Bo Bergdahl 'Skates'

Seems like we are living during the Roman Empire, where the crowds in the peanut gallery of the Colosseum get to determine the fate of the prisoner with their shouts and angry screams and thumbs up or thumbs down....

fun, eh? justice the way it should be served!

Hang the fucker at Arlington in front of the brave.
Look at you...lolol! Wanting to hold a lynching at Arlington National Cemetary.
I would make an example of the coward.
We haven't resorted to that since the Civil War and even then it was rarely done
I think it was only used once in WWII

Most deserters are just shown the door

You're a pathetic coward defending a coward. Tell the survivors of those that didn't run and fell this is just.

They'll punch you in the face
How about the guy that was drafted instead of Trump, what happened to him?

No idea I see Clinton didnt volunteer to take his place

Sit down now
Nope. You had a fit about Bill Clinton & then voted for Trump. You can't be more of a hypocrite, ever.

Says the hypocrite whining about Trump and giving Slick Willie a pass? Lol you're such an idiot

Like shooting fish in a barrel, stupid progtards
The whole Berghdal story is bizarre.
Even though there were already suspicions the guy had deserted, Obama goes ahead and has a rose garden ceremony with his parents celebrating his rescue. If that wasn't disgusting enough, we now have this travesty of a sentence.

But the thing was, when Obama praised the guy, and arranged his rescue, the Army listed him as a POW, promoted him to Sergeant in captivity, and outright lied about how he was captured.

In short, they were putting the best spin on the story, just like they did when Tillman was killed by friendly fire or the rescue of Jessica Lynch turned out to be just picking her up at the Hospital.

Once he became another reason for the batshit crazy right to hate on Obama, though, a bunch of guys who got out of military service for bone spurs or cysts on the ass were quick to chime in.
Don’t ever criticize our vets you lousy communist scumbag.
Yet losers like you and bi-catfish denigrate vets all the time if we don't join you in blowing trump.
Don’t you ever question my love and reverence for our veterans of which I am one. I make it a point to deliver Thanksgiving meals...through the our lonely vets. Some in retirement homes...some in trailers...some living with their kids...some just on their own...God bless those that stood forth and defended the greatest nation on earth!
Bushie ready to bash more military in
You ever wore the uniform? Served? Stood a post? Had rounds fired at you in anger? Returned rounds? Had a fellow serviceman blown up with n front of you?
Seems like we are living during the Roman Empire, where the crowds in the peanut gallery of the Colosseum get to determine the fate of the prisoner with their shouts and angry screams and thumbs up or thumbs down....

fun, eh? justice the way it should be served!


The Romans would have killed him in a heartbeat.

Strange you leftists defending a deserter..very strange. Oh wait you're all cowards at heart

My father and sister both served, my father through wars guys like Reagan, Bush II and Cheney sat out. My sister was disabled in service. Both were Democrats and neither were COWARDS.

My father served and I promise you he'd volunteer to shoot Berghdal
There you go your "patriotism" vicariously over the bodies of others.
I live on my record. Not through others. You are a coward.
Seems like we are living during the Roman Empire, where the crowds in the peanut gallery of the Colosseum get to determine the fate of the prisoner with their shouts and angry screams and thumbs up or thumbs down....

fun, eh? justice the way it should be served!


The Romans would have killed him in a heartbeat.

Strange you leftists defending a deserter..very strange. Oh wait you're all cowards at heart

My father and sister both served, my father through wars guys like Reagan, Bush II and Cheney sat out. My sister was disabled in service. Both were Democrats and neither were COWARDS.

My father served and I promise you he'd volunteer to shoot Berghdal
There you go your "patriotism" vicariously over the bodies of others.
I live on my record. Not through others. You are a coward.

Whatever you believe, it is your liberty to so believe.
Another one goes over your head. He should have been shot dead. But of course you leftists being cowards protect cowards

We haven't resorted to that since the Civil War and even then it was rarely done
I think it was only used once in WWII

Most deserters are just shown the door

You're a pathetic coward defending a coward. Tell the survivors of those that didn't run and fell this is just.

They'll punch you in the face
How about the guy that was drafted instead of Trump, what happened to him?

No idea I see Clinton didnt volunteer to take his place

Sit down now
Nope. You had a fit about Bill Clinton & then voted for Trump. You can't be more of a hypocrite, ever.
Bill Clinton is one of the worst Americans this country has ever produced. Donald Trump is 10x the American Bill Clinton will ever be.
But the thing was, when Obama praised the guy, and arranged his rescue, the Army listed him as a POW, promoted him to Sergeant in captivity, and outright lied about how he was captured.

