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Blacks waking up to the truth of the democrat party?

Mac, this is a load of bullshit. And don't try arguing. I'm black and have lived as a black American ssince I was born in 1961. The Civl Rights Act was passed in 1964 and there have been whites who have backlashed against it ever since. Your arguments are asinine in this regard. In the history of this country every time laws have been passed to provide non whites any semblance of equal opportunity there has been a white backlash. The only identity politics has been played is by the right, the weaknesses in whatever policies were made was in the fact that they dared to try ending the segregation and whites only policies the right wanted to maintain.

So when a black president was elected that was the last straw. White racists claimed they were losing their country and the election of that black president created a panic. Then a woman tried running for president. So racist white men, who already falsely believed they were being oppressed rallied around one of their own, trump. And even then trump has never recieved the majority of the popular vote, so they are trying to change rules and districts to insure that he can this time.

I have known this was coming since Reagan, and this has nothing to do with PC or whatever you think identity politics is. It is about the changing demographics in America and white fear over losing the power they had because they are losing the majority status they hhave held over everybody's head.
Barry was half black.
Like I said, give us the same 8 handouts whites got and then come talk about self actualization.

Non sequitur. You got 8 other handouts. Then you got fifty more. You are just not man enough to admit it, grow up and stand on your own two feet. Little boys like you would rather waste your life wallowing in self-pity instead, crying: "Where are my freebies?!" :crying:

2023 Men of Excellence Honorees

I subscribe to the Chicago Defender.. It reports the truth about black ccommunities.

Young Chicago Filmmakers Showcase Their Work, Saturday at Chatham Theater​

Yep those black students in black run Chicago, in black run, Chicago Public schools can't read, write or do math when taught by black teachers.

No systemic racissm is:;

Wow! Really awesome articles!
Meanwhile, black kids in the Chicago Public Schools are still "graduating" unable to read, write or do math. In a city and school system run by blacks.

Did you hear the one about the Chicago Teachers Union President who sent her son to a private school? Talk about white privilege!
I didn't need to know it because of I already knew. It doesn't matter what excuse you give for Goldwater, he opposed the Civil Rights Act.

That's outrageous! Only Democrat senators were allowed to oppose the Civil Rights Act.
It is about the changing demographics in America and white fear over losing the power they had because they are losing the majority status they hhave held over everybody's head.

We've seen the changing demographics here in Chicago.
Two black mayors in a row. When are they going to make life better for blacks?
Students still can't read. That's not because whitey is holding them back. So, what is it?
No, I'm not. I don't give a damn about why Goldwater opposed the CRA. Segregation was not constitutional and the Civil Rights Act was made to end that.

You don't want to admit that Barry Goldwater was a Civil Rights hero because you are a stooge for the racist, anti-semitic, democrat party. He voted for every single Civil Rights act and would have voted for the 1964 act if it had passed constitutional muster.....

You support lyndon johnson....who actually did vote against every single Civil Rights act, and the anti-lynching law.........repeat those to yourself so they sink in...............you support the party of actual racism, anti-semitism, violence and hate....
I didn't need to know it because of I already knew. It doesn't matter what excuse you give for Goldwater, he opposed the Civil Rights Act.

Goldwater objected to the civil rights act because of the unconstitutional aspect of certain parts. As in a restaurant being forced to provide for or serve certain people they didn't want in their place of business. Key words "THEIR place of business." That is a right that should not be infringed on, regardless of color. As in it should be the right of black business owners to refuse white customers.

As in all of black wall street should've had the right to refuse service to white people, just for being white. Or only allow white women. If they so choose. Black muslims should have the right to refuse business to white Christians, if they so choose. Or even black Christians.

He supported the rights of business owners to conduct THEIR businesses the way THEY wanted.
You don't want to admit that Barry Goldwater was a Civil Rights hero because you are a stooge for the racist, anti-semitic, democrat party. He voted for every single Civil Rights act and would have voted for the 1964 act if it had passed constitutional muster.....

You support lyndon johnson....who actually did vote against every single Civil Rights act, and the anti-lynching law.........repeat those to yourself so they sink in...............you support the party of actual racism, anti-semitism, violence and hate....
I won't admit what is not true.
You aren't making a poiint.

And you are a racist.

As a straight white male, I can honestly say that it's OK if you're a black, uninformed racist. This is America after all. A country founded by white people.
You should be very appreciative towards white people. Because where there were no black in government, we ended slavery. Ended Jim Crow laws. Ended segregation. Created affirmative action. We gave you the 14th Amendment that made all the slaves and ex slaves American citizenship. And we gave you the right to vote.

