Blue Police Flag Now Called The New Confederate Flag

Answer the question. The teacher in the OP video said it was not an American flag. Do you disagree with him?
The teacher was loud and bitter which is never a good reaction toward someone you have a difference of opinion with, especially a young kid who is just trying to show pride for his father.
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You mean the fact that you claimed that I somehow was claiming that you were claiming anything a flag? Duh gee I have no idea?
That fact that almost every flag that has ever been created has been near or next to racist things makes every flag under your idea racist. So that must mean that you are admitting that either you are picking and choosing what you wish to call racist or you are just hiding behind that in the hopes it vindicates you.
We both know that isn't accurate.
of course it’s not an american flag?
…whoever said it was?

that literally has nothing to do with the demafascist teacher’s attack on the child

your deflection is defense of your fellow demafascist
Obviously you didn't listen to the few words spoken by the teacher.
The teacher was loud and bitter which is never a good reaction toward someone you have a difference of opinion with, especially a young kid who is proud of his father.
And that still isn't an answer to the question.
America is not about sodomy and gobbling cocks. Maybe you're version of it is, but that's not what the majority thinks.

Do not know about you, but the majority of men I have ever known rather enjoy the act being preformed on them
What is the world coming to when a child can't even honor his own father? Jesus couldn't come back soon enough. :rolleyes:

This is pretty fucking stupid, but it is a common view among people.

My wife's VA hospital was looking at getting custom T-shirts made that the nurses could wear under their scrubs if they wanted to. Someone suggested the Green Stripe flag to honor the Vets and some of the people in the group choosing the design were most upset as it was too close to the blue stripe flag.
This substitute was a bully and a bigot, basically a total asshole. People have to lighten up. If a certain group wants to incorporate their group into the US flag in a respectful, patriotic way, go for it. I see nothing wrong with a group, even if I don't agree with them, trying to show support for their country.
I'm at work and I can't watch the video to see the context of it but I do agree it shouldn't be allowed in a school.

I say that because I don't think school is a place for any kind of social agenda. Kids shouldn't be allowed to wear black lives matter shit either. I'd be a hypocrite if I said you can't wear BLM stuff but you can wear pro police stuff.
Obviously you didn't listen to the few words spoken by the teacher.
i did. Nobody called it American flag. None if the kids did…the demafacist teacher was just so full of anger and rage as he attacked the kid he was making no sense
To me, an older veteran,

Thank you for your services, and if you mind I want to ask you a question that I've been dying to ask a veteran. How do you feel now that the country you fought for is basically fighting against you and undermining everything that you fought to protect? Like this for example. Freedom of speech.

I'm at work and I can't watch the video to see the context of it but I do agree it shouldn't be allowed in a school.

I say that because I don't think school is a place for any kind of social agenda. Kids shouldn't be allowed to wear black lives matter shit either. I'd be a hypocrite if I said you can't wear BLM stuff but you can wear pro police stuff.

I don't remember ever disagreeing with you before but why can't kids show respect for police men and women in public school? Let alone their own parent? That is a load of bologna.

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