Blacks Deserve Better Than Biden

Biden is known for his gaffs; this is just another one. He has to explain and apologize. He was trying to be cool. You people will try to make a big deal about this, but weighed against the horrific things the Drumph has said, it's pretty much nothing.

This is the CNN/MSLSD narrative.
Biden is a gaffer who is mentally incompetent. Period! He is capable of nothing constructive for America. He would hand off his responsibilities to his VP. Object for Democrats: Get Orange Man Bad out of office. Won't happen, Trump could lose 5 million popular votes but still win the Electoral College. He is a leader who will prevail. Just watch! :salute:
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Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
This is the biggest load of laughable horseshit I have ever read:

"Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party. They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President. Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years."

Good Lord! What crazy garbage. The truth is: the worst thing for any minority in this country is the GOP and especially, ESPECIALLY, the Orange Boy DRUMPH!!
It's the truth that you can't handle. Trump will crush Biden in 2020 if Biden is even the nominee after this flub. Mr. Hipster always thought he could rap with black electorate with comments like "they gonna put y'all back in chains" or that liked little black children crawling on his sweaty lap and called them " cockroaches." What a fake, phony, cocksucker. Laughable!
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
The only thing that compares to this stupidity is when Nancy Pelosi made up a story about how her grandson wanted to be black.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
Fine, then vote for Biden if you think he is the better choice. There is no third option.
Roger that. It is outside possible that he could pick somebody reprehensible enough for VP to make me unsure about the country's safety if anything happened to him at that age once in office. I have never picked a candidate by their VP, but that is exactly why I did not vote for McCain. He would have made a fine President. It is probably why he lost. I really cannot see the party guiders and handlers foisting someone on Biden as was recommended to McCain, as an eye to their future. I would definitely hate to waste a vote on 3rd party in this situation.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.

Humans who think their deranged obsessions are "good judgment and an ethical compass" shoehorn rants against Trump into every discussion, no matter what the real topic is.

And believe me, I'm using the word "humans" very loosely here.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

I know it sounds coldhearted, but they don't deserve any better if they refuse to vote themselves better.
They have things a whole lot better than they would under Republicans. Only the blind don't realize that.

Is that a fact? Then why don't you tell us how things are "a whole lot better" under Democrats, that you see so much more clearly than us "blind" people.

The floor is yours. Tell us all about the wonders the Democrats have wrought for black people, and feel free - no, feel OBLIGATED - to be detailed and specific.
Why do you people think blacks are so stupid? Explain. Your entire argument rests of the fact that you think they are too simple minded to know what is best for them.

No, hon. We don't think they're stupid at all. We think YOU are evil, and we think they are being lied to.

Glad I could clear that up for you.
Yes you do. It is foundational in your argument.

No, dumbass. It's foundational to your worldview, which has nothing to do with my argument, since it has nothing to do with reality.
You don't have an argument. You actually don't know anything about the facts and circumstances of the black experience in America since the Civil Rights act. You just spout Limbaugh, et al, tripe.

So tell us, when does the black race join the rest of the country? Why do you let the Democrats treat blacks like they are the short bus people?

In the Unites States of America, everybody is in charge of their own plight regardless of race. It's completely shameful to use race as an excuse for failure, and the Democrat party has mastered that. We can never actually be united when certain groups are treated certain ways by our government.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
Fine, then vote for Biden if you think he is the better choice. There is no third option.
Roger that. It is outside possible that he could pick somebody reprehensible enough for VP to make me unsure about the country's safety if anything happened to him at that age once in office. I have never picked a candidate by their VP, but that is exactly why I did not vote for McCain. He would have made a fine President. It is probably why he lost. I really cannot see the party guiders and handlers foisting someone on Biden as was recommended to McCain, as an eye to their future. I would definitely hate to waste a vote on 3rd party in this situation.
Biden is soooo phony and out of touch establishment politician. There will be a fight in Milwaukee at the convention. Biden has made so many stupid gaffes that Republican Party is frothing at the mouth to run some of the ad's they are sitting on!
Biden is known for his gaffs; this is just another one. He has to explain and apologize. He was trying to be cool. You people will try to make a big deal about this, but weighed against the horrific things the Drumph has said, it's pretty much nothing.

