Boehner lashes out at conservatives

Teddy Roosevelt Failed to Save the GOP From Its Crazies in 1912 - Thomas Patterson - POLITICO Magazine

It is these conservative identifiers who will decide the eventual outcome of the intra-party fight that surfaced this week in Washington. If they heed the urgings of their party’s right-wing groups and donors—who have a lot of organizational and financial muscle—the GOP could have an unabashed right-winger as its 2016 presidential nominee. At that point, the party’s more moderate followers might ask themselves whether the party still has a place for them.

Although Theodore Roosevelt didn’t live to see the demise of his party, he predicted it, saying it was “madness” for the GOP to think it could stay in power on an ideologically extreme platform. Madness is apparently still in fashion in some Republican circles. The triumph of the party’s right wing would assure the party’s marginalization, throwing our two-party system out of balance for years to come.
If an extremist loses...then they WEREN'T EXTREME ENOUGH! This the kind of thinking that will take either the TP or the GOP down.

If you are using the term "extremist" as a slur, I would caution against that. You are essentially arguing that because someone's opinions are on the fringe of popular belief, then they must necessarily be worthy of derision. But this is a logical fallacy: Just because the majority of individuals believes something does not make it right, true, or worth doing.

Rather than attack someone as an "extremist" for having unpopular opinions, we should actually address the logical validity or invalidity of the opinions they have. After all, if they're so wrong, they should be pretty easy to disprove using actual arguments rather than ad hominem attacks.

The TP goals of removing corrupt politicians from office is valid and so is dealing with the discrepancy between revenue and spending. However the TP replacements are extreme rightwing partisan ideologues. This has created a major roadblock when it comes to finding a workable compromise solution to the discrepancy between revenue and spending. Given that the TP intends to continue to repeat the ideologue mistake across the entire spectrum of the GOP the 2nd goal will never be achieved.
Teddy Roosevelt Failed to Save the GOP From Its Crazies in 1912 - Thomas Patterson - POLITICO Magazine

It is these conservative identifiers who will decide the eventual outcome of the intra-party fight that surfaced this week in Washington. If they heed the urgings of their party’s right-wing groups and donors—who have a lot of organizational and financial muscle—the GOP could have an unabashed right-winger as its 2016 presidential nominee. At that point, the party’s more moderate followers might ask themselves whether the party still has a place for them.

Although Theodore Roosevelt didn’t live to see the demise of his party, he predicted it, saying it was “madness” for the GOP to think it could stay in power on an ideologically extreme platform. Madness is apparently still in fashion in some Republican circles. The triumph of the party’s right wing would assure the party’s marginalization, throwing our two-party system out of balance for years to come.
Teddy himself was a progressive. He started the demise of the GOP.
If an extremist loses...then they WEREN'T EXTREME ENOUGH! This the kind of thinking that will take either the TP or the GOP down.

If you are using the term "extremist" as a slur, I would caution against that. You are essentially arguing that because someone's opinions are on the fringe of popular belief, then they must necessarily be worthy of derision. But this is a logical fallacy: Just because the majority of individuals believes something does not make it right, true, or worth doing.

Rather than attack someone as an "extremist" for having unpopular opinions, we should actually address the logical validity or invalidity of the opinions they have. After all, if they're so wrong, they should be pretty easy to disprove using actual arguments rather than ad hominem attacks.

No, the term is not being used as a ‘slur.’

Nor does it have anything to do with opinions being on the ‘fringe’ or unpopular.

Extremist is an accurate and appropriate term when referring to certain fiscal and social conservatives. Their positions are extreme because they are factually wrong, reckless, and irresponsible.

For example, most fiscal conservatives adhere to an unrealistic, naïve, utopian perception of taxation, commerce, and the economy overall. They advocate such errant positions as repealing the 16th Amendment, doing away with the Federal Reserve, and overturning Commerce Clause jurisprudence with regard to regulatory policy, where they indeed oppose necessary and proper regulatory measures that are both warranted and Constitutional. Most on the fiscal right seek to return the American worker to the Lochner Era, absent workplace safety, fair hiring requirements, and minimum wage provisions.

Such reactionaryism is indeed extreme in its foolish and pathetic attempt to manage the economy of an industrialized first world superpower in the 21st Century with an 18th Century economic paradigm.

With regard to social conservatives, we see their extremism exhibited by their hostility toward various classes of persons whom they perceive in conflict with their subjective religious doctrine and dogma. This extremism manifests among the social right in its desire to deny same-sex couples their equal protection right to access marriage law, their desire to violate the privacy rights of women concerning whether to have a child or not, and their efforts to deny transgender persons their right to individual liberty and self-expression.

