Blacks Who Accomplished Great Things

God damn, that is an embarrassing statistic! :lol:

Whats embarassing is that any white people are on it at all with a 400 year head start.
What there were no black people in the world 400 years ago? I thought you said blacks were the first humans.

He is talking about welfare and employment in the states Tank. Keep up son. You need to get your money back for that sham of an education you got.
Because of the Negros low IQ there was no need to "trick" the Negro, they were just captured and domesticated like many other animals

IQ is a European construct. Developed by a Sir Francis Galton known famously as the Father of eugenics. It was tailored to make Black people look low in intelligence. I thought everyone knew that?
Nope your the only one that knows that, blacks being the dumbest race on the planet is what everyone knows

How can that be when there is only one race? If Blacks are dumb why didn't Europe invent science and math? You guys would still be thinking water was evil and smelling like wild animals if we didn't teach you to take baths. Talk about dumb. :lol:
Whats embarassing is that any white people are on it at all with a 400 year head start.
What there were no black people in the world 400 years ago? I thought you said blacks were the first humans.

He is talking about welfare and employment in the states Tank. Keep up son. You need to get your money back for that sham of an education you got.
America is where blacks are more successful then anywhere else in the world
How can that be when there is only one race? If Blacks are dumb why didn't Europe invent science and math? You guys would still be thinking water was evil and smelling like wild animals if we didn't teach you to take baths. Talk about dumb. :lol:
Today math and science are what blacks fail the most and the black women I work with don't take showers for days because they don't want to ruin their weaves.
How can that be when there is only one race? If Blacks are dumb why didn't Europe invent science and math? You guys would still be thinking water was evil and smelling like wild animals if we didn't teach you to take baths. Talk about dumb. :lol:
Today math and science are what blacks fail the most and the black women I work with don't take showers for days because they don't want to ruin their weaves.

Black women are notorious for taking multiple showers and will wear shower caps to protect their weaves. You wouldn't know that because you are lying about working and live in a trailer park.

Please explain how the Egyptians were able to build the pyramids if Blacks are inherently inferior in math and science. Explain how Mark Dean owns 3 of the original patents on the PC with IBM. You are not making sense Tank.
Please explain how the Egyptians were able to build the pyramids if Blacks are inherently inferior in math and science.
Because they didn't or they would understand math and science today
Mark Dean owns 3 of the original patents on the PC with IBM. You are not making sense Tank.
He worked with white people and he is half white.

Tell me of the great inventions out of Haiti
Black women are notorious for taking multiple showers and will wear shower caps to protect their weaves. You wouldn't know that because you are lying about working and live in a trailer park.
They tell me they don't take showers, they just put on body lotion for their rough ashy skin
Please explain how the Egyptians were able to build the pyramids if Blacks are inherently inferior in math and science.
Because they didn't or they would understand math and science today
Mark Dean owns 3 of the original patents on the PC with IBM. You are not making sense Tank.
He worked with white people and he is half white.

Tell me of the great inventions out of Haiti

They didn't what? Build the pyramids? My background is in engineering and I only have 4% European DNA in me. WTF is going on?

So you are saying that a person tainted by being half Black just magically gets hired to work around white people without any prior education? You should stop before you make yourself look too ignorant Tank. :lol:
Black women are notorious for taking multiple showers and will wear shower caps to protect their weaves. You wouldn't know that because you are lying about working and live in a trailer park.
They tell me they don't take showers, they just put on body lotion for their rough ashy skin

You dont talk to women so that can't be true Tank. Please give me an example I can believe. :lol:
I'm sure Dean is a smart guy, but that is very rare in the black race
I'm sure Dean is a smart guy, but that is very rare in the black race

Well which one is it? Are you confused as to what you are claiming? How can Mark Dean and myself be engineers in the IT field if we cant add or understand science? Would't that mean that the cause of low scores in math and science (even if thats true) be something else besides inherent intellect? Wouldn't that mean you logic is fatally flawed? Please explain yourself Tank. Please make some sense. :lol:
I thought I'd give an example of a successful Black business woman, a self-made , hard-working, determined lady who made it on her own.

Madam C. J. Walker (December 23, 1867 to May 25, 1919) was the first woman in the United States to become a millionaire by her own achievements, She was a Black entrepreneur and philanthropist who became rich making hair and beauty products for Black women. She started by selling her products door to door. Although her parents were slaves, she was able to build her business empire, the Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company, from scratch.

Madam C.J. Walker biography and accomplishments - 10 black women who?ve changed history: famous black women - wewomen
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I love this. An entire thread of "we aren't racist" USMB Republicans saying horrible things about black people. Honest Republicans may be disgusting creeps, but clearly they have some integrity for putting it all there for everyone to see.
Black Astronaut Michael P. Anderson


Black Astronaut Mae Jemison


David Steward Black Engineer of the year 2012



Should I keep going or is this enough for you Tank? Say when or uncle. I want to help you. I really do. :lol:
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It is whites who paved the way for all these black accomplishments
]America is where blacks are more successful then anywhere else in the world

And that's due to affirmative action. Without AA, all blacks would be on welfare. And even welfare in america isn't that bad thanks to the generosity of the white people that pay for it.

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