Boehner Incompetent; Cruz Un-American

How many have included a "poison pill"? You're a parrot and completely dishonest.

about as many that shut down the gov. in say Carters day ( 3, or was it 6 times?) over abortion and nuclear power which he told them he would not sign.......12 days, once. And they were ALL DEMOCRATS, congress etc....I guess they were all UN-american, ..its a bitch huh? You're an ignoramus and a media up sheep.

I was just reading 6 for Carter and 6 under Reagan.

17 times in all US history.

but they were republicans *slap* democrats *slap*, republicans * sister , my mother my sister *slap...:lol:
Well you invaded Canada in 1812. Hoping to grab territory while the British were fighting the tyrant Napoleon. And burnt the government buildings in Toronto, the then capital. And have been crying ever since over the British subsequently burning the White House. I think the expression is 'tit for tat' or something like that.

Crying ever since?

Can you point out an example, please?
It appears, by his actions and his words, that Speaker Boehner cares only for his job security and not that of the 800,000 not working or being paid today and the one million being asked to work without pay.

If those Republicans really cared about austerity they would cut their own pay by 50% (making many of them still overpaid) and give up all the benefits of their office.

If Democrats insist Obamacare is so great, they wouldn't be insisting on an exemption.

Now ignore this point again, you sissy bedwetter.
You're drinking the Kool-Aid. The H. of Rep. compromised? That's ridiculous, as anyone who has followed this charade knows.

Notice, if your willing, that many of the Republicans still refer to the ACA as a bill. It's a subtle distortion of a fact but a clear example of how dishonest members of the H. of Rep. are. BTW, I watched Fox News last night simply to see how they presented the issue. That's how I knew how you and others who hate The President would spin the events of last night.

A law can't be changed or amended without congress approval yet O allowed exemptions and waivers to his friends for aca. He also did this with the immigration law. Please quit being dishonest. I don't watch TV. I don't have one.

Maybe you ought to buy a TV and stop posting on issues you don't understand

A TV won’t help.

In fact it might make it worse.
A law can't be changed or amended without congress approval yet O allowed exemptions and waivers to his friends for aca. He also did this with the immigration law. Please quit being dishonest. I don't watch TV. I don't have one.

Maybe you ought to buy a TV and stop posting on issues you don't understand

A TV won’t help.

In fact it might make it worse.

well, whatever you use, we certainly don't want to use that.

so; tip o'neill and mondale anarchists, yes or no?
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

How many of these GOP Seats be vacated come the Mid-Terms?

Given that many have safe seats, a result of gerrymandering, most will find their greatest contest in the primary. Rational moderate Republicans will challenge many of the Tea Party Radicals to take their party back; some will win. If enough do maybe sanity will return to the H. of Rep.

Sorry, but I totally do not share the optimism of what I bolded.
How many of these GOP Seats be vacated come the Mid-Terms?

Given that many have safe seats, a result of gerrymandering, most will find their greatest contest in the primary. Rational moderate Republicans will challenge many of the Tea Party Radicals to take their party back; some will win. If enough do maybe sanity will return to the H. of Rep.

Sorry, but I totally do not share the optimism of what I bolded.

you shouldn't; the dems marched their own over the cliff with the obamacare vote, thats why they lost the house, so who knows, it may blow up on the gop too...
Well the markets don't seem to care about the shutdown.

I went to work this AM no problem. No one at work said word one about a shutdown..

Seems the only ones who care are the Obama ass kissers and those underworked and overpayed Fed workers.

Don't think I give a shit.

Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.

Americans without health insurance and with no access to healthcare is a ‘good’ thing according bizarre and perverted conservative dogma, where humans are motivated only by fear and greed.
Well the markets don't seem to care about the shutdown.

I went to work this AM no problem. No one at work said word one about a shutdown..

Seems the only ones who care are the Obama ass kissers and those underworked and overpayed Fed workers.

Don't think I give a shit.

Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.

Americans without health insurance and with no access to healthcare is a ‘good’ thing according bizarre and perverted conservative dogma, where humans are motivated only by fear and greed.

they all have access to "healthcare"....

so; tip o'neill and mondale- anarchists or not?
Well the markets don't seem to care about the shutdown.

I went to work this AM no problem. No one at work said word one about a shutdown..

Seems the only ones who care are the Obama ass kissers and those underworked and overpayed Fed workers.

Don't think I give a shit.

Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.

