Blacks turn on Democrats --- "They're Abusing Us."


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.

You know Eric Holder worked his butt off for years trying to ignite the blacks and get them to burn down American cities and to their credit they did not rise to the bait.
A smart black person knows that mulatto pos Obama is nothing but a dirty rotten liar who has done nothing to help any black American - he totally hates Americans except for the ones filling his coffers - to them he gives away 100s of billions of US Tax dollars through all his shams....just look at the blacks in Detroit cut off from water so they can't survive - and while that is going on Obama does nothing to help THEM but he does ask for 30 million $$$ for all the illegal mexicans he is running into our country.

Rebel Pundit- Media Rebellion- Citizen Journalism-Video Documentary-Hood Report-Politics-Urban Affairs

Black leaders throw black teens in jail and isolation for years without a trial, this is a real Black on Black crime:
Left to Rot Teen Spends Years in Solitary Without Trial RebelPundit
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Looks like the smart blacks are stepping forward. Perhaps they can turn things around, but it's probably a wasted effort. There are people, not only blacks, but whites, who will continue to vote Democrat because their parents, grand parents, great grand parents and on back farther always voted Democrat, so a lot of whites will continue to vote Democrat, never realizing that the Democrat party of their ancestors is now the Communist Party.

Many blacks just know that if they want their next welfare check, they better vote Democrat. There is no telling them anything else. They will look at these disgruntled blacks as nothing more than a bunch of Uncle Toms.

Democrats spout off that they are here to help the poor and downtrodden, but in reality, they only want to keep the poor, poorer and downtrodden because how else could they be elected? They certainly don't produce results by taking the poor off the welfare lists.
"Many blacks just know that if they want their next welfare check, they better vote Democrat"

^^^^^ Yes, XPostFacto and in spite of your accurate and well-worded post, I would have to add many whites and minority's will vote for Dems., too, if they hear Obama's pleas on talk radio, as that is the only place that will have him, nearby, for a while...:lmao:
No way Blacks are voting 90 percent plus for Democrats this mid term election.
This one made the rounds today. Predictable nutters. Like so many puppets.

Do you have any proof, or is that the only thing you have, your bias?

What are you asking for "proof" about?

That it "made the rounds" today? The fact there's at least 3 threads on it is pretty good "proof" of that. Same with "predictable nutters" and "like so many puppets".
This one made the rounds today. Predictable nutters. Like so many puppets.

Do you have any proof, or is that the only thing you have, your bias?

What are you asking for "proof" about?

That it "made the rounds" today? The fact there's at least 3 threads on it is pretty good "proof" of that. Same with "predictable nutters" and "like so many puppets".

Speaking of puppets, when is the last time you disagreed with the current Democratic platform?
This one made the rounds today. Predictable nutters. Like so many puppets.

Do you have any proof, or is that the only thing you have, your bias?

What are you asking for "proof" about?

That it "made the rounds" today? The fact there's at least 3 threads on it is pretty good "proof" of that. Same with "predictable nutters" and "like so many puppets".

Speaking of puppets, when is the last time you disagreed with the current Democratic platform?

When was the last time I agreed with the Democratic platform?
Dems have been playing the race game for 50 years. They turned blacks into welfare slaves and now they get 90% of the black vote every time. Obozo wants to do the same with hispanics and that's why he lets illegals come here. Illegals are the welfare bums of their countries and he wants them on welfare here. He doesn't want the intelligent hard working hispanics that come here legally.
Reminds me of me in my mid 20's when I realized it was the Democrats screwing me over not the Republicans. Great to see some blacks figuring it out as I had to do back then.

Glad you wised up but don't forget repubs are just slightly less evil than dems. We need to return to states rights (as the constitution says). Under SR states are in competition with each other to get the taxpayers to move to their states and thus they have to pay attention to what working americans want.

OTOH there is no competition when the feds run everything. They have no incentive to do anything right.
Reminds me of me in my mid 20's when I realized it was the Democrats screwing me over not the Republicans. Great to see some blacks figuring it out as I had to do back then.

Glad you wised up but don't forget repubs are just slightly less evil than dems. We need to return to states rights (as the constitution says). Under SR states are in competition with each other to get the taxpayers to move to their states and thus they have to pay attention to what working americans want.

OTOH there is no competition when the feds run everything. They have no incentive to do anything right.
"Politicians are the lowest form of life on Earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of Politician"
~~George S Patton, Jr.
General USA
This one made the rounds today. Predictable nutters. Like so many puppets.
Wouldn't puppets just vote for the dems like you expect? Losing control of your puppets here? Maybe "these *******" aren't going to vote for you for the next 200 years like LBJ predicted.

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