BLM. Do they? Show me the proof they do.

So how many whites would have to commit similar crimes to prove that white lives don’t matter either?
Seeing as how blacks make up 12 percent of the population but account for 50 percent of the Murders and 30 percent of all other violent crime You may need to stop pretending they are equivalent.

Yeah, blacks being equal to you drives you crazy.
Not even close to what I said race baiter.

“stop pretending they are equivalent.”
Very close to what he said, isn't it?
when whites commit on par as much per capita murder and other serious violent crimes I will stop pointing out that blacks per capita commit 3 times as much crime as whites do.

And you wonder why blacks vote 90+ percent for democrats?
They do that because democrats bought their votes with welfare and free shit. Meanwhile almost every major city with MASSIVE black crime rates are run by Democrats that don't give a fuck about black on black crime INCLUDING black Politicians in those cities.

Gee, there are governors in 30+ states that are republicans where those cities are.

Are they doing anything about it?
So you think a Governor runs a city? What school did you attend that taught you that? As I recall you all had a SHIT fit when the Governor took over Detroit I think it was?


But they do have some responsibility as to what goes on in their states; do they not?
They have ZERO authority in cities unless the State Legislature passes a law allowing the Governor to take over and appoint an Interim Manager as was done in Detroit and like I said you retards had a crying fit over that.
Night after night after night the local news is DOMINATED by black criminals.
Sexual assaults
Child predators

It never stops. If their lives are valued then why don't they act like it?
It becomes incredibly hard to have any sympathy for the black community when they do nothing to stop this madness. Snitches get stitches ya know.....

THAT is why the black community is living in squalor. They are too terrified of their own neighbors to do what needs to be done. And God forbid anyone else bring attention to the terrible crime wave that plagues the black community. At that point your version of "stitches" is the label RACIST.

And all of those above crimes listed were here in KC in the last week alone.

I also heard Chicago had 102 shootings over the 4th of July holiday week.
102 shot, 15 fatally, in Chicago over 2017 July 4 weekend
This shit has to stop. How is it that a city inside the United States is apparently more dangerous that the places our soldiers are serving?

So I'll ask again, where is the proof that BLACK LIVES MATTER?

If you thought they mattered you would be trying to shine a light on this cultural genocide to incentivize change rather than rushing into this thread to call me names.

Put your money/actions where your mouth is.

One idea to solve this problem in the US and in Central America. Community policing: Begin within the local communities to create an outreach program to recruit, train and then employ members of that community. We could call it Affirmative Action.
So how many whites would have to commit similar crimes to prove that white lives don’t matter either?
Seeing as how blacks make up 12 percent of the population but account for 50 percent of the Murders and 30 percent of all other violent crime You may need to stop pretending they are equivalent.

Yeah, blacks being equal to you drives you crazy.
Not even close to what I said race baiter.

“stop pretending they are equivalent.”
Very close to what he said, isn't it?

Yes. But upon reflection, I get his objection. He should have phrased it better. On a thread that singles out a race of people unfairly such as this one and asks "do their lives matter"'s already in crazy koo-koo land and you just look for the bizarro rationale behind such idiocy.
And you wonder why blacks vote 90+ percent for democrats?
They do that because democrats bought their votes with welfare and free shit. Meanwhile almost every major city with MASSIVE black crime rates are run by Democrats that don't give a fuck about black on black crime INCLUDING black Politicians in those cities.

Gee, there are governors in 30+ states that are republicans where those cities are.

Are they doing anything about it?
So you think a Governor runs a city? What school did you attend that taught you that? As I recall you all had a SHIT fit when the Governor took over Detroit I think it was?


But they do have some responsibility as to what goes on in their states; do they not?
They have ZERO authority in cities unless the State Legislature passes a law allowing the Governor to take over and appoint an Interim Manager as was done in Detroit and like I said you retards had a crying fit over that.

They should run on that platform..."We want to be your governor"*

*as long as you don't live in a city.

It's really quite impressive how much bullshit you fit into one post.
They do that because democrats bought their votes with welfare and free shit. Meanwhile almost every major city with MASSIVE black crime rates are run by Democrats that don't give a fuck about black on black crime INCLUDING black Politicians in those cities.

Gee, there are governors in 30+ states that are republicans where those cities are.

Are they doing anything about it?
So you think a Governor runs a city? What school did you attend that taught you that? As I recall you all had a SHIT fit when the Governor took over Detroit I think it was?


But they do have some responsibility as to what goes on in their states; do they not?
They have ZERO authority in cities unless the State Legislature passes a law allowing the Governor to take over and appoint an Interim Manager as was done in Detroit and like I said you retards had a crying fit over that.

