Blue Ridge hotel defies Park Service shutdown

one of the peak season for tourism and money making is this month in the moutains...we call it the fall foliage season....the leaves are changing....if the parkway is closed it will have a tremendous impact on this area....we have had a tough summer for small businesses as the rain has kept people away....we do not need this kick in the head on top of that.

thanks republicans...thanks....this is a gop strong hold...wonder how that will go over

October is one of the busiest months on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Maybe not this year, however.

I have a difficult time with the Feds ordering privately owned business, such as travel lodges, restaurants and motels to shut down. If I owned one of these businesses, I would tell the government to FO and would remain open.

The parkway will remain open in case of a federal government shutdown, but all of the sites and attractions along the scenic road will close.

The National Park Service had ordered the closing of the road if Congress could not reach a resolution by 12:01 a.m. today to keep the government running. However, park service officials decided Monday to keep the 469-mile parkway open.

“The mother road will be open,” said Steve Stinnett, the parkway’s chief ranger.

Nobody ordered any private business to shut down. The issue is more like this:

>> The government shutdown couldn't have come at a worse time for Jeff Smith, owner of the Jonathan Creek Inn in Maggie Valley, N.C.

October is an especially crucial month for the inn, which is located just 15 minutes from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Throngs of tourists flock to the park during the month to take in its spectacular fall foliage and view the grazing elk.

"It's my last chance to boost my sales ... to get the business comfortably through winter until spring," said Smith.

He meets his goal every year, thanks to the fact that the Great Smoky Mountains is the most visited national park in the United States.
But at 12.01 a.m Oct. 1., Smoky Mountains and all national parks in the United States were closed to the public as a result of the government shutdown. << (-- CNN Money)

As for the BRP, it's not a matter of who owns the land; it's about federal employees (park rangers etc) having no source of paycheck, therefore they aren't available to facilitate everyday stuff like campgrounds and restrooms. The road itself, as noted before, just sits there. Anyone can drive on it. But if you do you're on your own.
Thanks Obamacare not GOP. The majority of this country doens want it and yet the democRATS cont to shove it down our throats. GOP is doing the will of the people.
It's the law of the land. It has been deemed constitutional by the SCOTUS. The President was re-elected and ran against a guy who was fore square opposed to it and campaigned to repeal it.

I think the American people have spoken.

The tea baggers do NOT speak for the American people, only a small minority of them.

What the tea baggers are doing is acting impetuously. They should be ashamed.

As one of the "Teabaggers" you seem to enjoy denigrating, I agree that we do not get to speak for the American people. But as American people we have as much right to speak as anybody else.

When you can honestly say that you have never supported repeal of a law you deemed to be bad law, you might have more standing and credibility to judge those who vote from their convictions that are different from yours. Otherwise your words could sound very presumptious, prejudicial, and hypocritical. As I know you not to intentionally be like that, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt that such was not your intention. :)

But I ask you to believe that there are many, many of us who are God fearing, caring, industrious, compassionate, and loyal Americans who really believe in doing the right thing rather than the politically expedient thing. And we are not wanting this healthcare law to take away our choices, options, opportunities, and liberties. And because we believed that it does and/or will, we elected those folks to go to Washington to do exactly what they are doing to oppose it as best as they can.

And those are American voices too.

And I have the right to state that you are completely a fruitloop.

Your insinuation that anyone that supports President Obama is not industrious, compassionate, and loyal truly sucks. My dd214 states Honorable, I have worked for 50 years in American industry, and am still employed, as well as a part time university student. And I completely support the ACA, at least until we can put in place a Universal Single Payer plan.

Yes, the folks you elected are doing what you want them to do. In a year and a month, we will find out how the rest of the folks in the districts that elected the Teabaggers feel about this shutdown. Might well see a Democratic House, Senate, and Executive. In which case, we thank idiotic Teabaggers like you.
"House GOP leaders pushed a new approach, offering to fund some parts of the government — including national parks, veterans benefits and the District government."

At the moment, neither side is feeling a clear imperative to end the shutdown.
Republican leaders prefer keeping the government closed to compromising on health care. And, with polls showing that voters overwhelmingly blame Republicans for the impasse, Democrats, too, are willing to let it drag on."

Washington braces for prolonged government shutdown - The Washington Post

The hell with you people. Fund the whole government, or shut it all down. You wanted absolutism, you should get it.
The Blue Ridge Parkway is a highway like any other highway. It is absurd to think folks can't drive on it today just as they did yesterday or last week or last year or in the 1980's when I spent many weekends for four months exploring on it.

