Boehner lashes out at conservatives

Boehner wants to be seen as someone who can get things done by compromise. Too many republicans see compromise as surrender.

what do YOU see compromise as?

As to the OP, his REAL constituents :up: the monied-interests who fill his campaign coffers & give him & his buddies, on both sides of the aisle, jobs after they lose an election or retire must have given him "assurances". ;) He's a bought-off, Washington insider to the core just like Ryan(R) who went to Washington straight away.

I tend to agree. This was a well calculated move. I don't think that Boehner just blurted this out. He must see something that tells him the TP cannot touch him. Besides, he didn't cry....:lol:

Remember, Karl Rove is out there with huge bags of money in preparation to battled the TP loons that try to take over primaries. He is obviously a huge Boehner supporter now.

This battle between the GOP and TP has just begun. I see it twisting and changing into things we have never seen before. THIS IS GOING TO BE GOOD!

yep :eusa_drool: I just hope the teapartiers have their convictions and stand up to the corporate repubs all the way up to the Primaries ;)

AND, if it wasn't for gerrymandering, Boehner would be the MINORITY Leader because Repubs lost the popular vote in the house :eek:
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Boner is stupid on some issues and the Tea Party is stupid on some issues...that is the problem with the GOP.

Rumor is Boner believes the GOP needs to support amnesty for illegals to win elections.....that is fucking insane.

Tea Party dolts want to shutdown the GOV and keep gutting the DoD budget, while damaging conservatives working in the DoD...that is insane.

No wonder this country is fucked up with these idiots in the GOP and evil scumbags running the Democraps.
Boehner lashes out at conservative groups over budget deal ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Boehner finally grew a pair! But now the baggers will be coming after him!


Wow, this is disappointing, I was hoping fiscal conservatives would have your support on this one, Jimbo. I'm going to have to rethink the whole cutting the endless government pork spending thing now, I may not be able to support that if you're not on board...


How ?are those Redskins doing, by the way
Boehner lashes out at conservative groups over budget deal ? CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

Boehner finally grew a pair! But now the baggers will be coming after him!


Wow, this is disappointing, I was hoping fiscal conservatives would have your support on this one, Jimbo. I'm going to have to rethink the whole cutting the endless government pork spending thing now, I may not be able to support that if you're not on board...


How ?are those Redskins doing, by the way

Was "how" supposed to be a racist stereotype about how American Indians talk?

Wow, this is disappointing, I was hoping fiscal conservatives would have your support on this one, Jimbo. I'm going to have to rethink the whole cutting the endless government pork spending thing now, I may not be able to support that if you're not on board...


How ?are those Redskins doing, by the way

Was "how" supposed to be a racist stereotype about how American Indians talk?

:lol: No dude....
Fleming said conservative groups won't be able to sway as many conservatives because so many like the idea of the deal returning Congress to what's known as regular order - deliberating and passing bills the way they're supposed to be done, instead of backroom deals amid crisis.

But Idaho GOP Rep Raul Labrador, a critic of the plan, responded to Boehner's comments.

"What is it that groups said yesterday that is false today?" he asked.

What conservative groups say has always been false, yesterday and today.
Boehner wants to be seen as someone who can get things done by compromise. Too many republicans see compromise as surrender.

It is not surrender to compromise when two parties agree on a basic principle. For example, a buyer and seller might compromise over price, but they agree on the principle of voluntary trade.

It is surrender, however, to give ground to an opposing principle. There can be no compromise between a burglar and a property owner, or between the principles of individualism and collectivism.

For nearly 100 years, the right has been giving ground to the Left in "compromise" after ill-conceived compromise, and this willingness to surrender has brought our nation to the breaking point.

If it doesn't stop now, then when will it?

Seriously? Pop quiz, hotshot. Who said "I got 98% of what I wanted" in the debt deal?

Doesn't sound like compromise to me.

I don't think you understood what I meant. Even if Boehner got "98% of what he wanted," this does not mean that what he wanted is not a compromise with Leftist principles. The GOP has been giving ground to the Left for a century, and Boehner is no exception.
House Speaker John Boehner escalated his criticism of outside conservative groups opposed to the budget deal, saying they lost credibility by rejecting the plan before it was announced. He also blamed them for pushing GOP legislators into the politically disastrous government shutdown in October.

