Blasts rock Iranian Embassy in Beirut; guess who's to blame?


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
At least 23 people killed, 146 injured in southern district of Lebanese capital. Iranian Embassy's cultural attaché among dead, Lebanese official says. Official news agency: One explosion caused by suicide bomber, second by car bomb

The Voice of Lebanon 93.3 radio station reported that the Iranian Embassy said it was not the target of the attack and that the Iranian ambassador was not hurt.

The Iranian ambassador pointed a finger at Israel in an interview to the al-Mayadeen network. "The Zionist regime and its agents are behind this terror attack," he said.

Blasts rock Iranian Embassy in Beirut - Israel News, Ynetnews


Rebels angry at Hezbollah, now see the results
This couldn't possibly be the work of sunni/salafi/wahabbi holy warriors™.

Nah. Blame the Jooooooos.

If you begin looking into just who gets involved with terror groups and who carries out suicide attacks, you will see that it is quite often not the disenfranchised and impoverished masses. It is usually intelligent young men from middle class (or higher) backgrounds, with college educations (often at western universities). They are devout Moslems who are well versed in many aspects of their faith. It's definitely not about money. It's about Islam and its doctrines of hate and derision.

When we begin to understand that we are dealing with a quasi-religious and angry, brutish political ideology that can take a wealthy and educated profligate like Osama bin Laden or Ahmed, or muhammud, or the other muhammud, or the other muhammud, etc., and turn him into the foot soldier for Allah, then we begin to understand the true nature of the islamist threat.
Tehran accused Israel of carrying out deadly double blasts on Tuesday outside the Islamic republic's embassy in Beirut that killed two Iranians, including a diplomat, according to media reports.

The bombings were "an inhuman crime and spiteful act done by Zionists and their mercenaries," foreign ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said in remarks carried by the official IRNA news agency.

Israel is Iran's main regional arch-foe whose existence Tehran does not recognise. The two do not see eye to eye over a number of issues, including Iran's disputed nuclear drive.

Afkham also confirmed that Iran's cultural attache Ibrahim Ansari, a mid-ranking Shiite cleric, was killed in the bombings.

In Tehran, state television and the Mehr and Fars news agencies said the second Iranian killed in the blasts was a security guard who had been manning the embassy's gate.

The powerful explosions just opposite the multi-storey embassy in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital killed at least 23 people, wounded almost 150 others and caused widespread damage.
Yahoo News UK & Ireland - Latest World News & UK News Headlines
At least 23 people killed, 146 injured in southern district of Lebanese capital. Iranian Embassy's cultural attaché among dead, Lebanese official says. Official news agency: One explosion caused by suicide bomber, second by car bomb

The Voice of Lebanon 93.3 radio station reported that the Iranian Embassy said it was not the target of the attack and that the Iranian ambassador was not hurt.

The Iranian ambassador pointed a finger at Israel in an interview to the al-Mayadeen network. "The Zionist regime and its agents are behind this terror attack," he said.

Blasts rock Iranian Embassy in Beirut - Israel News, Ynetnews


Rebels angry at Hezbollah, now see the results

This is just such wonderful news, simply fantastic. I hope the bombs they use get bigger and bigger, until the iranian fascist flag and embassy in lebanon are obliterated, along with every hezbollah piece of filth and their supporters.

Then hopefully, the fight will be taken right into syria and iran.
Let me explain-------it all started when some jerk named
ABU TALIB------faked a conversion to islam He was really a
MOSSAD AGENT-----but the RAPIST NABI ----believed him. --
Abu Talib had a son he named ELLIE-----but he told al rapist
nabi-----that the name is "ALI"------and told ali -------to

the rest is history
"It was a message, of course: the two bombs only metres from the Iranian embassy, the Iranian cultural attaché dead, the explosion heard across Beirut and all the vile detritus of the event; the leg under the broken balcony, the bits of teeth, the jaw with beard attached, the blood swamping the road...."

