Blue Collar


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Liberals like to talk about you as they sit behind their computer screens with their soft hands and body's reeking of what ever stink oil is popular. A lot of them have been pussified and lets face it, they smell like faggots. They talk sh#t and say things like "You live in fly over country". Anybody who tells you that is one of those PC "Metro-sexual" faggots.

They tend to "forget" it was blue collar from fly over country that built their homes/apartments and condos. They "forget" it was blue collar that built their cars or the plants that heat their homes. If truth were told as it should be if every blue collar quit for a month the country would stop in a week. In two weeks those "white collars" would be killing each other for food.

Blue collar on the other hand tend to be game hunters. They can track it, kill it and field dress it. Take it home and strip it and butcher it. By dinner its dinner.
Those "metro-sexual" fly over faggots starve if Safeway closes. Something else those metro-sexual faggots tend to "forget" is the very schools they went to were built and paid for by those blue collar fly over folks.

Obama told you once "you didn't build that". He has built NOTHING his ENTIRE life, NOTHING. He has used affirmative action and government programs his entire life and will "retire" using yet another government program. Never turned a wrench or drove a nail. The closest he has ever come to a work related injury was a paper cut and most likely that happened when he wiped his ass.

Now I am not saying Trump has ever been blue collar. But Trump and blue collar have worked side by side for decades. He has employed more people doing more things then any serving member of the house or senate. He DOES realize that while he had the money the dream and the plan they had the skill.
That is a degree of recognition you will never get from those bigoted narrow minded sons of b#tches that refer to those blue collar people as "fly over country".

The greatest win that any working man or woman can get from a Donald Trump win is respect from the highest office in the country for who they are.


Liberals like to talk about you as they sit behind their computer screens with their soft hands and body's reeking of what ever stink oil is popular. A lot of them have been pussified and lets face it, they smell like faggots. They talk sh#t and say things like "You live in fly over country". Anybody who tells you that is one of those PC "Metro-sexual" faggots.

They tend to "forget" it was blue collar from fly over country that built their homes/apartments and condos. They "forget" it was blue collar that built their cars or the plants that heat their homes. If truth were told as it should be if every blue collar quit for a month the country would stop in a week. In two weeks those "white collars" would be killing each other for food.

Blue collar on the other hand tend to be game hunters. They can track it, kill it and field dress it. Take it home and strip it and butcher it. By dinner its dinner.
Those "metro-sexual" fly over faggots starve if Safeway closes. Something else those metro-sexual faggots tend to "forget" is the very schools they went to were built and paid for by those blue collar fly over folks.

Obama told you once "you didn't build that". He has built NOTHING his ENTIRE life, NOTHING. He has used affirmative action and government programs his entire life and will "retire" using yet another government program. Never turned a wrench or drove a nail. The closest he has ever come to a work related injury was a paper cut and most likely that happened when he wiped his ass.

Now I am not saying Trump has ever been blue collar. But Trump and blue collar have worked side by side for decades. He has employed more people doing more things then any serving member of the house or senate. He DOES realize that while he had the money the dream and the plan they had the skill.
That is a degree of recognition you will never get from those bigoted narrow minded sons of b#tches that refer to those blue collar people as "fly over country".

The greatest win that any working man or woman can get from a Donald Trump win is respect from the highest office in the country for who they are.


Yes, what did Obama build? He did not build the Canada oil pipeline to the US. He did not build a wall and doubt that he can use a spectrum analyzer even after shown dozens of times. Obama may be able to bake cookies if Michelle shows him the technique.
Liberals like to talk about you as they sit behind their computer screens with their soft hands and body's reeking of what ever stink oil is popular. A lot of them have been pussified and lets face it, they smell like faggots. They talk sh#t and say things like "You live in fly over country". Anybody who tells you that is one of those PC "Metro-sexual" faggots.

They tend to "forget" it was blue collar from fly over country that built their homes/apartments and condos. They "forget" it was blue collar that built their cars or the plants that heat their homes. If truth were told as it should be if every blue collar quit for a month the country would stop in a week. In two weeks those "white collars" would be killing each other for food.

Blue collar on the other hand tend to be game hunters. They can track it, kill it and field dress it. Take it home and strip it and butcher it. By dinner its dinner.
Those "metro-sexual" fly over faggots starve if Safeway closes. Something else those metro-sexual faggots tend to "forget" is the very schools they went to were built and paid for by those blue collar fly over folks.

Obama told you once "you didn't build that". He has built NOTHING his ENTIRE life, NOTHING. He has used affirmative action and government programs his entire life and will "retire" using yet another government program. Never turned a wrench or drove a nail. The closest he has ever come to a work related injury was a paper cut and most likely that happened when he wiped his ass.

Now I am not saying Trump has ever been blue collar. But Trump and blue collar have worked side by side for decades. He has employed more people doing more things then any serving member of the house or senate. He DOES realize that while he had the money the dream and the plan they had the skill.
That is a degree of recognition you will never get from those bigoted narrow minded sons of b#tches that refer to those blue collar people as "fly over country".

The greatest win that any working man or woman can get from a Donald Trump win is respect from the highest office in the country for who they are.