So............ You're welcome.
Goldwater objected to the civil rights act because of the unconstitutional aspect of certain parts. As in a restaurant being forced to provide for or serve certain people they didn't want in their place of business. Key words "THEIR place of business." That is a right that should not be infringed on, regardless of color. As in it should be the right of black business owners to refuse white customers.

As in all of black wall street should've had the right to refuse service to white people, just for being white. Or only allow white women. If they so choose. Black muslims should have the right to refuse business to white Christians, if they so choose. Or even black Christians.

He supported the rights of business owners to conduct THEIR businesses the way THEY wanted.
I don't give a flying f--k what the reason was for his opposition. Other Republicans voted for it, some who ran against Goldwater. But Goldwater ended up the nominee. Your argument is bullshit and furthermore Goldwaters actions were the last in a 100 yrear pattern of Republican disrespect for black voters.

You want to talk about what Johnson said but you ignored Lincolns racism.

“I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black ... I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be a position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assignedto the white race.”

Johnson signed our second Emancipation Proclamation, so if we are supposed to vote republican because Lincon freed slaves in the states that were in rebellion against the United States, then today we vote Democrat for the man who ended Jim Crow in all 50 states.
And you are a racist.

As a straight white male, I can honestly say that it's OK if you're a black, uninformed racist. This is America after all. A country founded by white people.
You should be very appreciative towards white people. Because where there were no black in government, we ended slavery. Ended Jim Crow laws. Ended segregation. Created affirmative action. We gave you the 14th Amendment that made all the slaves and ex slaves American citizenship. And we gave you the right to vote.

So............ You're welcome.
There is nothing racist about me. Whites who are like you can't handle the person of color that is unapologetic about confronting Americas racist past and the continuing racism In a subcuture within the white community. I am better informed than you, you can't out debate me, so you whine about me being a racist. LOL!
And you are a racist.

As a straight white male, I can honestly say that it's OK if you're a black, uninformed racist. This is America after all. A country founded by white people.
You should be very appreciative towards white people. Because where there were no black in government, we ended slavery. Ended Jim Crow laws. Ended segregation. Created affirmative action. We gave you the 14th Amendment that made all the slaves and ex slaves American citizenship. And we gave you the right to vote.

So............ You're welcome.

And we defeated the democrat party in the Civil War, and fought them to enact Civil Rights for black Americans.....no matter how many blacks and republicans the democrats murdered to keep it from happening...
There is nothing racist about me. Whites who are like you can't handle the person of color that is unapologetic about confronting Americas racist past and the continuing racism on a subcuture within the white community. I am better informed than you, you can't out debate me, so you whine about me being a racist. LOL!

I just counted my customers list. And there's 42 black folks would disagree with you. I can handle them, they can handle me. Why? Because we're all just decent folks. If you were on of my customers and tried cramming that racist crap in my face, I refuse service to you.
One of my best black customers (a preacher) ran some black racist trash like you off the property once. The neegroid (about 30yrs old) wanted me to fix the handlebars on this bicycle for free. I told him $1. Or he could help pick up the shop while I made his repair. He started in with this "Why I gotta pay you? All you doing is tightening one bolt." After trying to explain that I was in business to make money from customers, and that I was only charging him a dollar, Mr. Thompson lit into him like I'd never seen. Called a nigr several times. Brought up how many kids he had by so many different women, and didn't support any of them. Then brought his reputation in the neighborhood. Apparently Mr. Thompson knew the thugs momma, because he called her out of not raising her kids any better.
When the thug left, Mr. Thomson said "I can't stand nigrs." I agreed with him. He laughed, I laughed. And everything was cool.
That same night, after I'd closed up and went home, Two mowers and a hedge trimmer were stolen out of the back lot. Coincidence? Yeah na.

If you black folks wanna clean up your reputation, y'all gonna have to start listening to better black leaders. Ones like Mr. Thompson and not the Al Sharptons.
And we defeated the democrat party in the Civil War, and fought them to enact Civil Rights for black Americans.....no matter how many blacks and republicans the democrats murdered to keep it from happening...

Black trash has got me evolving on the whole pro life argument. The number one killer of blacks in NYC are from abortions. If you think about it, they're helping to reduce the crime rate in these major cities. Fewer crimes. Less innocent victims. Less welfare.
If black people don't care about killing their own, why should I?
There is nothing racist about me. Whites who are like you can't handle the person of color that is unapologetic about confronting Americas racist past and the continuing racism In a subcuture within the white community. I am better informed than you, you can't out debate me, so you whine about me being a racist. LOL!
There is nothing racist about me. Whites who are like you can't handle the person of color that is unapologetic about confronting Americas racist past and the continuing racism In a subcuture within the white community. I am better informed than you, you can't out debate me, so you whine about me being a racist. LOL!
Dude, every post by you is filled with racism.

You have NOTHING else, Nothing.

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