"Interestingly and rather oddly, the Iranian ambassador, Ghazanfar Rokanabadi, who confirmed the death of his cultural attaché, Sheikh Ibrahim al-Ansari – a diplomat who had only been in Lebanon for a month – blamed the 'Zionist regime' for the bombings, although he did not explain how Israel could be involved. There were rumours that Iranian embassy guards, most of whom are members of Hezbollah, were also killed."

Bomb blasts kill 23 in Beirut: Iranian Embassy is the target in a widening war between Shia and Sunni - Middle East - World - The Independent

Who is Robert Fisk, and what does he know about Lebanon?
At least 23 people killed, 146 injured in southern district of Lebanese capital. Iranian Embassy's cultural attaché among dead, Lebanese official says. Official news agency: One explosion caused by suicide bomber, second by car bomb

The Voice of Lebanon 93.3 radio station reported that the Iranian Embassy said it was not the target of the attack and that the Iranian ambassador was not hurt.

The Iranian ambassador pointed a finger at Israel in an interview to the al-Mayadeen network. "The Zionist regime and its agents are behind this terror attack," he said.

Blasts rock Iranian Embassy in Beirut - Israel News, Ynetnews


Rebels angry at Hezbollah, now see the results
LOL...when in doubt, always blame the Zionists. :lmao:
Tehran accused Israel of carrying out deadly double blasts on Tuesday outside the Islamic republic's embassy in Beirut that killed two Iranians, including a diplomat, according to media reports.

The bombings were "an inhuman crime and spiteful act done by Zionists and their mercenaries," foreign ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said in remarks carried by the official IRNA news agency.

Israel is Iran's main regional arch-foe whose existence Tehran does not recognise. The two do not see eye to eye over a number of issues, including Iran's disputed nuclear drive.

Afkham also confirmed that Iran's cultural attache Ibrahim Ansari, a mid-ranking Shiite cleric, was killed in the bombings.

In Tehran, state television and the Mehr and Fars news agencies said the second Iranian killed in the blasts was a security guard who had been manning the embassy's gate.

The powerful explosions just opposite the multi-storey embassy in the southern suburbs of the Lebanese capital killed at least 23 people, wounded almost 150 others and caused widespread damage.
Yahoo News UK & Ireland - Latest World News & UK News Headlines
Chos how does it feel for your Islamic baradar and khahar (brothers and sisters) being on the receiving end of all the terror they've been dishing out for decades. You know, this just the beginnings of a mjaor Sunni vs Shi'ite sectarian war that will occur all over the middle east. Thanks to your beloved Mullahs in Iran who started this whole mess.

My bet is on the Sunnis. You?
At least 23 people killed, 146 injured in southern district of Lebanese capital. Iranian Embassy's cultural attaché among dead, Lebanese official says. Official news agency: One explosion caused by suicide bomber, second by car bomb

The Voice of Lebanon 93.3 radio station reported that the Iranian Embassy said it was not the target of the attack and that the Iranian ambassador was not hurt.

The Iranian ambassador pointed a finger at Israel in an interview to the al-Mayadeen network. "The Zionist regime and its agents are behind this terror attack," he said.

Blasts rock Iranian Embassy in Beirut - Israel News, Ynetnews


Rebels angry at Hezbollah, now see the results
LOL...when in doubt, always blame the Zionists. :lmao:
And your new best friends...

"Israel and Saudia Arabia are secretly working together on plans for a possible attack against Iran in case the Geneva talks fail to roll back its nuclear program, British paper The Sunday Times reported.

"The two countries' shared concern has put them at odds with the United States as the latter continues to seek an agreement with Iran to ease economic sanctions in return for pulling back nuclear development.

"According to the diplomatic source quoted by the Times, Saudia Arabia has agreed to let Israel use its air space, and assist an Israeli attack by cooperating on the use of drones, rescue helicopters and tanker planes.

"Israel's Mossad intelligence agency is reportedly working with Saudi officials to make arrangements following the signing of a nuclear deal in Geneva."

