Blacks frustration with Biden at an All Time High

Things aren’t as good on the plantation as Biden and the Dems promised them it would be? Tough Shit, you made your beds now sleep in it.
Trump: lowest ever minority unemployment, Opportunity Zones and First Step

Biden: You ain't black!

Biden’s bark at the Black reporter of “If you don’t vote for me, then you ain’t Black” showed Biden’s old school Democrat roots of how they deal with Blacks who get out of line. How do Blacks’ deal with this? They yell, Trump’s a racist.”
Biden’s bark at the Black reporter of “If you don’t vote for me, then you ain’t Black” showed Biden’s old school Democrat roots of how they deal with Blacks who get out of line. How do Blacks’ deal with this? They yell, Trump’s a racist.”
Its the endless "Uncle Tom" syndrome spouts that permeates throughout the communities. Watching endless clowns who are just so cool and not going to knuckle up to the man is tiresome. We put up with this while in Asia they have resolve, the work ethic and the desire to become great. Here it is just bullshit artists with many who become of notoriety living off of the system as leeches. But being cool and against the man is the way to go.
"Lefties" are a LOOOONG way from losing blacks.
We are giving more free shit away now than ever before... as long as that train is rolling, Republicans have exactly zero chance of gaining a meaningful number
That is an accurate assessment.

And when the Dems start mailing reparations checks, that bond between the Dems and the folks under discussion will be permanently sealed.
That is an accurate assessment.

And when the Dems start mailing reparations checks, that bond between the Dems and the folks under discussion will be permanently sealed.
And that is the ONLY REASON dems support such a ridiculous act. THE ONLY REASON.
B. Kidd Exactly. They love to toss out there 81 million voters :auiqs.jpg: for Biden but we all know the level of election fraud and malfeasance that took place, especially in swing states.
And demofks threatened the judicial system by threatening the judges to dismiss any fraud case presented. Especially judges in the states they were stealing the election in. couldn't get caught, so the money came in for thugs to threaten the judges. Again, if one is at all with the election laws, a person cannot take ballots from a precinct. Unless they audit that precinct, a person claiming fraud will not, will not, I repeat, will not have evidence. To outright dismiss any case let alone all of them, isn't logical. And, we know there was fraud because in the states in contention now, they allowed to close and work behind closed doors for two extra days. Oh lookie lookie, 10 million votes miraculously appeared! hahahahahahahaahhhaha. Well, I ain't stupid. I can see the play. Now with all these judges as I said, I see that play as well. No one had an issue in 2000 for Gore!!!!!!!!! Not one judge. Destruction from within is happening
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Biden’s bark at the Black reporter of “If you don’t vote for me, then you ain’t Black” showed Biden’s old school Democrat roots of how they deal with Blacks who get out of line. How do Blacks’ deal with this? They yell, Trump’s a racist.”
It's psychotic, unreal

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