Bo Bergdahl 'Skates'

Lets be honest here......

Conservatives are not calling for Bergdahls head because he deserted

They are calling for his head because Obama arranged his release
Obama released five killers that returned to the fight. Obama also paid a ransom. Obama is a traitor too.

We need to put a noose at both ends of the rope and put those two on the same horse under a sturdy branch.

Obama got an American released from torturous captivity

His "crime" did not justify abandoning him
Bergdahl was in Taliban custody voluntarily, the shit stain that he is deserves to be executed
this was an aggravated case------he seems to have GONE OVER TO THE ENEMY------the present WAR ON TERRORISM is actually considered an undeclared war.
------the schmuck committed treason

Berghdal also provided valuable intelligence about the Taliban when he returned. He had close up knowledge of their organization and tactics

that's good----I am actually satisfied with the sentence-------sorta ------I cried when I read the "EXECUTION OF PRIVATE SLOVAK"

Did you also cry about the 100,000 American casualties during the
Battle of the Bulge, that only lasted 7 weeks.

Slovak was given 3 or 4 chances to return to his unit and refused
every one of them. He refused to fight. With 100,000 dead or wounded
laying all around you...and possibly having the war prolonged, IKE had
to cut down on desertions. Slovak did the trick.

I cry easily------I cried when I read "TALE OF TWO CITIES"---too. ---------when I was 14 I was REALLY emotional. Slovak
was unsuitable for service from the start-----he was a mistake
Slovak took the fall to send a message to other soldiers

The judge wasn't going to steamroll Bergdahl just to satisfy a petty raging President
Bergdahl fucked over his fellow soldiers by leaving his post and joining the Taliban, forcing his unit to look for the bag of treasonous shit.
He should be tied to a vehicle with logging chain and drug down a gravel road until he’s dead.
We are no longer a savage nation that executes soldiers who break under pressure

Unfortunately we elected a President without an ounce of compassion
That fucking piece of shit deserves no compassion whatsoever
Berghdal also provided valuable intelligence about the Taliban when he returned. He had close up knowledge of their organization and tactics

that's good----I am actually satisfied with the sentence-------sorta ------I cried when I read the "EXECUTION OF PRIVATE SLOVAK"

Did you also cry about the 100,000 American casualties during the
Battle of the Bulge, that only lasted 7 weeks.

Slovak was given 3 or 4 chances to return to his unit and refused
every one of them. He refused to fight. With 100,000 dead or wounded
laying all around you...and possibly having the war prolonged, IKE had
to cut down on desertions. Slovak did the trick.

I cry easily------I cried when I read "TALE OF TWO CITIES"---too. ---------when I was 14 I was REALLY emotional. Slovak
was unsuitable for service from the start-----he was a mistake
Slovak took the fall to send a message to other soldiers

The judge wasn't going to steamroll Bergdahl just to satisfy a petty raging President
Bergdahl fucked over his fellow soldiers by leaving his post and joining the Taliban, forcing his unit to look for the bag of treasonous shit.
He should be tied to a vehicle with logging chain and drug down a gravel road until he’s dead.
Yeah....we know the kind that likes to do that kind of thing........
Forget Fred. If Bergdahl, the former US soldier, cannot get military health care, then whatever state he lives in will have to foot the bill for nerve damage meds, and schizotypal disorder meds. Those with schizotypal disorder are described as follows:

They generally don't understand how relationships form or the impact of their behavior on others.

Schizotypal personality disorder - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
That motherfucker deserves nothing, he should be sent to Isis territory
Why leave him in 10 months? So he can use his pay to make the fine? Should have stripped that uniform off him, before he left Court.
He will appeal

Only the Dishonorable his attorney states, the Defense argued the schizotypal disorder pretty heavy, obviously unfit to serve and rough as Dishonorable is, he could have gotten LIFE.

The ONLY reason Republicans are demanding life is because Obama arranged his release

No other deserters went to prison
Obama was a cowardly piece of shit for letting a treasonous piece of shit go without any sort of penalty…
Why leave him in 10 months? So he can use his pay to make the fine? Should have stripped that uniform off him, before he left Court.
He will appeal

Only the Dishonorable his attorney states, the Defense argued the schizotypal disorder pretty heavy, obviously unfit to serve and rough as Dishonorable is, he could have gotten LIFE.

Obama let out terrorist at club Gitmo who retuned to terrorism and killing innocent people, all to free this deserter who probably helped the enemy.

Because of this, I'm sure Obama had something to do with him skating. There was just too much on the line and would look too bad for such a terrible deal, much like his Iran deal.

Men who had served ten years without charges or a trial

Bergdahl did not help the enemy. He was a low level enlisted

He did provide valuable intelligence about the Talliban which even the judge acknowledged
Na, He joined the Taliban you stupid motherfucker... lol
having mercy, and defending him, are 2 different things...

mercy is given to the GUILTY, not the innocent.
Hang his ass. No mercy. Let God judge him on that. But the people of the free world say “let him hang.”
Hairy Back is in overdrive. Bi catfish lol I'm no more inflicted with the mental disease of homosexuality than that cow is intelligent.

