Blacks should divorce Whites, and we should both create a Black country for them.

Oh? So if someone walks in your house and kicks your ass out, since they dominated you they are allowed to keep your house? :abgg2q.jpg:

If you actually read history, most countries, including much of Africa, only started to see major problems post colonization.

I'm all for Native American nationhood, and even in many cases expanding their territories.

But, the White American, and also Black American are unique cultures.

Therefor it's also wrong to dismantle us, and destroy us.

Only through separation, can we save such diversity.

Close to 60% of USA Native Americans marry outside their race.
They're going to go extinct, NOT anymore because of colonialism, but rather from modern Liberalism.

You are quite naive. Almost every single person on the planet has a common strand of DNA that came from a woman in Africa.

Are we all descended from a common female ancestor?

So what?
That somehow proves racial equality, or somehow proves cultural uniformity?

It means that different races doesn't mean people can't live together. Your premise is flawed.

Name a multiculturalism that doesn't eventually lead to
A.) Loss of culture
B.) Balkanized chaos, of wars, massacres, pogroms, genocide etc.

Multiculturalism is a impediment.

We've separated ethnics, to prevent this impediment.

You are all over the place. It isn't about loss of culture, it is about those like yourself who don't show respect for other people's culture because you feel threatened by it. That's not their problem, that's your's.
Most Polish Americans have assimilated to White America, and most Blacks belong to a sub-culture which is fundamentally against American values.

Really? How long you been here? Black culture as in R&B, the foundation of rock and roll? Gospel music? The large participation in Christian religion?

The malignant parts of black culture stem largely from government induced housing segregation and poorly designed welfare designed to offset their decreased access to jobs. The FEDS built entire segregated cities from FDR to Johnson.. This worked AGAINST full assimilation. Just as the Euros are making the same mistake with their new influx of "arab culture" -- placing them in what will soon be segregated ghettos...

Might want to watch the following --- then tell me where the "founding Poles" were in 1790......

Blacks will either continue to not assimilate as a impediment of the USA, or will start to assimilate, killing this unique culture.

How is either option acceptable, exactly?

Okay, so we must tolerate volatile Blacks, because of Rock, and Roll, which isn't ONLY a Black creation, in the first place, guitars are a White invention.
As are electric guitars.
Furthermore, Rockabilly like Carl Perkins was more like modern Rock, than early Rock & Roll like say Little Richard.

I have Polish roots going back to both the mid 1800's, and the early 1900's.

No Polish founders?
What about Kosciuszko, and Pulaski?

Jewish Americans will change heavily.
Basically reform Jews like yourself (Assuming) are mostly marrying non-Jews.

In a few generations Jews will basically just be Hasidim, who tend to piss everybody off, take welfare a ton, and don't respect America, or Israel.

Eventually, I predict, even they will be wiped out, to become a minority among the Hispanics.
I'm all for Native American nationhood, and even in many cases expanding their territories.

But, the White American, and also Black American are unique cultures.

Therefor it's also wrong to dismantle us, and destroy us.

Only through separation, can we save such diversity.

Close to 60% of USA Native Americans marry outside their race.
They're going to go extinct, NOT anymore because of colonialism, but rather from modern Liberalism.

You are quite naive. Almost every single person on the planet has a common strand of DNA that came from a woman in Africa.

Are we all descended from a common female ancestor?

So what?
That somehow proves racial equality, or somehow proves cultural uniformity?

It means that different races doesn't mean people can't live together. Your premise is flawed.

Name a multiculturalism that doesn't eventually lead to
A.) Loss of culture
B.) Balkanized chaos, of wars, massacres, pogroms, genocide etc.

Multiculturalism is a impediment.

We've separated ethnics, to prevent this impediment.

You are all over the place. It isn't about loss of culture, it is about those like yourself who don't show respect for other people's culture because you feel threatened by it. That's not their problem, that's your's.

I respect other cultures, so long as they're further away, for the most part.

I don't respect any culture, encroaching upon another.
You are quite naive. Almost every single person on the planet has a common strand of DNA that came from a woman in Africa.

Are we all descended from a common female ancestor?

So what?
That somehow proves racial equality, or somehow proves cultural uniformity?

It means that different races doesn't mean people can't live together. Your premise is flawed.

Name a multiculturalism that doesn't eventually lead to
A.) Loss of culture
B.) Balkanized chaos, of wars, massacres, pogroms, genocide etc.

Multiculturalism is a impediment.

We've separated ethnics, to prevent this impediment.

