Boehner Incompetent; Cruz Un-American

Americans without health insurance and with no access to healthcare is a ‘good’ thing according bizarre and perverted conservative dogma, where humans are motivated only by fear and greed.

They all had access before this incompetent law was written. Now, they'll pay even higher premiums and sign ups for pre-existing... And, many of the drugs that are needed under these pre-existings aren't even covered under ocare.

I'm sure there are possible fixes for some of these problems.

That is, if certain people were actually interested in trying to apply any.

Of course there are,along with dropping employee and individual mandates, crafting a bill that would have benefited everyone and I would have been for it.
they all have access to "healthcare"....

so; tip o'neill and mondale- anarchists or not?

We all have access to Ferraris too.......we just can't all afford one

when you walk into a showroom they don't have to give you one, seem to have a real issue with critical thinking. Maybe you can back up obama in that idiotic apple /obamcare exchange glitch analogy....:rolleyes:

Nobody is giving you health insurance either. Just setting up exchanges to give individual buyers a competitive advantage.

The poor will see their healthcare subsidized. Who could object to that?
We all have access to Ferraris too.......we just can't all afford one

when you walk into a showroom they don't have to give you one, seem to have a real issue with critical thinking. Maybe you can back up obama in that idiotic apple /obamcare exchange glitch analogy....:rolleyes:

Nobody is giving you health insurance either. Just setting up exchanges to give individual buyers a competitive advantage.

The poor will see their healthcare subsidized. Who could object to that?

Callous conservatives object to that.
The money to subsidize the poor will come from the flowers that grow in unicorn shit. Liberalism is the unshakeable belief that the entire country can be supported by the last three people who are willing to go to work.
The money to subsidize the poor will come from the flowers that grow in unicorn shit. Liberalism is the unshakeable belief that the entire country can be supported by the last three people who are willing to go to work.

Rational and intelligent people understand we are blessed with the necessary resources to take care of those unable to provide for themselves; it's all amount of priorities and the will to practice Judo-Christian Ethics and not simply mouth them.
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Well the markets don't seem to care about the shutdown.

I went to work this AM no problem. No one at work said word one about a shutdown..

Seems the only ones who care are the Obama ass kissers and those underworked and overpayed Fed workers.

Don't think I give a shit.

Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.
I can't decide if you're lying, or just plain stupid. NOTE: The two are not mutually exclusive.

Senate Shut Down Government to Save Its ObamaCare Subsidies
The House first tried to defund ObamaCare. Then, it tried to delay the whole law and then just the individual mandate. In the final hours before the midnight deadline, the House ended with a simple proposal. It would agree to fund the government, if the Senate agreed to scrap the special subsidies lawmakers and staff receive to purchase health insurance. The final House proposal only effected people on Capitol Hill. Harry Reid said, effectively, we'll shut down the government to keep our subsidies.​

The Democrat-led Senate shut down the government to save their free government money.

And you have no problem with this, and are instead blaming the GOP -- exactly as programmed.

Man, you progs sure do love your ruling class, don't you?

[MENTION=20297]Wry Catcher[/MENTION], you sure are a chickenshit.
Well the markets don't seem to care about the shutdown.

I went to work this AM no problem. No one at work said word one about a shutdown..

Seems the only ones who care are the Obama ass kissers and those underworked and overpayed Fed workers.

Don't think I give a shit.

Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.
I can't decide if you're lying, or just plain stupid. NOTE: The two are not mutually exclusive.

Senate Shut Down Government to Save Its ObamaCare Subsidies
The House first tried to defund ObamaCare. Then, it tried to delay the whole law and then just the individual mandate. In the final hours before the midnight deadline, the House ended with a simple proposal. It would agree to fund the government, if the Senate agreed to scrap the special subsidies lawmakers and staff receive to purchase health insurance. The final House proposal only effected people on Capitol Hill. Harry Reid said, effectively, we'll shut down the government to keep our subsidies.​

The Democrat-led Senate shut down the government to save their free government money.

And you have no problem with this, and are instead blaming the GOP -- exactly as programmed.

