BLM. Do they? Show me the proof they do.

So how many whites would have to commit similar crimes to prove that white lives don’t matter either?
Seeing as how blacks make up 12 percent of the population but account for 50 percent of the Murders and 30 percent of all other violent crime You may need to stop pretending they are equivalent.

Yeah, blacks being equal to you drives you crazy.
Not even close to what I said race baiter.

“stop pretending they are equivalent.”
It is a FACT that when comparing crimes committed that whites commit per capita MUCH less then blacks as was the point of the op. That you pretend that is not true just shows how brain washed you are and yes you are race baiting when you try to make the statement about anything else.

So now we’re back to numbers…

so that brings back the question…

So how many whites would have to commit similar crimes to prove that white lives don’t matter either?
Seeing as how blacks make up 12 percent of the population but account for 50 percent of the Murders and 30 percent of all other violent crime You may need to stop pretending they are equivalent.

Yeah, blacks being equal to you drives you crazy.
Not even close to what I said race baiter.

“stop pretending they are equivalent.”
This is why I leave you on ignore. You know damn well what he ment but are incapable of being forthright or honest about it.

The ignore filter must not be working….

I asked you how many white crimes of the same sort would it take to raise the question of whether white lives matter?
Whites commit all of the crimes you listed….
Somehow though, your “question" is just about blacks…
It is about a runaway crime problem that is UNIQUE to the black population. And the fact that Blacks in General do NOT do anything about and do not EVER mention it.
Seeing as how blacks make up 12 percent of the population but account for 50 percent of the Murders and 30 percent of all other violent crime You may need to stop pretending they are equivalent.

Yeah, blacks being equal to you drives you crazy.
Not even close to what I said race baiter.

“stop pretending they are equivalent.”
It is a FACT that when comparing crimes committed that whites commit per capita MUCH less then blacks as was the point of the op. That you pretend that is not true just shows how brain washed you are and yes you are race baiting when you try to make the statement about anything else.

So now we’re back to numbers…

so that brings back the question…

So how many whites would have to commit similar crimes to prove that white lives don’t matter either?
70 percent of the population is white, when they commit almost 3 times as much crime as their number are of population we can talk.
Night after night after night the local news is DOMINATED by black criminals.
Sexual assaults
Child predators

It never stops. If their lives are valued then why don't they act like it?
It becomes incredibly hard to have any sympathy for the black community when they do nothing to stop this madness. Snitches get stitches ya know.....

THAT is why the black community is living in squalor. They are too terrified of their own neighbors to do what needs to be done. And God forbid anyone else bring attention to the terrible crime wave that plagues the black community. At that point your version of "stitches" is the label RACIST.

And all of those above crimes listed were here in KC in the last week alone.

I also heard Chicago had 102 shootings over the 4th of July holiday week.
102 shot, 15 fatally, in Chicago over 2017 July 4 weekend
This shit has to stop. How is it that a city inside the United States is apparently more dangerous that the places our soldiers are serving?

So I'll ask again, where is the proof that BLACK LIVES MATTER?

If you thought they mattered you would be trying to shine a light on this cultural genocide to incentivize change rather than rushing into this thread to call me names.

Put your money/actions where your mouth is.

Chicago. Chicago. Chicago.
Night after night after night the local news is DOMINATED by black criminals.
Sexual assaults
Child predators

It never stops. If their lives are valued then why don't they act like it?
It becomes incredibly hard to have any sympathy for the black community when they do nothing to stop this madness. Snitches get stitches ya know.....

THAT is why the black community is living in squalor. They are too terrified of their own neighbors to do what needs to be done. And God forbid anyone else bring attention to the terrible crime wave that plagues the black community. At that point your version of "stitches" is the label RACIST.

And all of those above crimes listed were here in KC in the last week alone.

I also heard Chicago had 102 shootings over the 4th of July holiday week.
102 shot, 15 fatally, in Chicago over 2017 July 4 weekend
This shit has to stop. How is it that a city inside the United States is apparently more dangerous that the places our soldiers are serving?

So I'll ask again, where is the proof that BLACK LIVES MATTER?

If you thought they mattered you would be trying to shine a light on this cultural genocide to incentivize change rather than rushing into this thread to call me names.

Put your money/actions where your mouth is.

Chicago. Chicago. Chicago.
Do you DENY that black crime is an epidemic in Chicago?
Night after night after night the local news is DOMINATED by black criminals.
Sexual assaults
Child predators

It never stops. If their lives are valued then why don't they act like it?
It becomes incredibly hard to have any sympathy for the black community when they do nothing to stop this madness. Snitches get stitches ya know.....