You are all over the place. It isn't about loss of culture, it is about those like yourself who don't show respect for other people's culture because you feel threatened by it. That's not their problem, that's your's.

I respect other cultures, so long as they're further away, for the most part.

I don't respect any culture, encroaching upon another.

Man you are insecure. It's pretty sad to be quite honest.
So what?
That somehow proves racial equality, or somehow proves cultural uniformity?

It means that different races doesn't mean people can't live together. Your premise is flawed.

Name a multiculturalism that doesn't eventually lead to
A.) Loss of culture
B.) Balkanized chaos, of wars, massacres, pogroms, genocide etc.

Multiculturalism is a impediment.

We've separated ethnics, to prevent this impediment.

You are all over the place. It isn't about loss of culture, it is about those like yourself who don't show respect for other people's culture because you feel threatened by it. That's not their problem, that's your's.

I respect other cultures, so long as they're further away, for the most part.

I don't respect any culture, encroaching upon another.

Man you are insecure. It's pretty sad to be quite honest.

Mulitculturalism has wiped out cultures, or lead to massacres, pogroms, war, and genocide all over the World.

We created borders for a reason.
Whitey's a evil racist monster, but, but, but, I want to live in his nation.

This is like a woman who gets beat up by a Rapist, and decides to live with him.

Maybe if evil racist Whites are monsters, then Blacks should come up with a better plan, than their dumb, dumb submissive, masochistic Liberalism.

They are definitely going to divorce you, along with the majority of people who read this garbage. But you come across, as if divorce is a normal thing in your life.

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The point remains, if Whites are a bunch of racist, evil, monsters, as quite the deal of Blacks including ones on this forum often believe.

Why do they continue to promote living amongst the Whitey's land in the USA?

Why do you keep saying the USA is whitey's land? It's not.

The USA was founded by Whites.

LOL @ Kosher Cuckservatives thinking Jews have eternal rights to Israel, but somehow Whites don't for the USA.

So your an equal opportunity bigot. Maybe you should go live in the woods somewhere, away from civilization. Nobody would know you left.

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Whitey's a evil racist monster, but, but, but, I want to live in his nation.

This is like a woman who gets beat up by a Rapist, and decides to live with him.

Maybe if evil racist Whites are monsters, then Blacks should come up with a better plan, than their dumb, dumb submissive, masochistic Liberalism.

They are definitely going to divorce you, along with the majority of people who read this garbage. But you come across, as if divorce is a normal thing in your life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The point remains, if Whites are a bunch of racist, evil, monsters, as quite the deal of Blacks including ones on this forum often believe.

Why do they continue to promote living amongst the Whitey's land in the USA?

Why do you keep saying the USA is whitey's land? It's not.

The USA was founded by Whites.

LOL @ Kosher Cuckservatives thinking Jews have eternal rights to Israel, but somehow Whites don't for the USA.

So your an equal opportunity bigot. Maybe you should go live in the woods somewhere, away from civilization. Nobody would know you left.

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So, you're offended by thinking Whites deserve White lands, but also offended by thinking Jews don't deserve Jewish lands?
They are definitely going to divorce you, along with the majority of people who read this garbage. But you come across, as if divorce is a normal thing in your life.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The point remains, if Whites are a bunch of racist, evil, monsters, as quite the deal of Blacks including ones on this forum often believe.

Why do they continue to promote living amongst the Whitey's land in the USA?

Why do you keep saying the USA is whitey's land? It's not.

The USA was founded by Whites.

LOL @ Kosher Cuckservatives thinking Jews have eternal rights to Israel, but somehow Whites don't for the USA.

So your an equal opportunity bigot. Maybe you should go live in the woods somewhere, away from civilization. Nobody would know you left.

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So, you're offended by thinking Whites deserve White lands, but also offended by thinking Jews don't deserve Jewish lands?

I’m not offended by anything you puke [emoji2961] out. You are an ignorant moron, and all over the place with your rhetoric. You just say this shit to get a reaction. Obviously no one is agreeing or bonding with you. Guaranteed you wouldn’t say this to anyone in person. You hide in your tenement and post, because you are a pussy. Isn’t it wodka time, followed by passing out and pissing your diaper?

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deport dumb poles like this guy he gives pollocks a bad name
He has yet to give blacks a bad name?
The only thing he really has done is give himself a bad name hes a moron
I kinda like thke idea provided the land we give them is currently called "California". There should come no objectiion- people living there currently are deep into sharing and reparations. Trouble is where to relocate those being removed. No state other than perhaps Oregon (too small) would want them. Maybe Germany? Angela likes migrants!
The point remains, if Whites are a bunch of racist, evil, monsters, as quite the deal of Blacks including ones on this forum often believe.