Man, you progs sure do love your ruling class, don't you?

From your link:

The proposal would have also suspended, for one year, penalties levied on individuals who don't have health insurance. This is similar to the waiver granted by the Obama Administration to employers earlier this year.

The individual mandate is important to make the law work; the employers' mandate, not so much. If I read this correctly, this was a back-door way to sabotage the law by taking teeth out of the individual mandate.
We all have access to Ferraris too.......we just can't all afford one

when you walk into a showroom they don't have to give you one, seem to have a real issue with critical thinking. Maybe you can back up obama in that idiotic apple /obamcare exchange glitch analogy....:rolleyes:

Nobody is giving you health insurance either. Just setting up exchanges to give individual buyers a competitive advantage.

The poor will see their healthcare subsidized. Who could object to that?

Like we ALREADY WERE doing before this mess?
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

They've accomplished much of what the set out to do. They have filibustered and obstructed economic recovery at every opportunity.

The GObP/repubs/teepotters do not work for the good of the US. They are traitors and should be tried as such.
when you walk into a showroom they don't have to give you one, seem to have a real issue with critical thinking. Maybe you can back up obama in that idiotic apple /obamcare exchange glitch analogy....:rolleyes:

Nobody is giving you health insurance either. Just setting up exchanges to give individual buyers a competitive advantage.

The poor will see their healthcare subsidized. Who could object to that?

Like we ALREADY WERE doing before this mess?

There will be some differences though.

We won't have to pay for the ER care of every rw too lazy and dishonest to get their own health insurance. Same with illegals because, as President Obama told Joe (The Real Liar) Wilson, they can't buy from the exchanges.
Nobody is giving you health insurance either. Just setting up exchanges to give individual buyers a competitive advantage.

The poor will see their healthcare subsidized. Who could object to that?

Like we ALREADY WERE doing before this mess?

There will be some differences though.

We won't have to pay for the ER care of every rw too lazy and dishonest to get their own health insurance. Same with illegals because, as President Obama told Joe (The Real Liar) Wilson, they can't buy from the exchanges.

As though the poor can afford the copays and deductibles?

Who are you kidding?

Health insurance and Health care are two entirely different things.
Well you invaded Canada in 1812. Hoping to grab territory while the British were fighting the tyrant Napoleon. And burnt the government buildings in Toronto, the then capital. And have been crying ever since over the British subsequently burning the White House. I think the expression is 'tit for tat' or something like that.

Crying ever since?

Can you point out an example, please?

You mean you have got over it at last? Well done!
You know..................the GOP has been planning on doing something like this since 2011, and finally pulled the pin.

If the Dems wanted to shut down the government, they why is it that they are so upset that it's shut down, while the GOP is absolutely giddy with joy? It seems that if you get what you want, that's the thing that makes you happy.

Additionally, if nobody wants Obamacare, then why was it that there were 7.5 MILLION hits on the websites in ONE DAY (today) of people trying to get insurance? The reason there were so many "glitches" was because of the amount of people trying to sign on which caused the servers to crash.

On the news this evening, one man said that he had to wait for over 3 hours to process his application because of all the people trying to do the same thing, but he stated he'd have gladly waited all day, because it saved him around 6,000/year.

There was also a woman (with a pre-existing condition), who said that she'd lost her job and was living on unemployment for the time being and only made 1,400/mo. Her health care insurance if she went through the normal routes would have cost her around 700/mo., but under Obamacare, she now is able to get the coverage she needs for around 85/mo.

Sorry, but 2.5 percent of the entire population of the U.S. signed on TODAY alone to try to get health care (7.5 million out of a country of 300 million), and more are expected to sign on again tomorrow.

If it's such an unpopular program that nobody wants, why are there so many people trying to get it now?
You know..................the GOP has been planning on doing something like this since 2011, and finally pulled the pin.

If the Dems wanted to shut down the government, they why is it that they are so upset that it's shut down, while the GOP is absolutely giddy with joy? It seems that if you get what you want, that's the thing that makes you happy.

