Blacks that White Racists Don't Like

Prove it. There are hundreds of posts here featuring YOU spewing racial slurs and absurdly racist notions. Find ONE by me.
Prove it! LOL. Shut up Paddy
You're not making any sense.
Whatever paddy. It's time to go out on my boat with my 28 year old girlfriend. My how they grow up so fast.
I've seen you care a lot about Japanese Americans during WW2 but not nearly as much for BLM. In fact I don't think you do support BLM. Most of your students do. Do you tell them why they are wrong and BLM is a terrorist organization? Of course not you coward.
Prove it. There are hundreds of posts here featuring YOU spewing racial slurs and absurdly racist notions. Find ONE by me.
Prove it! LOL. Shut up Paddy
You're not making any sense.
Whatever paddy. It's time to go out on my boat with my 28 year old girlfriend. My how they grow up so fast.
Still trying too hard, lonely boy.
Well their legal now. Didn't your Irish ancestors drink whiskey during prohibition? So your ancestors were lowlife scum.

Paul should know the English treated you Irish just as badly as we treat blacks

From the 1970s through the 1990s, showing an Irish passport at a British entry point was enough – as happened my mother – to be interrogated by special-branch police for three hours while your son and husband awaited your release. Having an Irish accent was enough to be turned away at the door for jobs you were otherwise qualified to do.

Go back further, and lodgings and shops hung signs which read “No blacks, no dogs, no Irish”. When my grandfather first came to London in 1947 as a metalworker with experience in both welding and smithing, he was turned away from most jobs on the dockyards on the supposition that his nationality made him a “health risk” to other workers.

The term Paddy was used with particular venom. Stereotypes of the Irish as lazy, stupid, violent, alcoholic and devious were prevalent in everything from cultural touchstones, politics and journalism. IRA violence was talked about as if it had formed inside a vacuum, while state-sponsored British violence against civilians was given a pass as a natural consequence of “keeping the peace”.

Wow Irish in England have a lot in common with blacks in America huh Paddy?
Do you know what "plagiarism" is, stupid?
Well their legal now. Didn't your Irish ancestors drink whiskey during prohibition? So your ancestors were lowlife scum.

Paul should know the English treated you Irish just as badly as we treat blacks

From the 1970s through the 1990s, showing an Irish passport at a British entry point was enough – as happened my mother – to be interrogated by special-branch police for three hours while your son and husband awaited your release. Having an Irish accent was enough to be turned away at the door for jobs you were otherwise qualified to do.

Go back further, and lodgings and shops hung signs which read “No blacks, no dogs, no Irish”. When my grandfather first came to London in 1947 as a metalworker with experience in both welding and smithing, he was turned away from most jobs on the dockyards on the supposition that his nationality made him a “health risk” to other workers.

The term Paddy was used with particular venom. Stereotypes of the Irish as lazy, stupid, violent, alcoholic and devious were prevalent in everything from cultural touchstones, politics and journalism. IRA violence was talked about as if it had formed inside a vacuum, while state-sponsored British violence against civilians was given a pass as a natural consequence of “keeping the peace”.

Wow Irish in England have a lot in common with blacks in America huh Paddy?
Do you know what "plagiarism" is, stupid?
I forgot to supply the link. Just showing brits treated you irish like shit until around 1970 similar to when things started improving for black Americans
Luanda - Angola

Luanda is a city, not a country.

Nairobi - Kenya


Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

Dar-es-Salaam is a city, not a country.


Rwanda - Kigali


Avenue of baobabs, Madagascar

Avenue of Baobabs isn't a country.

[/B]Don't really see this image of Africa in the news do you ?

If you want an example of a beautiful municipality in Africa, you should've mentioned Sandton, but Sandton's not a country and its development comes from outside investors.

So answer me this question.

If Africa is a shit hole then why did Africans have to fight wars to get whites to leave ? And are still fighting ? Why does every African country have it's own Nelson Mandela ?

Wars were fought over North America before it was developed and cultivated, too.

Why was Mark Zuckerberg (Owner of Facebook) over in Nigeria last year?

