Boehner abandons GOP to extremists

"Boehner abandons GOP to extremists"

Actually it's: Boehner abandons GOP taken over by extremists.

And mainstream republicans interested in sound, responsible governance have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their cowardice, their refusal to stand up to the extremists, too frightened and intimidated of being branded a 'RINO' and 'primaried' out of office.

How have Republicans moved to the right?
Good or bad for republicans?

Good or bad for the country should be. What's good or bad for the GOP isn't going to be limited to the GOP.

Am waiting for the other shoe to drop and the actual reason to come to light. Wake me when that happens.

Yes... I had the same thought, about 90 seconds after I heard the news...

Simple... Boehner was going to lose his job... he wasn't up for the fight. Better to move on to K Street and make a gazillion dollars.
"Boehner abandons GOP to extremists"

Actually it's: Boehner abandons GOP taken over by extremists.

And mainstream republicans interested in sound, responsible governance have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their cowardice, their refusal to stand up to the extremists, too frightened and intimidated of being branded a 'RINO' and 'primaried' out of office.

How have Republicans moved to the right?

kaz, you are a one trick pony today. Learn a new tune or go away.
So our two choices are do things the Democrat way or have our tent shrink?

I'll take the chance on our tent. If Democrats are going to run this country no matter what party is in charge, the country is lost already.

That tune is getting pretty old....grow a pair...

Oh, you kinda mean like it's still Bush's fault?

The GOP needs to put on some Big Boy pants instead of playing the "victim" all the time.

You need to grow a pair and answer the question, Darlene. You made the point, man up to it.

How have the Republicans moved to the right? Name the issues and pull down your dress, your twat is showing

I have answered it. The far right has run away one of the last people in congress that knew that compromise is necessary to successfully govern. You want to call that being more conservative or just being nuts....that is your call.

Now the TP will be fighting to get someone in leadership that is like minded, in other words, a little nuts.
In other words you want the right to give in and let the left win every battle and not get one thing that they want.
Good or bad for republicans?
When you consider that the left labels everyone an "extremist" who doesn't go along with democrat party socialism or the selling of human body parts gleaned from the slaughter of the unborn and newly born or thinks that the 1st and 2nd Amendments are important then I guess the word "extremist" applies.
Once again, Darlene, you go the lack of functioning equipment route and reply "funny" because you have no content. You keep repeating the Republicans are moving to the right, but you can't name a single issue, not one.

The only direction the GOP is taking at present is Down. They sit and whine and blame the establishment and the Dems. Then, when given the opportunity to do something, they walk away and cry about the black man in the White House. They are becoming a pathetic, whimpering, caucus of complainers. They have no answers...only complaints.

You're doing a pretty good of it yourself.

What about issues? Come up with any yet? How have the Republicans moved to the right?

Hasn't it become obvious that I don't care about your "so called" Republican issues. You have your right wing loons, who are drooling over the prospects of shutting down the Federal Government and calling it "conservative values." You just keep whining and complaining about the GOP not being conservative enough. It is charming....

So when you say Republicans are moving to the right, that isn't caring, so when I ask how, that isn't caring either.

You made the claim, you aren't man enough to back it up. You've made that clear for a while now.

Aren't you running late for a tupperware party?
Just keep whining about the GOP not being conservative enough. You are on the verge of losing both the WH and the Senate......all the while urging your party to move further to the right.

Not enough racist white males being born to allow the GOP to win nationally again. Now.....please whine some more.
Moving what to the right?
Voter id. that's a middle issue. To the right would be to restrict voting more like requiring a test.
How about not murdering innocent unborn. Again that's a neutral to the right would be outlawing out of marriage sex. They ain't going there so you're wrong again.
How about defending the border and requiring immigrants to be ones we need not ones who need us. That's middle too. Protecting our shores for Americans should be middle of the road. Not a hard right point.

Like he said, what is being moved to the right?
There are now two wings in the Republican Party - the RINOs and the Crazies.

and why are you surprised.

Since 1968, the GOP has been the rich manipulating people's racial, sexual, religious and economic fears and getting them to vote against their own economic interests.

The "Crazies" as you call them, are people who have been riled up about these things for decades, see no progress made on their issues, and are lashing out.