In short, they were putting the best spin on the story, just like they did when Tillman was killed by friendly fire or the rescue of Jessica Lynch turned out to be just picking her up at the Hospital.

Once he became another reason for the batshit crazy right to hate on Obama, though, a bunch of guys who got out of military service for bone spurs or cysts on the ass were quick to chime in.
Don’t ever criticize our vets you lousy communist scumbag.
Yet losers like you and bi-catfish denigrate vets all the time if we don't join you in blowing trump.
Don’t you ever question my love and reverence for our veterans of which I am one. I make it a point to deliver Thanksgiving meals...through the our lonely vets. Some in retirement homes...some in trailers...some living with their kids...some just on their own...God bless those that stood forth and defended the greatest nation on earth!
Bushie ready to bash more military in
You ever wore the uniform? Served? Stood a post? Had rounds fired at you in anger? Returned rounds? Had a fellow serviceman blown up with n front of you?

"Shot fired in anger". My father used the same expression.
The Romans would have killed him in a heartbeat.

Strange you leftists defending a deserter..very strange. Oh wait you're all cowards at heart

My father and sister both served, my father through wars guys like Reagan, Bush II and Cheney sat out. My sister was disabled in service. Both were Democrats and neither were COWARDS.

My father served and I promise you he'd volunteer to shoot Berghdal
There you go your "patriotism" vicariously over the bodies of others.
I live on my record. Not through others. You are a coward.

Whatever you believe, it is your liberty to so believe.
I know it to be so.
Seems like we are living during the Roman Empire, where the crowds in the peanut gallery of the Colosseum get to determine the fate of the prisoner with their shouts and angry screams and thumbs up or thumbs down....

fun, eh? justice the way it should be served!


The Romans would have killed him in a heartbeat.

Strange you leftists defending a deserter..very strange. Oh wait you're all cowards at heart

My father and sister both served, my father through wars guys like Reagan, Bush II and Cheney sat out. My sister was disabled in service. Both were Democrats and neither were COWARDS.

My father served and I promise you he'd volunteer to shoot Berghdal
There you go your "patriotism" vicariously over the bodies of others.
I live on my record. Not through others. You are a coward.

Hairy Back isn't worth the effort, kick it in the dentures and move to another victim.

I know of no service personnel that would ever defend Berghdal. None
Don’t ever criticize our vets you lousy communist scumbag.
Yet losers like you and bi-catfish denigrate vets all the time if we don't join you in blowing trump.
Don’t you ever question my love and reverence for our veterans of which I am one. I make it a point to deliver Thanksgiving meals...through the our lonely vets. Some in retirement homes...some in trailers...some living with their kids...some just on their own...God bless those that stood forth and defended the greatest nation on earth!
Bushie ready to bash more military in
You ever wore the uniform? Served? Stood a post? Had rounds fired at you in anger? Returned rounds? Had a fellow serviceman blown up with n front of you?

"Shot fired in anger". My father used the same expression.
That’s what happens. When your country must serve.
Seems like we are living during the Roman Empire, where the crowds in the peanut gallery of the Colosseum get to determine the fate of the prisoner with their shouts and angry screams and thumbs up or thumbs down....

fun, eh? justice the way it should be served!


The Romans would have killed him in a heartbeat.

Strange you leftists defending a deserter..very strange. Oh wait you're all cowards at heart

My father and sister both served, my father through wars guys like Reagan, Bush II and Cheney sat out. My sister was disabled in service. Both were Democrats and neither were COWARDS.

Reagan served in the Army Air Force. Bush 43 flew fighters in the TX ANG. Cheney was married with kids.

You contradicted yourself if your father and sister are still Democrats.

Reagan served in Hollywood idiot.

Poppa Bush served with honor while his children didn't.

Dick Cheney while at UW Madison received 5 deferments then got married.

Next time Google facts before posting conservative fake points of view.

What did I say that was wrong? Nothing! You need to take your own advice there, dumb ass!

"On April 18, 1942, Reagan was ordered to active duty for the first time. Due to his poor eyesight, he was classified for limited service only, which excluded him from serving overseas."

Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia

'Initially, Cheney was not drafted due to his marriage to Lynne Cheney. When the draft was expanded to include married men without children, he applied for four deferments in sequence. He applied for his fifth exemption on January 19, 1966, when his wife was about 10 weeks pregnant. He was granted 3-A status, the "hardship" exemption, which excluded men with children or dependent parents. In January 1967, Cheney turned 26 and was no longer eligible for the draft."

