BLM response to Dallas shootings

I'm still trying to figure out why white and Jewish liberals are making jackasses out of themselves spewing the rhetoric of a theology that hates them.
I think you are confused, here. You keep talking about a theology, while what I think you mean is an ideology. That was why I was having a hard time understanding you. BLA was not a religious organization. They didn't have a theology. They were a political organisation. They did have an ideology. There is a difference.
I'm still trying to figure out why white and Jewish liberals are making jackasses out of themselves spewing the rhetoric of a theology that hates them.
I think you are confused, here. You keep talking about a theology, while what I think you mean is an ideology. That was why I was having a hard time understanding you. BLA was not a religious organization. They didn't have a theology. They were a political organisation. They did have an ideology. There is a difference.
No. I am not the one confused.

The Marxist Roots of Black Liberation Theology
Feel free to fuck off. I asked, repeatedly, for a source to this fictional BLA theology to which you keep referring, and all you give me is a nonsense YouTube video. The only idiot child here is you.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Black Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps if you had attended school more you'd know more about the history of the various black movements.

You instead seem more interested in demanding higher wages, as exhibited in some of the various threads you've created, and respect for your lack of knowledge.



Oh for Fuck's sake! Black Liberation Army wasn't a religion! It was a fucking protest organization! No wonder I didn't know what the fuck Bluegin was talking about! I thought he was talking about some religious organization, or religious position!

See link under the organizations " Theology"

We really can't keep spoon feeding your dumb ass.

There was no such heading, because the organization was not a religious one, but a social one. Further, there was documented evidence of direct links to violence, and specific members of the BLA. Where are those links for BLM? Until you can demonstrate that, the analogy is flawed, at best. The only similarity is that they were both founded by black people, and they both had, as their primary goal, the betterment of blacks in America. The actual, demonstrable similarities end there.

Who is the founder of the BLA?

Who's propaganda does BLM make rally goers repeat at protests?

Who's picture is on the shirts they wear?

Coincidence? I think not.

The BLA was founded by Eldridge Cleaver.

I have not saeen any BLM tee shirts with a person depicted on them.

Organizations often incorporate the slogans of other organisations. The is hardly proof that they engage in the same kind of activities.

It's not "coincidence". It is observational bias. You expect BLM to be no different than the BLA, so all you see is evidence to support your expectation, while ignoring, or dismissing any evidence that does not fit your pre-conceived notions.
Seems very measured and dignified to me. Obviously the frothers will ignore this because it doesnt fit with their simplistic narrative.

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respectBlack Lives Matter

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family, and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Well, my welsh brother, the black lives matter movement is admirable but misdirected. All the black lives taken by other blacks in this country seems to be taboo. Seems rather self defeating to me to ignore that , and the focus on a few bad police shootings won't stem the tide . Remember Don Quixote? Tilting at windmills? That's what the BLM reminds me of, sadly.
Somehow, it seems equating black-on-black violence with cop-on-black violence is not really comparing apples to apples. There is a huge power inequality between cop and citizen. Cop is supposed to be there to protect and serve, has the best training and usually the best weapons, the better protection. He is backed up and supported by authority, by the powers that be. In a he-said she-said situation, his word will win. And BLM tends to focus on situations where Joe Citizen is unarmed. A huge power disparity all around. Joe Thug goes gunning for John Thug, they are both free to be carrying the illegal arms of their choice. Equal. Cops v. blacks--not so much.
I'm still trying to figure out why white and Jewish liberals are making jackasses out of themselves spewing the rhetoric of a theology that hates them.
I think you are confused, here. You keep talking about a theology, while what I think you mean is an ideology. That was why I was having a hard time understanding you. BLA was not a religious organization. They didn't have a theology. They were a political organisation. They did have an ideology. There is a difference.
No. I am not the one confused.

The Marxist Roots of Black Liberation Theology
Again, calling an ideology a theology doesn't make it one. Just because there are other conservative extremists who share your misunderstanding of the two words, doesn't make it any less a misunderstanding.

A theology is the the study of the nature of God. What you are referring to is a system of ideas and ideals, which is an ideology.

