Boehner abandons GOP to extremists

What are you guys going to do when your party loses elections at all levels next year?

Are you going to realize then that you're no longer relevant?
What are you guys going to do when your party loses elections at all levels next year?

Are you going to realize then that you're no longer relevant?
Libs said the same shit before the last election. Talking shit is all they've got.
There are now two wings in the Republican Party - the RINOs and the Crazies.

If thinking $18 trillion dollars of debt fast approaching $19 trillion is insane then I guess I'm crazy. Do you bunch of idiots think we can go on borrowing like that forever?
Extremists are in the Democratic Party, so in a way, you're right. But his resignation is a good thing for Republicans AND the country overall. Hopefully someone with balls will replace him.

I want one of you to explain exactly what you mean by balls? If you''re talking about shutting down the government every single time you have to negotiate with Democrats--we will lose every single time. And we will lose elections because of it.

The right wing of the base (Tea Party politicians) are the minority in the Republican party--and if you swing it too far right, the majority will vote for Democrats along with Independents, Hispanics and Women. MEANING you won't win the White House.

And as we all know if a Republican is not sitting in the oval office, you're not going to do anything about border control, immigration, Planned Parenthood, deficits, spending, education or Obamacare. It's over because the Democrat winner, probably Hillary Clinton will have the Veto Pen--and we'll be back to another minimum 4 years of listening to this bull-shit.

Yeah, whatever you say, JAKE. If the Tea Party is such a small minority in the Republican Party, why did Boehner resign? And don't say "WE", because you are not a Republican, poser.

You are one confused fuckwit, son. Oreo is not me, and you are not normal. I said the TP is small in the country, and in Congress, it makes life unbearable for Boehner. He wants to do the will of the Congress, but the few TP votes prevent him from offering legislation that can be passed by the Dems alone.

The far right is destroying the GOP as we know it.

After the disaster next year that will give the Dems a full sweep, we can start a new GOP and you crazies can have your own party.
What are you guys going to do when your party loses elections at all levels next year?

Are you going to realize then that you're no longer relevant?

No, we will find out how Democrats got all those illegals to vote. After all, that's why Democrats are selling out the country--votes.
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No, I'm sorry, sorry you don't get the fact that the "first black President" hype is over. It's a thing of the past. Blacks and college kids are not going to be coming out in droves to vote for Hilarious or any Democrat like they did with Obama.

They probably don't need to. Here's what you guys forget. The GOP has only won the popular vote ONCE in the last six elections. The one time they did win, they had everything in their favor- ongoing war people were sick of yet, decent economy, incumbancy and a weak opponent, and Bush still only squeaked by with 51% of the vote.

And you guys think you are going to win with another Bush after the mess the last one made?

McCain stood no chance. Why? Because the nominee of a party with the sitting President has to ride on his coat tails.

NO, McCain stood no chance because Bush fucked up everything. Something people still understood in 2012, when things were a little better and understand now. But you guys run Jeb, please.

Our median family income is down since DumBama took office.

Again, becuase of what Bush did.

He is an international nightmare. Iran has a set path to get nukes, Obama virtually handed over Iraq to ISIS, he gave away our top five terrorist prisoners for nothing.

Okay, I'm sorry, these were "our" prisoners? Did we buy them at like "Terrorist Mart"? Or did we release five Afghan Nationals at the request of the Afghan government, because we had no legal grounds to keep holding them?

I think if you and your right wing buddies are so concerned about ISIS, you should form an international volunteer brigade and go over and fight them.

One out of every seven Americans being fed by the taxpayers.

Yes, Republicans have done a wonderful job of killing the Middle Class in this country.

Approaching 19 trillion in debt. Over 93 million Americans of working age not working.

See above.

If you think Americans are going to be excited to continue that record, well good luck with that one. But something tells me on election night, you'll be sitting home watching your DVD of Obama winning his election in the good ole days.

Uh, Dude, I'm a Republican. I voted for McCain in 2008, and I might have voted Republican if you clowns hadn't nominated a Mormon Cultist. Unfortunately, as long as you guys keep nominating crazies and buffoons, people are going to keep rejecting you.
There are now two wings in the Republican Party - the RINOs and the Crazies.

If thinking $18 trillion dollars of debt fast approaching $19 trillion is insane then I guess I'm crazy. Do you bunch of idiots think we can go on borrowing like that forever?

IOW, Reagan was a RINO.

Massive deficits, raised taxes, did deals with the Democrats, signed treaties with our mortal enemies, turned tail in Lebanon, and so on.

Yup, RINO Reagan. The Crazies wouldn't have anything to do with him if he were a candidate today. They'd vote for Trump over Reagan.

Extremists are in the Democratic Party, so in a way, you're right. But his resignation is a good thing for Republicans AND the country overall. Hopefully someone with balls will replace him.

I want one of you to explain exactly what you mean by balls? If you''re talking about shutting down the government every single time you have to negotiate with Democrats--we will lose every single time. And we will lose elections because of it.

The right wing of the base (Tea Party politicians) are the minority in the Republican party--and if you swing it too far right, the majority will vote for Democrats along with Independents, Hispanics and Women. MEANING you won't win the White House.