Yesterday, a Congressman moved the barriers so 90+ year old WWII veterans could get to the WWII Memorial and will do so for another group of veterans arriving there today. As he put it, it is a granite sidewalk!! An open memorial!!! "Essential" park personnel are there as guards against vandalism. There is absolutely no reason to keep the vets away from it. What are they going to do? Put a drape over Mount Rushmore?

To shut down national treasures for no reason at all is just pure cussed meanness with the hope the GOP will get the blame.

Well the GOP voted full funding to keep all government services, essential and non essential, up and running through December with the exception of funding Obamacare that would be dealt with as a separate issue. The GOP didn't put up those barriers or compromise any services at any government installation or the Blue Ridge Parkway.
As one of the "Teabaggers" you seem to enjoy denigrating, I agree that we do not get to speak for the American people. But as American people we have as much right to speak as anybody else.

When you can honestly say that you have never supported repeal of a law you deemed to be bad law, you might have more standing and credibility to judge those who vote from their convictions that are different from yours. Otherwise your words could sound very presumptious, prejudicial, and hypocritical. As I know you not to intentionally be like that, I'm giving you benefit of the doubt that such was not your intention. :)

But I ask you to believe that there are many, many of us who are God fearing, caring, industrious, compassionate, and loyal Americans who really believe in doing the right thing rather than the politically expedient thing. And we are not wanting this healthcare law to take away our choices, options, opportunities, and liberties. And because we believed that it does and/or will, we elected those folks to go to Washington to do exactly what they are doing to oppose it as best as they can.

And those are American voices too.
The problem is this is neither the right thing nor the politically expedient thing. Holding the entire government hostage over one piece of legislation is irresponsible. Thousands of federal jobs are going unpaid, hundreds of federal contracts are going unfulfilled or not bid on, thousands of federally backed mortgages are going unprocessed all because a slim minority in one party prefers brinksmanship over statesmanship.

I suppose we could roll back the clock and reinstitute the old health plans, but then thousands will be dropped due to pre-existing conditions. Thousands will find their coverage dropped because they filed a claim. Thousands will see premiums rise exponentially. And millions will go uninsured guaranteeing them bankruptcy should they contract a major medical problem. So, what's the right thing to do? Shut down the government in an impetuous binge of partisanship, or repair the law as it stands?

They didn't hold the government hostage though. The House easily passed three separate bills that would fully fund the government through December except for Obamacare and they agreed to submit funding Obamacare as a separate and stand alone bill. Senate Republicans would have voted for funding the government under the House blls in a heartbeat.

The Senate would not agree to that.

So who is holding the government hostage over a piece of legislation?

And many experts have chimed in to express that the consequences and negative aspects of Obamacare will be universally more destructive than the incidental cases that you cite, all of which could have been addressed far less drastically than taking over the entire healthcare system. Responsible legislators don't embrace bad legislation purely because it has a few good things in it.
They indeed ARE holding the government hostage! This CR debate is not the venue to enact new legislation. Had it not been for the gigantic wad in the panties of the most Conservative members of the House, the government WOULD indeed be open today.

But rather than taking one of the following courses of action, the Tea Party decided to ACT IMPETUOUSLY and take their ball and go home! They could have:

Acted as responsible legislators and introduced bills to alter or amend Obamacare,

Realized that Romney/Ryan were roundly defeated in the election of 2012 after that ticket ran to repeal the act,

Accepted the SCOTUS decision that declared the ACA constitutional and moved on to other business, or

Come to their senses and stood with the framers of the constitution and employed the framers tactic of compromise.

But, driven by and insatiable hatred for all things Obama, and supported by a minority base whose ideology actually works against their own interests, the Tea Party has decided that their brand of politics is a one size fits all brand and are trying like children to get their own way on all things. It's shameful. It's embarrassing. It's counter to the American legislative tradition. And it will mean utter defeat in the coming elections both mid term and Presidential.
The problem is this is neither the right thing nor the politically expedient thing. Holding the entire government hostage over one piece of legislation is irresponsible. Thousands of federal jobs are going unpaid, hundreds of federal contracts are going unfulfilled or not bid on, thousands of federally backed mortgages are going unprocessed all because a slim minority in one party prefers brinksmanship over statesmanship.

I suppose we could roll back the clock and reinstitute the old health plans, but then thousands will be dropped due to pre-existing conditions. Thousands will find their coverage dropped because they filed a claim. Thousands will see premiums rise exponentially. And millions will go uninsured guaranteeing them bankruptcy should they contract a major medical problem. So, what's the right thing to do? Shut down the government in an impetuous binge of partisanship, or repair the law as it stands?

