Boehner abandons GOP to extremists

The Far Right insists that the party can only survive by moving further to the right. Each time something like this happens the GOP tent gets a little smaller. It is very, very bad for the GOP. But most of the far right loons on USMB will disagree. We will find out in November 2016...

So our two choices are do things the Democrat way or have our tent shrink?

I'll take the chance on our tent. If Democrats are going to run this country no matter what party is in charge, the country is lost already.

That tune is getting pretty old....grow a pair...

Oh, you kinda mean like it's still Bush's fault?

The GOP needs to put on some Big Boy pants instead of playing the "victim" all the time.

You need to grow a pair and answer the question, Darlene. You made the point, man up to it.

How have the Republicans moved to the right? Name the issues and pull down your dress, your twat is showing
"Boehner abandons GOP to extremists"

Actually it's: Boehner abandons GOP taken over by extremists.

And mainstream republicans interested in sound, responsible governance have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their cowardice, their refusal to stand up to the extremists, too frightened and intimidated of being branded a 'RINO' and 'primaried' out of office.

How have Republicans moved to the right?

kaz, you are a one trick pony today. Learn a new tune or go away.
The Far Right insists that the party can only survive by moving further to the right. Each time something like this happens the GOP tent gets a little smaller. It is very, very bad for the GOP. But most of the far right loons on USMB will disagree. We will find out in November 2016...

So our two choices are do things the Democrat way or have our tent shrink?

I'll take the chance on our tent. If Democrats are going to run this country no matter what party is in charge, the country is lost already.

That tune is getting pretty old....grow a pair...

Oh, you kinda mean like it's still Bush's fault?

The GOP needs to put on some Big Boy pants instead of playing the "victim" all the time.

You need to grow a pair and answer the question, Darlene. You made the point, man up to it.

How have the Republicans moved to the right? Name the issues and pull down your dress, your twat is showing

I have answered it. The far right has run away one of the last people in congress that knew that compromise is necessary to successfully govern. You want to call that being more conservative or just being nuts....that is your call.

Now the TP will be fighting to get someone in leadership that is like minded, in other words, a little nuts.
It marks the end of the republican party.

Until a new, sane right-of-center party is established the democratic party will be in control.

This is a good thing for now, but after 8-12 years it could become as corrupt and unpatriotic as the GOP did.
Right of center meaning the GOP relegates social conservatives to the political backseat.
The conservative party has died twice in our history, hope this will not be a third time. America needs two parties, and Lincoln gave the third conservative party some hope, but it seems the conservative party, true to the name, cannot tolerate the changes the American people ever so slowly want to accept.
"Boehner abandons GOP to extremists"

Actually it's: Boehner abandons GOP taken over by extremists.

And mainstream republicans interested in sound, responsible governance have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their cowardice, their refusal to stand up to the extremists, too frightened and intimidated of being branded a 'RINO' and 'primaried' out of office.

How have Republicans moved to the right?

kaz, you are a one trick pony today. Learn a new tune or go away.
So our two choices are do things the Democrat way or have our tent shrink?

I'll take the chance on our tent. If Democrats are going to run this country no matter what party is in charge, the country is lost already.

That tune is getting pretty old....grow a pair...

Oh, you kinda mean like it's still Bush's fault?

The GOP needs to put on some Big Boy pants instead of playing the "victim" all the time.

You need to grow a pair and answer the question, Darlene. You made the point, man up to it.

How have the Republicans moved to the right? Name the issues and pull down your dress, your twat is showing

I have answered it. The far right has run away one of the last people in congress that knew that compromise is necessary to successfully govern. You want to call that being more conservative or just being nuts....that is your call.

Now the TP will be fighting to get someone in leadership that is like minded, in other words, a little nuts.

No, you haven't answered it. My question is simple. I'll help you.

What ... ISSUES ... has the Republican party moved to the right on?
"Boehner abandons GOP to extremists"

Actually it's: Boehner abandons GOP taken over by extremists.

And mainstream republicans interested in sound, responsible governance have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their cowardice, their refusal to stand up to the extremists, too frightened and intimidated of being branded a 'RINO' and 'primaried' out of office.

