Blue Police Flag Now Called The New Confederate Flag

You folks understand I hope, what the real problem is, Tucker Carlson air's it out nightly, there is NO republican party, they do absolutely fucking nothing, squat, zero push back and even less political representation. If we had a true, two party system, which we do not, then none of this would ever have happened!
I disagree that he is allowed to first of claim it is anything but a mask. I see people all the time with masks that have been bedazzled, had animal faces and even cartoons on them. So to claim that It is anything but a mask is out right stupid and shows a definite bias.
I also disagree that it is not a depiction of a confederate flag nor does it stand for the same things so once again the substitute is showing lack of understanding and utter bias.
Care to prove me wrong?
Sure. The cop flag is fairly recent and has been proudly adopted by people who display it along side lots of racist symbols. It doesn't have a long proud patriotic history like the real American flag does, and is similar to someone wearing combat medals he didn't earn.
It honors the only people who stand between you and the people who want to rape and murder you. So yes, law-enforcement is an American institution, and that is an American flag.
Well, no. I'm not aware of many who want to rape or murder me anyway. What modifications are allowed which would still be seen as an American flag? If the stripe was red, and pedophiles chose it as their symbol, would you still think it was an American flag?
Well, no. I'm not aware of many who want to rape or murder me anyway. What modifications are allowed which would still be seen as an American flag? If the stripe was red, and pedophiles chose it as their symbol, would you still think it was an American flag?

There you go again: Trying to turn something good into something ugly. The thin red line represents the men and women that risk their lives to rescue the public from the roar and destruction of fire. Sorry you don't feel the same way about those law-enforcement professionals who protect you from being robbed, raped, or murdered.
The cop's kid should have his father catch that teacher outside and make him eat that mask.
That's the behavior we've grown to expect from most cops. You didn't mention him planting drugs on him too. Are we still trying to keep stuff like that secret?
There you go again: Trying to turn something good into something ugly. The thin red line represents the men and women that risk their lives to rescue the public from the roar and destruction of fire. Sorry you don't feel the same way about those law-enforcement professionals who protect you from being robbed, raped, or murdered.
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My mistake. Choose an unclaimed color, but answer the question.
Sure. The cop flag is fairly recent and has been proudly adopted by people who display it along side lots of racist symbols. It doesn't have a long proud patriotic history like the real American flag does, and is similar to someone wearing combat medals he didn't earn.
So you are attempting to call it racist? Really? And yet I have no doubt that you would not say the same of the multi colored flag used by the trans community.
yet you do not see the hypocrisy of what you are attempting to claim? Are you really that far gone?
So you are attempting to call it racist? Really? And yet I have no doubt that you would not say the same of the multi colored flag used by the trans community.
yet you do not see the hypocrisy of what you are attempting to claim? Are you really that far gone?
Bulldog is circling the drain. Won't be long now.
That's the behavior we've grown to expect from most cops. You didn't mention him planting drugs on him too. Are we still trying to keep stuff like that secret?
Damn I have to hand it to you you have really drank the koolaide and followed it by a lot of mind altering drugs to fry that many brain cells.
How many doctors do you think have done unnecessary surgeries or botched surgeries? Yet you do not malign them. How many firefighters have done unspeakable things? How many barbers, gardeners?
I have a clue for you every walk of life has those that are not angels. It is the same with police. But it is sure fun to cluelessly paint them with a broad brush right?
So you are attempting to call it racist? Really? And yet I have no doubt that you would not say the same of the multi colored flag used by the trans community.
yet you do not see the hypocrisy of what you are attempting to claim? Are you really that far gone?
I never claimed the gay flag was the same as an American flag. It must be so frustrating for you to get to the bottom of your straw man claims and realize they just aren't as helpful as you had wanted. What makes you think I would equate an LTBG flag with the American flag?
I never claimed the gay flag was the same as an American flag. It must be so frustrating for you to get to the bottom of your straw man claims and realize they just aren't as helpful as you had wanted. What makes you think I would equate an LTBG flag with the American flag?
I never said you did. I said that I doubted you would claim that that flag was racist. Do you have that much of a mental problem that you are unable to read and reason? I realize that you are attempting to salvage things that you have written but attempting to do so by pretending that I am wrong is not the best strategy

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