Additionally, if nobody wants Obamacare, then why was it that there were 7.5 MILLION hits on the websites in ONE DAY (today) of people trying to get insurance? The reason there were so many "glitches" was because of the amount of people trying to sign on which caused the servers to crash.

On the news this evening, one man said that he had to wait for over 3 hours to process his application because of all the people trying to do the same thing, but he stated he'd have gladly waited all day, because it saved him around 6,000/year.

There was also a woman (with a pre-existing condition), who said that she'd lost her job and was living on unemployment for the time being and only made 1,400/mo. Her health care insurance if she went through the normal routes would have cost her around 700/mo., but under Obamacare, she now is able to get the coverage she needs for around 85/mo.

Sorry, but 2.5 percent of the entire population of the U.S. signed on TODAY alone to try to get health care (7.5 million out of a country of 300 million), and more are expected to sign on again tomorrow.

If it's such an unpopular program that nobody wants, why are there so many people trying to get it now?


I suppose that the only reason is because those people are stupid?
I dunno.
You know..................the GOP has been planning on doing something like this since 2011, and finally pulled the pin.

If the Dems wanted to shut down the government, they why is it that they are so upset that it's shut down, while the GOP is absolutely giddy with joy? It seems that if you get what you want, that's the thing that makes you happy.

Additionally, if nobody wants Obamacare, then why was it that there were 7.5 MILLION hits on the websites in ONE DAY (today) of people trying to get insurance? The reason there were so many "glitches" was because of the amount of people trying to sign on which caused the servers to crash.

On the news this evening, one man said that he had to wait for over 3 hours to process his application because of all the people trying to do the same thing, but he stated he'd have gladly waited all day, because it saved him around 6,000/year.

There was also a woman (with a pre-existing condition), who said that she'd lost her job and was living on unemployment for the time being and only made 1,400/mo. Her health care insurance if she went through the normal routes would have cost her around 700/mo., but under Obamacare, she now is able to get the coverage she needs for around 85/mo.

Sorry, but 2.5 percent of the entire population of the U.S. signed on TODAY alone to try to get health care (7.5 million out of a country of 300 million), and more are expected to sign on again tomorrow.

If it's such an unpopular program that nobody wants, why are there so many people trying to get it now?


I suppose that the only reason is because those people are stupid?
I dunno.

I guess you missed the part of my post that showed that people were saving money under Obamacare.
  • Thanks
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You know..................the GOP has been planning on doing something like this since 2011, and finally pulled the pin.

If the Dems wanted to shut down the government, they why is it that they are so upset that it's shut down, while the GOP is absolutely giddy with joy? It seems that if you get what you want, that's the thing that makes you happy.

Additionally, if nobody wants Obamacare, then why was it that there were 7.5 MILLION hits on the websites in ONE DAY (today) of people trying to get insurance? The reason there were so many "glitches" was because of the amount of people trying to sign on which caused the servers to crash.

On the news this evening, one man said that he had to wait for over 3 hours to process his application because of all the people trying to do the same thing, but he stated he'd have gladly waited all day, because it saved him around 6,000/year.

There was also a woman (with a pre-existing condition), who said that she'd lost her job and was living on unemployment for the time being and only made 1,400/mo. Her health care insurance if she went through the normal routes would have cost her around 700/mo., but under Obamacare, she now is able to get the coverage she needs for around 85/mo.

Sorry, but 2.5 percent of the entire population of the U.S. signed on TODAY alone to try to get health care (7.5 million out of a country of 300 million), and more are expected to sign on again tomorrow.

If it's such an unpopular program that nobody wants, why are there so many people trying to get it now?

One problem. The site was not functioning. How can you take benefit of a law when you can't even get in to sign up for it? It seems to me the implementation of this law has been incompetently carried out, which will do more harm to people than good. The claim was that there were 50 million people who were without insurance, and only 2.5 million people sign up for it? That's 5 percent of the entire uninsured population! So much for that promise of covering everyone.
You know..................the GOP has been planning on doing something like this since 2011, and finally pulled the pin.

