BLM and Antifa Acountability


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
BLM, antifa, and lefties have repeatedly risen up against police, who are part of the government. Should lefties be excused for assaulting, murdering, fire bombing, and attacking this part of government because they don't agree with them, or should lefties be held accountable for these armed and violent uprisings and revolts against the civil authority? What do we call these revolts against civil authority?
From defund the police to supporting criminals, to open borders, to Russia First policies. Democrats are not patriots.

From defund the police to supporting criminals, to open borders, to Russia First policies. Democrats are not patriots.

View attachment 495016

I got a kick out of the photos & words of those four "ladies."

They are all well protected from the people for whom their hearts bleed so profusely.
When Portland lefties barricaded the door and set fire to ICE building with federal agents inside, they said "Burn the precinct to the ground!" Should lefties be held accountable for this instance of open revolt against civil authority?
After the Portland lefties barricaded the door and set fire to ICE building with federal agents inside, the mob chanted: 'Every city, every town, burn the precinct to the ground!'

Is there some reason why lefties don't want to talk about lefties revolting against civil authority? Do you guys not want to see groups of people who are violently revolting against the government be held accountable?
Lol, what happened to all the lefties? Don't you guys love to talk about violent uprisings against the government? What is a violent revolt against civil authority called? Isn't it a word that you can't stop saying?
The groups that caused these riots should be held accountable for the actions of their followers.

Politicians who encouraged these groups that caused the destruction should also be held responsible.

I mean they are trying to hold trump responsible for the people who ran up on the capitol building saying he encouraged them to do it, even those he never specifically said so. Yet groups burn, destroy, terrorize and riot do it while politicians publicly encourage them to do it very specifically have nothing happen to them.

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