Boehner abandons GOP to extremists

Seriously, when you say the Republicans have moved to the right, your one, go to issue is a letter in Louisiana, that is #1 on your hit parade that the Republican PARTY is moving to the right. That's pathetic

I provided you with precisely what it looks like at the state level and you cannot even manage to address that. You cannot handle any discussion that requires depth or critical thinking. We're done.

Liberals like to argue nits, it doesn't prove anything. The question is how the Republican Party moved to the right. One state issue doesn't prove anything.

And seriously, that's your FIRST go to argument. It shows you have nothing
Again. You cannot address that or the following links that were provided to you. Clearly--it is you that has nothing. Until you are able to address these then you and I have nothing to discuss. Thanks.

You need to make your case then support it with links, not just say here, read this

And put lots of pictures in your response. It will help kas understand that his questions has been answered multiple times....

Stupid liberal tricks. First you evade the question then after a while you claim it was already answered.

Simple question, Slyhunter put it perfectly in the last post. Name issues the Republicans have actually moved to the right on
Kaz, if you want to be a bitch then I can be a bitch right back. The ball is in your court. If all we are going to do is watch you dismiss shit or kick out little one liners then I have better things to do.

Boehner abandons GOP to extremists | Page 11 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Boehner abandons GOP to extremists | Page 11 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The first thing that should have hit you is when and why did the Right allow this individual to have that much power? That is at the state level. The following two links provide information on what is happening on the federal level and who is doing what. Specifically, information on Heritage and the so called Freedom Caucus--who is pulling the strings. Yesterday, I responded to a thread and provided information on many people on the board of the Heritage Foundation.

It's locked up, Kaz. From education to taxes to media. It isn't some "grass roots" thang. It is intentional. I have, thus far, tried to keep my opining to a minimal and simply provide the information so that it isn't reduced to one liners. Secondly, my telling you will distract from the information itself.

So, before the second move of deflection is something along the lines of ............but the Democrats-- let me say right now that I know. I will be more than happy to get into detail with that as soon as I find a thread that I can respond to and with people that don't get all slack jawed and drool, "Communism".

And preferably after I finish my laundry and running around. If I don't see one then I might just start it myself.

Seriously, when you say the Republicans have moved to the right, your one, go to issue is a letter in Louisiana, that is #1 on your hit parade that the Republican PARTY is moving to the right. That's pathetic

I provided you with precisely what it looks like at the state level and you cannot even manage to address that. You cannot handle any discussion that requires depth or critical thinking. We're done.

Liberals like to argue nits, it doesn't prove anything. The question is how the Republican Party moved to the right. One state issue doesn't prove anything.

And seriously, that's your FIRST go to argument. It shows you have nothing
Again. You cannot address that or the following links that were provided to you. Clearly--it is you that has nothing. Until you are able to address these then you and I have nothing to discuss. Thanks.
Name one bill, one specific item that the Republicans have moved right on?
Abortion, taxes, healthcare, military control. One single issue that they have moved FURTHER to the right then they were before.

After you address what I have already provided.
Seriously, when you say the Republicans have moved to the right, your one, go to issue is a letter in Louisiana, that is #1 on your hit parade that the Republican PARTY is moving to the right. That's pathetic

I provided you with precisely what it looks like at the state level and you cannot even manage to address that. You cannot handle any discussion that requires depth or critical thinking. We're done.

Liberals like to argue nits, it doesn't prove anything. The question is how the Republican Party moved to the right. One state issue doesn't prove anything.

And seriously, that's your FIRST go to argument. It shows you have nothing
Again. You cannot address that or the following links that were provided to you. Clearly--it is you that has nothing. Until you are able to address these then you and I have nothing to discuss. Thanks.
Name one bill, one specific item that the Republicans have moved right on?
Abortion, taxes, healthcare, military control. One single issue that they have moved FURTHER to the right then they were before.

After you address what I have already provided.
You provided insubstantial junk that has nothing to do with Republicans in the White House and their position on some line similar to the one given on the test.
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I provided you with precisely what it looks like at the state level and you cannot even manage to address that. You cannot handle any discussion that requires depth or critical thinking. We're done.

Liberals like to argue nits, it doesn't prove anything. The question is how the Republican Party moved to the right. One state issue doesn't prove anything.

And seriously, that's your FIRST go to argument. It shows you have nothing
Again. You cannot address that or the following links that were provided to you. Clearly--it is you that has nothing. Until you are able to address these then you and I have nothing to discuss. Thanks.
Name one bill, one specific item that the Republicans have moved right on?
Abortion, taxes, healthcare, military control. One single issue that they have moved FURTHER to the right then they were before.

After you address what I have already provided.
You provided insubstantial junk that has nothing to do with Republicans in the White House and their position on some line similar to the one given on the test.

Wrong answer. Try again.
Liberals like to argue nits, it doesn't prove anything. The question is how the Republican Party moved to the right. One state issue doesn't prove anything.

And seriously, that's your FIRST go to argument. It shows you have nothing
Again. You cannot address that or the following links that were provided to you. Clearly--it is you that has nothing. Until you are able to address these then you and I have nothing to discuss. Thanks.
Name one bill, one specific item that the Republicans have moved right on?
Abortion, taxes, healthcare, military control. One single issue that they have moved FURTHER to the right then they were before.

After you address what I have already provided.
You provided insubstantial junk that has nothing to do with Republicans in the White House and their position on some line similar to the one given on the test.