He was over their stealing ideas

He was there in 2016, not last year. Sure, he stole ideas from the Nigerians like ... how to create a weak infrastructure, anemic power supply, and drive away funding and investment. In my opinion, he visited Nigeria because he has a soft spot for lost causes. The reality is, Africa will never be civilized on its own. As long as blacks are in power, any attempt to transform the continent into a first-world country is a waste of time and resources.

A few months later someone comes up with the same invention.


Firstly, it's a different design. Nkomo’s system is supposed to be installed outside and is mainly designed for schools and residential complexes, whereas Krige's design is a non-permanent installation that doesn't require any electricity or plumbing and fits on top of toilet cisterns. Secondly, Umeshree Govender of the University of KwaZulu Natalâ's intellectual property department clarified that any invention created by a student in the scope of their studies belongs to the state, not the student.

If you was in a boat in a river and I pushed you over and you drown

And I say

“He died because he was too lazy to take the time to learn how how to swim.”


“He died because he never took any swimming classes.”

Would this be right ? Not really because the real answer is that you died because you was pushed by me.

The premise of your analogy is completely flawed. First off, it assumes blacks can't find legitimate work, which is bullshit. If illegal immigrants can find legitimate work, blacks have no excuse. None. Especially when you factor in diversity initiatives like Affirmative Action and black scholarships. But in the event blacks STILL can't find legitimate work, they have welfare and public housing to fall back on. The reality is, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants break into this country every year with only the clothes on their back and STILL manage to make ends meet without resorting to crime, so spare me the excuses.

Yes, zero black people taking drugs would help but they are not the cause. The cause is white and non blk people who flood black communities with drugs and by the way most black people do not take drugs

Blacks are overrepresented in terms of drug abuse. Again, they always blame other people (primarily white people) for the shit they do. They're a broken record.

The problem is that with many racists like yourself is that you want to begin the discussion based on black pathology with no acknowledgement of White causation.

One of the biggest problems with black racists is that they always make excuses for the shit blacks do. That's their MO. You'll practically never hear a black racist taking responsibility for the problems blacks create.

OK. So name a black problem were the cause is not white racism?

For the 10th fucking time, virtually every problem blacks blame on white racism.

Seriously, name one country where blacks are succeeding as a group. Just one. You can't.

What's your idea of success first?

You've got it backward. Since blacks are the ones complaining about being oppressed, the question is, what's THEIR idea of success? Based on that definition, I challenge you to name one country where blacks are succeeding as a group.

Because do you know who the smartest and most successful group of black people on the planet are ?

The negrito tribe, the North Sentinel Islanders in the Indian Ocean.

Why ?

Because they have never been colonized by the white supremacist, are not dependent on the white supremacist, will kill any outsiders who trespass and would rather die than be mistreated.

And they are the only group of black or non white people on this planet who can say that.

So that makes them by far in a way the smartest and most successful group of black people on earth.

If you think a bunch of blacks that live like prehistoric spear chuckers are the paradigm of intelligence and success, then you're only serving to reinforce a long-held stereotype about blacks; that they're uncivilized and happiest in the jungle. But if you really feel that way, then what the fuck are you waiting for? Hop on a boat and head for the Bay of Bengal.

But let's be real, it's not like white people couldn't wipe them off the map. They don't want to.

If there were no black people around, white people would have:

No one to blame but themselves for the crime that happened.

Of course, and if blacks weren't around, the crime rate would drop significantly.

No one to blame but themselves when you didn’t get the jobs you wanted.

Whites already blame themselves when they don't get the jobs they want. Blacks blame everybody else.

No one to blame but themselves when your lives turned out to be less than you’d expected.

Most whites already do that, and the number of whites that don't are a drop in the bucket compared to the majority of blacks who make a career out of finding excuses to explain their failures.

White supremacists need black people (especially in a inferior role) as a way to build yourselves up and provide a sense of self-worth you otherwise lack.

Blacks blame whites because they're not willing or capable of taking responsibility for the shit they do. Most whites would be perfectly content living exclusively amongst other whites. Blacks, on the other hand, would be miserable if they lived exclusively amongst their own people because, without other races, shit would fall apart. America would collapse into a third-world country if blacks ran it.

