Blacks Deserve Better Than Biden

The Liberals can only keep power by keeping Blacks on the Democrat welfare plantation. They hate it when a Black thinks for themselves and runs off the plantation.

The Democrats keeps the Blacks on welfare but Trump gave them jobs.

You would have to be a real moron to think you would get a better deal from the Democrats. Black or otherwise.
For over half a century Democrats and Black voters have been playing Lucy with the football. A few months before every election, they put the ball down smile sweetly and say "Go ahead, this time it will be different. Trust us!"
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
Fine, then vote for Biden if you think he is the better choice. There is no third option.
Democrats have treated people of color like plantation inmates since Lincoln. Imagine making a political point by suggesting that Black people will be most impacted by requiring a photo I.D. in the 21st century when you need a photo I.D. to function in society. What are democrats trying to say about Black people? . They get away with it because the MSM supports every nut-case idea the dems can come up with.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Who are you to be speaking for Blacks? You should mind your business.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

Ask a black man how he votes, he will tell you Democrat. Ask him why, and he will say Republicans are only for wealthy white people. Ask who told him that, he will tell you the Democrat party.

Unfortunately, until blacks become more educated and interested in politics, the Democrats will continue to own their vote. They mostly vote for Democrats because their black family and friends vote Democrat, and assume their family and friends know more than they do about politics. They don't. I refer to it as copycat voting.

While Dems try to continue this pandering to blacks with things like reparations, Republicans like Trump believe that a rising tide lifts all votes. We have proof of our philosophy before the virus. Blacks hit a new employment record and lowest unemployment record. Trump didn't treat blacks any differently than anybody else. Gee, how did that happen???
Biden’s comments reveal that he cares more about black votes than about the problems facing the African American community.

I think Biden’s comments reflect how Democrats feel about Blacks.... entitled to their votes. It’s almost as if Democrats feel they bought and paid for those votes. But what have Democrats delivered in terms of jobs to Blacks? Trump went to Blacks and appealed to them by saying, “What have you got to lose?” As a result, more Blacks turned out for Trump than they did for Bush, McClain, and Romney.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

I know it sounds coldhearted, but they don't deserve any better if they refuse to vote themselves better.
They have things a whole lot better than they would under Republicans. Only the blind don't realize that.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.

Trump has been a great President.

If you think that asshole clown Biden will be a good President then you aren't exactly the brightest bulb in the chandelier.

Democrats always picks American hating idiot assholes for candidates and Biden is no exception.
Democrats have treated people of color like plantation inmates since Lincoln. Imagine making a political point by suggesting that Black people will be most impacted by requiring a photo I.D. in the 21st century when you need a photo I.D. to function in society. What are democrats trying to say about Black people? . They get away with it because the MSM supports every nut-case idea the dems can come up with.

Correct. The problem is that it works. That's why Democrats do it.

Democrats are basically saying blacks are too dumb to get a voter ID. They are too dumb to respond to a snail mail to maintain their status on the voter rolls during purging. Democrats promoted single-parent families to kiss up to the women's lib crowd years ago, while at the same time, keeping blacks poor because single-parent homes are generally low income or poor homes, that had a major impact on the black community.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

Ask a black man how he votes, he will tell you Democrat. Ask him why, and he will say Republicans are only for wealthy white people. Ask who told him that, he will tell you the Democrat party.

Unfortunately, until blacks become more educated and interested in politics, the Democrats will continue to own their vote. They mostly vote for Democrats because their black family and friends vote Democrat, and assume their family and friends know more than they do about politics. They don't. I refer to it as copycat voting.

While Dems try to continue this pandering to blacks with things like reparations, Republicans like Trump believe that a rising tide lifts all votes. We have proof of our philosophy before the virus. Blacks hit a new employment record and lowest unemployment record. Trump didn't treat blacks any differently than anybody else. Gee, how did that happen???
The reason blacks support Biden is because he was Obama's VP. Obama is black. The rest of your rant is a fairy tale.
Biden is known for his gaffs; this is just another one. He has to explain and apologize. He was trying to be cool. You people will try to make a big deal about this, but weighed against the horrific things the Drumph has said, it's pretty much nothing.

This is the CNN/MSLSD narrative.
No it isn't. I've never heard it on either. But the FOX/Rush Limbaugh narrative is the one spouted in the OP. And I've heard it a thousand times from conservatives. So sad: after all these decades and they still don't get where their advantage would be. I say that sarcastically. You really think they are absolute morons don't you?
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.

Humans who think their deranged obsessions are "good judgment and an ethical compass" shoehorn rants against Trump into every discussion, no matter what the real topic is.

And believe me, I'm using the word "humans" very loosely here.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

Ask a black man how he votes, he will tell you Democrat. Ask him why, and he will say Republicans are only for wealthy white people. Ask who told him that, he will tell you the Democrat party.

Unfortunately, until blacks become more educated and interested in politics, the Democrats will continue to own their vote. They mostly vote for Democrats because their black family and friends vote Democrat, and assume their family and friends know more than they do about politics. They don't. I refer to it as copycat voting.

While Dems try to continue this pandering to blacks with things like reparations, Republicans like Trump believe that a rising tide lifts all votes. We have proof of our philosophy before the virus. Blacks hit a new employment record and lowest unemployment record. Trump didn't treat blacks any differently than anybody else. Gee, how did that happen???
The reason blacks support Biden is because he was Obama's VP. Obama is black. The rest of your rant is a fairy tale.
Biden is known for his gaffs; this is just another one. He has to explain and apologize. He was trying to be cool. You people will try to make a big deal about this, but weighed against the horrific things the Drumph has said, it's pretty much nothing.

