Boehner abandons GOP to extremists

Oh, yeah--"extremists"! Let's see, that would be those:

* Who want to stop deficit spending and balance the budget so we don't end up like Greece or Spain or Italy or England (or Detroit).
* Who want to return to a sound money policy (the kind that Norway, Germany, and Switzerland follow).
* Who want to stop sending tax dollars to an organization that is killing third-trimester babies and selling their body parts.
* Who want to prevent the Holocaust-denying mullahs in Iran (the world's biggest state sponsor of terrorism) from getting over $100 billion.
* Who do not want to see Iran be allowed to keep its nuclear weapons potential largely intact.
* Who want to bring over $2 trillion back into our country from overseas by lowering our insane corporate income tax and our repatriated income tax rate.
* Who want to protect babies in the womb who can feel pain from being killed in elective abortions.
* Who want to uphold the First Amendment so that religious people aren't forced to choose between earning a living and living their religion, etc.

Yeah, wow, real "extremists" those guys! Watch out for them!

Most often, an extremist is not defined by his positions on any given subject. He is defined by his ardent refusal to compromise, the lengths to which he will go to satisfy his unyielding ego, and his mentally obtuse all-or-nothing attitude.

If you want to balance the budget then we are in agreement. If you want to make drastic cuts to balance the budget right now this moment, irresponsibly fail to consider all of the consequences, and are willing to shut down the government and incur even greater costs as a result, then you are an extremist and I want nothing to do with you.
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Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.

hmmm, didnt the reps win big in 2014?
And lost big in 2008 and 2012. The Senate is positioned to go Dem in 2016. With Trump's candidacy and Boehner's resignation, the party will tear itself apart over the next 14 months.
Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.

hmmm, didnt the reps win big in 2014?
And lost big in 2008 and 2012. The Senate is positioned to go Dem in 2016. With Trump's candidacy and Boehner's resignation, the party will tear itself apart over the next 14 months.

Most projections have Rs winning it 51-47. The R's do need to tear mcconnel apart.
Oh, yeah--"extremists"! Let's see, that would be those:

* Who want to stop deficit spending and balance the budget so we don't end up like Greece or Spain or Italy or England (or Detroit).
* Who want to return to a sound money policy (the kind that Norway, Germany, and Switzerland follow).
* Who want to stop sending tax dollars to an organization that is killing third-trimester babies and selling their body parts.
* Who want to prevent the Holocaust-denying mullahs in Iran (the world's biggest state sponsor of terrorism) from getting over $100 billion.
* Who do not want to see Iran be allowed to keep its nuclear weapons potential largely intact.
* Who want to bring over $2 trillion back into our country from overseas by lowering our insane corporate income tax and our repatriated income tax rate.
* Who want to protect babies in the womb who can feel pain from being killed in elective abortions.
* Who want to uphold the First Amendment so that religious people aren't forced to choose between earning a living and living their religion, etc.

Yeah, wow, real "extremists" those guys! Watch out for them!

Most often, an extremist is not defined by his positions on any given subject. He is defined by his ardent refusal to compromise, the lengths to which he will go to satisfy his unyielding ego, and his mentally obtuse all-or-nothing attitude.

If you want to balance the budget then we are in agreement. If you want to make drastic cuts to balance the budget right now this moment, irresponsibly consider all of the consequences, and are willing to shut down the government and incur even greater costs as a result, then you are an extremist and I want nothing to do with you.

Lol. Of course you didn't mention the D's uncompromising ways on obamacare.
The Ds were willing to negotiate on ACA, they were not willing to let the GOP gut it.
Kids, this is a public Service announcement of what happens when someone listens to too much hate radio.

Oh, yeah--"extremists"! Let's see, that would be those:

* Who want to stop deficit spending and balance the budget so we don't end up like Greece or Spain or Italy or England (or Detroit).

Except they never propose anything like that. Their every proposal is "Let's cut taxes for rich people" and then wonder why the debt balloons when trickle down doesn't.

* Who want to return to a sound money policy (the kind that Norway, Germany, and Switzerland follow).

Do you really want to have the kinds of economic policies Germany and Norway have? That would include socialized medicine, and a large welfare state.

* Who want to stop sending tax dollars to an organization that is killing third-trimester babies and selling their body parts.

Except PP doesn't do Third Trimester abortions. IN fact, there are only a few doctors who are set up to do abortions in the third trimester, and one of you crazies killed one of them. Nor is anyone "selling" parts.

* Who want to prevent the Holocaust-denying mullahs in Iran (the world's biggest state sponsor of terrorism) from getting over $100 billion.
* Who do not want to see Iran be allowed to keep its nuclear weapons potential largely intact.

