Bob Barr At CPAC: 'How Would You Like To Be Waterboarded?'

Drawing and quartering isn't looking for info. Its for killing.

As for your question. Would I freak out if I thought I was drowniing?? Doubt it. I'm not the freak out type. I would get combative and take any measures I could to defend myself. Thats my mindset. If your asking if I think its mental torture. Nope. Just damned uncomfortable.
superwoman, eh? what exact combative and defensive measures do you think you would be able to take with your body completely restrained and your life in the hands of others? wriggle furiously? scream? GMAFB

my point was: there are lots of different types of torture. Do YOU think that you would feel severe mental suffering as your brain was telling you you were on the brink of death by drowning? yes or no

Nope Definetly not Superwoman. I'm just a person who doesn't freak out. In my job I see shit every day that most people will never see. After a while, its just ho hum.

No. If I thought I was dying I would be making my peace with God.

So, you would not struggle and your body wouldn't freak out over what it perceives to be impending death by drowning?
superwoman, eh? what exact combative and defensive measures do you think you would be able to take with your body completely restrained and your life in the hands of others? wriggle furiously? scream? GMAFB

my point was: there are lots of different types of torture. Do YOU think that you would feel severe mental suffering as your brain was telling you you were on the brink of death by drowning? yes or no

Nope Definetly not Superwoman. I'm just a person who doesn't freak out. In my job I see shit every day that most people will never see. After a while, its just ho hum.

No. If I thought I was dying I would be making my peace with God.

So, you would not struggle and your body wouldn't freak out over what it perceives to be impending death by drowning?

I would probably struggle. Who wouldn't. I ain't superwoman.

I sure wouldn't suffer mental anguish though. I'm just not wired that way.
Nope Definetly not Superwoman. I'm just a person who doesn't freak out. In my job I see shit every day that most people will never see. After a while, its just ho hum.

No. If I thought I was dying I would be making my peace with God.

So, you would not struggle and your body wouldn't freak out over what it perceives to be impending death by drowning?

I would probably struggle. Who wouldn't. I ain't superwoman.

I sure wouldn't suffer mental anguish though. I'm just not wired that way.

You would not suffer mental anguish at being tortured....................ok, Spock.
So, you would not struggle and your body wouldn't freak out over what it perceives to be impending death by drowning?

I would probably struggle. Who wouldn't. I ain't superwoman.

I sure wouldn't suffer mental anguish though. I'm just not wired that way.

You would not suffer mental anguish at being tortured....................ok, Spock.

I think If I were being waterboarded and was under the belief that I was dying, I would be pretty damned mad that I couldn't inflict some damage on my waterboarder before I went.

How about you??
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I would probably struggle. Who wouldn't. I ain't superwoman.

I sure wouldn't suffer mental anguish though. I'm just not wired that way.

You would not suffer mental anguish at being tortured....................ok, Spock.

I think If I were being waterboarded and was under the belief that I was dying, I would be pretty damned mad that I couldn't inflict some damage on my waterboarder before I went.

How about you??'s called "mental anguish". And let us take a moment to conclude that that is EXACTLY what anyone we are waterboarding is thinking about us when it is being done to them....perhaps that "inflicting damage" might come in the form of lies??????? Or someone unjustly accused of being a terrorist and waterboarded has just been made into a terrorist????

So, I guess we can never let anyone we waterboard free....ever, ever again. Can we?
superwoman, eh? what exact combative and defensive measures do you think you would be able to take with your body completely restrained and your life in the hands of others? wriggle furiously? scream? GMAFB

my point was: there are lots of different types of torture. Do YOU think that you would feel severe mental suffering as your brain was telling you you were on the brink of death by drowning? yes or no

Nope Definetly not Superwoman. I'm just a person who doesn't freak out. In my job I see shit every day that most people will never see. After a while, its just ho hum.

No. If I thought I was dying I would be making my peace with God.

So, you would not struggle and your body wouldn't freak out over what it perceives to be impending death by drowning?

I think what she is saying is that, if she were bound and restrained, and felt that drowning was imminent, she would simply give in and let death roll over her. Obviously, she is such a superior human being that she has somehow been able to supress her animalistic survival instinct. wow.
Nope Definetly not Superwoman. I'm just a person who doesn't freak out. In my job I see shit every day that most people will never see. After a while, its just ho hum.

No. If I thought I was dying I would be making my peace with God.

So, you would not struggle and your body wouldn't freak out over what it perceives to be impending death by drowning?