Mm, somewhat agree. I great friends with a diehard Democrat. Known him since Jr. highschool. He works just as hard as anyone, will commit hog-a-side with any of us and can cook the ever loving shit out if a brisket and ribs. Ate 2 pounds of it matter of fact. But your right on in your assessment. I would add the Republicans, or conservatives, or whatever the rebranded name for them is. Most any young adult today don't have a clue what the value of a dollar is because they never had to do more then ask for it a d they got it. There has also been a trend towards looking down on the working class from both political ends, like we are some type of slow water headed children. Trump "loving the low educated" types is one excample, and Hillery with her "killing coal industry" comments. Polititions forget who they work for. They vote them selves out of Obama care, notice the presidant spawn aren't enrolled. A private Dr. does Sasha and Malias abirtions, but neither do the rebublicans have to submit to this crappy plan. This gentrification you speak of is a govrenment problem, not a party probkem. Both sides look at like we are slaves. What it comes down to is which side we are willing to be a slave for.
Liberals like to talk about you as they sit behind their computer screens with their soft hands and body's reeking of what ever stink oil is popular. A lot of them have been pussified and lets face it, they smell like faggots. They talk sh#t and say things like "You live in fly over country". Anybody who tells you that is one of those PC "Metro-sexual" faggots.

They tend to "forget" it was blue collar from fly over country that built their homes/apartments and condos. They "forget" it was blue collar that built their cars or the plants that heat their homes. If truth were told as it should be if every blue collar quit for a month the country would stop in a week. In two weeks those "white collars" would be killing each other for food.

Blue collar on the other hand tend to be game hunters. They can track it, kill it and field dress it. Take it home and strip it and butcher it. By dinner its dinner.
Those "metro-sexual" fly over faggots starve if Safeway closes. Something else those metro-sexual faggots tend to "forget" is the very schools they went to were built and paid for by those blue collar fly over folks.

Obama told you once "you didn't build that". He has built NOTHING his ENTIRE life, NOTHING. He has used affirmative action and government programs his entire life and will "retire" using yet another government program. Never turned a wrench or drove a nail. The closest he has ever come to a work related injury was a paper cut and most likely that happened when he wiped his ass.

Now I am not saying Trump has ever been blue collar. But Trump and blue collar have worked side by side for decades. He has employed more people doing more things then any serving member of the house or senate. He DOES realize that while he had the money the dream and the plan they had the skill.
That is a degree of recognition you will never get from those bigoted narrow minded sons of b#tches that refer to those blue collar people as "fly over country".

The greatest win that any working man or woman can get from a Donald Trump win is respect from the highest office in the country for who they are.


I've shot more deer than you have.

From the article,

For weeks, dozens of construction workers from Latin America have streamed onto the site of the Old Post Office Pavilion in downtown Washington and taken pride in their work building one of the city’s newest luxury hotels.

But that job site is now laden with tension after the man behind the project — billionaire developer Donald Trump — put himself at the center of the nation’s debate over illegal immigration.

And during the general it will come out that he does in fact employ illegals. There can't be twelve million illegals here and none work g on any of the projects he us building or at any hotel he owns.

From the article,

For weeks, dozens of construction workers from Latin America have streamed onto the site of the Old Post Office Pavilion in downtown Washington and taken pride in their work building one of the city’s newest luxury hotels.

But that job site is now laden with tension after the man behind the project — billionaire developer Donald Trump — put himself at the center of the nation’s debate over illegal immigration.

And during the general it will come out that he does in fact employ illegals. There can't be twelve million illegals here and none work g on any of the projects he us building or at any hotel he owns.
Trump hires a contracting firm which hires a sub contractor who hires yet another sub contractor who hires illegals. The closest anybody has ever tied Trump to hiring illegals is after three contractors.

He never sees their paperwork and why would he? He's not their boss.

From the article,

For weeks, dozens of construction workers from Latin America have streamed onto the site of the Old Post Office Pavilion in downtown Washington and taken pride in their work building one of the city’s newest luxury hotels.

But that job site is now laden with tension after the man behind the project — billionaire developer Donald Trump — put himself at the center of the nation’s debate over illegal immigration.

And during the general it will come out that he does in fact employ illegals. There can't be twelve million illegals here and none work g on any of the projects he us building or at any hotel he owns.
Trump hires a contracting firm which hires a sub contractor who hires yet another sub contractor who hires illegals. The closest anybody has ever tied Trump to hiring illegals is after three contractors.

He never sees their paperwork and why would he? He's not their boss.

True; it may not be Trump but someone is ripping off both American workers and illegal workers; the former by eliminating their jobs and the latter by underpaying them. The only people who should be employed are US legals.


From the article,

For weeks, dozens of construction workers from Latin America have streamed onto the site of the Old Post Office Pavilion in downtown Washington and taken pride in their work building one of the city’s newest luxury hotels.

But that job site is now laden with tension after the man behind the project — billionaire developer Donald Trump — put himself at the center of the nation’s debate over illegal immigration.

And during the general it will come out that he does in fact employ illegals. There can't be twelve million illegals here and none work g on any of the projects he us building or at any hotel he owns.
Trump hires a contracting firm which hires a sub contractor who hires yet another sub contractor who hires illegals. The closest anybody has ever tied Trump to hiring illegals is after three contractors.

He never sees their paperwork and why would he? He's not their boss.

True; it may not be Trump but someone is ripping off both American workers and illegal workers; the former by eliminating their jobs and the latter by underpaying them. The only people who should be employed are US legals.

Oh I agree. The contractor should be fined the first and double the fine the second time and lose his state contracting permit AND insurance the third time.

The contractor or the sub contractor that holds their paperwork should be legally liable NOT the person funding the project.

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