How have Republicans moved to the right?

kaz, you are a one trick pony today. Learn a new tune or go away.
So our two choices are do things the Democrat way or have our tent shrink?

I'll take the chance on our tent. If Democrats are going to run this country no matter what party is in charge, the country is lost already.

That tune is getting pretty old....grow a pair...

Oh, you kinda mean like it's still Bush's fault?

The GOP needs to put on some Big Boy pants instead of playing the "victim" all the time.

You need to grow a pair and answer the question, Darlene. You made the point, man up to it.

How have the Republicans moved to the right? Name the issues and pull down your dress, your twat is showing

I have answered it. The far right has run away one of the last people in congress that knew that compromise is necessary to successfully govern. You want to call that being more conservative or just being nuts....that is your call.

Now the TP will be fighting to get someone in leadership that is like minded, in other words, a little nuts.

The GOP is in fact at a crossroads: continue to become more extreme and irrelevant on the National level, or acknowledge the fact that the American people have taken the correct and appropriate position on the very issues damaging the GOP; where a majority of Americans support a woman's right to privacy, the right of same-sex couples to marry, and support passage of comprehensive immigration reform.

And it's not a matter of republicans being 'forced' to abandon their 'principles' and 'values'; quite the opposite: republicans can continue to oppose abortion while at the same time acknowledging the right of a woman to decide to have a child or not absent unwarranted interference from the state, and to believe marriage between same-sex couples is 'wrong' while at the same time acknowledging the due process and equal protection rights of gay Americans – advocating for less government and government not interfering in citizens' lives was once the 'republican thing' to do.

Indeed, republicans rejecting the social right and Christian fundamentalists is not to 'abandon' their principles and values, but to return to those principles and values lost when republicans struck their Faustian bargain with the social right and Christian fundamentalists some 45 years ago.
"Boehner abandons GOP to extremists"

Actually it's: Boehner abandons GOP taken over by extremists.

And mainstream republicans interested in sound, responsible governance have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their cowardice, their refusal to stand up to the extremists, too frightened and intimidated of being branded a 'RINO' and 'primaried' out of office.

How have Republicans moved to the right?

kaz, you are a one trick pony today. Learn a new tune or go away.
That tune is getting pretty old....grow a pair...

Oh, you kinda mean like it's still Bush's fault?

The GOP needs to put on some Big Boy pants instead of playing the "victim" all the time.

You need to grow a pair and answer the question, Darlene. You made the point, man up to it.

How have the Republicans moved to the right? Name the issues and pull down your dress, your twat is showing

I have answered it. The far right has run away one of the last people in congress that knew that compromise is necessary to successfully govern. You want to call that being more conservative or just being nuts....that is your call.

Now the TP will be fighting to get someone in leadership that is like minded, in other words, a little nuts.

No, you haven't answered it. My question is simple. I'll help you.

What ... ISSUES ... has the Republican party moved to the right on?

Once again, Darlene, you go the lack of functioning equipment route and reply "funny" because you have no content. You keep repeating the Republicans are moving to the right, but you can't name a single issue, not one.
a majority of Americans support a woman's right to privacy, the right of same-sex couples to marry, and support passage of comprehensive immigration reform.

First, you are another liberal who needs to take remedial English and study how to use quote marks.

But let's look at your list of issues. Jimbo's claim was the Republicans moved to the right.

"a majority of Americans support a woman's right to privacy" - As do I but when did the Republicans support abortion? To move to the right, they have to change their view

"the right of same-sex couples to marry" - same question, Holmes, when did Republicans support gay government marriage?

"support passage of comprehensive immigration reform" - A pattern if forming. When did Republicans support illegal immigration?

Note I used quote marks when I quoted your words. Remember that tip when you take high school English again...
"Boehner abandons GOP to extremists"

Actually it's: Boehner abandons GOP taken over by extremists.

And mainstream republicans interested in sound, responsible governance have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their cowardice, their refusal to stand up to the extremists, too frightened and intimidated of being branded a 'RINO' and 'primaried' out of office.

How have Republicans moved to the right?

kaz, you are a one trick pony today. Learn a new tune or go away.
Oh, you kinda mean like it's still Bush's fault?