This is the CNN/MSLSD narrative.
Biden is a gaffer who is mentally incompetent. Period! He is capable of nothing constructive for America. He would hand off his responsibilities to his VP. Object for Democrats: Get Orange Man Bad out of office. Won't happen, Trump could lose 5 million votes but still win the Electoral College. He is a leader who will prevail. Just watch! :salute:
He always tried to portray himself as the blackest white guy in Congress. He owns three multi-million dollar homes. Sure, he can relate to the plight of inner city blacks. LMFAO!
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
Fine, then vote for Biden if you think he is the better choice. There is no third option.
Roger that. It is outside possible that he could pick somebody reprehensible enough for VP to make me unsure about the country's safety if anything happened to him at that age once in office. I have never picked a candidate by their VP, but that is exactly why I did not vote for McCain. He would have made a fine President. It is probably why he lost. I really cannot see the party guiders and handlers foisting someone on Biden as was recommended to McCain, as an eye to their future. I would definitely hate to waste a vote on 3rd party in this situation.
Biden is soooo phony and out of touch establishment politician. There will be a fight in Milwaukee at the convention. Biden has made so many stupid gaffes that Republican Party is frothing at the mouth to run some of the ad's they are sitting on!
Trump is so phoney and out of touch with honest ethical minded Americans with good judgment. Probably not much of a fight at the Democratic convention for Biden. Running against Trump, there is little to worry about gaffes as, Trump unfortunately speaks for himself whether they want him to or it even passes the lowest tests of common sense or not.
Republicans make the mistake of thinking that black people are some ignorant people that are easily led and they’re on the Democratic plantation which is a party run by a secret Cabal of white politicians smoking cigars and hiding in back rooms.

The truth is, the Democratic Party is a dynamic coalition and African-Americans are a big part of the Democratic leadership.
Republicans just can’t understand that because they’re a white party and they look down on anyone that’s not white.

I think that Dr. Ben Carson, Clearance Thomas, Professor Walter E Williams just to name a few all disagree with you. Of course, those are blacks who are educated and aware. We Republicans call them heroes. People in your party call them Uncle Tom's.
Republicans make the mistake of thinking that black people are some ignorant people that are easily led and they’re on the Democratic plantation which is a party run by a secret Cabal of white politicians smoking cigars and hiding in back rooms.

The truth is, the Democratic Party is a dynamic coalition and African-Americans are a big part of the Democratic leadership.
Republicans just can’t understand that because they’re a white party and they look down on anyone that’s not white.
Democratic Party is a "dynamic coalition" and Republican Party is all white. LMFAO. What excuse are you going to have when Biden shows up at a rally with black beret, dark sunglasses, and black gloves pumping his fist in the air? Biden is a joke. Trump will crush him in 2020.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

I know it sounds coldhearted, but they don't deserve any better if they refuse to vote themselves better.
They have things a whole lot better than they would under Republicans. Only the blind don't realize that.

Is that a fact? Then why don't you tell us how things are "a whole lot better" under Democrats, that you see so much more clearly than us "blind" people.

The floor is yours. Tell us all about the wonders the Democrats have wrought for black people, and feel free - no, feel OBLIGATED - to be detailed and specific.
Why do you people think blacks are so stupid? Explain. Your entire argument rests of the fact that you think they are too simple minded to know what is best for them.

No, hon. We don't think they're stupid at all. We think YOU are evil, and we think they are being lied to.

Glad I could clear that up for you.
Yes you do. It is foundational in your argument.

No, dumbass. It's foundational to your worldview, which has nothing to do with my argument, since it has nothing to do with reality.
You don't have an argument. You actually don't know anything about the facts and circumstances of the black experience in America since the Civil Rights act. You just spout Limbaugh, et al, tripe.

The facts are that the left has ridden you like a rented mule during slavery, segregation, and now by keeping you in bondage to be their slave in the propaganda.
White Americans ALSO deserve better than Biden.

Unfortunately the only real alternative to the Democrats in the coming election is the “Party of Trump,” which is a worse-than-ever version of old Republican oligarchists, militarists, evangelists, and “Know Nothing” populists.

We are ALL stuck in “an abusive relation” with the Two-Party system, the domestic front for U.S. state capitalism’s world empire.

1. All Americans deserve better than Biden as president
2. The alternative is Donald Trump, who is NOTHING like the old oligarchs (only little people pay taxes), militarists (Trump told the generals to get out of places), evangelists (there were no old evangelical presidents??), "know nothing" populists (I'm a populist, but I know "somethings")
3. You sound like an old Never-Trumper globalist. Move those US factories overseas, right? No tariffs or new "more fair" trade agreements, the old ones were just fine, call it "free trade" right? We buy and sell politicians on K-Street, right? That's how the US political system works, right? We don't want presidents actually bringing jobs back to the US, right? here's your boy:
4. Some jobs are not coming back....
Republicans make the mistake of thinking that black people are some ignorant people that are easily led and they’re on the Democratic plantation which is a party run by a secret Cabal of white politicians smoking cigars and hiding in back rooms.