THAT is why the black community is living in squalor. They are too terrified of their own neighbors to do what needs to be done. And God forbid anyone else bring attention to the terrible crime wave that plagues the black community. At that point your version of "stitches" is the label RACIST.

And all of those above crimes listed were here in KC in the last week alone.

I also heard Chicago had 102 shootings over the 4th of July holiday week.
102 shot, 15 fatally, in Chicago over 2017 July 4 weekend
This shit has to stop. How is it that a city inside the United States is apparently more dangerous that the places our soldiers are serving?

So I'll ask again, where is the proof that BLACK LIVES MATTER?

If you thought they mattered you would be trying to shine a light on this cultural genocide to incentivize change rather than rushing into this thread to call me names.

Put your money/actions where your mouth is.

You're painting with far too broad a brush. Inner city bombed out urban hell is one thing. Nevertheless many majority black neighborhoods are composed of law abiding, hard working citizens who obey community curfews and invite their neighbors--even those of other skin tones--to cookouts and pool parties. While a point could be made for prevalence of drug and gang related crime in known neighborhoods in many cities that have fallen to violence, blaming every person of a given skin tone is ignorant and demonstrative of an absolutistic intolerance, when what America needs now more than ever is unity.

All American lives matter.
...I know it's against the law to shoot someone except for self-defense/etc
...but I really want to know, why you would be upset if they shot these BASTARDS [ criminals ] --in the back, in the face, anywhere ????? I don't care if they are armed or not--if they were shot dead I would be GLAD!!!!!
why do you get so upset when criminals get shot dead??
but not when innocent kids get shot??

The whites that stood around with their thumbs up their asses bear some responsibility as well. They could have stopped it.
Twin girls, from a single parent home, who went to law school, and became Judges.

Twin judges in Jefferson County are identical in values, beliefs and purpose

Shall I continue? Any person, regardless of race, has the capability to be anything within their ability. Not everyone can be a race car driver. Not everyone can be an astronaut. But being the jackass you are, you see the color first, and the person not at all.

Do you like your computer? It wouldn’t allow you to get your White Supremacy information if not for the inventions of several Black inventors.

14 Black Inventors You Probably Didn’t Know About –

So tell me what you have done in your life? Besides maintain the illusion that you are somehow superior to anyone else because of the pigment of your skin? Because I hate to tell you this, but you are actually inferior in pretty much every single category. Including intelligence if you are stupid enough to believe the crap you spout.

So are Asian Indians and Han Chinese white supremacists for having some very negative views of blacks also?

All around the globe, even in Africa, American blacks are held with contempt that is unwarranted and based on misleading coverage by our media.

American blacks are good Christian people who are being exploited by the Democratic Party whom they have made the mistake of trusting.
Night after night after night the local news is DOMINATED by black criminals.
Sexual assaults
Child predators

It never stops. If their lives are valued then why don't they act like it?
It becomes incredibly hard to have any sympathy for the black community when they do nothing to stop this madness. Snitches get stitches ya know.....

THAT is why the black community is living in squalor. They are too terrified of their own neighbors to do what needs to be done. And God forbid anyone else bring attention to the terrible crime wave that plagues the black community. At that point your version of "stitches" is the label RACIST.

And all of those above crimes listed were here in KC in the last week alone.

I also heard Chicago had 102 shootings over the 4th of July holiday week.
102 shot, 15 fatally, in Chicago over 2017 July 4 weekend
This shit has to stop. How is it that a city inside the United States is apparently more dangerous that the places our soldiers are serving?

So I'll ask again, where is the proof that BLACK LIVES MATTER?

If you thought they mattered you would be trying to shine a light on this cultural genocide to incentivize change rather than rushing into this thread to call me names.

Put your money/actions where your mouth is.

Chicago. Chicago. Chicago.
Do you DENY that black crime is an epidemic in Chicago?

Yes. Idiot.
So how many whites would have to commit similar crimes to prove that white lives don’t matter either?
If say multiply white crime by 10 to 50 and you'd have an equivalent crime rate.

Violent crime overall remained near 30-year lows last year, even as Americans' concern about crime hit a 15-year high in March, and 7 in 10 Americans last year said crime was rising. Unrest ignited by fatal police shootings in Charlotte, North Carolina; Cleveland; and Ferguson, Missouri, have fueled fears that the Bronx could soon be burning. Yet rebutting Black Lives Matter is the common refrain: "What about black-on-black crime?"