Why do you want to create a system of injustice ? Do you believe you and white people are inferior to black people ? Such that you need a head-start because without it you can't compete ?

Typical example of racial projecting. Even after having shit handed to them on a silver platter(because they can't compete on their own merits), blacks still can't get their shit together. Not just in America, but everywhere they go. It's a global phenomena, and it's always the same fucking story; blacks can't succeed because ... white racism.

The bar for military and college admissions, SAT and ACT scores, etc. have all had to be lowered to accommodate blacks because they couldn't pass them. And even then, blacks are still lagging behind. The black community is virtually spoonfed opportunity and they still can't get their shit together. As a group, they're societal deadweight. Whites have repeatedly tried to help them, which has proven an absolute waste of time and resources. Trying to help these people is a lost fucking cause because they have no desire to help themselves, and the sooner white people face that reality, the better.

Blacks need exclusive ownership of land somewhere in America, so they can run shit how they see fit and stop bitching and moaning about white people and systemic racism. Wouldn't matter, though. It would more than likely end up like Liberia.
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Paul Essien Oh stop being stupid. She meant no harm---she was simply trying to stop a criminal and made a mistake. She is not a white supremist and quit frankly the black race pimps making up that she is a great big boogey man to tell their children sound like a bunch of retards. The Criminal shouldn't have committed crimes and then certainly shouold have been trying to flee arrest----he's gone and it had nothing to do with an air freshner unlike the retards keep screaming. She was a good cop and made a mistake while under a lot of pressure to stop a bad guy. You really need to find a moral code.
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OK. Let's look some of your main points because you repeat a lot of talking points and don't come with anything new.

James Price
The bar for military and college admissions, SAT and ACT scores, etc. have all had to be lowered to accommodate blacks because they couldn't pass them.

There have been people who believed what you believe that colleges and university and the military are forced to lower the bar because black people are so dumb.

This was this guy called Vijay Chokalingam


He's Mindy Kalling’s brother. That’s Mindy Kaling the actress who starred in the the Mindy Project


He (Vijay Chokalingam) wrote a book about how he pretended to be a black man to get into uni’s with the same score that he could not get into as Asian man to prove that this system is racist to Asians and white and biased to black.

He shaved the hair of his head off n all that shit and applied as a black man


He had a 3.1 GPA and MCAT score of 31Q.

He submitted applications to medical school and an essay to 26 top and middle-tier medical schools around the country named “Jojo Chokalingam”

He claims he was admitted to St. Louis University School of Medicine.

This is ranked #57th in the country and that was evidence of “less stringent” standards for black applicants.

What he did not say was that he was rejected from most of the medical schools he applied to:
  • Columbia University,
  • Cornell University
  • George Washington University
  • Mount Sinai
  • University of Nebraska
  • Nobay
  • University of Pittsburgh
  • University of Rochester
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Washington University
  • University of Wisconsin
  • Yale University
  • Case Western.
He withdrew his application from quite a few schools when he realized that those rejections would go against his agenda those included Vanderbilt University and Harvard University and a few others.

But he made a BIG DEAL that he received an invitation to apply from other schools based on his MCAT score (mostly lower-tier schools such as Ohio University) without noting that he received those letters for no other reason than his MCAT score actually was within the range acceptable to these schools.

This clown (as a black man) was rejected from 93% of schools he applied to but he wanted everyone to focus on the fact that he was accepted into a single medical school.

James Price
Whites have repeatedly tried to help them, which has proven an absolute waste of time and resources. Trying to help these people is a lost fucking cause because they have no desire to help themselves, and the sooner white people face that reality, the better

If whites are just so helpful then why do whites make sure predominantly Black school districts are under-funded ? under-staffed with inexperienced teachers ? denied books ? microscopes ? and other lab equipment ? and put hazardous waste near black schools ? cut art and music classes ? sports teams and sometimes hot meals in a cafeteria ?