Dick Cheney - Wikipedia
Seems like we are living during the Roman Empire, where the crowds in the peanut gallery of the Colosseum get to determine the fate of the prisoner with their shouts and angry screams and thumbs up or thumbs down....

fun, eh? justice the way it should be served!


The Romans would have killed him in a heartbeat.

Strange you leftists defending a deserter..very strange. Oh wait you're all cowards at heart

My father and sister both served, my father through wars guys like Reagan, Bush II and Cheney sat out. My sister was disabled in service. Both were Democrats and neither were COWARDS.

Reagan served in the Army Air Force. Bush 43 flew fighters in the TX ANG. Cheney was married with kids.

You contradicted yourself if your father and sister are still Democrats.
yeah gwb protected the great state of alabama ?? Another fn republican coward
this was an aggravated case------he seems to have GONE OVER TO THE ENEMY------the present WAR ON TERRORISM is actually considered an undeclared war.
------the schmuck committed treason

Berghdal also provided valuable intelligence about the Taliban when he returned. He had close up knowledge of their organization and tactics

that's good----I am actually satisfied with the sentence-------sorta ------I cried when I read the "EXECUTION OF PRIVATE SLOVAK"

Did you also cry about the 100,000 American casualties during the
Battle of the Bulge, that only lasted 7 weeks.

Slovak was given 3 or 4 chances to return to his unit and refused
every one of them. He refused to fight. With 100,000 dead or wounded
laying all around you...and possibly having the war prolonged, IKE had
to cut down on desertions. Slovak did the trick.

I cry easily------I cried when I read "TALE OF TWO CITIES"---too. ---------when I was 14 I was REALLY emotional. Slovak
was unsuitable for service from the start-----he was a mistake
Slovak took the fall to send a message to other soldiers

The judge wasn't going to steamroll Bergdahl just to satisfy a petty raging President

Or the soldiers that testified against him, and that doesn't include
the men in his unit whom the Judge wouldn't allow to testify.

The verdict sends a clear message to troops serving in the field.
If you encounter a similar situation with a deserting team member,
you supply the justice.
Yet losers like you and bi-catfish denigrate vets all the time if we don't join you in blowing trump.
Don’t you ever question my love and reverence for our veterans of which I am one. I make it a point to deliver Thanksgiving meals...through the our lonely vets. Some in retirement homes...some in trailers...some living with their kids...some just on their own...God bless those that stood forth and defended the greatest nation on earth!
Bushie ready to bash more military in
You ever wore the uniform? Served? Stood a post? Had rounds fired at you in anger? Returned rounds? Had a fellow serviceman blown up with n front of you?

"Shot fired in anger". My father used the same expression.
That’s what happens. When your country must serve.

I agree.
Berghdal also provided valuable intelligence about the Taliban when he returned. He had close up knowledge of their organization and tactics

that's good----I am actually satisfied with the sentence-------sorta ------I cried when I read the "EXECUTION OF PRIVATE SLOVAK"

Did you also cry about the 100,000 American casualties during the
Battle of the Bulge, that only lasted 7 weeks.

Slovak was given 3 or 4 chances to return to his unit and refused
every one of them. He refused to fight. With 100,000 dead or wounded
laying all around you...and possibly having the war prolonged, IKE had
to cut down on desertions. Slovak did the trick.

I cry easily------I cried when I read "TALE OF TWO CITIES"---too. ---------when I was 14 I was REALLY emotional. Slovak
was unsuitable for service from the start-----he was a mistake
Slovak took the fall to send a message to other soldiers

The judge wasn't going to steamroll Bergdahl just to satisfy a petty raging President

next time-----there should be a better WEEDING procedure in
boot camp. You would be amazed at what GETS IN

No I wouldn't. I was in the Army in Vietnam
Seems like we are living during the Roman Empire, where the crowds in the peanut gallery of the Colosseum get to determine the fate of the prisoner with their shouts and angry screams and thumbs up or thumbs down....

fun, eh? justice the way it should be served!


The Romans would have killed him in a heartbeat.

Strange you leftists defending a deserter..very strange. Oh wait you're all cowards at heart

My father and sister both served, my father through wars guys like Reagan, Bush II and Cheney sat out. My sister was disabled in service. Both were Democrats and neither were COWARDS.

Reagan served in the Army Air Force. Bush 43 flew fighters in the TX ANG. Cheney was married with kids.

You contradicted yourself if your father and sister are still Democrats.

Reagan served in Hollywood idiot.

Poppa Bush served with honor while his children didn't.