Black Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps if you had attended school more you'd know more about the history of the various black movements.

You instead seem more interested in demanding higher wages, as exhibited in some of the various threads you've created, and respect for your lack of knowledge.



Oh for Fuck's sake! Black Liberation Army wasn't a religion! It was a fucking protest organization! No wonder I didn't know what the fuck Bluegin was talking about! I thought he was talking about some religious organization, or religious position!

See link under the organizations " Theology"

We really can't keep spoon feeding your dumb ass.

There was no such heading, because the organization was not a religious one, but a social one. Further, there was documented evidence of direct links to violence, and specific members of the BLA. Where are those links for BLM? Until you can demonstrate that, the analogy is flawed, at best. The only similarity is that they were both founded by black people, and they both had, as their primary goal, the betterment of blacks in America. The actual, demonstrable similarities end there.

Who is the founder of the BLA?

Who's propaganda does BLM make rally goers repeat at protests?

Who's picture is on the shirts they wear?

Coincidence? I think not.

The BLA was founded by Eldridge Cleaver.

I have not saeen any BLM tee shirts with a person depicted on them.

Organizations often incorporate the slogans of other organisations. The is hardly proof that they engage in the same kind of activities.

It's not "coincidence". It is observational bias. You expect BLM to be no different than the BLA, so all you see is evidence to support your expectation, while ignoring, or dismissing any evidence that does not fit your pre-conceived notions.

Black Liberation Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Perhaps if you had attended school more you'd know more about the history of the various black movements.

You instead seem more interested in demanding higher wages, as exhibited in some of the various threads you've created, and respect for your lack of knowledge.



Oh for Fuck's sake! Black Liberation Army wasn't a religion! It was a fucking protest organization! No wonder I didn't know what the fuck Bluegin was talking about! I thought he was talking about some religious organization, or religious position!

See link under the organizations " Theology"

We really can't keep spoon feeding your dumb ass.

There was no such heading, because the organization was not a religious one, but a social one. Further, there was documented evidence of direct links to violence, and specific members of the BLA. Where are those links for BLM? Until you can demonstrate that, the analogy is flawed, at best. The only similarity is that they were both founded by black people, and they both had, as their primary goal, the betterment of blacks in America. The actual, demonstrable similarities end there.

Who is the founder of the BLA?

Who's propaganda does BLM make rally goers repeat at protests?

Who's picture is on the shirts they wear?

Coincidence? I think not.

The BLA was founded by Eldridge Cleaver.

I have not saeen any BLM tee shirts with a person depicted on them.

Organizations often incorporate the slogans of other organisations. The is hardly proof that they engage in the same kind of activities.

It's not "coincidence". It is observational bias. You expect BLM to be no different than the BLA, so all you see is evidence to support your expectation, while ignoring, or dismissing any evidence that does not fit your pre-conceived notions.

So why did you purposely leave out the other founder's name?
I'm still trying to figure out why white and Jewish liberals are making jackasses out of themselves spewing the rhetoric of a theology that hates them.
I think you are confused, here. You keep talking about a theology, while what I think you mean is an ideology. That was why I was having a hard time understanding you. BLA was not a religious organization. They didn't have a theology. They were a political organisation. They did have an ideology. There is a difference.
No. I am not the one confused.

The Marxist Roots of Black Liberation Theology
Again, calling an ideology a theology doesn't make it one. Just because there are other conservative extremists who share your misunderstanding of the two words, doesn't make it any less a misunderstanding.

A theology is the the study of the nature of God. What you are referring to is a system of ideas and ideals, which is an ideology.
I don't call it that. The black founders do. Their " religion" is the "religion of blackness".

Or did you not read their " theology" before spewing their beliefs?
Seems very measured and dignified to me. Obviously the frothers will ignore this because it doesnt fit with their simplistic narrative.

The Black Lives Matter Network advocates for dignity, justice, and respectBlack Lives Matter

In Dallas, many gathered to do the same, joining in a day of action with friends, family, and co-workers. Their efforts were cut short when a lone gunman targeted and attacked 11 police officers, killing five. This is a tragedy–both for those who have been impacted by yesterday’s attack and for our democracy. There are some who would use these events to stifle a movement for change and quicken the demise of a vibrant discourse on the human rights of Black Americans. We should reject all of this.