The reactionary agenda of the social conservative is likewise extreme in its desire to return America to an idealized past that never actually existed to begin with, along with the social right’s fear of a society becoming more diverse with regard to race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation.

The voters reject extremism, be it left or right; the democrats learned this after 1988 and relegated their extreme elements to the political back seat. As a result democrats have won four of the last six presidential elections. The question is when will republicans learn this lesson as well.

Consequently the cited poster’s observation is correct.
"Extremist is an accurate and appropriate term when referring to certain fiscal and social conservatives. Their positions are extreme because they are factually wrong, reckless, and irresponsible.

"For example, most fiscal conservatives adhere to an unrealistic, naïve, utopian perception of taxation, commerce, and the economy overall. ....

"Such reactionaryism is indeed extreme in its foolish and pathetic attempt ...."

LOL ... no slur there. None at all.
Boehner lashes out at conservatives

Properly, this should be titled as "Boehner lashes out at far right reactionary dopes"
The term extreme means to insult, demean, or besmirch. There is no need for me to do that. They have already made themselves look silly and inconsequential with totally irrational demands. Extreme is exactly what they are.

I might add that I feel the same way about the extremes on the opposite side of the spectrum. The voting public usually finds their agenda distasteful and votes them out. What is different in this case is that many ultra-conservative groups with no elected powers are trying to bully their way into, what appears to be, gridlock. I applaud the Speaker of standing up.
With Trouble at Home, Boehner Fights the Right - The Daily Beast

The series of events has enraged conservatives in Washington and even in Boehner’s own Ohio district. But it also has given immigration activists in particular hope that he might use his newfound interest in passing bills to pass theirs, particularly in light of his recent decision to hire Becky Tallent, Sen. John McCain’s former chief of staff, to run immigration reform for the speaker’s office.

People who have worked with Tallent describe her as smart, deeply versed in immigration policy, and a tough-as-nails negotiator who knows where the path lies to get immigration reform done. In other words, she’s not the kind of woman you’d hire to work on a dead issue.

“The fact that opponents of immigration reform have been apoplectic over her hiring should tell you something,” says Frank Sharry, executive director of America’s Voice, a pro-reform group.

Just wait? Sure, till 2016. No problem. Hillary will be there.

If the GOP has gains in 2014, two years of the GOP once again over playing their hand will lead to another great year for Dems in 2016, just like the two years of GOP/Tea Party stupidity after 2010 led to the Dems' great year in 2014.
Boehner has forgotten the meaning of "primary".

An exceedingly temporary condition.

Throughout history
There've been many songs written about the abuse of power
This next one tells the story of a Mr Cruz, a shutdown
And a selfish man named John Boehner.
When the sun rises tomorrow, John Boehner... must be fired...
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Poor boy, your career is gonna die
I met them on Capitol Hill
Where I took their bill
Read their Christmas list
Then crushed it in my fist
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Poor boy, your career will die
This time next week
Reckon where I'll be
Hadn't a-been for Cruz
I'd still be the Speak
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Poor boy, your career is gonna die
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Poor boy, your career is gonna die
This time next week
Reckon where I'll be
Down in some lonesome dive bar
Cantor will have replaced me
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Poor boy, your career is gonna die
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Hang down your head and cry
Hang down your head, John Boehner
Poor boy, your career is bound to die
Poor boy, your career is bound to die
Poor boy your career is bound to die
Poor boy, your career is bound to die...
First Rove w/ his Chinese secret money..... errr..... I mean Gingrich (R) and now Boehner (R) is sick of the eXtreme rw demands from rw *cough* "think" tanks :lol:

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The shut-down was a black eye for the GOP - come election time, politicians who do not speak out against it will suffer at the hands of the voters - no matter how much they try to convince people that "it was Obama's fault."

Going to be a real mess in 14 ... Republican civil war will be at the forefront of discussion.

Tea party will get trashed and up-ended as a sacrificial offering unto people who lost work.
The shut-down was a black eye for the GOP - come election time, politicians who do not speak out against it will suffer at the hands of the voters - no matter how much they try to convince people that "it was Obama's fault."

Going to be a real mess in 14 ... Republican civil war will be at the forefront of discussion.

Tea party will get trashed and up-ended as a sacrificial offering unto people who lost work.

No it's splitting time.

The civil war will be a good one. Just like we did up here. We broke ranks and ended the madness. Took a decade.

Now we can talk to the people and govern and that's what is important govern a great land.

No one needs to rule

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