They didn't hold the government hostage though. The House easily passed three separate bills that would fully fund the government through December except for Obamacare and they agreed to submit funding Obamacare as a separate and stand alone bill. Senate Republicans would have voted for funding the government under the House blls in a heartbeat.

The Senate would not agree to that.

So who is holding the government hostage over a piece of legislation?

And many experts have chimed in to express that the consequences and negative aspects of Obamacare will be universally more destructive than the incidental cases that you cite, all of which could have been addressed far less drastically than taking over the entire healthcare system. Responsible legislators don't embrace bad legislation purely because it has a few good things in it.
They indeed ARE holding the government hostage! This CR debate is not the venue to enact new legislation. Had it not been for the gigantic wad in the panties of the most Conservative members of the House, the government WOULD indeed be open today.

But rather than taking one of the following courses of action, the Tea Party decided to ACT IMPETUOUSLY and take their ball and go home! They could have:

Acted as responsible legislators and introduced bills to alter or amend Obamacare,

Realized that Romney/Ryan were roundly defeated in the election of 2012 after that ticket ran to repeal the act,

Accepted the SCOTUS decision that declared the ACA constitutional and moved on to other business, or

Come to their senses and stood with the framers of the constitution and employed the framers tactic of compromise.

But, driven by and insatiable hatred for all things Obama, and supported by a minority base whose ideology actually works against their own interests, the Tea Party has decided that their brand of politics is a one size fits all brand and are trying like children to get their own way on all things. It's shameful. It's embarrassing. It's counter to the American legislative tradition. And it will mean utter defeat in the coming elections both mid term and Presidential.

Nosmo, in the interest of intellectual honesty, Obama had a super majority in the House and Senate when Obamacare passed, and even then he squeaked it through with a very narrow margin because only one Republican voted for it and more than two dozen Democrats voted against it.

And because it literally was crammed down the throats of the American people, he lost that super majority in the Senate and the people put the Republicans back into power in the House the very next election. The ONLY reason that happened was due to Obamacare.

The exact same thing happened to Clinton when he tried to cram Hillarycare down our throats. At least he didn't have super majorities so he didn't get it passed and the people put the GOP in charge in both chambers of Congress the very next election.

And to now suggest that the people who put the Republicans back into power to mitigate the damage that they believed was being done with Obamacare are somehow shameful and counter to the American tradition is not only disingenuous, but it is insulting.

How arrogant is it to believe that only leftist, socialist-minded Democrats are all that is good and honest and virtuous and that everybody else is disgusting and should not be given a voice, a vote, or any power whatsoever?
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They didn't hold the government hostage though. The House easily passed three separate bills that would fully fund the government through December except for Obamacare and they agreed to submit funding Obamacare as a separate and stand alone bill. Senate Republicans would have voted for funding the government under the House blls in a heartbeat.

The Senate would not agree to that.

So who is holding the government hostage over a piece of legislation?

And many experts have chimed in to express that the consequences and negative aspects of Obamacare will be universally more destructive than the incidental cases that you cite, all of which could have been addressed far less drastically than taking over the entire healthcare system. Responsible legislators don't embrace bad legislation purely because it has a few good things in it.
They indeed ARE holding the government hostage! This CR debate is not the venue to enact new legislation. Had it not been for the gigantic wad in the panties of the most Conservative members of the House, the government WOULD indeed be open today.

But rather than taking one of the following courses of action, the Tea Party decided to ACT IMPETUOUSLY and take their ball and go home! They could have:

Acted as responsible legislators and introduced bills to alter or amend Obamacare,

Realized that Romney/Ryan were roundly defeated in the election of 2012 after that ticket ran to repeal the act,

Accepted the SCOTUS decision that declared the ACA constitutional and moved on to other business, or

Come to their senses and stood with the framers of the constitution and employed the framers tactic of compromise.

But, driven by and insatiable hatred for all things Obama, and supported by a minority base whose ideology actually works against their own interests, the Tea Party has decided that their brand of politics is a one size fits all brand and are trying like children to get their own way on all things. It's shameful. It's embarrassing. It's counter to the American legislative tradition. And it will mean utter defeat in the coming elections both mid term and Presidential.

Nosmo, in the interest of intellectual honesty, Obama had a super majority in the House and Senate when Obamacare passed, and even then he squeaked it through with a very narrow margin because only one Republican voted for it and more than two dozen Democrats voted against it.

And because it literally was crammed down the throats of the American people, he lost that super majority in the Senate and the people put the Republicans back into power in the House the very next election. The ONLY reason that happened was due to Obamacare.

The exact same thing happened to Clinton when he tried to cram Hillarycare down our throats. At least he didn't have super majorities so he didn't get it passed and the people put the GOP in charge in both chambers of Congress the very next election.