Sunday Times: Israel, Saudi Arabia cooperating to plan possible Iran attack - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
At least 23 people killed, 146 injured in southern district of Lebanese capital. Iranian Embassy's cultural attaché among dead, Lebanese official says. Official news agency: One explosion caused by suicide bomber, second by car bomb

The Voice of Lebanon 93.3 radio station reported that the Iranian Embassy said it was not the target of the attack and that the Iranian ambassador was not hurt.

The Iranian ambassador pointed a finger at Israel in an interview to the al-Mayadeen network. "The Zionist regime and its agents are behind this terror attack," he said.

Blasts rock Iranian Embassy in Beirut - Israel News, Ynetnews


Rebels angry at Hezbollah, now see the results
LOL...when in doubt, always blame the Zionists. :lmao:

Speaking as a Protestant. Jews are fun and Muslims are dull. Why do you suppose that is? Could it have anything to do with Jews enjoying their religion?



"All was quiet on that fateful morning of October 23, 1983 in Beirut Lebanon. That silence shattered at 6:22 AM, when a lone terrorist driving a Mercedes Benz water truck loaded with the military explosive PETN (the equivalent of 12,000 pounds of TNT), accelerated through the public parking lot south of the building and crashed through a barbed wire and concertina fence.

"The truck passed through two guard posts without being engaged by fire, went around one sewer pipe obstacle, smashed through the Sergeant of the Guard’s booth, breached the building, and detonated.

"It is believed to be the largest man-made, non-nuclear explosion in history. As the smoke and debris cleared, all that remained of the four story Marine Battalion Landing Team Headquarters was a thirty nine foot crater and the lifeless bodies of 241 brave American servicemen."

On The 30th Anniversary Of The Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing, The Victims' Families Are Close To Receiving $1.9 Billion - Forbes

If US lives are lost in Lebanon tomorrow as they were thirty years ago, Obama will have his "(blood) red line" in Syria, and Wall Street will have another war.
Works for me!

Speaking as a Protestant. Jews are fun and Muslims are dull. Why do you suppose that is? Could it have anything to do with Jews enjoying their religion?



Works for me!

Speaking as a Protestant. Jews are fun and Muslims are dull. Why do you suppose that is? Could it have anything to do with Jews enjoying their religion?



"According to the United Nations, the (Syrian) death toll surpassed 100,000 in June 2013, and reached 120,000 by September 2013."

Your solution is to kill a few more?

Syrian civil war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beachboy is not killing anyone in Syria------Syrians are killing each other in Syria.
Some muslims from outside of syria did join the fight.

The fact that the same people who scream "ATROCITY" when Israel returns fire----
whilst being bombed by Gaza and Lebanon-----are ignoring the huge human tragedy
in Syria-----underscores that you and your colleagues are single minded in your
Works for me!

Speaking as a Protestant. Jews are fun and Muslims are dull. Why do you suppose that is? Could it have anything to do with Jews enjoying their religion?



"According to the United Nations, the (Syrian) death toll surpassed 100,000 in June 2013, and reached 120,000 by September 2013."

Your solution is to kill a few more?

Syrian civil war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Beachboy is not killing anyone in Syria------Syrians are killing each other in Syria.
Some muslims from outside of syria did join the fight.

The fact that the same people who scream "ATROCITY" when Israel returns fire----
whilst being bombed by Gaza and Lebanon-----are ignoring the huge human tragedy
in Syria-----underscores that you and your colleagues are single minded in your
650,000 Jews opened fire first in 1948 when they inflicted their nation upon 1.2 million Arabs, driving hundreds of thousands of refugees into Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. Syrians are being killed today by the same forces that maimed, murdered, and displaced millions of Iraqis and Libyans.

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia,Sudan and finishing off Iran.'"

I suspect that you and your fellow travelers will celebrate wildly when millions of Persians are finished off by baby killing corporate whores like Bibi, Clinton, and Obama.

Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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