The GOP needs to put on some Big Boy pants instead of playing the "victim" all the time.

You need to grow a pair and answer the question, Darlene. You made the point, man up to it.

How have the Republicans moved to the right? Name the issues and pull down your dress, your twat is showing

I have answered it. The far right has run away one of the last people in congress that knew that compromise is necessary to successfully govern. You want to call that being more conservative or just being nuts....that is your call.

Now the TP will be fighting to get someone in leadership that is like minded, in other words, a little nuts.

No, you haven't answered it. My question is simple. I'll help you.

What ... ISSUES ... has the Republican party moved to the right on?

Once again, Darlene, you go the lack of functioning equipment route and reply "funny" because you have no content. You keep repeating the Republicans are moving to the right, but you can't name a single issue, not one.

The only direction the GOP is taking at present is Down. They sit and whine and blame the establishment and the Dems. Then, when given the opportunity to do something, they walk away and cry about the black man in the White House. They are becoming a pathetic, whimpering, caucus of complainers. They have no answers...only complaints.
"Boehner abandons GOP to extremists"

Actually it's: Boehner abandons GOP taken over by extremists.

And mainstream republicans interested in sound, responsible governance have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their cowardice, their refusal to stand up to the extremists, too frightened and intimidated of being branded a 'RINO' and 'primaried' out of office.

How have Republicans moved to the right?

kaz, you are a one trick pony today. Learn a new tune or go away.
The GOP needs to put on some Big Boy pants instead of playing the "victim" all the time.

You need to grow a pair and answer the question, Darlene. You made the point, man up to it.

How have the Republicans moved to the right? Name the issues and pull down your dress, your twat is showing

I have answered it. The far right has run away one of the last people in congress that knew that compromise is necessary to successfully govern. You want to call that being more conservative or just being nuts....that is your call.

Now the TP will be fighting to get someone in leadership that is like minded, in other words, a little nuts.

No, you haven't answered it. My question is simple. I'll help you.

What ... ISSUES ... has the Republican party moved to the right on?

Once again, Darlene, you go the lack of functioning equipment route and reply "funny" because you have no content. You keep repeating the Republicans are moving to the right, but you can't name a single issue, not one.

The only direction the GOP is taking at present is Down. They sit and whine and blame the establishment and the Dems. Then, when given the opportunity to do something, they walk away and cry about the black man in the White House. They are becoming a pathetic, whimpering, caucus of complainers. They have no answers...only complaints.

You're doing a pretty good of it yourself.

What about issues? Come up with any yet? How have the Republicans moved to the right?
How have Republicans moved to the right?

kaz, you are a one trick pony today. Learn a new tune or go away.
You need to grow a pair and answer the question, Darlene. You made the point, man up to it.

How have the Republicans moved to the right? Name the issues and pull down your dress, your twat is showing

I have answered it. The far right has run away one of the last people in congress that knew that compromise is necessary to successfully govern. You want to call that being more conservative or just being nuts....that is your call.

Now the TP will be fighting to get someone in leadership that is like minded, in other words, a little nuts.

No, you haven't answered it. My question is simple. I'll help you.

What ... ISSUES ... has the Republican party moved to the right on?

Once again, Darlene, you go the lack of functioning equipment route and reply "funny" because you have no content. You keep repeating the Republicans are moving to the right, but you can't name a single issue, not one.

The only direction the GOP is taking at present is Down. They sit and whine and blame the establishment and the Dems. Then, when given the opportunity to do something, they walk away and cry about the black man in the White House. They are becoming a pathetic, whimpering, caucus of complainers. They have no answers...only complaints.

You're doing a pretty good of it yourself.

What about issues? Come up with any yet? How have the Republicans moved to the right?

Hasn't it become obvious that I don't care about your "so called" Republican issues. You have your right wing loons, who are drooling over the prospects of shutting down the Federal Government and calling it "conservative values." You just keep whining and complaining about the GOP not being conservative enough. It is charming....
kaz, you are a one trick pony today. Learn a new tune or go away.
I have answered it. The far right has run away one of the last people in congress that knew that compromise is necessary to successfully govern. You want to call that being more conservative or just being nuts....that is your call.