Americans without health insurance and with no access to healthcare is a ‘good’ thing according bizarre and perverted conservative dogma, where humans are motivated only by fear and greed.

They all had access before this incompetent law was written. Now, they'll pay even higher premiums and sign ups for pre-existing... And, many of the drugs that are needed under these pre-existings aren't even covered under ocare.
Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.

Americans without health insurance and with no access to healthcare is a ‘good’ thing according bizarre and perverted conservative dogma, where humans are motivated only by fear and greed.

they all have access to "healthcare"....

so; tip o'neill and mondale- anarchists or not?

We all have access to Ferraris too.......we just can't all afford one
Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.

Americans without health insurance and with no access to healthcare is a ‘good’ thing according bizarre and perverted conservative dogma, where humans are motivated only by fear and greed.

They all had access before this incompetent law was written. Now, they'll pay even higher premiums and sign ups for pre-existing... And, many of the drugs that are needed under these pre-existings aren't even covered under ocare.

I'm sure there are possible fixes for some of these problems.

That is, if certain people were actually interested in trying to apply any.
Well the markets don't seem to care about the shutdown.

I went to work this AM no problem. No one at work said word one about a shutdown..

Seems the only ones who care are the Obama ass kissers and those underworked and overpayed Fed workers.

Don't think I give a shit.

Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.
I can't decide if you're lying, or just plain stupid. NOTE: The two are not mutually exclusive.

Senate Shut Down Government to Save Its ObamaCare Subsidies
The House first tried to defund ObamaCare. Then, it tried to delay the whole law and then just the individual mandate. In the final hours before the midnight deadline, the House ended with a simple proposal. It would agree to fund the government, if the Senate agreed to scrap the special subsidies lawmakers and staff receive to purchase health insurance. The final House proposal only effected people on Capitol Hill. Harry Reid said, effectively, we'll shut down the government to keep our subsidies.​

The Democrat-led Senate shut down the government to save their free government money.

And you have no problem with this, and are instead blaming the GOP -- exactly as programmed.

Man, you progs sure do love your ruling class, don't you?
Americans without health insurance and with no access to healthcare is a ‘good’ thing according bizarre and perverted conservative dogma, where humans are motivated only by fear and greed.

they all have access to "healthcare"....

so; tip o'neill and mondale- anarchists or not?

We all have access to Ferraris too.......we just can't all afford one

when you walk into a showroom they don't have to give you one, seem to have a real issue with critical thinking. Maybe you can back up obama in that idiotic apple /obamcare exchange glitch analogy....:rolleyes:
We all have access to Ferraris too.......we just can't all afford one

In your stupid way, you've stumbled across a truth.

We all have access to cars, but that some have Ferrari's is something you leftists will not abide. You may have to take many cars away from the little people, but by Obama, you WILL take the Ferrari's away from those whom you envy so....

And THAT, is Obamacare.
Americans without health insurance and with no access to healthcare is a ‘good’ thing according bizarre and perverted conservative dogma, where humans are motivated only by fear and greed.

They all had access before this incompetent law was written. Now, they'll pay even higher premiums and sign ups for pre-existing... And, many of the drugs that are needed under these pre-existings aren't even covered under ocare.

I'm sure there are possible fixes for some of these problems.

That is, if certain people were actually interested in trying to apply any.

in all seriousness , yes thats true. But dropping 14 rules/laws of the plan and giving anyone with enough lobbyists/political freinds firepower an out isn't an honest way to do it either.
Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.

Americans without health insurance and with no access to healthcare is a ‘good’ thing according bizarre and perverted conservative dogma, where humans are motivated only by fear and greed.

they all have access to "healthcare"....

so; tip o'neill and mondale- anarchists or not?


The emergency room is not ‘access’ to healthcare; access to healthcare is routine checkups, screenings, and on-going monitoring of chronic medical conditions to prevent trips to the ER.
Americans without health insurance and with no access to healthcare is a ‘good’ thing according bizarre and perverted conservative dogma, where humans are motivated only by fear and greed.

they all have access to "healthcare"....

so; tip o'neill and mondale- anarchists or not?


The emergency room is not ‘access’ to healthcare; access to healthcare is routine checkups, screenings, and on-going monitoring of chronic medical conditions to prevent trips to the ER.

oh right, so you're re-framing your my surprised look...:eek:.....see it? :rolleyes:

so- tip o'neill and mondale, anarchists or not?

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