Boehner abandons GOP to extremists

Lots of unnecessary typing here. Why didn't you just respond by saying "It's all Bush's fault!"

Well, I realize you have the attention span of a second grader... probably why you need Hate Radio to do your thinking for you.

Everything today is Bush's fault and you say somebody's doing my thinking for me?????

YOu certainly aren't doing any for yourself, Slick.

I mean, seriously, does it take work to remain this stupid?
Good or bad for republicans?

There were several things Boehner wanted to get done, one was the "Grand Bargain" and the other was immigration reform.

I think the Pope's visit was the last straw.

The GOP has become so evil that even the Pope of Boehner's religion is their enemy.
I'm glad Boehner is gone. Next is McConnell who is spineless as well


Not gonna happen. This wasn't about some govt. shutdown / Republicans taking their party back. Someone had dirt on Boner and threatened to expose him if he didn't resign would be the most likely reality, imo. This came out of leftfield.
I don't think the Republican party has moved right with the resignation of Boehner.

I think it took another step towards more dysfunction. Think about it. Boehner was able to talk t both sides of the aisle and, at times, helped the wacko birds forward their plans. Boehner was a team player that worked with, or tried at least, with everyone in the GOP.

Now who are they going to replace him with? A far right ideologue with little sense to reality? Or another establishment type that will anger the far right even more?

Eventually, the GOP will have to split in two. The party is too rigid ideologically for most of its members.
I'm glad Boehner is gone. Next is McConnell who is spineless as well


Not gonna happen. This wasn't about some govt. shutdown / Republicans taking their party back. Someone had dirt on Boner and threatened to expose him if he didn't resign would be the most likely reality, imo. This came out of leftfield.

Could be. However, Boehner was facing a possible re-election with the GOP mostly against him. Add in the fact of the stress of dealing with multiple factions and members working against you at every turn, resigning seems like a better option than staying.

Seeing just some of the things he do in order to keep the party together made me question "why he does it?". I guess he realized he should not try at all.
Good or bad for republicans?

There were several things Boehner wanted to get done, one was the "Grand Bargain" and the other was immigration reform.

I think the Pope's visit was the last straw.

The GOP has become so evil that even the Pope of Boehner's religion is their enemy.

No, we are not Democrats. We don't consider people with opposing views as enemies like Democrats do. They are simply people with opposing views.

The real problem we have is that when Democrats are in leadership, we do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in leadership, we do things the Democrat way.

If we continue down this path, then there is no reason to fight to take leadership. Might as well stay home on election nights.
Lots of unnecessary typing here. Why didn't you just respond by saying "It's all Bush's fault!"

Well, I realize you have the attention span of a second grader... probably why you need Hate Radio to do your thinking for you.

Everything today is Bush's fault and you say somebody's doing my thinking for me?????

YOu certainly aren't doing any for yourself, Slick.

I mean, seriously, does it take work to remain this stupid?

Oh yes, that old rag again. Liberals are so much smarter than conservatives. I guess that's why conservative votes come from middle-class and upper-class suburbs while Democrats rely on inner-city votes and the ghetto; because they are so much more intelligent.
Good or bad for republicans?

There were several things Boehner wanted to get done, one was the "Grand Bargain" and the other was immigration reform.

I think the Pope's visit was the last straw.

The GOP has become so evil that even the Pope of Boehner's religion is their enemy.

No, we are not Democrats. We don't consider people with opposing views as enemies like Democrats do. They are simply people with opposing views.

The real problem we have is that when Democrats are in leadership, we do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in leadership, we do things the Democrat way.

If we continue down this path, then there is no reason to fight to take leadership. Might as well stay home on election nights.

That flies in the face of reality.

The GOP has become the home of Theocrats, racists, war mongers, and corporatists.
Good or bad for republicans?

There were several things Boehner wanted to get done, one was the "Grand Bargain" and the other was immigration reform.

I think the Pope's visit was the last straw.

The GOP has become so evil that even the Pope of Boehner's religion is their enemy.

No, we are not Democrats. We don't consider people with opposing views as enemies like Democrats do. They are simply people with opposing views.

The real problem we have is that when Democrats are in leadership, we do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in leadership, we do things the Democrat way.

If we continue down this path, then there is no reason to fight to take leadership. Might as well stay home on election nights.

That flies in the face of reality.

The GOP has become the home of Theocrats, racists, war mongers, and corporatists.

Gee, that sounds terrible. But I guess it's better than being in the party of irresponsibility, government dependency, and victimization.
Good or bad for republicans?

There were several things Boehner wanted to get done, one was the "Grand Bargain" and the other was immigration reform.

I think the Pope's visit was the last straw.

The GOP has become so evil that even the Pope of Boehner's religion is their enemy.