Now the TP will be fighting to get someone in leadership that is like minded, in other words, a little nuts.

No, you haven't answered it. My question is simple. I'll help you.

What ... ISSUES ... has the Republican party moved to the right on?

Once again, Darlene, you go the lack of functioning equipment route and reply "funny" because you have no content. You keep repeating the Republicans are moving to the right, but you can't name a single issue, not one.

The only direction the GOP is taking at present is Down. They sit and whine and blame the establishment and the Dems. Then, when given the opportunity to do something, they walk away and cry about the black man in the White House. They are becoming a pathetic, whimpering, caucus of complainers. They have no answers...only complaints.

You're doing a pretty good of it yourself.

What about issues? Come up with any yet? How have the Republicans moved to the right?

Hasn't it become obvious that I don't care about your "so called" Republican issues. You have your right wing loons, who are drooling over the prospects of shutting down the Federal Government and calling it "conservative values." You just keep whining and complaining about the GOP not being conservative enough. It is charming....

So when you say Republicans are moving to the right, that isn't caring, so when I ask how, that isn't caring either.

You made the claim, you aren't man enough to back it up. You've made that clear for a while now.

Aren't you running late for a tupperware party?
No, you haven't answered it. My question is simple. I'll help you.

What ... ISSUES ... has the Republican party moved to the right on?

Once again, Darlene, you go the lack of functioning equipment route and reply "funny" because you have no content. You keep repeating the Republicans are moving to the right, but you can't name a single issue, not one.

The only direction the GOP is taking at present is Down. They sit and whine and blame the establishment and the Dems. Then, when given the opportunity to do something, they walk away and cry about the black man in the White House. They are becoming a pathetic, whimpering, caucus of complainers. They have no answers...only complaints.

You're doing a pretty good of it yourself.

What about issues? Come up with any yet? How have the Republicans moved to the right?

Hasn't it become obvious that I don't care about your "so called" Republican issues. You have your right wing loons, who are drooling over the prospects of shutting down the Federal Government and calling it "conservative values." You just keep whining and complaining about the GOP not being conservative enough. It is charming....

So when you say Republicans are moving to the right, that isn't caring, so when I ask how, that isn't caring either.

You made the claim, you aren't man enough to back it up. You've made that clear for a while now.

Aren't you running late for a tupperware party?
Just keep whining about the GOP not being conservative enough. You are on the verge of losing both the WH and the Senate......all the while urging your party to move further to the right.

Not enough racist white males being born to allow the GOP to win nationally again. Now.....please whine some more.
Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.

You people keep blaming the Republicans for 2013 Shutdown. If that is the case, how did Republicans take back all of Congress in 2014?
What good did that go you? Eh?
Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.

hmmm, didnt the reps win big in 2014?
How'd that work out for you? Lots of GOP programs enacted? :lol:
Once again, Darlene, you go the lack of functioning equipment route and reply "funny" because you have no content. You keep repeating the Republicans are moving to the right, but you can't name a single issue, not one.

The only direction the GOP is taking at present is Down. They sit and whine and blame the establishment and the Dems. Then, when given the opportunity to do something, they walk away and cry about the black man in the White House. They are becoming a pathetic, whimpering, caucus of complainers. They have no answers...only complaints.

You're doing a pretty good of it yourself.

What about issues? Come up with any yet? How have the Republicans moved to the right?

Hasn't it become obvious that I don't care about your "so called" Republican issues. You have your right wing loons, who are drooling over the prospects of shutting down the Federal Government and calling it "conservative values." You just keep whining and complaining about the GOP not being conservative enough. It is charming....

So when you say Republicans are moving to the right, that isn't caring, so when I ask how, that isn't caring either.

You made the claim, you aren't man enough to back it up. You've made that clear for a while now.

Aren't you running late for a tupperware party?
Just keep whining about the GOP not being conservative enough. You are on the verge of losing both the WH and the Senate......all the while urging your party to move further to the right.

Not enough racist white males being born to allow the GOP to win nationally again. Now.....please whine some more.

Strawman, I didn't say any of that crap.

You said the Republican party was moving to the right. Post after post, you can't name any issue they are actually moving to the right on. So it turns out you pulled it out of your ass

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