And guess what ? Despite all that black people still thrive.
  • You look around and see that light skin is a recessive trait the world over, and that white people are the odd ones on the planet in terms of pigmentation.
  • You see black people excelling in any arena where we are given full and equal opportunity (not enough arenas, to be sure, but still);
  • You see a popular culture in which black people are among the nation’s most revered symbols of what’s hip,
  • You see a world in which global white supremacy is everywhere being challenged. In which the white world’s militaries are incapable of subduing a rag-tag bunch of insurgents, with darker skin.
White people know that Black people can be great scientists, economists, attorneys and anything else.

They want a social system where Black people are handicapped by lack of education and opportunity that their only options are flipping burgers or in prison and then white and non black people try to ‘scientifically’ prove that the effects of their own racism are actually due to innate deficiencies of those they’ve praticing there racism on.

James Price
And even then, blacks are still lagging behind. The black community is virtually spoonfed opportunity and they still can't get their shit together. As a group, they're societal deadweight.

Let's continue with the education theme. Let's talk about who really is getting spoonfed opportunity because they could not get their shit together without it.

How do you explain the recent scandal were affluent white and non black individuals, including television actors, corporate executives and bankers bribed and frauded their way to get admission for their children into America's most prestigious universities ?


The worst thing about this cheating scandal is that the system is already set up for whites to achieve in education.

Why you have the go t University of Michigan (And many uni's in America) giving out 16 points to kids from certain lily-white Upper Peninsulas ?

And 4 points for children of overwhelmingly white alumni ?

And 10 points for students who went to the state’s “top” schools ?

And 8 points for those who took a full slate of Advanced Placement classes in high schools (which classes are far less available in schools serving students blk students)

People say blacks should "work hard and stop looking for handouts" but when blacks achieve they are chomping at the bits to find reasons why blacks don’t deserve to sit at the table ?

Which is it ?

They are letting dumb-ass white students in there all day because of their fathers or uncles. Most blacks applying could run circles around them academically but they would never ever be admitted.

College admissions is nothing but game.

They can and do say anything to black students "your application was late" “it got lost” "We don’t like your essay"............. ANYTHING.

Our black self is not getting in - No matter what.

They reserve over 60% of seats for white students at most schools, graduate and undergraduate and then about 10-20% for asians and Indians.

If lame crying white ass can't wiggle in one of them places that's on you.

We are taking no one's spots trust me.

You have a legacy and being a legacy only works if you have a trust fund and your parents have been donating a good % of their annual salary to the school or your dad holds political office or your parents are fortune 500 CEOs, COOs, CFOs or CAOs.

Anyone else, it's still a crap shot.

It might get your resume an extra 5 second glance but if they see average jobs and medium income zip-code on your application, you can forget about it.

Blaming the handful of black people that get in is ridiculous. More Black Americans are becoming doctors (despite the obstacles set for black people) and non-blacks hate to see a black person who is superior to them in anything and become bitter and jealous.

James Price
Typical example of racial projecting. Even after having shit handed to them on a silver platter(because they can't compete on their own merits), blacks still can't get their shit together. Not just in America, but everywhere they go. It's a global phenomena, and it's always the same fucking story; blacks can't succeed because ... white racism.

No we succeed in spite of racism. You need a system to succeed.

Donald Trump inherited a couple hundred million dollars worth of assets from his daddy.

Mark Zuckerberg attended two of the most expensive and prestigious schools in the USA (Harvard, Phillips Exeter Academy).

If Steve Jobs was not put up for adoption and his father returned with him back to Syria, then it is highly unlikely he would founded one of the world’s top computer companies (Apple)

You need a system to help you. We don't

Everyone from Bill Gates to Warren Buffett needed a substantial amount of money to start up their companies.

The basis of their success was due to their parents bank account and a bit a luck.

James Price
Blacks need exclusive ownership of land somewhere in America, so they can run shit how they see fit and stop bitching and moaning about white people and systemic racism. Wouldn't matter, though. It would more than likely end up like Liberia.

Been there. Seen it. Done it.

Black degradation is essential to White people.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

Rosewood in the early part of the last century


Here was a thriving black community living independent of whites, yet was burned to the ground by white supremacists.

Not to mention Bruce’s Beach, Black Wall Street, Bronzeville in Chicago and Black Baltimore during the days of sailing ships all show a pattern of White officials making extraordinary efforts to cut black business development off at the knees.