And to now suggest that the people who put the Republicans back into power to mitigate the damage that they believed was being done with Obamacare are somehow shameful and counter to the American tradition is not only disingenuous, but it is insulting.

How arrogant is it to believe that only leftist, socialist-minded Democrats are all that is good and honest and virtuous and that everybody else is disgusting and should not be given a voice, a vote, or any power whatsoever?
When a law is passed, whether there is a 'super majority' involved or not, the law is, well, PASSED. There are NO provisions to repeal the law once the next batch of legislators comes to office. "Crammed down our throats" is a refrain used by the losers in elections. Once those losers become winners, as it happens all the time, those winners must live with current valid legislation or move to change it through the legislative process.

The process used by the Tea Party is one of impetuosity and brinksmanship. Hardly the qualities sought by the voting public.

What happens when a Republican is President and the House is majority Democrat? Suppose those Democrats decide that without strict and ardent gun control legislation the government must be shut down? Who will howl the loudest then? Who will be accused of childish behavior?

The Tea Party is irresponsible in it's actions and shutting down the government. They are allegedly adults and members of Congress, not the voice of the entirety of the American people. They are a minority whose politics does not fit all.
They indeed ARE holding the government hostage! This CR debate is not the venue to enact new legislation. Had it not been for the gigantic wad in the panties of the most Conservative members of the House, the government WOULD indeed be open today.

But rather than taking one of the following courses of action, the Tea Party decided to ACT IMPETUOUSLY and take their ball and go home! They could have:

Acted as responsible legislators and introduced bills to alter or amend Obamacare,

Realized that Romney/Ryan were roundly defeated in the election of 2012 after that ticket ran to repeal the act,

Accepted the SCOTUS decision that declared the ACA constitutional and moved on to other business, or

Come to their senses and stood with the framers of the constitution and employed the framers tactic of compromise.

But, driven by and insatiable hatred for all things Obama, and supported by a minority base whose ideology actually works against their own interests, the Tea Party has decided that their brand of politics is a one size fits all brand and are trying like children to get their own way on all things. It's shameful. It's embarrassing. It's counter to the American legislative tradition. And it will mean utter defeat in the coming elections both mid term and Presidential.

Nosmo, in the interest of intellectual honesty, Obama had a super majority in the House and Senate when Obamacare passed, and even then he squeaked it through with a very narrow margin because only one Republican voted for it and more than two dozen Democrats voted against it.

And because it literally was crammed down the throats of the American people, he lost that super majority in the Senate and the people put the Republicans back into power in the House the very next election. The ONLY reason that happened was due to Obamacare.

The exact same thing happened to Clinton when he tried to cram Hillarycare down our throats. At least he didn't have super majorities so he didn't get it passed and the people put the GOP in charge in both chambers of Congress the very next election.

And to now suggest that the people who put the Republicans back into power to mitigate the damage that they believed was being done with Obamacare are somehow shameful and counter to the American tradition is not only disingenuous, but it is insulting.

How arrogant is it to believe that only leftist, socialist-minded Democrats are all that is good and honest and virtuous and that everybody else is disgusting and should not be given a voice, a vote, or any power whatsoever?
When a law is passed, whether there is a 'super majority' involved or not, the law is, well, PASSED. There are NO provisions to repeal the law once the next batch of legislators comes to office. "Crammed down our throats" is a refrain used by the losers in elections. Once those losers become winners, as it happens all the time, those winners must live with current valid legislation or move to change it through the legislative process.

The process used by the Tea Party is one of impetuosity and brinksmanship. Hardly the qualities sought by the voting public.

What happens when a Republican is President and the House is majority Democrat? Suppose those Democrats decide that without strict and ardent gun control legislation the government must be shut down? Who will howl the loudest then? Who will be accused of childish behavior?

The Tea Party is irresponsible in it's actions and shutting down the government. They are allegedly adults and members of Congress, not the voice of the entirety of the American people. They are a minority whose politics does not fit all.

The Tea Party is not a legislative group. The Tea Party has no power whatsoever. If it has enough votes to send somebody to Washington, well that is the American way. Tea Partiers love their country, care about good and evil, integrity, personal responsibility, compassion, justice, and competence as much as any other citizen groups care. They are American citizens just as you are. And they have every right to hold their convictions and vote their conscience as you do. But they have no power to pass laws, change laws, or block anything.

It is the height of arrogance for President Obama or anybody else to accuse the Tea Party of somehow being untoward or unAmerican because they don't share his socialist views and believe a law is a bad law, most especially when the Tea Party is a minority of those who now do believe Obamacare is bad law, and that is well over 50% of all Americans.