“The day before the government re-opened, one of these groups stood up and said ‘well, we never really thought it would work,’” he told reporters before animatedly asking: “Are you kidding me?”

Boehner on Tea Party: ?Are you kidding me?? | Q13 FOX News

The Speaker has only himself to blame for allowing House TPM extremists to run roughshod over the Party.

Let’s hope this marks the beginning of the end of the TPM’s undue influence in government policy – the TPM is bad for republicans and, more importantly, bad for the Nation.
This is so scripted its hilarious :laugh: You know he's going to either:

A: make it up to the teapartiers later


B: hope they don't get reelected then his corporately co-opted party can chug right along.
I was hoping the nutters would shut it down again.

I think that is one reason the Speaker said what he did. He did not want a repeat of the shutdown. He knows that the GOP was hurt by it because most people blamed then, even though some of the loons on the board still deny that.

I really think the gloves are off for the GOP. The GOP vs TP war has officially begun! Pull up a chair and make some popcorn!

The only idiots who blamed the Republicans for the Shutdown were those too partisan to be honest and those who were stupid enough to believe the Partisan liars.

Poll: Major damage to GOP after shutdown, and broad dissatisfaction with government - The Washington Post

The problem with many of you people is you live in some kind of delusional fantasy land. The GOP was hugely blamed for the shutdown. But you walk around in a fog denying it. I am not sure why. Has FOX rotted your brain?

Then when you push your TP candidates in primaries to defeat establishment republicans, you can't figure out how they lost in the general.

If you stopped living in fantasy land and actually developed a strategy to win, instead of saying...."Oh, we weren't conservative enough!" or "Just another RINO we need to defeat." maybe you would win something. Think about it!
Boehner sees his power and his ambitions slipping away. The republican public is not interested in going along to get along as it used to be.

Kicking righteously the far right reactionaries to the curb is showing a lack of power.


You are :eusa_shifty:
I was hoping the nutters would shut it down again.

I think that is one reason the Speaker said what he did. He did not want a repeat of the shutdown. He knows that the GOP was hurt by it because most people blamed then, even though some of the loons on the board still deny that.

I really think the gloves are off for the GOP. The GOP vs TP war has officially begun! Pull up a chair and make some popcorn!

The only idiots who blamed the Republicans for the Shutdown were those too partisan to be honest and those who were stupid enough to believe the Partisan liars.

The only idiots who don't blame Republicans for the Shutdown were those too partisan to be honest and those who were stupid enough to believe the Partisan liars.

Yes, it was our party's far right that talked those who should have known better into committing a grievous blunder.

Those far right reactionaries will now be primaried out.
Boehner sees his power and his ambitions slipping away. The republican public is not interested in going along to get along as it used to be.

Kicking righteously the far right reactionaries to the curb is showing a lack of power.


You are :eusa_shifty:

If an extremist loses...then they WEREN'T EXTREME ENOUGH! This the kind of thinking that will take either the TP or the GOP down.
If an extremist loses...then they WEREN'T EXTREME ENOUGH! This the kind of thinking that will take either the TP or the GOP down.

If you are using the term "extremist" as a slur, I would caution against that. You are essentially arguing that because someone's opinions are on the fringe of popular belief, then they must necessarily be worthy of derision. But this is a logical fallacy: Just because the majority of individuals believes something does not make it right, true, or worth doing.

Rather than attack someone as an "extremist" for having unpopular opinions, we should actually address the logical validity or invalidity of the opinions they have. After all, if they're so wrong, they should be pretty easy to disprove using actual arguments rather than ad hominem attacks.
If an extremist loses...then they WEREN'T EXTREME ENOUGH! This the kind of thinking that will take either the TP or the GOP down.

If you are using the term "extremist" as a slur, I would caution against that. You are essentially arguing that because someone's opinions are on the fringe of popular belief, then they must necessarily be worthy of derision. But this is a logical fallacy: Just because the majority of individuals believes something does not make it right, true, or worth doing.

Rather than attack someone as an "extremist" for having unpopular opinions, we should actually address the logical validity or invalidity of the opinions they have. After all, if they're so wrong, they should be pretty easy to disprove using actual arguments rather than ad hominem attacks.

So I assume you feel that way about extremes on both the right and left? And yes, in most cases the extremist are removed through the natural voting process. Most of the exceptions to this rule come when Gerrymandering takes place. But you probably already know that....

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