Thriving Black business districts and strong Black communities would expose the lie at the heart of White Supremacy ideology.

The Tulsa Riot in the early part of the last century.


Same again. Thriving black community. Blew up by white people with the aid of the US government.

This aspect does not only apply to America it applies on a global scale too. Its not just Black communities which have been prevented from organically growing and developing. Its countries and states too.

Growth of ones own community can't happen in isolation. It has to be within an agreed shared global structure which includes everyone. While the ideology and controlling structure of white supremacy remains firmly in place restrictions will ultimately always apply.

Its no different to slaves growing their own independent business on the plantation. Sooner or later if its successful the master will want a cut of any of the profits or control of it. Eventually either dominating it completely, eliminating it to avoid unfavorable competition or even having it challenge the plantation slave institution itself.

James Price
If you think a bunch of blacks that live like prehistoric spear chuckers are the paradigm of intelligence and success, then you're only serving to reinforce a long-held stereotype about blacks; that they're uncivilized and happiest in the jungle. But if you really feel that way, then what the fuck are you waiting for? Hop on a boat and head for the Bay of Bengal.

Yes the black people on North Sentinnel Island are the most successful and smartest black people on the planet

Why ? Because they have never been dominated by white supremacy.


White culture put a lot of eggs in the basket of physical invention and physical control over its environment. I’ve always looked at the ways some whites use technology to support their supposed superiority as a zero-sum-game.

No gadget or laptop or robot can accomplish even that which bees accomplish everyday: pollinating plants that bring forth fruit, nuts and berries, and thereby keep the chain of life trotting along. Without bees human being would struggle to survive.

So even creatures to which you'd give little credit for their intelligence, are more important to life on this planet than even the most impressive pile of technological sh*t upon which you slobber over.

Right now the water is messed up....only a small % of it is drinkable....thanks to what people ?

The air is messed up, thanks to what people ?
The earth is messed up, thanks to what people ?

Now they are raising hell about the dangers of all the space junk up there...thanks to what people ?

Everybody needs air, water and land in order to survive and it is white people that have done this.

The Earth is running out of soil. Arable land is dwindling and that the arable land available per person is falling. The very soil ppl lives depend on.


The continual ploughing of fields, combined with heavy use of fertilizers, has degraded soils across the world is done by who ? Soil erosion is now far greater than soil formation.

It takes around 500 years for just 2.5cm of topsoil to be created amid unimpeded ecological changes. Soil is a living thing just like cattle. But unlike cattle, if you treat the soil right it will live forever

Who is doing this ? The savage black people on North Sentinnel Island ?



Unsustainability definitively means that civilization is a failure. Sea levels rise. The Earth warms. Storms surge. Cities choke. China, India, and the United States, three of world’s biggest polluters, increased their greenhouse gas emissions.

But whites and Asians are the smartest cats out there …right ? I mean. You’re the guys with the high IQ’s yeah ?

But hey you got facebook and the internet and you can run around bragging about this is that invention.


James Price
But let's be real, it's not like white people couldn't wipe them off the map. They don't want to

And that's why they (North Sentinnel Islanders) are most successful and smartest blk ppl on the planet in that they would force white people to wipe them out because they would rather die than be oppressed.

But this shows your white mentality. I don't think about wiping white people off map.
  • Black people could never use white people as guinea pigs in black hospitals, the way whites use blacks as guinea pigs in white hospitals.
  • Black people could never red-line white areas from credit, the way whites red-line black areas from credit.
  • Black people could never rip up white CV's and resumes the way white people rip up black Cv's resumes.
  • Black people could never poison the water supply in white areas, the way white people poison the water supply in black areas.
  • Black men could never go into white countries, kill and oppress the native and enforce systems of apartheid.
  • Black men could never blow the brains out white kids, laugh about it, and then let the killers walk free.
God did not make us that way. He just did not give us that heart.

James Price
Firstly, it's a different design. Nkomo’s system is supposed to be installed outside and is mainly designed for schools and residential complexes, whereas Krige's design is a non-permanent installation that doesn't require any electricity or plumbing and fits on top of toilet cisterns. Secondly, Umeshree Govender of the University of KwaZulu Natalâ's intellectual property department clarified that any invention created by a student in the scope of their studies belongs to the state, not the student.

