Boehner Incompetent; Cruz Un-American

Well you invaded Canada in 1812. Hoping to grab territory while the British were fighting the tyrant Napoleon. And burnt the government buildings in Toronto, the then capital. And have been crying ever since over the British subsequently burning the White House. I think the expression is 'tit for tat' or something like that.

Crying ever since?

Can you point out an example, please?

You mean you have got over it at last? Well done!
I accept your admission that no one's cried about this in almost 200 years.
I can't decide if you're lying, or just plain stupid. NOTE: The two are not mutually exclusive.

Senate Shut Down Government to Save Its ObamaCare Subsidies
The House first tried to defund ObamaCare. Then, it tried to delay the whole law and then just the individual mandate. In the final hours before the midnight deadline, the House ended with a simple proposal. It would agree to fund the government, if the Senate agreed to scrap the special subsidies lawmakers and staff receive to purchase health insurance. The final House proposal only effected people on Capitol Hill. Harry Reid said, effectively, we'll shut down the government to keep our subsidies.​

The Democrat-led Senate shut down the government to save their free government money.

And you have no problem with this, and are instead blaming the GOP -- exactly as programmed.

Man, you progs sure do love your ruling class, don't you?

From your link:

The proposal would have also suspended, for one year, penalties levied on individuals who don't have health insurance. This is similar to the waiver granted by the Obama Administration to employers earlier this year.

The individual mandate is important to make the law work; the employers' mandate, not so much. If I read this correctly, this was a back-door way to sabotage the law by taking teeth out of the individual mandate.
Given the glorious success of the roll-out yesterday, I'd say they need another year to make sure stuff works.

Actually, it WAS pretty successful. A lot of people got enrolled.

The only reason that the website had problems was because 7.5 MILLION PEOPLE were trying to sign on and it crashed the servers.

But.................give it a couple of weeks and see how many people like it, and how many people will benefit from it.

Give it a couple of months, and the GOP is going to see that they were on the losing side, and all the lies they told about Obamacare will unravel and they will lose big in 2014.
Callous conservatives object to that.

{Last Thursday, representatives of three of the nation’s largest unions fired off a letter to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, warning that Obamacare would “shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.”

The letter was penned by James P. Hoffa, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Joseph Hansen, international president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union; and Donald “D.” Taylor, president of UNITE-HERE, a union representing hotel, airport, food service, gaming, and textile workers.}

Labor Unions: Obamacare Will 'Shatter' Our Health Benefits, Cause 'Nightmare Scenarios' - Forbes

Damn conservatives...
Rational and intelligent people understand we are blessed with the necessary resources to take care of those unable to provide for themselves;

What about drooling mouth breathers like you?

I guess the hate sites program you to spew your shit - no cognitive process present, or needed.

You're just a drone, mindlessly doing as you're ordered.

it's all amount of priorities and the will to practice Judo-Christian Ethics and not simply mouth them.

Everything you need to know about life under Obamacare

What would you, or even your masters, know about ethics? You are a mindless drone from the sociopath party - the eradication of any last vestige of ethics from the shameful democratic party was Bill Clinton's proudest achievement.
and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

Good point. This shutdown will hasten their shellacking in '14 so that Madame speaker Pelosi rightly gets the gavel returned to her. Love her or hate her, she actually gets stuff done.
Well the markets don't seem to care about the shutdown.

I went to work this AM no problem. No one at work said word one about a shutdown..

Seems the only ones who care are the Obama ass kissers and those underworked and overpayed Fed workers.

Don't think I give a shit.

Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.

Fuck off wave brain.

Oh I'm callous all right. Especially when my tax dollars supports those underworked and overpayed Fed workers 100 percent. Let em get out in the real world like the rest of us and out of the bubble that Govt. is.

You can bet your ass none of those Fed workers you weep for gave shit one about all the Americans who were out of work. I mean really. They live in a bubble. Don't get fired, don't lose their jobs, get pay raises and Cost of Living increases every year. I should feel bad for them?? Your an idiot. How funny is that??

Oh and who the hell said I was a Christian??
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From your link:

The individual mandate is important to make the law work; the employers' mandate, not so much. If I read this correctly, this was a back-door way to sabotage the law by taking teeth out of the individual mandate.
Given the glorious success of the roll-out yesterday, I'd say they need another year to make sure stuff works.