Why do they continue to promote living amongst the Whitey's land in the USA?

Why do you keep saying the USA is whitey's land? It's not.

The USA was founded by Whites.

LOL @ Kosher Cuckservatives thinking Jews have eternal rights to Israel, but somehow Whites don't for the USA.

So your an equal opportunity bigot. Maybe you should go live in the woods somewhere, away from civilization. Nobody would know you left.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So, you're offended by thinking Whites deserve White lands, but also offended by thinking Jews don't deserve Jewish lands?

I’m not offended by anything you puke [emoji2961] out. You are an ignorant moron, and all over the place with your rhetoric. You just say this shit to get a reaction. Obviously no one is agreeing or bonding with you. Guaranteed you wouldn’t say this to anyone in person. You hide in your tenement and post, because you are a pussy. Isn’t it wodka time, followed by passing out and pissing your diaper?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I agree he woyld be bitch slapped like the pussy boy he is. You can look at him and tell he is a coward .
He should call himself the polish pussy and try wrestling midgets
Why do you keep saying the USA is whitey's land? It's not.

The USA was founded by Whites.

LOL @ Kosher Cuckservatives thinking Jews have eternal rights to Israel, but somehow Whites don't for the USA.

So your an equal opportunity bigot. Maybe you should go live in the woods somewhere, away from civilization. Nobody would know you left.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So, you're offended by thinking Whites deserve White lands, but also offended by thinking Jews don't deserve Jewish lands?

I’m not offended by anything you puke [emoji2961] out. You are an ignorant moron, and all over the place with your rhetoric. You just say this shit to get a reaction. Obviously no one is agreeing or bonding with you. Guaranteed you wouldn’t say this to anyone in person. You hide in your tenement and post, because you are a pussy. Isn’t it wodka time, followed by passing out and pissing your diaper?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I agree he woyld be bitch slapped like the pussy boy he is. You can look at him and tell he is a coward .
He should call himself the polish pussy and try wrestling midgets

Except, I'm over 6feet tall, and have over 20 inch arms.

Most Blacks seem intimidated by me.
Whitey's a evil racist monster, but, but, but, I want to live in his nation.

This is like a woman who gets beat up by a Rapist, and decides to live with him.

Maybe if evil racist Whites are monsters, then Blacks should come up with a better plan, than their dumb, dumb submissive, masochistic Liberalism.

Sobi - you are truly a great representative for racism. Keep up the good work!
The USA was founded by Whites.

LOL @ Kosher Cuckservatives thinking Jews have eternal rights to Israel, but somehow Whites don't for the USA.

So your an equal opportunity bigot. Maybe you should go live in the woods somewhere, away from civilization. Nobody would know you left.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So, you're offended by thinking Whites deserve White lands, but also offended by thinking Jews don't deserve Jewish lands?

I’m not offended by anything you puke [emoji2961] out. You are an ignorant moron, and all over the place with your rhetoric. You just say this shit to get a reaction. Obviously no one is agreeing or bonding with you. Guaranteed you wouldn’t say this to anyone in person. You hide in your tenement and post, because you are a pussy. Isn’t it wodka time, followed by passing out and pissing your diaper?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I agree he woyld be bitch slapped like the pussy boy he is. You can look at him and tell he is a coward .
He should call himself the polish pussy and try wrestling midgets

Except, I'm over 6feet tall, and have over 20 inch arms.

Most Blacks seem intimidated by me.

Not Adobese!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Whitey's a evil racist monster, but, but, but, I want to live in his nation.

This is like a woman who gets beat up by a Rapist, and decides to live with him.

Maybe if evil racist Whites are monsters, then Blacks should come up with a better plan, than their dumb, dumb submissive, masochistic Liberalism.

This is one of those cases in which I agree with you 100%, SSE. The black crybabies are statistically the most gigantic walking crime wave in America 's history, so I support re-segregation. For the physical safety of America's 87% non-black population, if nothing else. Even if they weren't a gargantuan crime epidemic, I would still support segregation because I'm SO FUCKING SICK of listening to black crybabies' grievance-mongering, sniveling little victim routine. Crybaby-American racial grievance-mongering is vomitous in the extreme.

I won't even allow one of those carpet-headed THINGS in my house because I don't want anything stolen.

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