They should run on that platform..."We want to be your governor"*

*as long as you don't live in a city.

It's really quite impressive how much bullshit you fit into one post.
Look STUPID the Governor runs the State and has no authority in the cities which are run by local authorities. Perhaps if you had not failed High school you would know this?
So how many whites would have to commit similar crimes to prove that white lives don’t matter either?

As many as the black thugs in democrat controlled voting could start there....
Gee, there are governors in 30+ states that are republicans where those cities are.

Are they doing anything about it?
So you think a Governor runs a city? What school did you attend that taught you that? As I recall you all had a SHIT fit when the Governor took over Detroit I think it was?


But they do have some responsibility as to what goes on in their states; do they not?
They have ZERO authority in cities unless the State Legislature passes a law allowing the Governor to take over and appoint an Interim Manager as was done in Detroit and like I said you retards had a crying fit over that.

They should run on that platform..."We want to be your governor"*

*as long as you don't live in a city.

It's really quite impressive how much bullshit you fit into one post.
Look STUPID the Governor runs the State and has no authority in the cities which are run by local authorities. Perhaps if you had not failed High school you would know this?

Don't know what is more disturbing; that you said it or that you might actually believe it.
They can't help it. It's in their DNA to be violent, obnoxious, full of hate.
It's Africa In America

In Some Cities
Like Chicago And St. Louis
Black Violence Is Over 80% Of The City's Crime

Remove Just One Crime Demographic
And America Becomes As Safe As Switzerland....

To Gramps In The OP:
I Hope You Don't Live Smack In The Middle Of That
...We Moved North Of The River
So how many whites would have to commit similar crimes to prove that white lives don’t matter either?
How About The Same % Per Their Demographic ??
Calculate What That Number Would Be For Us
...Since You Brought It Up

How Many Times Are You Going To Ignore
Blacks At 13% Of The Population = 60% Of Violent Crime
That's Why Race Is No Longer Given In 'Description of the Suspect'
Because That Is What We Would Continually Hear
And Wouldn't Be Able To Deflect, Or Outright Ignore Our Problem

Col. Allen West Has Said
10 Million Blacks Are Missing From Our Population
That's The Black Self-Holocaust
Last edited:
So how many whites would have to commit similar crimes to prove that white lives don’t matter either?
How About The Same % Per Their Demographic ??
Calculate What That Number Would Be For Us
...Since You Brought It Up

How Many Times Are You Going To Ignore
Blacks At 13% Of The Population = 60% Of Violent Crime
That's Why Race Is No Longer Given In 'Description of the Suspect'
Because That Is What We Would Continually Hear
And Wouldn't Be Able To Deflect, Or Outright Ignore Our Problem

Col. Allen West Has Said
10 Million Blacks Are Missing From Our Population
That's The Black Self-Holocaust

The idiocy of the thread is the point....
candycorn said:
The idiocy of the thread is the point....
Says Who ??

Col. Allen West Has Said
10 Million Blacks Are Missing From Our Population

Your Thoughts On That ??
And fucking furthermore for the naysayers....

Blacks that busted ass to get out of the environment and mindset..are turned on BY OTHER BLACKS and called Uncle Toms. Its a no win for them cuz..drumroll..its in their DNA.
blacks commit:
murder at over FOUR times the rate of whites
sexual assault at over 2 times the rate
hate crimes over 2 times the rate
crime at higher rates--- graduate at lower rates
...OBVIOUSLY the whites are superior at not committing crime and at graduating
..OBVIOUSLY [ except to racist ] the blacks have a much bigger problem with crime
....before 2008, the DOJ stated that black youth committed crime way out of proportion to their numbers [they can't say the truth anymore--not politically correct ]
The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than whites
According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in the year 2008 black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws and drunkenness
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
I've linked all of this many times on USMB
Twin girls, from a single parent home, who went to law school, and became Judges.

Twin judges in Jefferson County are identical in values, beliefs and purpose

Shall I continue? Any person, regardless of race, has the capability to be anything within their ability. Not everyone can be a race car driver. Not everyone can be an astronaut. But being the jackass you are, you see the color first, and the person not at all.

Do you like your computer? It wouldn’t allow you to get your White Supremacy information if not for the inventions of several Black inventors.

14 Black Inventors You Probably Didn’t Know About –

So tell me what you have done in your life? Besides maintain the illusion that you are somehow superior to anyone else because of the pigment of your skin? Because I hate to tell you this, but you are actually inferior in pretty much every single category. Including intelligence if you are stupid enough to believe the crap you spout.

THOSE black lives DO matter.

The ones wasted in ghettos - apparently - not so much.

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