Black activists have raised the call for an end to violence, not an escalation of it. Yesterday’s attack was the result of the actions of a lone gunman. To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible. We continue our efforts to bring about a better world for all of us.
Fucking idiot.

Anyone frothing at the mouth are those like you!

You live for violence and chaos. Usually perpetrated by your words and actions.

We have had enough of it. You. Not so much.
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?

I have a problem with the violence Tommy. I don't accept the police killing unarmed blacks.

I really can't accept the random killing of police officers. I wouldn't put my guard down and will remain weary of all suspects until this mindless assault ends.

Not all officers are rogue. To randomly kill an officer will not gain you any respect.

Calling for an end to violence while committing violence is not the answer.
Fucking idiot.

Anyone frothing at the mouth are those like you!

You live for violence and chaos. Usually perpetrated by your words and actions.

We have had enough of it. You. Not so much.
They are calling for an end to violence and I support them 100% on that. What part of that do you have a problem with ?
Yeah out of one side of their face. The other is ignoring all their supporters that are online cheering the shooters on.

And today we keep hearing about more attacks on cops.

Good job assholes.
Now wait a minute...

I could have sworn that when there were people going online, calling for an all out shooting war with the federal government "in support of" the Bundy Farm bunch, you all insisted that the Bundy Farm bunch couldn't, and shouldn't, be held responsible for what a few nutcake extremists were saying in their name. Suddenly changing our tune, are we?

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
People have a right to protest when they are being treated badly.
Protesting is one thing. Firing randomly at innocents and police officers is not peaceful protest.
Here's a thought for all of you:

The NRA has been telling everyone for decades that we need assault weapons in preparation for the day that we feel the need to take up arms against our own government. Well...that is exactly what happened this week in dallas - someone used assault weapons to take up arms against the government.

Are we still okay with listening to the idiotic advice, and talking points of the NRA?
Quote where the NRA said anything remotely like go kill cops if you don't like the fact you can't resist arrest without consequences. Cops aren't the government anyway, Dingbat. They carry out lawful orders, if it comes to gun confiscation most will not obey. Having guns is like a country having nukes. You don't invade them if they have nukes. You don't try to turn citizens into cattle if they are armed.

Seriously, the issue is well over your ability.
First, neither the killer cops in Louisiana, nor in Minnesota had anything to do with "resisting arrest", so do feel free to piss up a rope with that bullshit.

Second, these are "famous quotes" that the NRA has endorsed using to defend "second amendment rights":


But, when someone actually does what the NRA advised, you all want to scream, ironically, "But...but...that's not what the NRA meant!!!!!"

Why isn't it? This guy felt that the government has overreached its authority, and something needs to be done. He used his automatic weapon to do just that. In what way did he not do what the NRA advised to do?
So he randomly kills 5 officers who he perceived were guilty of being in his sight?

The NRA does not advise or condone random killing.

And these quotes refer to not just our government but any tyrannical government.

Broad brushing?

Then why were these assholes in Dallas. Spewing anti cop rhetoric?

By all accounts the Dallas cops and the black community have had a good relationship.

Libs are morons.
LMFAO! You have the unmitigated gall to talk about 'broad brushing" after blaming the entire BLM for the actions, and words of a few outspoken extremists?!? You are pathetic.

Meanwhile, in the words of Alicia Garza, the co-founder of Black Lives Matter:

Black Lives matter has never, ever, called for the murder of police officers. What we have said over and over again is that it is time for policing to be accountable, transparent, and responsible. That is not rhetoric. That is what communities in the United States want to see from the people who protect and serve them. And so quite frankly, we can, at the same time we grieve the lives of several officers who were killed last night, we can demand that there be accountable, responsible policing that has oversight from communities and that is accountable to the communities they are supposed to protect and serve.

But, you see, retards like BlueGin doesn't want anyone to hear those words, because they destroy the myth that BLM is "the new Black Panthers".
Libs love to whine and cry about dangerous rhetoric when it fits their agenda.