Actually, it WAS pretty successful. A lot of people got enrolled.

The only reason that the website had problems was because 7.5 MILLION PEOPLE were trying to sign on and it crashed the servers.

But.................give it a couple of weeks and see how many people like it, and how many people will benefit from it.

Give it a couple of months, and the GOP is going to see that they were on the losing side, and all the lies they told about Obamacare will unravel and they will lose big in 2014.
...and unicorns will roam the meadows...

and the radical tea party Republicans have decided their job is more important than those held by Americans who actually work.

How many days has the H. of Rep. been in session since January 2011? What have they accomplished?

Good point. This shutdown will hasten their shellacking in '14 so that Madame speaker Pelosi rightly gets the gavel returned to her. Love her or hate her, she actually gets stuff done.

Coz it doesn't matter how bad what you're doing is, just as long as you're busy. :eusa_hand:

That sounds like the panelists on the Sunday talk show who were gushing over how rational the Iranian president was and how nice it was to deal with him -- coz their definition of rational was talking calmly and saying nice-sounding things even if it was all lies.
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Callous conservatives object to that.

{Last Thursday, representatives of three of the nation’s largest unions fired off a letter to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, warning that Obamacare would “shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.”

The letter was penned by James P. Hoffa, general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters; Joseph Hansen, international president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union; and Donald “D.” Taylor, president of UNITE-HERE, a union representing hotel, airport, food service, gaming, and textile workers.}

Labor Unions: Obamacare Will 'Shatter' Our Health Benefits, Cause 'Nightmare Scenarios' - Forbes

Damn conservatives...

My post which you quoted was in response to another's post; using it out of that context is dishonest and misrepresents my point.

One of my sons is a Teamster and I will look into the truth of the matter. As of now he has not heard anything related to the comments Hoffa, et al, have alleged to have made to Forbes.
Well the markets don't seem to care about the shutdown.

I went to work this AM no problem. No one at work said word one about a shutdown..

Seems the only ones who care are the Obama ass kissers and those underworked and overpayed Fed workers.

Don't think I give a shit.

Of course not, callous conservatives don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. And many claim to be Christians. How funny is that.

Fuck off wave brain.

Oh I'm callous all right. Especially when my tax dollars supports those underworked and overpayed Fed workers 100 percent. Let em get out in the real world like the rest of us and out of the bubble that Govt. is.

You can bet your ass none of those Fed workers you weep for gave shit one about all the Americans who were out of work. I mean really. They live in a bubble. Don't get fired, don't lose their jobs, get pay raises and Cost of Living increases every year. I should feel bad for them?? Your an idiot. How funny is that??

Oh and who the hell said I was a Christian??

"and many claim ...". Sorry you're too stupid to read and understand in context. That said, why are you so envious of Federal Workers? Did you take a civil service test and score below 70 (I wouldn't be surprised), or is it that you didn't have the MQ's for any Federal or other civil service job?
"and many claim ...". Sorry you're too stupid to read and understand in context. That said, why are you so envious of Federal Workers? Did you take a civil service test and score below 70 (I wouldn't be surprised), or is it that you didn't have the MQ's for any Federal or other civil service job?

One thing is for certain, you took an IQ test and scored below 70...
"and many claim ...". Sorry you're too stupid to read and understand in context. That said, why are you so envious of Federal Workers? Did you take a civil service test and score below 70 (I wouldn't be surprised), or is it that you didn't have the MQ's for any Federal or other civil service job?

One thing is for certain, you took an IQ test and scored below 70...

LOL. Thanks for sharing.
"and many claim ...". Sorry you're too stupid to read and understand in context. That said, why are you so envious of Federal Workers? Did you take a civil service test and score below 70 (I wouldn't be surprised), or is it that you didn't have the MQ's for any Federal or other civil service job?

One thing is for certain, you took an IQ test and scored below 70...

LOL. Thanks for sharing.

It wasn't new information to anyone who has dealt with you...

I do not think Boehner is incompetent.....he is impotent

He has been castratedd by the TeaTards and carries his nuts around in a little bag
I do not think Boehner is incompetent.....he is impotent

He has been castratedd by the TeaTards and carries his nuts around in a little bag

yep. At least one commentator is calling him a "spokesman" as opposed to the "Speaker" since all he is doing is relaying the hostage-takers demands :(

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