When you, Nosmo, can honestly say that you have never considered ANY law to be bad law, and have ALWAYS viewed Congress as having no authority or moral justification to rescind a law, then you might have a leg to stand on here. But since I know you can't and won't say that, please understand where the rest of us are coming from.

A bad law is a bad law no matter WHO passed it. Laws have been passed, changed, and rescinded for the entire history of this country. And if we send representatives to Congress to deal with a bad law, we expect them to do just that.
Nosmo, in the interest of intellectual honesty, Obama had a super majority in the House and Senate when Obamacare passed, and even then he squeaked it through with a very narrow margin because only one Republican voted for it and more than two dozen Democrats voted against it.

And because it literally was crammed down the throats of the American people, he lost that super majority in the Senate and the people put the Republicans back into power in the House the very next election. The ONLY reason that happened was due to Obamacare.

The exact same thing happened to Clinton when he tried to cram Hillarycare down our throats. At least he didn't have super majorities so he didn't get it passed and the people put the GOP in charge in both chambers of Congress the very next election.

And to now suggest that the people who put the Republicans back into power to mitigate the damage that they believed was being done with Obamacare are somehow shameful and counter to the American tradition is not only disingenuous, but it is insulting.

How arrogant is it to believe that only leftist, socialist-minded Democrats are all that is good and honest and virtuous and that everybody else is disgusting and should not be given a voice, a vote, or any power whatsoever?
When a law is passed, whether there is a 'super majority' involved or not, the law is, well, PASSED. There are NO provisions to repeal the law once the next batch of legislators comes to office. "Crammed down our throats" is a refrain used by the losers in elections. Once those losers become winners, as it happens all the time, those winners must live with current valid legislation or move to change it through the legislative process.

The process used by the Tea Party is one of impetuosity and brinksmanship. Hardly the qualities sought by the voting public.

What happens when a Republican is President and the House is majority Democrat? Suppose those Democrats decide that without strict and ardent gun control legislation the government must be shut down? Who will howl the loudest then? Who will be accused of childish behavior?

The Tea Party is irresponsible in it's actions and shutting down the government. They are allegedly adults and members of Congress, not the voice of the entirety of the American people. They are a minority whose politics does not fit all.

The Tea Party is not a legislative group. The Tea Party has no power whatsoever. If it has enough votes to send somebody to Washington, well that is the American way. Tea Partiers love their country, care about good and evil, integrity, personal responsibility, compassion, justice, and competence as much as any other citizen groups care. They are American citizens just as you are. And they have every right to hold their convictions and vote their conscience as you do. But they have no power to pass laws, change laws, or block anything.

It is the height of arrogance for President Obama or anybody else to accuse the Tea Party of somehow being untoward or unAmerican because they don't share his socialist views and believe a law is a bad law, most especially when the Tea Party is a minority of those who now do believe Obamacare is bad law, and that is well over 50% of all Americans.

When you, Nosmo, can honestly say that you have never considered ANY law to be bad law, and have ALWAYS viewed Congress as having no authority or moral justification to rescind a law, then you might have a leg to stand on here. But since I know you can't and won't say that, please understand where the rest of us are coming from.

A bad law is a bad law no matter WHO passed it. Laws have been passed, changed, and rescinded for the entire history of this country. And if we send representatives to Congress to deal with a bad law, we expect them to do just that.
But NEVER using the means the Tea Party congress delegation is using. And that's the despicable part of the whole charade.
When a law is passed, whether there is a 'super majority' involved or not, the law is, well, PASSED. There are NO provisions to repeal the law once the next batch of legislators comes to office. "Crammed down our throats" is a refrain used by the losers in elections. Once those losers become winners, as it happens all the time, those winners must live with current valid legislation or move to change it through the legislative process.

The process used by the Tea Party is one of impetuosity and brinksmanship. Hardly the qualities sought by the voting public.

What happens when a Republican is President and the House is majority Democrat? Suppose those Democrats decide that without strict and ardent gun control legislation the government must be shut down? Who will howl the loudest then? Who will be accused of childish behavior?

The Tea Party is irresponsible in it's actions and shutting down the government. They are allegedly adults and members of Congress, not the voice of the entirety of the American people. They are a minority whose politics does not fit all.

I suggest that you don't have any idea what you are talking about. I have posted A thru E of laws that have been repealed or made powerless. You can see all 37 pages from F to Z if you want too. I suggest that the Congress is perfectly within it's Constitutional rights to repeal the Obamacare Tax law and sincerely hope they scrap this train wreck before it happens.