The straw that broke Boehner's back, apparently, was this Planned Parenthood nonsense. after weeks of getting the crazies riled up that PP was selling babies for parts (they weren't), Boehner had some crazy idea that we weren't going to shut down the government to try to defund 10% of their federal subsidy.

IN all probabity, Kevin McCarthy will be the next Speaker, and the Crazies will bitch just as much about him.

Interesting that you pick 1968. SEE the Democratic National Convention from that year and witness the fundamental transformation of the Democrat Party from moderates to hard Left. 1968 also marks the year when the outgoing President's 200 year plan was getting into full swing. If Great Society was so great, how does one explain more poverty, more single parents, higher illiteracy, higher unemployment among minorities? Calling the organization Planned Parenthood is a misnomer. Miss Sanger's vision was reducing the number of what the elite determine to be inferior people via Planned Infanticide.
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Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.

hmmm, didnt the reps win big in 2014?

And then they proceeded to stab us in the back.
There are now two wings in the Republican Party - the RINOs and the Crazies.

and why are you surprised.

Since 1968, the GOP has been the rich manipulating people's racial, sexual, religious and economic fears and getting them to vote against their own economic interests.

The "Crazies" as you call them, are people who have been riled up about these things for decades, see no progress made on their issues, and are lashing out.

The straw that broke Boehner's back, apparently, was this Planned Parenthood nonsense. after weeks of getting the crazies riled up that PP was selling babies for parts (they weren't), Boehner had some crazy idea that we weren't going to shut down the government to try to defund 10% of their federal subsidy.

IN all probabity, Kevin McCarthy will be the next Speaker, and the Crazies will bitch just as much about him.

Interesting that you pick 1968. SEE the Democratic National Convention from that year and witness the fundamental transformation of the Democrat Party from moderates to hard Left. 1968 also marks the year when the outgoing President's 200 year plan was getting into full swing. If Great Society was so great, how does one explain more poverty, more single parents, higher illiteracy, higher unemployment among minorities? Calling the organization Planned Parenthood is a misnomer. Miss Sanger's vision was reducing the number of inferior people via Planned Infanticide.
I actually like that idea. population control. The ones who can't feed themselves shouldn't be having babies and should all be sterilized.
Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.

hmmm, didnt the reps win big in 2014?

And then they proceeded to stab us in the back.
That sounds familiar.
Once again, Darlene, you go the lack of functioning equipment route and reply "funny" because you have no content. You keep repeating the Republicans are moving to the right, but you can't name a single issue, not one.

The only direction the GOP is taking at present is Down. They sit and whine and blame the establishment and the Dems. Then, when given the opportunity to do something, they walk away and cry about the black man in the White House. They are becoming a pathetic, whimpering, caucus of complainers. They have no answers...only complaints.

You're doing a pretty good of it yourself.

What about issues? Come up with any yet? How have the Republicans moved to the right?

Hasn't it become obvious that I don't care about your "so called" Republican issues. You have your right wing loons, who are drooling over the prospects of shutting down the Federal Government and calling it "conservative values." You just keep whining and complaining about the GOP not being conservative enough. It is charming....

So when you say Republicans are moving to the right, that isn't caring, so when I ask how, that isn't caring either.

You made the claim, you aren't man enough to back it up. You've made that clear for a while now.

Aren't you running late for a tupperware party?
Just keep whining about the GOP not being conservative enough. You are on the verge of losing both the WH and the Senate......all the while urging your party to move further to the right.

Not enough racist white males being born to allow the GOP to win nationally again. Now.....please whine some more.

What a short memory. Obviously you don't remember the mid-terms.

Now, if we can be honest here:

Obama was much like Bill Clinton in a way. He spoke well, he dressed nice, He had a wonderful family, he had a likable personality, and most importantly, he was black.

You don't have that in any of your candidates today, and that's why no matter who you select, they are going to lose.

What the presidential and mid-term elections showed us is that people liked DumBama, but they hated his policies. They wanted him as President, but they didn't want him in charge.
What the presidential and mid-term elections showed us is that people liked DumBama, but they hated his policies. They wanted him as President, but they didn't want him in charge.

No, what the midterms show is that a lot of people have kind of given up. The 2014 midterms had the lowest voter turnout since 1942, and they can't excuse a draft for that.

So the winnner in 2014 was... apathy. You won a lot of elections people didn't really understand, by less votes th an you got in 2012.

Point- not one winner in a Contested Senate Race in 2014 got more votes than Mitt Romney had gotten 2 years earlier.