If the Dems wanted to shut down the government, they why is it that they are so upset that it's shut down, while the GOP is absolutely giddy with joy? It seems that if you get what you want, that's the thing that makes you happy.

Additionally, if nobody wants Obamacare, then why was it that there were 7.5 MILLION hits on the websites in ONE DAY (today) of people trying to get insurance? The reason there were so many "glitches" was because of the amount of people trying to sign on which caused the servers to crash.

On the news this evening, one man said that he had to wait for over 3 hours to process his application because of all the people trying to do the same thing, but he stated he'd have gladly waited all day, because it saved him around 6,000/year.

There was also a woman (with a pre-existing condition), who said that she'd lost her job and was living on unemployment for the time being and only made 1,400/mo. Her health care insurance if she went through the normal routes would have cost her around 700/mo., but under Obamacare, she now is able to get the coverage she needs for around 85/mo.

Sorry, but 2.5 percent of the entire population of the U.S. signed on TODAY alone to try to get health care (7.5 million out of a country of 300 million), and more are expected to sign on again tomorrow.

If it's such an unpopular program that nobody wants, why are there so many people trying to get it now?

One problem. The site was not functioning. How can you take benefit of a law when you can't even get in to sign up for it? It seems to me the implementation of this law has been incompetently carried out, which will do more harm to people than good. The claim was that there were 50 million people who were without insurance, and only 2.5 million people sign up for it? That's 5 percent of the entire uninsured population! So much for that promise of covering everyone.

Get back to your Space Invaders game you complete dick!
You know..................the GOP has been planning on doing something like this since 2011, and finally pulled the pin.

If the Dems wanted to shut down the government, they why is it that they are so upset that it's shut down, while the GOP is absolutely giddy with joy? It seems that if you get what you want, that's the thing that makes you happy.

Additionally, if nobody wants Obamacare, then why was it that there were 7.5 MILLION hits on the websites in ONE DAY (today) of people trying to get insurance? The reason there were so many "glitches" was because of the amount of people trying to sign on which caused the servers to crash.

On the news this evening, one man said that he had to wait for over 3 hours to process his application because of all the people trying to do the same thing, but he stated he'd have gladly waited all day, because it saved him around 6,000/year.

There was also a woman (with a pre-existing condition), who said that she'd lost her job and was living on unemployment for the time being and only made 1,400/mo. Her health care insurance if she went through the normal routes would have cost her around 700/mo., but under Obamacare, she now is able to get the coverage she needs for around 85/mo.

Sorry, but 2.5 percent of the entire population of the U.S. signed on TODAY alone to try to get health care (7.5 million out of a country of 300 million), and more are expected to sign on again tomorrow.

If it's such an unpopular program that nobody wants, why are there so many people trying to get it now?

One problem. The site was not functioning. How can you take benefit of a law when you can't even get in to sign up for it? It seems to me the implementation of this law has been incompetently carried out, which will do more harm to people than good. The claim was that there were 50 million people who were without insurance, and only 2.5 million people sign up for it? That's 5 percent of the entire uninsured population! So much for that promise of covering everyone.

The site wasn't working right because there were 7.5 MILLION HITS to the website on just today alone. I don't care how good your servers are, that's a lot of traffic in just a short time. Matter of fact, when a website has something that everyone is interested in, a lot of them crash if the traffic gets to be too much.

As far as implying that the only way to sign up is the 'net? Wrong yet again, because in addition to signing up on the web, you can go down to wherever the healthcare navigators are in your city, or you can simply call up the phone number they have to take applications.

People are saving money or finally being able to afford insurance. One man on the news said that he'd waited over 3 hours to process his application, but would have gladly waited all day, because it was going to save him over 6,000 dollars/year. Another person who was a woman who was laid off and living on her unemployment benefits (1,400 per month) said that if she would have gone through the regular channels to get insurance, it would have cost her 700 dollars/month (she has a pre existing condition), but yet, with the assistance of a healthcare navigator, she's able to get insurance that will cover her for around 85 bucks per month.

The GOP is going to find out this program is going to be wildly popular, and they're also going to find out that people are pissed they shut down the government on a lie about Obamacare.

