Blizter revoking Clapper security clearance is a national security threat


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer contended Monday night that if President Trump revokes the clearance of CNN national security analyst James Clapper it would constitute a “potential national security threat.”

Blitzer: Revoking Clapper Security Clearance Is A ‘National Security Threat’

CNN as if they are anybody to listen to, s if they are even important enough to be a news source. These are your biggest, biggest liars of MSM and everyone knows it now. Nothing makes them more pissed off than for Trump to do what he has to do for security clearances the left can't stand it.
Well, Clapper is a scumbag liar.
He and his cohorts are threat to our democracy.
CNN is pure left wing tripe.

First, the troller-in-chief may or may not be serious. But since this manchild and Erdogan wannabe is president we must presume that what he says or writes, is what he intends to do. Wolf is right. Those defending our national security should be able to talk to their predecessors without worry about security clearances, which has been the case for the past 50 years.

I realize of course Trumplicans live in a different reality, i.e. the rule of law is subservient to the rule of a single man.
He's obviously lying. Watch the shaking and scratching. Classic "tells" that he's lying his ass off. Nervous as shit.

The last I checked, we have more than enough people with a national security clearance to keep this nation safe.
Trump and Jared are the ones who don't need security clearance, I hope the nuke button is well protected.

The filthy Swamp Creatures have been exposed and they are lashing out.
The Dirty Democrats are turning America into a third world banana republic.
The worst thing about FBIgate is that the Press is protecting the Coup Leaders.
Drain the Swamp, save our country.

Trump and Jared are the ones who don't need security clearance, I hope the nuke button is well protected.
Agreed, how the hell did a compromised individual like Trump get a security clearance anyway? I wouldn't trust that guy with the code to access to a vending machine much less our nuclear arsenal. I wonder how much he gave away to Putin, his mentor?
Trump and Jared are the ones who don't need security clearance, I hope the nuke button is well protected.
Agreed, how the hell did a compromised individual like Trump get a security clearance anyway? I wouldn't trust that guy with the code to access a vending machine much less our nuclear arsenal. I wonder how much he gave away to Putin, his mentor?

Trump is right.
Obama corrupted our intelligence agencies.
The Democrats are a threat to our democracy.
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer contended Monday night that if President Trump revokes the clearance of CNN national security analyst James Clapper it would constitute a “potential national security threat.”

Blitzer: Revoking Clapper Security Clearance Is A ‘National Security Threat’

CNN as if they are anybody to listen to, s if they are even important enough to be a news source. These are your biggest, biggest liars of MSM and everyone knows it now. Nothing makes them more pissed off than for Trump to do what he has to do for security clearances the left can't stand it.
I've heard Clapper a bunch of times on CNN and I have never heard him relying on information from anywhere but public news sources that we all know about.
Trump is throwing a tantie.
Trump and Jared are the ones who don't need security clearance, I hope the nuke button is well protected.
Agreed, how the hell did a compromised individual like Trump get a security clearance anyway? I wouldn't trust that guy with the code to access a vending machine much less our nuclear arsenal. I wonder how much he gave away to Putin, his mentor?

Trump is right.
Obama corrupted our intelligence agencies.
The Democrats are a threat to our democracy.
Trump is never right.
Trump and Jared are the ones who don't need security clearance, I hope the nuke button is well protected.
Agreed, how the hell did a compromised individual like Trump get a security clearance anyway? I wouldn't trust that guy with the code to access a vending machine much less our nuclear arsenal. I wonder how much he gave away to Putin, his mentor?

Trump is right.
Obama corrupted our intelligence agencies.
The Democrats are a threat to our democracy.
Trump is never right.

Clapper makes a normal person's skin crawl.
After his security clearance is revoked he should be put on trial for sedition.

Trump and Jared are the ones who don't need security clearance, I hope the nuke button is well protected.
Since the creation of the nuclear weapons, all presidents since, have their finger on the button, so-to-speak. However, contrary to the movies, there isn't literally a button for a president to push. The president, vice-president and others have codes that have to be given/entered before a launch is made and the president has to rely on his/her Secretary-of-Defense and Joint-Chiefs-of-Staff for their advice and concurrence. A launch cannot be made by the president alone.
Frankly, the most likely source for the start of a war would be none other than your rabid, ranting lefty-loony party that is advising the left to utilize all means necessary to overthrow the current government and that would be a civil war, not a nuke war.

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