And as we all know if a Republican is not sitting in the oval office, you're not going to do anything about border control, immigration, Planned Parenthood, deficits, spending, education or Obamacare. It's over because the Democrat winner, probably Hillary Clinton will have the Veto Pen--and we'll be back to another minimum 4 years of listening to this bull-shit.

Yeah, whatever you say, JAKE. If the Tea Party is such a small minority in the Republican Party, why did Boehner resign? And don't say "WE", because you are not a Republican, poser.

You are one confused fuckwit, son. Oreo is not me, and you are not normal. I said the TP is small in the country, and in Congress, it makes life unbearable for Boehner. He wants to do the will of the Congress, but the few TP votes prevent him from offering legislation that can be passed by the Dems alone.

The far right is destroying the GOP as we know it.

After the disaster next year that will give the Dems a full sweep, we can start a new GOP and you crazies can have your own party.

Save your bullshit. No one takes you seriously no matter who you pretend to be.
There are now two wings in the Republican Party - the RINOs and the Crazies.

If thinking $18 trillion dollars of debt fast approaching $19 trillion is insane then I guess I'm crazy. Do you bunch of idiots think we can go on borrowing like that forever?
What's crazy is how you and others on the ridiculous, extreme right want to 'address' the debt; what you advocate is reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted.

Gutting necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, shifting the tax burden to middle income working Americans, and seeking to eliminate vital social programs and funding for infrastructure development and improvement is reckless and irresponsible – indeed crazy.
No, I'm sorry, sorry you don't get the fact that the "first black President" hype is over. It's a thing of the past. Blacks and college kids are not going to be coming out in droves to vote for Hilarious or any Democrat like they did with Obama.

They probably don't need to. Here's what you guys forget. The GOP has only won the popular vote ONCE in the last six elections. The one time they did win, they had everything in their favor- ongoing war people were sick of yet, decent economy, incumbancy and a weak opponent, and Bush still only squeaked by with 51% of the vote.

And you guys think you are going to win with another Bush after the mess the last one made?

McCain stood no chance. Why? Because the nominee of a party with the sitting President has to ride on his coat tails.

NO, McCain stood no chance because Bush fucked up everything. Something people still understood in 2012, when things were a little better and understand now. But you guys run Jeb, please.

Our median family income is down since DumBama took office.

Again, becuase of what Bush did.

He is an international nightmare. Iran has a set path to get nukes, Obama virtually handed over Iraq to ISIS, he gave away our top five terrorist prisoners for nothing.

Okay, I'm sorry, these were "our" prisoners? Did we buy them at like "Terrorist Mart"? Or did we release five Afghan Nationals at the request of the Afghan government, because we had no legal grounds to keep holding them?

I think if you and your right wing buddies are so concerned about ISIS, you should form an international volunteer brigade and go over and fight them.

One out of every seven Americans being fed by the taxpayers.

Yes, Republicans have done a wonderful job of killing the Middle Class in this country.

Approaching 19 trillion in debt. Over 93 million Americans of working age not working.

See above.

If you think Americans are going to be excited to continue that record, well good luck with that one. But something tells me on election night, you'll be sitting home watching your DVD of Obama winning his election in the good ole days.

Uh, Dude, I'm a Republican. I voted for McCain in 2008, and I might have voted Republican if you clowns hadn't nominated a Mormon Cultist. Unfortunately, as long as you guys keep nominating crazies and buffoons, people are going to keep rejecting you.

Lots of unnecessary typing here. Why didn't you just respond by saying "It's all Bush's fault!" :dance:
There are now two wings in the Republican Party - the RINOs and the Crazies.

If thinking $18 trillion dollars of debt fast approaching $19 trillion is insane then I guess I'm crazy. Do you bunch of idiots think we can go on borrowing like that forever?
What's crazy is how you and others on the ridiculous, extreme right want to 'address' the debt; what you advocate is reckless, irresponsible, and unwarranted.

Gutting necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory measures, shifting the tax burden to middle income working Americans, and seeking to eliminate vital social programs and funding for infrastructure development and improvement is reckless and irresponsible – indeed crazy.

I have simply said we can't borrow money forever to sustain the standard of living you want. Truth hurts sucks to be you.
Good or bad for republicans?

I saw Nancy Pelosi on CNN earlier today, and she seems enthusiastic that Democrats may take back the House due to the dysfunctional Republicans. Personally, I think Boehner is a slug - but it ain't easy trying to herd Tea Party cats. I think they should vote a few more times to repeal Obamacare. Last I heard they had voted at least 56 times to repeal it.
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Good or bad for republicans?
According to you and other dembulbs Boehner is an extremist.

Which is it?
All I've heard for 7 1/2 years is how Boehner has done nothing but obstruct Obama's great plans.....that it was "their mission" to block him.

Now he's resigning and you guys are like, "Wha?Wait"???"Hunh"?

What we're experiencing, in essence, will be an eight year temper-tantrum on the part of Congressional republicans solely because they lost two presidential elections.

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