This is the CNN/MSLSD narrative.
No it isn't. I've never heard it on either. But the FOX/Rush Limbaugh narrative is the one spouted in the OP.

Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

I know it sounds coldhearted, but they don't deserve any better if they refuse to vote themselves better.
They have things a whole lot better than they would under Republicans. Only the blind don't realize that.

Is that a fact? Then why don't you tell us how things are "a whole lot better" under Democrats, that you see so much more clearly than us "blind" people.

The floor is yours. Tell us all about the wonders the Democrats have wrought for black people, and feel free - no, feel OBLIGATED - to be detailed and specific.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

I know it sounds coldhearted, but they don't deserve any better if they refuse to vote themselves better.
They have things a whole lot better than they would under Republicans. Only the blind don't realize that.

Is that a fact? Then why don't you tell us how things are "a whole lot better" under Democrats, that you see so much more clearly than us "blind" people.

The floor is yours. Tell us all about the wonders the Democrats have wrought for black people, and feel free - no, feel OBLIGATED - to be detailed and specific.
Why do you people think blacks are so stupid? Explain. Your entire argument rests of the fact that you think they are too simple minded to know what is best for them.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

Ask a black man how he votes, he will tell you Democrat. Ask him why, and he will say Republicans are only for wealthy white people. Ask who told him that, he will tell you the Democrat party.

Unfortunately, until blacks become more educated and interested in politics, the Democrats will continue to own their vote. They mostly vote for Democrats because their black family and friends vote Democrat, and assume their family and friends know more than they do about politics. They don't. I refer to it as copycat voting.

While Dems try to continue this pandering to blacks with things like reparations, Republicans like Trump believe that a rising tide lifts all votes. We have proof of our philosophy before the virus. Blacks hit a new employment record and lowest unemployment record. Trump didn't treat blacks any differently than anybody else. Gee, how did that happen???
The reason blacks support Biden is because he was Obama's VP. Obama is black. The rest of your rant is a fairy tale.
Biden is known for his gaffs; this is just another one. He has to explain and apologize. He was trying to be cool. You people will try to make a big deal about this, but weighed against the horrific things the Drumph has said, it's pretty much nothing.

This is the CNN/MSLSD narrative.
No it isn't. I've never heard it on either. But the FOX/Rush Limbaugh narrative is the one spouted in the OP. And I've heard it a thousand times from conservatives. So sad: after all these decades and they still don't get where their advantage would be. I say that sarcastically. You really think they are absolute morons don't you?

So what you're telling us is that Democrats are demanding that black people build their whole lives and identities around their skin pigmentation, and that it's "obvious" to YOU that this is good and right, and it's just silly of Republicans to insist that they're actually human beings like everyone else, who can and should have lives and concerns and priorities that have nothing to do with race.

We certainly think SOMEONE is a moron, but I don't think it's black people.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

I know it sounds coldhearted, but they don't deserve any better if they refuse to vote themselves better.
They have things a whole lot better than they would under Republicans. Only the blind don't realize that.

Is that a fact? Then why don't you tell us how things are "a whole lot better" under Democrats, that you see so much more clearly than us "blind" people.

The floor is yours. Tell us all about the wonders the Democrats have wrought for black people, and feel free - no, feel OBLIGATED - to be detailed and specific.
Why do you people think blacks are so stupid? Explain. Your entire argument rests of the fact that you think they are too simple minded to know what is best for them.

No, hon. We don't think they're stupid at all. We think YOU are evil, and we think they are being lied to.

Glad I could clear that up for you.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

Ask a black man how he votes, he will tell you Democrat. Ask him why, and he will say Republicans are only for wealthy white people. Ask who told him that, he will tell you the Democrat party.

Unfortunately, until blacks become more educated and interested in politics, the Democrats will continue to own their vote. They mostly vote for Democrats because their black family and friends vote Democrat, and assume their family and friends know more than they do about politics. They don't. I refer to it as copycat voting.

While Dems try to continue this pandering to blacks with things like reparations, Republicans like Trump believe that a rising tide lifts all votes. We have proof of our philosophy before the virus. Blacks hit a new employment record and lowest unemployment record. Trump didn't treat blacks any differently than anybody else. Gee, how did that happen???
The reason blacks support Biden is because he was Obama's VP. Obama is black. The rest of your rant is a fairy tale.
Biden is known for his gaffs; this is just another one. He has to explain and apologize. He was trying to be cool. You people will try to make a big deal about this, but weighed against the horrific things the Drumph has said, it's pretty much nothing.

This is the CNN/MSLSD narrative.
No it isn't. I've never heard it on either. But the FOX/Rush Limbaugh narrative is the one spouted in the OP. And I've heard it a thousand times from conservatives. So sad: after all these decades and they still don't get where their advantage would be. I say that sarcastically. You really think they are absolute morons don't you?

So what you're telling us is that Democrats are demanding that black people build their whole lives and identities around their skin pigmentation, and that it's "obvious" to YOU that this is good and right, and it's just silly of Republicans to insist that they're actually human beings like everyone else, who can and should have lives and concerns and priorities that have nothing to do with race.

We certainly think SOMEONE is a moron, but I don't think it's black people.
You certainly do think blacks are stupid because your entire premise is based on the fact that you believe they are too dim witted to know what is best for them. It's PATENTLY OBVIOUS!!

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