This category contains Acts of Congress or state statutes that were repealed. Statutes included in this category were repealed either entirely or sufficiently to make them powerless.
The following 37 pages are in this category, out of 37 total. This list may not reflect recent changes (learn more).
• 1933 Banking Act
• Act in Relation to Service
• Alaska Native Allotment Act
• Anti-Gold Futures Act of 1864
• Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States
• Bankruptcy Act of 1898
• Bankruptcy Act of 1938
• Black Codes (United States)
• Byrd Amendment (1971)
• Chinese Exclusion Act
• Dawes Act
• Edmunds–Tucker Act
• Espionage Act of 1917
• Expatriation Act of 1907
• Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law
Category:United States repealed legislation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
one of the peak season for tourism and money making is this month in the moutains...we call it the fall foliage season....the leaves are changing....if the parkway is closed it will have a tremendous impact on this area....we have had a tough summer for small businesses as the rain has kept people away....we do not need this kick in the head on top of that.

thanks republicans...thanks....this is a gop strong hold...wonder how that will go over

October is one of the busiest months on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Maybe not this year, however.

I have a difficult time with the Feds ordering privately owned business, such as travel lodges, restaurants and motels to shut down. If I owned one of these businesses, I would tell the government to FO and would remain open.

The parkway will remain open in case of a federal government shutdown, but all of the sites and attractions along the scenic road will close.

The National Park Service had ordered the closing of the road if Congress could not reach a resolution by 12:01 a.m. today to keep the government running. However, park service officials decided Monday to keep the 469-mile parkway open.

&#8220;The mother road will be open,&#8221; said Steve Stinnett, the parkway&#8217;s chief ranger.

Nobody ordered any private business to shut down. The issue is more like this:

>> The government shutdown couldn't have come at a worse time for Jeff Smith, owner of the Jonathan Creek Inn in Maggie Valley, N.C.

October is an especially crucial month for the inn, which is located just 15 minutes from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Throngs of tourists flock to the park during the month to take in its spectacular fall foliage and view the grazing elk.

"It's my last chance to boost my sales ... to get the business comfortably through winter until spring," said Smith.

He meets his goal every year, thanks to the fact that the Great Smoky Mountains is the most visited national park in the United States.
But at 12.01 a.m Oct. 1., Smoky Mountains and all national parks in the United States were closed to the public as a result of the government shutdown. << (-- CNN Money)

As for the BRP, it's not a matter of who owns the land; it's about federal employees (park rangers etc) having no source of paycheck, therefore they aren't available to facilitate everyday stuff like campgrounds and restrooms. The road itself, as noted before, just sits there. Anyone can drive on it. But if you do you're on your own.

Yes they did!

(Reuters) - The operator of a 51-room inn located along the Blue Ridge Parkway in North Carolina is vowing to keep the property open despite being ordered to close as part of the federal government shutdown.
The National Park Service gave the Pisgah Inn, located in buildings and on land owned by the U.S. government, until 6 p.m. on Thursday to send guests home and shutter its operations, Parkway Chief Ranger Steve Stinnett said.

Bruce O'Connell, whose family has run the inn on a concession contract since the late 1970s, refused.

As long as the scenic, 469-mile parkway stays open to visitors, so will the hotel and its restaurant, gift shop and country store, O'Connell wrote on the inn's Facebook page on Wednesday.

"We in no way wish to belittle our President or our Congress. We in no way mean any disrespect to the National Park Service," O'Connell said. "We will remain open ... until such time as we are forced to close.
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When a law is passed, whether there is a 'super majority' involved or not, the law is, well, PASSED. There are NO provisions to repeal the law once the next batch of legislators comes to office. "Crammed down our throats" is a refrain used by the losers in elections. Once those losers become winners, as it happens all the time, those winners must live with current valid legislation or move to change it through the legislative process.

The process used by the Tea Party is one of impetuosity and brinksmanship. Hardly the qualities sought by the voting public.

What happens when a Republican is President and the House is majority Democrat? Suppose those Democrats decide that without strict and ardent gun control legislation the government must be shut down? Who will howl the loudest then? Who will be accused of childish behavior?

The Tea Party is irresponsible in it's actions and shutting down the government. They are allegedly adults and members of Congress, not the voice of the entirety of the American people. They are a minority whose politics does not fit all.

The Tea Party is not a legislative group. The Tea Party has no power whatsoever. If it has enough votes to send somebody to Washington, well that is the American way. Tea Partiers love their country, care about good and evil, integrity, personal responsibility, compassion, justice, and competence as much as any other citizen groups care. They are American citizens just as you are. And they have every right to hold their convictions and vote their conscience as you do. But they have no power to pass laws, change laws, or block anything.