No, we are not Democrats. We don't consider people with opposing views as enemies like Democrats do. They are simply people with opposing views.

The real problem we have is that when Democrats are in leadership, we do things the Democrat way. When Republicans are in leadership, we do things the Democrat way.

If we continue down this path, then there is no reason to fight to take leadership. Might as well stay home on election nights.

That flies in the face of reality.

The GOP has become the home of Theocrats, racists, war mongers, and corporatists.

Gee, that sounds terrible. But I guess it's better than being in the party of irresponsibility, government dependency, and victimization.

Well no, it's not.

And I guess we have a different take on "irresponsibility, government dependency and victimization".

Like, invading a foreign country on a holy crusade. That's pretty irresponsible.

Or "government dependency". Just when are you going to advocate giving up our bloated military? There's nothing that says "dependency" like having our tax money go to make the CEOs of Raytheon, Grumman and Boeing super rich while propping of the economies of Utah and West Virginia..

Or "victimization". Addressing systemic racism would be "victimization" to a racist, I guess.

And thanks for the confirmation on my points, guy.

Much appreciated.
Lots of unnecessary typing here. Why didn't you just respond by saying "It's all Bush's fault!"

Well, I realize you have the attention span of a second grader... probably why you need Hate Radio to do your thinking for you.

Everything today is Bush's fault and you say somebody's doing my thinking for me?????

YOu certainly aren't doing any for yourself, Slick.

I mean, seriously, does it take work to remain this stupid?

Oh yes, that old rag again. Liberals are so much smarter than conservatives. I guess that's why conservative votes come from middle-class and upper-class suburbs while Democrats rely on inner-city votes and the ghetto; because they are so much more intelligent.
This is unsurprisingly ignorant, ridiculous, wrong – typical of conservative 'reasoning.'

Ronald Reagan’s “welfare queen” myth: How the Gipper kickstarted the war on the working poor -
Oh yes, that old rag again. Liberals are so much smarter than conservatives. I guess that's why conservative votes come from middle-class and upper-class suburbs while Democrats rely on inner-city votes and the ghetto; because they are so much more intelligent.

actually, Republicans rely on parts of the country where they fly Confederate flags and their family trees don't fork, Billy-Bob.

I think there are a lot of bright Republicans. And then there are stupid fucks like you who heard something on Rush's show, and take it as gospel.
"Boehner abandons GOP to extremists"

Actually it's: Boehner abandons GOP taken over by extremists.

And mainstream republicans interested in sound, responsible governance have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their cowardice, their refusal to stand up to the extremists, too frightened and intimidated of being branded a 'RINO' and 'primaried' out of office.

How have Republicans moved to the right?

OK, Disir, how have Republicans moved to the right?
"Boehner abandons GOP to extremists"

Actually it's: Boehner abandons GOP taken over by extremists.

And mainstream republicans interested in sound, responsible governance have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their cowardice, their refusal to stand up to the extremists, too frightened and intimidated of being branded a 'RINO' and 'primaried' out of office.

How have Republicans moved to the right?

OK, Disir, how have Republicans moved to the right?

Well, dang Kaz, I already posted it.
You're doing a pretty good of it yourself.

What about issues? Come up with any yet? How have the Republicans moved to the right?

Hasn't it become obvious that I don't care about your "so called" Republican issues. You have your right wing loons, who are drooling over the prospects of shutting down the Federal Government and calling it "conservative values." You just keep whining and complaining about the GOP not being conservative enough. It is charming....

So when you say Republicans are moving to the right, that isn't caring, so when I ask how, that isn't caring either.

You made the claim, you aren't man enough to back it up. You've made that clear for a while now.

Aren't you running late for a tupperware party?
Just keep whining about the GOP not being conservative enough. You are on the verge of losing both the WH and the Senate......all the while urging your party to move further to the right.

Not enough racist white males being born to allow the GOP to win nationally again. Now.....please whine some more.

Strawman, I didn't say any of that crap.

You said the Republican party was moving to the right. Post after post, you can't name any issue they are actually moving to the right on. So it turns out you pulled it out of your ass

No, the Democrats Have Not Moved Further Left Than Republicans Have Moved Right

The GOP plan to fix the party: Move further right

Now, go read and while you are at it....GET A LIFE!

LOL, you don't know,so you googled a link. Useless bitch
"Boehner abandons GOP to extremists"

Actually it's: Boehner abandons GOP taken over by extremists.

And mainstream republicans interested in sound, responsible governance have only themselves to blame, the consequence of their cowardice, their refusal to stand up to the extremists, too frightened and intimidated of being branded a 'RINO' and 'primaried' out of office.

How have Republicans moved to the right?

OK, Disir, how have Republicans moved to the right?

Well, dang Kaz, I already posted it.

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