Whites do this all the time as it's not about who gets the patent first.

US and UK companies and business people have done it for ages. They see an idea, invention, something which is common somewhere else, go back home, patent it and claim the rights. After that they become the inventors and owners of the said product, no matter how many centuries it has been used by other people in their culture.

James Price
Blacks are overrepresented in terms of drug abuse. Again, they always blame other people (primarily white people) for the shit they do. They're a broken record.

Most drug users are white.

Opiods are ripping through your people with many of you strung out like this


These white folks got K&A looking like skid row. They have programs giving them clean needles and a program to pick up the needles those trifling cave beasts discard on the ground. Plus they beg 24/7 with their dusty ass signs in the street and subway.

Also in Waco which has been a hotbed for crystal meth use. White changed possession of meth from felony to misdemeanor. They don’t want the little white Timmys of the world to hit that cell

They go so soft on white drug users to the point that Miami police say they’ll offer opioid addicts rehab instead of arresting them


And Bill Clinton saying


Whose this "us" ? Are black people in that "us" ? Na. I think not

That's why when story of the dead opiod addict last year (Maddie Linsenmeir) came out - You would think she was getting to be buried in Arlington with all this press around her death.


Drugs don't sick with black folk. Heroin ended in the 60s. Coke the 70s. Crack the 80s. The only thing left is weed. But when black folks put that down watch "them" make Newport illegal to smoke


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James Price
The premise of your analogy is completely flawed. First off, it assumes blacks can't find legitimate work, which is bullshit. If illegal immigrants can find legitimate work, blacks have no excuse. None. Especially when you factor in diversity initiatives like Affirmative Action and black scholarships. But in the event blacks STILL can't find legitimate work, they have welfare and public housing to fall back on. The reality is, hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants break into this country every year with only the clothes on their back and STILL manage to make ends meet without resorting to crime, so spare me the excuses.

So if white people are just rolling out the red carpet for blk ppl as far as work goes then how do you explain the fact that white criminals are more likely to get the job over black people that are clean ?
Yes Paul, white people will shoot criminals attacking them.

No. They won't. White people go out of their way to not shoot whites.

Now if I'm wrong go and find as many black people doing stuff like in this video and living to tell the tale.
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James Price

Your talking points sound good on stormfront. They sound good on Vdare or any of them white supremacist websites where guys like you spend hours trying to masquerade their internal chaos into a form of rationality. They sound good when your around your white family and friends. The sound good when no-one is there to check them.

But debating with you is a bit like fighting matter how many you smack down they still keep coming.

What next ? Chicago ? Black fatherless ? White inventions ?
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James Price

Your talking points sound good on stormfront. They sound good on Vdare or any of them white supremacist websites where guys like you spend hours trying to masquerade their internal chaos into a form of rationality. They sound good when your around your white family and friends. The sound good when no-one is there to check them.

But debating with you is a bit like fighting matter how many you smack down they still keep coming.

What next ? Chicago ? Black fatherless ? White inventions ?

Bring it.
and every i mean nearly every post you make is about how evil whites are .... like Im2 .... its all you talk about .... you never talk about anything else are an extremist ...
and every i mean nearly every post you make is about how evil whites are .... like Im2 ....

Like what ?

its all you talk about ....

We are on a section of USMB dedicated to discussing racial issues. So what do you expect me to talk about ?

you never talk about anything else

We are on a section of USMB dedicated to discussing racial issues. So what do you expect me to talk about ?

yidnar are an extremist ...

Poor Me Paulie’s entire identity is based on being a helpless little victim. He spends every minute of every day of his life laying on his back with his feet in the air crying like a little baby. If he ever stopped seeing himself as a weak, helpless little victim he would cease to exist. He is not a man, he is not an American, he is not a human being. He is an embarrassment. He is an invertebrate idiot on the level of Bobobrainless.
Khalid Muhammad is another black person who whites racists don't like

His answer to South Africa on Donahue was brilliant

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