running around, probably drunk.
Actually is has a meaning and it not the one whites have made up as they are the ones overusing it.
Of course it has meaning but that's not my point. Calling someone a "racist" has become cliché because of it's overuse and misuse by EVERYONE.

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