So you've really changed no minds.

Now, that said, yes, I think a Charismatic GOP candidate could beat Hillary if he can win over women and minorities. Fiorona might win over women, but she probably won't survive much longer when Republican rand and file types figure out she's pro-choice and pro-marriage equality.

Rubio might win over Hispanics if you can ignore his general gutlessness on his own immigration bill.

But more than likely, the GOP will just nominate Bush and people might actually remember how badly the Bush Crime Family messes things up when they are in office.
It marks the end of the republican party.

Until a new, sane right-of-center party is established the democratic party will be in control.

This is a good thing for now, but after 8-12 years it could become as corrupt and unpatriotic as the GOP did.

Yup that low IQ hill billy hick baboon "thinking" might play in jesusland among the mouth breathing crackerstaines but as a national party the white christian party is dead
Good or bad for republicans?

Bad for republicans. The last time that the republicans let the fringe right head jobs set policy they got the 2013 shut down. It was a disaster for republicans, dropping their approval ratings to the lowest level of any congress. With the GOP receiving the lowest approval ratings of any party in gallup history.

I'd say with this raises the stakes of a debt default to say, 1 chance in 4. As the fringe right republicans want to destroy the US government's credit rating, defund the US government to the point where it can't function, and do as much damage to the US economy as possible before the end of Obama's term.

Alas, the public will not be kind to them for it.


And how did we fare in 2014?
What the presidential and mid-term elections showed us is that people liked DumBama, but they hated his policies. They wanted him as President, but they didn't want him in charge.

No, what the midterms show is that a lot of people have kind of given up. The 2014 midterms had the lowest voter turnout since 1942, and they can't excuse a draft for that.

So the winnner in 2014 was... apathy. You won a lot of elections people didn't really understand, by less votes th an you got in 2012.

Point- not one winner in a Contested Senate Race in 2014 got more votes than Mitt Romney had gotten 2 years earlier.

So you've really changed no minds.

Now, that said, yes, I think a Charismatic GOP candidate could beat Hillary if he can win over women and minorities. Fiorona might win over women, but she probably won't survive much longer when Republican rand and file types figure out she's pro-choice and pro-marriage equality.

Rubio might win over Hispanics if you can ignore his general gutlessness on his own immigration bill.

But more than likely, the GOP will just nominate Bush and people might actually remember how badly the Bush Crime Family messes things up when they are in office.

No, I wouldn't' count on Bush winning anything. He may even drop out early if things go south enough.

The Republican constituents are showing they want major change instead of the business as usual way things are run now. That's why our top contenders are no-politicians.

As for that "voter turnout" you libs love to use so much, it's time to put that to rest. It was only 3% higher than the lowest turnout last century (1942) and around 4% lower than last mid-term. Not really that big of a deal.
The only direction the GOP is taking at present is Down. They sit and whine and blame the establishment and the Dems. Then, when given the opportunity to do something, they walk away and cry about the black man in the White House. They are becoming a pathetic, whimpering, caucus of complainers. They have no answers...only complaints.

You're doing a pretty good of it yourself.

What about issues? Come up with any yet? How have the Republicans moved to the right?

Hasn't it become obvious that I don't care about your "so called" Republican issues. You have your right wing loons, who are drooling over the prospects of shutting down the Federal Government and calling it "conservative values." You just keep whining and complaining about the GOP not being conservative enough. It is charming....

So when you say Republicans are moving to the right, that isn't caring, so when I ask how, that isn't caring either.

You made the claim, you aren't man enough to back it up. You've made that clear for a while now.

Aren't you running late for a tupperware party?
Just keep whining about the GOP not being conservative enough. You are on the verge of losing both the WH and the Senate......all the while urging your party to move further to the right.

Not enough racist white males being born to allow the GOP to win nationally again. Now.....please whine some more.

What a short memory. Obviously you don't remember the mid-terms.

Now, if we can be honest here:

Obama was much like Bill Clinton in a way. He spoke well, he dressed nice, He had a wonderful family, he had a likable personality, and most importantly, he was black.

You don't have that in any of your candidates today, and that's why no matter who you select, they are going to lose.

What the presidential and mid-term elections showed us is that people liked DumBama, but they hated his policies. They wanted him as President, but they didn't want him in charge.
How'd those Mid-terms work out for you?

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