The truth is, the Democratic Party is a dynamic coalition and African-Americans are a big part of the Democratic leadership.
Republicans just can’t understand that because they’re a white party and they look down on anyone that’s not white.

I think that Dr. Ben Carson, Clearance Thomas, Professor Walter E Williams just to name a few all disagree with you. Of course, those are blacks who are educated and aware. We Republicans call them heroes. People in your party call them Uncle Tom's.

Libs don't want african americans to be educated or else the game is up.
Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.
Humans with good judgement and a good ethical compass Deserve Better Than Trump.
Fine, then vote for Biden if you think he is the better choice. There is no third option.
Roger that. It is outside possible that he could pick somebody reprehensible enough for VP to make me unsure about the country's safety if anything happened to him at that age once in office. I have never picked a candidate by their VP, but that is exactly why I did not vote for McCain. He would have made a fine President. It is probably why he lost. I really cannot see the party guiders and handlers foisting someone on Biden as was recommended to McCain, as an eye to their future. I would definitely hate to waste a vote on 3rd party in this situation.
Biden is soooo phony and out of touch establishment politician. There will be a fight in Milwaukee at the convention. Biden has made so many stupid gaffes that Republican Party is frothing at the mouth to run some of the ad's they are sitting on!
Trump is so phoney and out of touch with honest ethical minded Americans with good judgment. Probably not much of a fight at the Democratic convention for Biden. Running against Trump, there is little to worry about gaffes as, Trump unfortunately speaks for himself whether they want him to or it even passes the lowest tests of common sense or not.
Trump is a leader and a straight shooter. People like that human quality in him. Trump runs the show and is not afraid to fire people. Americans like that no bullshit management style.
Even the NAACP ( National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ) are distancing themselves.

Biden is known for his gaffs; this is just another one. He has to explain and apologize. He was trying to be cool. You people will try to make a big deal about this, but weighed against the horrific things the Drumph has said, it's pretty much nothing.

LOL! Yeah, right!

Love it! Biden is the greatest candidate Xi could have put on top of the ticket of his democrat Party!

Love it! Please don't replace Biden
Republicans are always telling us what black people deserve. And their spokesman on that subject always look the same. They always look like these guys. Perhaps they need to find different spokesmen and a new message?

Blacks in caught in an abusive relationship with the DEM party.
They are afraid to leave but know their lives will never be any better or safer with a DEM President.
Their abuser warns them that if they leave they can never return and what is waiting for them is far worse than what they mistakingly believe is abuse from a party that only is interested in them once every four years.

I know it sounds coldhearted, but they don't deserve any better if they refuse to vote themselves better.
They have things a whole lot better than they would under Republicans. Only the blind don't realize that.

Is that a fact? Then why don't you tell us how things are "a whole lot better" under Democrats, that you see so much more clearly than us "blind" people.

The floor is yours. Tell us all about the wonders the Democrats have wrought for black people, and feel free - no, feel OBLIGATED - to be detailed and specific.
Why do you people think blacks are so stupid? Explain. Your entire argument rests of the fact that you think they are too simple minded to know what is best for them.

No, hon. We don't think they're stupid at all. We think YOU are evil, and we think they are being lied to.

Glad I could clear that up for you.
Yes you do. It is foundational in your argument.
Trump has done more for blacks than Pelosi or Biden ever has!
The reason blacks support Biden is because he was Obama's VP. Obama is black. The rest of your rant is a fairy tale.

Ohhhhh, is that why? Then do tell, why is it blacks vote for Democrats over the 90% range no matter who it is?

The problem is not blacks are stupid, the problem is they are politically ignorant. If blacks were aware of what's really going on, they would leave the Democrat party in droves. If they knew that it was Democrats who fought against school vouchers, and even took it to court, they would abandon the Democrat party. If they understood that these open-border Democrats hurt their chances of getting work and having a higher wage, they would tell the Democrats to take a hike, and keep their stupid illegals who bring down their wages.

However blacks support a party that brought so much grief to their communities, and they don't even realize it. They fail to realize how Democrats have thrown them under the bus repeatedly.


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