It is the height of arrogance for President Obama or anybody else to accuse the Tea Party of somehow being untoward or unAmerican because they don't share his socialist views and believe a law is a bad law, most especially when the Tea Party is a minority of those who now do believe Obamacare is bad law, and that is well over 50% of all Americans.

When you, Nosmo, can honestly say that you have never considered ANY law to be bad law, and have ALWAYS viewed Congress as having no authority or moral justification to rescind a law, then you might have a leg to stand on here. But since I know you can't and won't say that, please understand where the rest of us are coming from.

A bad law is a bad law no matter WHO passed it. Laws have been passed, changed, and rescinded for the entire history of this country. And if we send representatives to Congress to deal with a bad law, we expect them to do just that.
But NEVER using the means the Tea Party congress delegation is using. And that's the despicable part of the whole charade.

Baloney. There have been 17 previous government shutdowns in American history, most under Democratic controlled Congresses, and almost all concentrated over budgetary disputes in Congress, and mostly occurring from 1970s to the 1990s. The longest was in 1995 when Clinton vetoed three bills before finally signing one with the welfare reform in it that saved his presidency and gave him what legacy he has. And every single one of those shutdowns used the very same methods that the Congress is using now--legislators voting their conscience or convictions and one chamber or a President refusing to bend to the will of the other.
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Just who is making all the calls of WHAT TO SHUT DOWN? someone called to shut down OUR Memorials, Obama shut off the white house the last he didn't get HIS maybe that is YOUR CLUE

thank Obama, he is the frikken LEADER of this least that is what he is suppose to be

again with you people, NO BLAME goes at the Democrats and Obama...

FIVE YEARS and this man is still the most perfect President to ever grace our country to some of you people..that's why his approvals are in the 30's and the rest of those who disapprove are all just mistaken I suppose

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When a law is passed, whether there is a 'super majority' involved or not, the law is, well, PASSED. There are NO provisions to repeal the law once the next batch of legislators comes to office. "Crammed down our throats" is a refrain used by the losers in elections. Once those losers become winners, as it happens all the time, those winners must live with current valid legislation or move to change it through the legislative process.

The process used by the Tea Party is one of impetuosity and brinksmanship. Hardly the qualities sought by the voting public.

What happens when a Republican is President and the House is majority Democrat? Suppose those Democrats decide that without strict and ardent gun control legislation the government must be shut down? Who will howl the loudest then? Who will be accused of childish behavior?

The Tea Party is irresponsible in it's actions and shutting down the government. They are allegedly adults and members of Congress, not the voice of the entirety of the American people. They are a minority whose politics does not fit all.

The Tea Party is not a legislative group. The Tea Party has no power whatsoever. If it has enough votes to send somebody to Washington, well that is the American way. Tea Partiers love their country, care about good and evil, integrity, personal responsibility, compassion, justice, and competence as much as any other citizen groups care. They are American citizens just as you are. And they have every right to hold their convictions and vote their conscience as you do. But they have no power to pass laws, change laws, or block anything.

It is the height of arrogance for President Obama or anybody else to accuse the Tea Party of somehow being untoward or unAmerican because they don't share his socialist views and believe a law is a bad law, most especially when the Tea Party is a minority of those who now do believe Obamacare is bad law, and that is well over 50% of all Americans.

When you, Nosmo, can honestly say that you have never considered ANY law to be bad law, and have ALWAYS viewed Congress as having no authority or moral justification to rescind a law, then you might have a leg to stand on here. But since I know you can't and won't say that, please understand where the rest of us are coming from.

A bad law is a bad law no matter WHO passed it. Laws have been passed, changed, and rescinded for the entire history of this country. And if we send representatives to Congress to deal with a bad law, we expect them to do just that.
But NEVER using the means the Tea Party congress delegation is using. And that's the despicable part of the whole charade.

As previously posted, the Tea Party is doing NOTHING that hasn't been done in EVERY other government shutdown. The President and the chirping Democrats just think if they use the term "Teabaggers' or "Tea Party' enough they can make propaganda points.

But what is new this time and IS despicable is that Obama is shutting down facilities and installations that require no government money or staff to keep open. And the only reason is to inflict as much pain on people as possible so he can have his way. I suppose you condone that though.
I wonder how many who want Obamacare funded would also support the funding of Federal law enforcement against MJ.

Almost all of them. Because we're consistent in believing that the house doesn't unilaterally dictate law via funding. It's that Constitution thing.

There is no Constitutional requirement for Congress to fund any law or program.