I think what she is saying is that, if she were bound and restrained, and felt that drowning was imminent, she would simply give in and let death roll over her. Obviously, she is such a superior human being that she has somehow been able to supress her animalistic survival instinct. wow.

I don't see why not. She's certainly able to suppress her sense of right and wrong, and any moral code.
My moral code is based on protecting the innocent, not mass murdering terrorists, at the expense of the innocent.
Nope Definetly not Superwoman. I'm just a person who doesn't freak out. In my job I see shit every day that most people will never see. After a while, its just ho hum.

No. If I thought I was dying I would be making my peace with God.

So, you would not struggle and your body wouldn't freak out over what it perceives to be impending death by drowning?

I think what she is saying is that, if she were bound and restrained, and felt that drowning was imminent, she would simply give in and let death roll over her. Obviously, she is such a superior human being that she has somehow been able to supress her animalistic survival instinct. wow.

NOthing superior about me.

I would be mad as hell that I couldn't take someone with me.

Your all so busy analysing me. What would you do my friend??
So, you would not struggle and your body wouldn't freak out over what it perceives to be impending death by drowning?

I think what she is saying is that, if she were bound and restrained, and felt that drowning was imminent, she would simply give in and let death roll over her. Obviously, she is such a superior human being that she has somehow been able to supress her animalistic survival instinct. wow.

I don't see why not. She's certainly able to suppress her sense of right and wrong, and any moral code.

No problem at all with my sense of right from wrong. I think the dirtbag terrorists have a big problem in that department though. They have no problem killing anyone at any time.

As for my moral code. No problem with that either. I have no problem wishing all the dirtbag terrorists dead and this country and the people in it safe. If waterboarding helps in achieving that goal, then waterboard away.

You think waterboarding is torture. I do not. Thats the difference between you and me.

I wonder what you would do if terrorists had members of your family and were going to kill them in 2 hours and the authorities captured one of them. I wonder what you would do to get the info to save your family????

Moral delima??? Not for me.
So, you would not struggle and your body wouldn't freak out over what it perceives to be impending death by drowning?

I think what she is saying is that, if she were bound and restrained, and felt that drowning was imminent, she would simply give in and let death roll over her. Obviously, she is such a superior human being that she has somehow been able to supress her animalistic survival instinct. wow.

NOthing superior about me.

I would be mad as hell that I couldn't take someone with me.

Your all so busy analysing me. What would you do my friend??

what would I do if I were waterboarded? I am quite sure that, in short order, I would do whatever I could to make my captors stop torturing me... and so would you. Your refusal to admit that you would be overcome with panic and fear and severe mental torment if you were certain that death by drowning was fast rushing up upon you, is kind of sad.
I think what she is saying is that, if she were bound and restrained, and felt that drowning was imminent, she would simply give in and let death roll over her. Obviously, she is such a superior human being that she has somehow been able to supress her animalistic survival instinct. wow.

NOthing superior about me.

I would be mad as hell that I couldn't take someone with me.

Your all so busy analysing me. What would you do my friend??

what would I do if I were waterboarded? I am quite sure that, in short order, I would do whatever I could to make my captors stop torturing me... and so would you. Your refusal to admit that you would be overcome with panic and fear and severe mental torment if you were certain that death by drowning was fast rushing up upon you, is kind of sad.

Since I know what waterboarding is and I know drowning isn't imminant seems kinda silly to go into panic and fear mode doncha think??

However, you cope with it anyway you wish. LOL
NOthing superior about me.

I would be mad as hell that I couldn't take someone with me.

Your all so busy analysing me. What would you do my friend??

what would I do if I were waterboarded? I am quite sure that, in short order, I would do whatever I could to make my captors stop torturing me... and so would you. Your refusal to admit that you would be overcome with panic and fear and severe mental torment if you were certain that death by drowning was fast rushing up upon you, is kind of sad.

Since I know what waterboarding is and I know drowning isn't imminant seems kinda silly to go into panic and fear mode doncha think??

However, you cope with it anyway you wish. LOL

what a joke. you are aware, I would think, that it is quite possible to actually drown someone by pouring water down their nose and into their lungs? YOU might think you "know" sitting in your comfy den, what waterboarding "is", but I guarantee you, if you had been captured on the battlefield attempting to kill your enemy, and then, when help in captivity by that same enemy and he then strapped you to a board, tilted you backwards and began pouring water down your nose and into your mouth, you would certainly believe that you were near death. but you clearly have no reason to accept that reality... it makes it so much easier for you to justify breaking the supreme law of the land, eh?
what would I do if I were waterboarded? I am quite sure that, in short order, I would do whatever I could to make my captors stop torturing me... and so would you. Your refusal to admit that you would be overcome with panic and fear and severe mental torment if you were certain that death by drowning was fast rushing up upon you, is kind of sad.