Dick Cheney while at UW Madison received 5 deferments then got married.

Next time Google facts before posting conservative fake points of view.

What did I say that was wrong? Nothing! You need to take your own advice there, dumb ass!

"On April 18, 1942, Reagan was ordered to active duty for the first time. Due to his poor eyesight, he was classified for limited service only, which excluded him from serving overseas."

Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia

'Initially, Cheney was not drafted due to his marriage to Lynne Cheney. When the draft was expanded to include married men without children, he applied for four deferments in sequence. He applied for his fifth exemption on January 19, 1966, when his wife was about 10 weeks pregnant. He was granted 3-A status, the "hardship" exemption, which excluded men with children or dependent parents. In January 1967, Cheney turned 26 and was no longer eligible for the draft."

Dick Cheney - Wikipedia

Reagan never wore glasses, he was married at the time however. George HW Bush served honorably, despite family responsibilities. John McCain is a hero, as is Colin Powell, though I have READ the two men do not care for each other.
You're a pathetic coward defending a coward. Tell the survivors of those that didn't run and fell this is just.

They'll punch you in the face
How about the guy that was drafted instead of Trump, what happened to him?

No idea I see Clinton didnt volunteer to take his place

Sit down now
Nope. You had a fit about Bill Clinton & then voted for Trump. You can't be more of a hypocrite, ever.

Says the hypocrite whining about Trump and giving Slick Willie a pass? Lol you're such an idiot

Like shooting fish in a barrel, stupid progtards
Catfish in a barrel, eh?
The Romans would have killed him in a heartbeat.

Strange you leftists defending a deserter..very strange. Oh wait you're all cowards at heart

My father and sister both served, my father through wars guys like Reagan, Bush II and Cheney sat out. My sister was disabled in service. Both were Democrats and neither were COWARDS.

My father served and I promise you he'd volunteer to shoot Berghdal
There you go your "patriotism" vicariously over the bodies of others.
I live on my record. Not through others. You are a coward.

Hairy Back isn't worth the effort, kick it in the dentures and move to another victim.

I know of no service personnel that would ever defend Berghdal. None
Show where anyone here, including myself, defended Bergdahl. Good luck with that, Bi-Catfish.
The Romans would have killed him in a heartbeat.

Strange you leftists defending a deserter..very strange. Oh wait you're all cowards at heart

My father and sister both served, my father through wars guys like Reagan, Bush II and Cheney sat out. My sister was disabled in service. Both were Democrats and neither were COWARDS.

Reagan served in the Army Air Force. Bush 43 flew fighters in the TX ANG. Cheney was married with kids.

You contradicted yourself if your father and sister are still Democrats.

Reagan served in Hollywood idiot.

Poppa Bush served with honor while his children didn't.

Dick Cheney while at UW Madison received 5 deferments then got married.

Next time Google facts before posting conservative fake points of view.

What did I say that was wrong? Nothing! You need to take your own advice there, dumb ass!

"On April 18, 1942, Reagan was ordered to active duty for the first time. Due to his poor eyesight, he was classified for limited service only, which excluded him from serving overseas."

Ronald Reagan - Wikipedia

'Initially, Cheney was not drafted due to his marriage to Lynne Cheney. When the draft was expanded to include married men without children, he applied for four deferments in sequence. He applied for his fifth exemption on January 19, 1966, when his wife was about 10 weeks pregnant. He was granted 3-A status, the "hardship" exemption, which excluded men with children or dependent parents. In January 1967, Cheney turned 26 and was no longer eligible for the draft."

Dick Cheney - Wikipedia

Reagan never wore glasses, he was married at the time however. George HW Bush served honorably, despite family responsibilities. John McCain is a hero, as is Colin Powell, though I have READ the two men do not care for each other.

You never saw Reagan wear glasses, but he did.

George H. W, Bush did not get married until AFTER the war.
The Romans would have killed him in a heartbeat.

Strange you leftists defending a deserter..very strange. Oh wait you're all cowards at heart

My father and sister both served, my father through wars guys like Reagan, Bush II and Cheney sat out. My sister was disabled in service. Both were Democrats and neither were COWARDS.

My father served and I promise you he'd volunteer to shoot Berghdal
There you go your "patriotism" vicariously over the bodies of others.
I live on my record. Not through others. You are a coward.

Hairy Back isn't worth the effort, kick it in the dentures and move to another victim.

I know of no service personnel that would ever defend Berghdal. None
having mercy, and defending him, are 2 different things...

mercy is given to the GUILTY, not the innocent.
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