/end of discussion. Well played, maestro.
Just who is making all the calls of WHAT TO SHUT DOWN? someone called to shut down OUR Memorials, Obama shut off the white house the last he didn't get HIS maybe that is YOUR CLUE

thank Obama, he is the frikken LEADER of this least that is what he is suppose to be

again with you people, NO BLAME goes at the Democrats and Obama...

FIVE YEARS and this man is still the most perfect President to ever grace our country to some of you people..that's why his approvals are in the 30's and the rest of those who disapprove are all just mistaken I suppose


It would have been far more economical to keep them working without pay until an agreement was reached. That is what county governments around here do. Obama will back track and pay every last one of them for doing nothing.
The Tea Party is not a legislative group. The Tea Party has no power whatsoever. If it has enough votes to send somebody to Washington, well that is the American way. Tea Partiers love their country, care about good and evil, integrity, personal responsibility, compassion, justice, and competence as much as any other citizen groups care. They are American citizens just as you are. And they have every right to hold their convictions and vote their conscience as you do. But they have no power to pass laws, change laws, or block anything.

It is the height of arrogance for President Obama or anybody else to accuse the Tea Party of somehow being untoward or unAmerican because they don't share his socialist views and believe a law is a bad law, most especially when the Tea Party is a minority of those who now do believe Obamacare is bad law, and that is well over 50% of all Americans.

When you, Nosmo, can honestly say that you have never considered ANY law to be bad law, and have ALWAYS viewed Congress as having no authority or moral justification to rescind a law, then you might have a leg to stand on here. But since I know you can't and won't say that, please understand where the rest of us are coming from.

A bad law is a bad law no matter WHO passed it. Laws have been passed, changed, and rescinded for the entire history of this country. And if we send representatives to Congress to deal with a bad law, we expect them to do just that.
But NEVER using the means the Tea Party congress delegation is using. And that's the despicable part of the whole charade.

As previously posted, the Tea Party is doing NOTHING that hasn't been done in EVERY other government shutdown. The President and the chirping Democrats just think if they use the term "Teabaggers' or "Tea Party' enough they can make propaganda points.

But what is new this time and IS despicable is that Obama is shutting down facilities and installations that require no government money or staff to keep open. And the only reason is to inflict as much pain on people as possible so he can have his way
. I suppose you condone that though.

no kidding, they just brush all that off of him...He DECIDES what should and shouldn't be kept opened...He is supposed to be the LEADER of this COUNTRY
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I wonder how many who want Obamacare funded would also support the funding of Federal law enforcement against MJ.

Almost all of them. Because we're consistent in believing that the house doesn't unilaterally dictate law via funding. It's that Constitution thing.

There is no Constitutional requirement for Congress to fund any law or program.

Their own salaries. The Constitution says they get paid.
The Tea Party is not a legislative group. The Tea Party has no power whatsoever. If it has enough votes to send somebody to Washington, well that is the American way. Tea Partiers love their country, care about good and evil, integrity, personal responsibility, compassion, justice, and competence as much as any other citizen groups care. They are American citizens just as you are. And they have every right to hold their convictions and vote their conscience as you do. But they have no power to pass laws, change laws, or block anything.

It is the height of arrogance for President Obama or anybody else to accuse the Tea Party of somehow being untoward or unAmerican because they don't share his socialist views and believe a law is a bad law, most especially when the Tea Party is a minority of those who now do believe Obamacare is bad law, and that is well over 50% of all Americans.

When you, Nosmo, can honestly say that you have never considered ANY law to be bad law, and have ALWAYS viewed Congress as having no authority or moral justification to rescind a law, then you might have a leg to stand on here. But since I know you can't and won't say that, please understand where the rest of us are coming from.

A bad law is a bad law no matter WHO passed it. Laws have been passed, changed, and rescinded for the entire history of this country. And if we send representatives to Congress to deal with a bad law, we expect them to do just that.
But NEVER using the means the Tea Party congress delegation is using. And that's the despicable part of the whole charade.

As previously posted, the Tea Party is doing NOTHING that hasn't been done in EVERY other government shutdown. The President and the chirping Democrats just think if they use the term "Teabaggers' or "Tea Party' enough they can make propaganda points.

But what is new this time and IS despicable is that Obama is shutting down facilities and installations that require no government money or staff to keep open. And the only reason is to inflict as much pain on people as possible so he can have his way. I suppose you condone that though.
Take away the ACA, take away Obama and the obsessive hatred of him by Conservative. Do you think that we would have the situation we're in now? I doubt it, if it wasn't for the settled law that Conservatives hate, we would have a fully operating federal government right now.

But did Conservatives opt to change the law through the normal legislative procedure? Yes, and they failed due to lack of support. So now, they play the children card and take their ball, and federal credit and go home. Not anyone's proudest moment.

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