Bergdahl should be shot, tomorrow morning at dawn. Justice would be complete
So you, ignorant catfish that you are, want us to ignore what a military court-martial, run by military members has decided so you can feed your perverted sense of blood sports. I thought you supported our military....catfishing about that too, eh?

Tweaks your nose and snickers at your colossal blunder...restrooms on an aircraft carrier. Oh and shoot the son of a bitch.

Now shove off. Hefty I'm weary of your redundant blabbering and lying....BoPete
Doesn't even know what a "head" is.....lololol

I wouldn't know but a flaming bull dyke certainly is. You're truly an abomination Hairy Back.

Just a fraud flamimg threads and this time defending a cowardly traitor. You look more ignorant than usual doing it.

Now let me help you out, I know you're a fraud, nothing you can possibly post will change it. There lies your dilemma, now get to funnying my comments I'm oh so close to 73,000.
Show me defending the post, Bi- Catfish.
I can only imagine what soldiers stationed over there in Middle East are feeling. I have a sense that Afghanistan has become the forgotten war. Now with this coming down I know I would feel that those in command don't even have my back.
I can only imagine what soldiers stationed over there in Middle East are feeling. I have a sense that Afghanistan has become the forgotten war. Now with this coming down I know I would feel that those in command don't even have my back.
Political correctness destroys everything it touches, it has ruined sports comedy and everything else…
I can only imagine what soldiers stationed over there in Middle East are feeling. I have a sense that Afghanistan has become the forgotten war. Now with this coming down I know I would feel that those in command don't even have my back.
Political correctness destroys everything it touches, it has ruined sports comedy and everything else…
So...check this out...trumpanzees calling a Military Court PC....lololol
I don't like him either ------but VENGEANCE IS MINE, SAYETH......whatevah ok -----GOOD NEWS_---YOU CAN BLAME DA JOOOOOS
yeah gwb protected the great state of alabama ?? Another fn republican coward

Where and when did Bernie Sanders serve? Oh, right, sought conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War. How about Bill Clinton? Where did he serve? What about Barack Hussein Obama? Women are welcome in the military service, where was Hillary Clinton?

Looks like Democrats have to go way back to Jimmy Carter to find any of their presidents who served in the military.
Obama let out terrorist at club Gitmo who retuned to terrorism and killing innocent people, all to free this deserter who probably helped the enemy.

Except they weren't "Terrorists", they were leaders of a regime we didn't like. and they weren't returned to their home country. And there's no evidence that Bergdahl "helped" the enemy.

But don't let pesky things like "facts" stop you.

Because of this, I'm sure Obama had something to do with him skating. There was just too much on the line and would look too bad for such a terrible deal, much like his Iran deal.

Naw, if you want to blame someone, blame Trump. By blabbering like an idiot about it, he gave Bergdahl grounds for appeal of any sentence that was imposed.
yeah gwb protected the great state of alabama ?? Another fn republican coward

Where and when did Bernie Sanders serve? Oh, right, sought conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War. How about Bill Clinton? Where did he serve? What about Barack Hussein Obama? Women are welcome in the military service, where was Hillary Clinton?

Looks like Democrats have to go way back to Jimmy Carter to find any of their presidents who served in the military.
bill wanted no part of that bs war Now we have a president who showed his cowardice The man is all mouth wanting his subjects to kiss his butt Not I ,Not more than half the population
Why leave him in 10 months? So he can use his pay to make the fine? Should have stripped that uniform off him, before he left Court.
He will appeal

Only the Dishonorable his attorney states, the Defense argued the schizotypal disorder pretty heavy, obviously unfit to serve and rough as Dishonorable is, he could have gotten LIFE.

Obama let out terrorist at club Gitmo who retuned to terrorism and killing innocent people, all to free this deserter who probably helped the enemy.

Because of this, I'm sure Obama had something to do with him skating. There was just too much on the line and would look too bad for such a terrible deal, much like his Iran deal.

Men who had served ten years without charges or a trial

Bergdahl did not help the enemy. He was a low level enlisted

He did provide valuable intelligence about the Talliban which even the judge acknowledged

Probably why he caught a break. As for the "he looked just fine on release", he testified the treatment got better pending release. The pictures of him while in captivity indicate he was tortured, at least through starvation.

But one of the soldiers injured searching for him cannot walk or speak.
Bergdahl has no control over what soldiers do once he is gone. He is not the one deciding how many soldiers go, where they patrol, how much cover they have.
His culpability is indirect
yeah gwb protected the great state of alabama ?? Another fn republican coward

Where and when did Bernie Sanders serve? Oh, right, sought conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War. How about Bill Clinton? Where did he serve? What about Barack Hussein Obama? Women are welcome in the military service, where was Hillary Clinton?

Looks like Democrats have to go way back to Jimmy Carter to find any of their presidents who served in the military.
bill wanted no part of that bs war Now we have a president who showed his cowardice The man is all mouth wanting his subjects to kiss his butt Not I ,Not more than half the population
Trump was a war hawk supporting an unjustified war that he refused to serve in

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