Otherwise they are in , NM at trump rallies throwing bottles and grapefruit sized rocks at police, kicking horses and throwing poles at them trying to knock them down, setting fires, shooting guns at the police head quarters and convention centers.

Or blocking traffic,spewing anti police anti white rhetoric trying to get the masses in a frenzy in several cities this weekend.
And then ignoring when their anti cop crap results in looting and gun violence against cops in Dallas, LA, GA,Mo,San Antonio, NYC and California.

Save your lectures for someone who actually believes this fake dialogue you libs have now dreamed up to cover your lying asses.
What a fucking joke you are. "Don't blame Bundy for the nutcakes!!!!" "Oh! BLM is responsible for every insane, extreme thing any one says about the cops!"

YOU save YOUR double standard, self-righteous pontificating for for someone who doesn't see you for exactly the racist, retarded demagogue that you are.

Welcome to the land of the ignored. Thank you for playing. Do feel free to pick up your parting gifts on the way out.

Don't cry
You're adorable. I'd throw you into the ignore bin, too, but everyone needs the obligatory retard to make things funny.
Is that why you are here?
And these quotes refer to not just our government but any tyrannical government.

Wow... That's new. Whenever we try to point out to you gun nuts those quotes were never meant to refer to our government, you guys tell us we're full of shit, don't know our own history, and are trying to rewrite history to suit our agenda.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And these quotes refer to not just our government but any tyrannical government.

Wow... That's new. Whenever we try to point out to you gun nuts those quotes were never meant to refer to our government, you guys tell us we're full of shit, don't know our own history, and are trying to rewrite history to suit our agenda.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Right. Whatever slick.
And these quotes refer to not just our government but any tyrannical government.

Wow... That's new. Whenever we try to point out to you gun nuts those quotes were never meant to refer to our government, you guys tell us we're full of shit, don't know our own history, and are trying to rewrite history to suit our agenda.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Right. Whatever slick.
Oh, well there's a reasoned response. Thanks for stopping by.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And these quotes refer to not just our government but any tyrannical government.

Wow... That's new. Whenever we try to point out to you gun nuts those quotes were never meant to refer to our government, you guys tell us we're full of shit, don't know our own history, and are trying to rewrite history to suit our agenda.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Right. Whatever slick.
Oh, well there's a reasoned response. Thanks for stopping by.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The reasoned response would be for you to take your medication.

Thanks for offering your insight throughout this thread. I have gotten a good laugh at your obnoxious responses.

Thanks for stopping by.
And these quotes refer to not just our government but any tyrannical government.

Wow... That's new. Whenever we try to point out to you gun nuts those quotes were never meant to refer to our government, you guys tell us we're full of shit, don't know our own history, and are trying to rewrite history to suit our agenda.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Right. Whatever slick.
Oh, well there's a reasoned response. Thanks for stopping by.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The reasoned response would be for you to take your medication.

Thanks for offering your insight throughout this thread. I have gotten a good laugh at your obnoxious responses.

Thanks for stopping by.
Take what medicine? No one has yet rationally refuted either of my observations.

But, whatever.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
And these quotes refer to not just our government but any tyrannical government.

Wow... That's new. Whenever we try to point out to you gun nuts those quotes were never meant to refer to our government, you guys tell us we're full of shit, don't know our own history, and are trying to rewrite history to suit our agenda.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Right. Whatever slick.
Oh, well there's a reasoned response. Thanks for stopping by.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
The reasoned response would be for you to take your medication.

Thanks for offering your insight throughout this thread. I have gotten a good laugh at your obnoxious responses.

Thanks for stopping by.
Take what medicine? No one has yet rationally refuted either of my observations.

But, whatever.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
It was refuted, your ignorance and stupidity was pointed out. You live in denial, no one can understand anything for you. But we can make fun of you.

"Quote where the NRA said anything remotely like go kill cops if you don't like the fact you can't resist arrest without consequences. Cops aren't the government anyway, Dingbat. They carry out lawful orders, if it comes to gun confiscation most will not obey. Having guns is like a country having nukes. You don't invade them if they have nukes. You don't try to turn citizens into cattle if they are armed.

Seriously, the issue is well over your ability."

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