Homicides have been on the rise since the start of 2015, but that increase has largely been driven by street violence in Chicago, Baltimore and the nation's capital. Still, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has effectively played on Americans' perception of crime – itself buttressed by daily crime coverage in the news – declaring that blacks were responsible for 81 percent of the killings of white Americans, that "African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they've ever been in before," and that "inner-city crime is reaching record levels."

All three claims earned "Pants on Fire" ratings from PolitiFact.

The FBI's annual Crime in the United States analysis released this week helps clarify some of the perceptions, cataloguing violent crimes and property crimes in 2015 and offering at least some insight into the demographics of who is killing and who is being killed in America.

The most detailed racial data have limits: They are confined to cases in which one person was killed and one person did the killing, eliminating about 17 percent of homicides. Also, police have to know and provide the backgrounds of not only the victims but the perpetrators, too – meaning that thousands of cases left unsolved and with no description of the person who committed the crimes are discounted. In total, about 61 percent of the 15,696 homicides committed in 2015 are excluded.

Nonetheless, here is what the figures tell us...

The statistics show that the 500 killings of white people attributed to blacks last year were the most since black perpetrators were determined to be responsible for the homicides of 504 white people nationwide in 2008. Last year's total was up 12 percent from the 446 recorded in 2014 and 22 percent from the 409 seen in 2013, a year that saw the lowest total this century and one that capped seven years of general declines in black-on-white homicides. Prior to that, 2006 saw the most black-on-white killings since 2001, with 573.

The 229 black lives taken by white killers last year, however, marked an even larger leap from 2014, jumping more than 22 percent from the 187 black victims killed by whites that year, which was the second-lowest total since 2001. The tally was last exceeded in 2008, when 230 blacks were slain by whites. The highest total in the last 15 years came in 2007, when 245 black people were killed by whites.
confirmation, read the title of the thread.

Do “black” lives matter…as if there is a question.

All lives matter.
No. They don't. Many people have forfeited the right to live among civilized Man, and I'm not even talking about race, but BEHAVIOUR.
Ni. They don't. Many people have forfeited the right to live among civilized Man, and I'm not even talking about race, but BEHAVIOUR.

That is why we have prisons, no?
I guess, but I'm not a fan of prisons. They are destructive institutions.

Capital crimes deserve death. Most other crimes should be paid by the guilty paying his/her debt to the victim. Indentured servitude would change everything in our culture for the better.
They can't help it. It's in their DNA to be violent, obnoxious, full of hate.

BS. So sick of you kkk, nazi, fascists.

I thought all lives matter.

Until blacks significantly eliminate all crime in their communities, their lives don't matter -- they are less than human in fact.

That's not racist because I have stats and stuff -- blacks are inferior and BLM is the worst terrorist group in US history.

but like I said, its not racist to say this -- blacks need to leave the liberal plantation and join the conservative movement -- we still will think you are inferior, but your votes would be welcome.
Yeah, blacks being equal to you drives you crazy.
Not even close to what I said race baiter.

“stop pretending they are equivalent.”
It is a FACT that when comparing crimes committed that whites commit per capita MUCH less then blacks as was the point of the op. That you pretend that is not true just shows how brain washed you are and yes you are race baiting when you try to make the statement about anything else.

So now we’re back to numbers…

so that brings back the question…

So how many whites would have to commit similar crimes to prove that white lives don’t matter either?
70 percent of the population is white, when they commit almost 3 times as much crime as their number are of population we can talk.

So whites would have to kill 3X the number they do now before you wonder if a white life matters? Curious.
Night after night after night the local news is DOMINATED by black criminals.
Sexual assaults
Child predators

It never stops. If their lives are valued then why don't they act like it?
It becomes incredibly hard to have any sympathy for the black community when they do nothing to stop this madness. Snitches get stitches ya know.....

THAT is why the black community is living in squalor. They are too terrified of their own neighbors to do what needs to be done. And God forbid anyone else bring attention to the terrible crime wave that plagues the black community. At that point your version of "stitches" is the label RACIST.

And all of those above crimes listed were here in KC in the last week alone.

I also heard Chicago had 102 shootings over the 4th of July holiday week.
102 shot, 15 fatally, in Chicago over 2017 July 4 weekend
This shit has to stop. How is it that a city inside the United States is apparently more dangerous that the places our soldiers are serving?

So I'll ask again, where is the proof that BLACK LIVES MATTER?

If you thought they mattered you would be trying to shine a light on this cultural genocide to incentivize change rather than rushing into this thread to call me names.

Put your money/actions where your mouth is.

Chicago. Chicago. Chicago.
Do you DENY that black crime is an epidemic in Chicago?

Yes. Idiot.
AMAZINGLY stupid and willing to broadcast it.

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