Blue Wave in Jeopardy As CDC Reports Suicide On The rise In Every State


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Possibly due to being unable to accept the results of the 2016 election and overwhelmed by hate, butt-hurt, and depressing over their FELON candidate losing to Donald Trump, Suicide is on an alarming rise all over the country. If this proves to be the case and continues it could mean lower numbers at the election booths on election day, giving Republicans and easy mid-term win...

CDC: Suicide rates on the rise in almost every state

Suicide rates are on the rise in almost every state, according to a new analysis released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Suicide has become the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S., and is one of three leading causes that are on the rise.

Twenty-five states had suicide-rate increases of more than 30 percent.

(Ok, this was a JOKE....and yes I know I am probably going to be attacked by snowflakes for being insensitive and offending them... :p )
Possibly due to being unable to accept the results of the 2016 election and overwhelmed by hate, butt-hurt, and depressing over their FELON candidate losing to Donald Trump, Suicide is on an alarming rise all over the country. If this proves to be the case and continues it could mean lower numbers at the election booths on election day, giving Republicans and easy mid-term win...

CDC: Suicide rates on the rise in almost every state

Suicide rates are on the rise in almost every state, according to a new analysis released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Suicide has become the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S., and is one of three leading causes that are on the rise.

Twenty-five states had suicide-rate increases of more than 30 percent.

(Ok, this was a JOKE....and yes I know I am probably going to be attacked by snowflakes for being insensitive and offending them... :p )

I can see why


Some thinks are worth mocking. Mental health is not one of them.
Did not intentionally mock mentally ill people....just the 'Blue Wave' and liberal voting practices....such as, death does not seem to prevent Democrats from voting in elections. :p .
its a neat joke but uh...the study you linked shows the rate increase is from 1999-2016.

wahh wahh wahhhh
Possibly due to being unable to accept the results of the 2016 election and overwhelmed by hate, butt-hurt, and depressing over their FELON candidate losing to Donald Trump, Suicide is on an alarming rise all over the country. If this proves to be the case and continues it could mean lower numbers at the election booths on election day, giving Republicans and easy mid-term win...

CDC: Suicide rates on the rise in almost every state

Suicide rates are on the rise in almost every state, according to a new analysis released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Suicide has become the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S., and is one of three leading causes that are on the rise.

Twenty-five states had suicide-rate increases of more than 30 percent.

(Ok, this was a JOKE....and yes I know I am probably going to be attacked by snowflakes for being insensitive and offending them... :p )
The story covers the period while Obama and Bush were President.

From your link:

From 1999 to 2016, rates increased in nearly all states, ranging from a 6 percent increase in Delaware to a 57 percent increase in North Dakota.

So a deep red state like North Dakota saw a massive skyrocketing suicide rate, while a blue state like Biden's Delaware saw a modest increase.

Try again, you little punk.
its a neat joke but uh...the study you linked shows the rate increase is from 1999-2016.

wahh wahh wahhhh

Ahhh, I see what you are saying. It is not the butt-hurt depression caused by Trump beating Hillary but rather the depression, frustration, desperation, and loss of hope especially caused by Obama's failed, depressing 8 years in office.

Good one....

Well, all the success and 'WINNING' Trump is bring back should turn those numbers around soon...
Possibly due to being unable to accept the results of the 2016 election and overwhelmed by hate, butt-hurt, and depressing over their FELON candidate losing to Donald Trump, Suicide is on an alarming rise all over the country. If this proves to be the case and continues it could mean lower numbers at the election booths on election day, giving Republicans and easy mid-term win...

CDC: Suicide rates on the rise in almost every state

Suicide rates are on the rise in almost every state, according to a new analysis released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Suicide has become the 10th leading cause of death in the U.S., and is one of three leading causes that are on the rise.

Twenty-five states had suicide-rate increases of more than 30 percent.

(Ok, this was a JOKE....and yes I know I am probably going to be attacked by snowflakes for being insensitive and offending them... :p )

I can see why


Oh shite, Democrats be craaazy. WTF??
its a neat joke but uh...the study you linked shows the rate increase is from 1999-2016.

wahh wahh wahhhh

Ahhh, I see what you are saying. It is not the butt-hurt depression caused by Trump beating Hillary but rather the depression, frustration, desperation, and loss of hope especially caused by Obama's failed, depressing 8 years in office.

Good one....

Well, all the success and 'WINNING' Trump is bring back should turn those numbers around soon...
Are you daft of the Bush years? It's a 15 year study, not 8..

but anyhoo, I couldn't really care to be honest.
I suspect the republicans are better at cheating at the polls.

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I can NOT believe you just said that after Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were proven to have screwed Bernie Sanders and his supporters, rigged their primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during their primaries, protected a proven felon from indictment so she could remain in the race, committed campaign fraud, violated campaign finance law, and treasonously colluded with foreign spies and Russians in an attempt to effect the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election!


I repeat the Republicans are better at cheating at the polls, they vote twice when they have double residences, and they gerrymander like crazy, they close SOS office and now in Mi they are going to make one fill out the whole darn voting card instead of just R or D. Anything to make it harder for poorer people to vote. There are also less polling places so they need to stand in longer lines and its just crazy, can't wait for a Dem gov.
its a neat joke but uh...the study you linked shows the rate increase is from 1999-2016.

wahh wahh wahhhh

Ahhh, I see what you are saying. It is not the butt-hurt depression caused by Trump beating Hillary but rather the depression, frustration, desperation, and loss of hope especially caused by Obama's failed, depressing 8 years in office.
So now we know who the real snowflakes are. They aren't the ones you claimed they were! :lol:


Man, you shoot yourself in the mouth at least twice a day.
I repeat the Republicans are better at cheating at the polls, they vote twice....

I love how snowflakes / Democrats constantly accuse others of doing what THEY do and of being who THEY are...

Ohioan gets 5-year prison term for illegal voting

'In a case watched around the country, Melowese Richardson was a Hamilton County poll worker from 1998 until her arrest earlier this year when she was charged with eight counts of illegal voting. In May, she accepted a plea deal and was convicted of four counts in exchange for the other four being dismissed.

"This is not a little thing. It's not a minor thing. This is what our country's based on — free elections," Judge Robert Ruehlman of Hamilton County Common Pleas Court told Richardson, chastizing her for violating the principle of one person, one vote.

She was convicted of voting twice in the 2012 election and voting three times — in 2008, 2011 and 2012 — for her sister, Montez Richardson, who has been in a coma since 2003.'


Hillary 'Product' Va Gov Terry McAuliffe made it possible in the last election not only for ex-FELON Pedophiles to vote in elections...the Democrats now have one running for Congress.....



I can NOT believe you just said that after Hillary Clinton and the Democrats were proven to have screwed Bernie Sanders and his supporters, rigged their primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud during their primaries, protected a proven felon from indictment so she could remain in the race, committed campaign fraud, violated campaign finance law, and treasonously colluded with foreign spies and Russians in an attempt to effect the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election!

That's great news.

Moonbats neutralizing their carbon foot print not only makes the world a cooler place, it dramatically improves the intellectual quality of society.

I am sure I can find lots of cheating republicans if I wanted, many not a few.
I am sure I can find lots of cheating republicans if I wanted, many not a few.

I am sure you could sweetheart.... :itsok:. If you searched long and hard enough I am sure you could eventually find one.


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