Wrong answer. Try again.
correct answer. You have not shown how Republicans have moved further to the right.
I think it's bad for Republicans. The Speaker of the House is being forced to retire in order to avoid a government shutdown over abortion. The fringe element within the GOP certainly loses. The next Speaker will most likely be Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy. He is Speaker Boehner's choice of replacement. Not exactly a true conservative where the Tea Party movement is concerned. Mr. McCarthy's elevation might even set the stage for another leadership fight in the near future. Meanwhile, voters the Republican Party needs to win non off year elections are being driven away, making this dream of an ideologically pure party pointless. The silver lining is Speaker Boehner no longer has anything to lose. It appears his resignation means there will be a clean spending bill. There is also talk of a bigger transportation bill, raising the debt ceiling, extending the Ex - Im bank, and a long term spending bill in the next month. Getting all of that done is pie in the sky, but there is no reason why some of it can't be accomplished now that the "shutdown caucus" has used its only leverage.
It marks the end of the republican party.

Until a new, sane right-of-center party is established the democratic party will be in control.

This is a good thing for now, but after 8-12 years it could become as corrupt and unpatriotic as the GOP did.

If I had a nickel for every time one of you Communists declared the GOP dead, I would be a rich man indeed.

Which party has both houses, Comrade?
“The resignation of John Boehner is a victory for the crazies.”

Rep. Peter King

Yes, those "crazies" who "cling to god, guns, and the Constitution."
Meanwhile the "sane" people believe we can tax ourselves into prosperity, men are women if they feel like it, gender is irrelevant and intolerance is defined as disagreement with them.
Again. You cannot address that or the following links that were provided to you. Clearly--it is you that has nothing. Until you are able to address these then you and I have nothing to discuss. Thanks.
Name one bill, one specific item that the Republicans have moved right on?
Abortion, taxes, healthcare, military control. One single issue that they have moved FURTHER to the right then they were before.

After you address what I have already provided.
You provided insubstantial junk that has nothing to do with Republicans in the White House and their position on some line similar to the one given on the test.

Wrong answer. Try again.
correct answer. You have not shown how Republicans have moved further to the right.

But, I did and I named names too. I realize that you cannot address this. You can go to the back of the line as well.
Name one bill, one specific item that the Republicans have moved right on?
Abortion, taxes, healthcare, military control. One single issue that they have moved FURTHER to the right then they were before.

After you address what I have already provided.
You provided insubstantial junk that has nothing to do with Republicans in the White House and their position on some line similar to the one given on the test.

Wrong answer. Try again.
correct answer. You have not shown how Republicans have moved further to the right.

But, I did and I named names too. I realize that you cannot address this. You can go to the back of the line as well.
address it again and I'll tell you whether you were successful or not.
No links, No quotes, simply state which issue/s the Republicans have moved right on.
After you address what I have already provided.
You provided insubstantial junk that has nothing to do with Republicans in the White House and their position on some line similar to the one given on the test.

Wrong answer. Try again.
correct answer. You have not shown how Republicans have moved further to the right.

But, I did and I named names too. I realize that you cannot address this. You can go to the back of the line as well.
address it again and I'll tell you whether you were successful or not.
No links, No quotes, simply state which issue/s the Republicans have moved right on.

Address what has been provided.
But, I did and I named names too. I realize that you cannot address this. You can go to the back of the line as well.

You showed state actions that reflect local views,

You have utterly failed to show any NATIONAL action by Republicans that have moved right. The issue you of the left have is that you have moved so radically left, that the center is no longer a coherent position. The Republicans today are WELL left of the democrats of the 1970's, but the dems of today are openly socialist so the gap between Republican and dim is greater than it traditionally has been.
You provided insubstantial junk that has nothing to do with Republicans in the White House and their position on some line similar to the one given on the test.

Wrong answer. Try again.
correct answer. You have not shown how Republicans have moved further to the right.

But, I did and I named names too. I realize that you cannot address this. You can go to the back of the line as well.
address it again and I'll tell you whether you were successful or not.
No links, No quotes, simply state which issue/s the Republicans have moved right on.

Address what has been provided.
Provide what's been addressed first.
Seriously, when you say the Republicans have moved to the right, your one, go to issue is a letter in Louisiana, that is #1 on your hit parade that the Republican PARTY is moving to the right. That's pathetic

I provided you with precisely what it looks like at the state level and you cannot even manage to address that. You cannot handle any discussion that requires depth or critical thinking. We're done.

Liberals like to argue nits, it doesn't prove anything. The question is how the Republican Party moved to the right. One state issue doesn't prove anything.

And seriously, that's your FIRST go to argument. It shows you have nothing
Again. You cannot address that or the following links that were provided to you. Clearly--it is you that has nothing. Until you are able to address these then you and I have nothing to discuss. Thanks.

You need to make your case then support it with links, not just say here, read this

And put lots of pictures in your response. It will help kas understand that his questions has been answered multiple times....

Yet you still can't sit here and rattle off a few clear examples of them moving right, you just keep repeating the disingenuous line that you already have answered it
Wrong answer. Try again.
correct answer. You have not shown how Republicans have moved further to the right.

But, I did and I named names too. I realize that you cannot address this. You can go to the back of the line as well.
address it again and I'll tell you whether you were successful or not.
No links, No quotes, simply state which issue/s the Republicans have moved right on.

Address what has been provided.
Provide what's been addressed first.
Address what has been provided. Thanks.

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