So then why don't you support an agreement that opens Iran up to inspections, requires them to shut down 70% of their centrifuges, and makes them turn over their stockpiles for processing into non-weaponized forms?

* Who want to bring over $2 trillion back into our country from overseas by lowering our insane corporate income tax and our repatriated income tax rate.

the US has one of the lowest real corporate taxes in the world. All the loopholes make it lower than most industrial democracies. You really think they are sending jobs over to slave labor in China because of tax structures?

* Who want to protect babies in the womb who can feel pain from being killed in elective abortions.

Fetuses aren't babies. And if you guys were serious about reducing the number of abortions, you'd support Planned Parenthood in teaching about contraception, you'd support universal health care and family and medical leave. But you aren't.

* Who want to uphold the First Amendment so that religious people aren't forced to choose between earning a living and living their religion, etc.

Sorry, they need to stop using religion as an excuse for their bigotry.
The Ds were willing to negotiate on ACA, they were not willing to let the GOP gut it.

No, the dems weren't willing to negotiate. R's have been giving O almost everything that he wants. One of many reasons why folks are sick of them for compromising the whole farm to O. You need to jump out of that peyote patch, JS.
Lol. Of course you didn't mention the D's uncompromising ways on obamacare.

Most often, an extremist is not defined by his positions on any given subject. He is defined by his ardent refusal to compromise, the lengths to which he will go to satisfy his unyielding ego, and his mentally obtuse all-or-nothing attitude.

Pretty sure that covers Pelosi's "pass the bill so we can read the bill" Obamacare fiasco. Now stop being a fucking idiot.
Lol. Of course you didn't mention the D's uncompromising ways on obamacare.

Most often, an extremist is not defined by his positions on any given subject. He is defined by his ardent refusal to compromise, the lengths to which he will go to satisfy his unyielding ego, and his mentally obtuse all-or-nothing attitude.

Pretty sure that covers Pelosi's "pass the bill so we can read the bill" Obamacare fiasco. Now stop being a fucking idiot.

Pelosi is not a he.
Lol. Of course you didn't mention the D's uncompromising ways on obamacare.

Most often, an extremist is not defined by his positions on any given subject. He is defined by his ardent refusal to compromise, the lengths to which he will go to satisfy his unyielding ego, and his mentally obtuse all-or-nothing attitude.

Pretty sure that covers Pelosi's "pass the bill so we can read the bill" Obamacare fiasco. Now stop being a fucking idiot.

Pelosi is not a he.

1) That's not yet proven.
2) Your post is the way Pelosi would respond. Stop being as stupid as Pelosi.
Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.

hmmm, didnt the reps win big in 2014?
And lost big in 2008 and 2012. The Senate is positioned to go Dem in 2016. With Trump's candidacy and Boehner's resignation, the party will tear itself apart over the next 14 months.

Trump isnt tearing the party apart. The establishment pigs did that. Trump and his followers are the reason Boehner is gone. I can assure you rubio the pig and bush LOVE the pigs.
Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.

hmmm, didnt the reps win big in 2014?
And lost big in 2008 and 2012. The Senate is positioned to go Dem in 2016. With Trump's candidacy and Boehner's resignation, the party will tear itself apart over the next 14 months.

Trump isnt tearing the party apart. The establishment pigs did that. Trump and his followers are the reason Boehner is gone. I can assure you rubio the pig and bush LOVE the pigs.

Every time you speak, it's like God commanding us to repeal the 19th amendment.
You people keep blaming the Republicans for 2013 Shutdown. If that is the case, how did Republicans take back all of Congress in 2014?

Apples and oranges.

The republicans won by gerrymandering their districts. Those districts will be redrawn in 2020.
Look, here's what's going on:

The extremists are just that, and extreme part of the group. you guys are 10-15% of all the voters.

Eighty-five percent of the voters disagree with you.

Your fifteen minutes are over, your walk in the sun has ended.

You were given a voice and given some power and you handled both like low-rent dirtbags. Your fault. Own it and slink back into the recesses.
You people keep blaming the Republicans for 2013 Shutdown. If that is the case, how did Republicans take back all of Congress in 2014?

Apples and oranges.

The republicans won by gerrymandering their districts. Those districts will be redrawn in 2020.

Is that a fact that lies only between your ears or do you have more than one validated source pointing to a consensus on empirical data supporting your hypothesis? Otherwise, it's combination wishful thinking and denial on your part.
OK, lets define terms

crazies = far left wing loon members of the dem party who want to be slaves to govt
rinos = republicans who have no balls
centrists = sane people from both parties who talk but do nothing
consittutionalists = mostly republicans who want to run the country by the constitution
Trump supporters = americans of every color, creed, and political belief who are fed up with lifetime politicans who owe their souls to special interests who finance them.

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