Gonna be a bloodbath for the GOP come 2014 elections.
You know..................the GOP has been planning on doing something like this since 2011, and finally pulled the pin.

If the Dems wanted to shut down the government, they why is it that they are so upset that it's shut down, while the GOP is absolutely giddy with joy? It seems that if you get what you want, that's the thing that makes you happy.

Additionally, if nobody wants Obamacare, then why was it that there were 7.5 MILLION hits on the websites in ONE DAY (today) of people trying to get insurance? The reason there were so many "glitches" was because of the amount of people trying to sign on which caused the servers to crash.

On the news this evening, one man said that he had to wait for over 3 hours to process his application because of all the people trying to do the same thing, but he stated he'd have gladly waited all day, because it saved him around 6,000/year.

There was also a woman (with a pre-existing condition), who said that she'd lost her job and was living on unemployment for the time being and only made 1,400/mo. Her health care insurance if she went through the normal routes would have cost her around 700/mo., but under Obamacare, she now is able to get the coverage she needs for around 85/mo.

Sorry, but 2.5 percent of the entire population of the U.S. signed on TODAY alone to try to get health care (7.5 million out of a country of 300 million), and more are expected to sign on again tomorrow.

If it's such an unpopular program that nobody wants, why are there so many people trying to get it now?

One problem. The site was not functioning. How can you take benefit of a law when you can't even get in to sign up for it? It seems to me the implementation of this law has been incompetently carried out, which will do more harm to people than good. The claim was that there were 50 million people who were without insurance, and only 2.5 million people sign up for it? That's 5 percent of the entire uninsured population! So much for that promise of covering everyone.

The site wasn't working right because there were 7.5 MILLION HITS to the website on just today alone. I don't care how good your servers are, that's a lot of traffic in just a short time. Matter of fact, when a website has something that everyone is interested in, a lot of them crash if the traffic gets to be too much.

As far as implying that the only way to sign up is the 'net? Wrong yet again, because in addition to signing up on the web, you can go down to wherever the healthcare navigators are in your city, or you can simply call up the phone number they have to take applications.

People are saving money or finally being able to afford insurance. One man on the news said that he'd waited over 3 hours to process his application, but would have gladly waited all day, because it was going to save him over 6,000 dollars/year. Another person who was a woman who was laid off and living on her unemployment benefits (1,400 per month) said that if she would have gone through the regular channels to get insurance, it would have cost her 700 dollars/month (she has a pre existing condition), but yet, with the assistance of a healthcare navigator, she's able to get insurance that will cover her for around 85 bucks per month.

The GOP is going to find out this program is going to be wildly popular, and they're also going to find out that people are pissed they shut down the government on a lie about Obamacare.

Gonna be a bloodbath for the GOP come 2014 elections.

Obamacare popular?

No wonder the Republicans need to shut down government to stop it
Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.
I can't decide if you're lying, or just plain stupid. NOTE: The two are not mutually exclusive.

Senate Shut Down Government to Save Its ObamaCare Subsidies
The House first tried to defund ObamaCare. Then, it tried to delay the whole law and then just the individual mandate. In the final hours before the midnight deadline, the House ended with a simple proposal. It would agree to fund the government, if the Senate agreed to scrap the special subsidies lawmakers and staff receive to purchase health insurance. The final House proposal only effected people on Capitol Hill. Harry Reid said, effectively, we'll shut down the government to keep our subsidies.​

The Democrat-led Senate shut down the government to save their free government money.

And you have no problem with this, and are instead blaming the GOP -- exactly as programmed.

Man, you progs sure do love your ruling class, don't you?

From your link:

The proposal would have also suspended, for one year, penalties levied on individuals who don't have health insurance. This is similar to the waiver granted by the Obama Administration to employers earlier this year.

The individual mandate is important to make the law work; the employers' mandate, not so much. If I read this correctly, this was a back-door way to sabotage the law by taking teeth out of the individual mandate.
Given the glorious success of the roll-out yesterday, I'd say they need another year to make sure stuff works.

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