Since I know what waterboarding is and I know drowning isn't imminant seems kinda silly to go into panic and fear mode doncha think??

However, you cope with it anyway you wish. LOL

what a joke. you are aware, I would think, that it is quite possible to actually drown someone by pouring water down their nose and into their lungs? YOU might think you "know" sitting in your comfy den, what waterboarding "is", but I guarantee you, if you had been captured on the battlefield attempting to kill your enemy, and then, when help in captivity by that same enemy and he then strapped you to a board, tilted you backwards and began pouring water down your nose and into your mouth, you would certainly believe that you were near death. but you clearly have no reason to accept that reality... it makes it so much easier for you to justify breaking the supreme law of the land, eh?

You are certainly entitled to your opinioin and I would be the first to defend your right to that opinion.

Tell me Maine. Are you from Maine? If so what part??

I spend 20 plus years in Northern NH almost on the Candian border. Went to many a horse and dog show in the beautiful State of Maine.
I think what she is saying is that, if she were bound and restrained, and felt that drowning was imminent, she would simply give in and let death roll over her. Obviously, she is such a superior human being that she has somehow been able to supress her animalistic survival instinct. wow.

NOthing superior about me.

I would be mad as hell that I couldn't take someone with me.

Your all so busy analysing me. What would you do my friend??

what would I do if I were waterboarded? I am quite sure that, in short order, I would do whatever I could to make my captors stop torturing me... and so would you. Your refusal to admit that you would be overcome with panic and fear and severe mental torment if you were certain that death by drowning was fast rushing up upon you, is kind of sad.

I would probably tell them ANYTHING that I thought would make it stop. But, then again, I'm willing to admit I wouldn't know for sure until it actually happened to me.
Since I know what waterboarding is and I know drowning isn't imminant seems kinda silly to go into panic and fear mode doncha think??

However, you cope with it anyway you wish. LOL

what a joke. you are aware, I would think, that it is quite possible to actually drown someone by pouring water down their nose and into their lungs? YOU might think you "know" sitting in your comfy den, what waterboarding "is", but I guarantee you, if you had been captured on the battlefield attempting to kill your enemy, and then, when help in captivity by that same enemy and he then strapped you to a board, tilted you backwards and began pouring water down your nose and into your mouth, you would certainly believe that you were near death. but you clearly have no reason to accept that reality... it makes it so much easier for you to justify breaking the supreme law of the land, eh?

You are certainly entitled to your opinioin and I would be the first to defend your right to that opinion.

Tell me Maine. Are you from Maine? If so what part??

I spend 20 plus years in Northern NH almost on the Candian border. Went to many a horse and dog show in the beautiful State of Maine.

my opinion is based upon more than my gut.... I think that you are kidding yourself that you could be waterboarded but somehow your survival instinct would NOT kick in because you" knew what waterboarding really was".

I live in the state capital.
what would I do if I were waterboarded? I am quite sure that, in short order, I would do whatever I could to make my captors stop torturing me... and so would you. Your refusal to admit that you would be overcome with panic and fear and severe mental torment if you were certain that death by drowning was fast rushing up upon you, is kind of sad.

Since I know what waterboarding is and I know drowning isn't imminant seems kinda silly to go into panic and fear mode doncha think??

However, you cope with it anyway you wish. LOL

what a joke. you are aware, I would think, that it is quite possible to actually drown someone by pouring water down their nose and into their lungs? YOU might think you "know" sitting in your comfy den, what waterboarding "is", but I guarantee you, if you had been captured on the battlefield attempting to kill your enemy, and then, when help in captivity by that same enemy and he then strapped you to a board, tilted you backwards and began pouring water down your nose and into your mouth, you would certainly believe that you were near death. but you clearly have no reason to accept that reality... it makes it so much easier for you to justify breaking the supreme law of the land, eh?

CDR, I don't know if you went to SERE or not...but guys I know who went KNEW, simply KNEW they were going to be in "the camp" for no more than 24 hours. They KNEW, simply knew that they were not going to be permanently harmed.

And yet, while it was going on, they were terrified it would never end, that they would be drowned.

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