Boehner lashes out at conservatives

With Boner (intentional) Obama already has his claque in command in both houses. The risk in primarying out the RINOs is that Democrats may win in the general election in some districts.

So if a RINO is replaced by a Democrat then what's the difference.

Primarying those closet socialists does pose a risk but the downside is very small given that the worst that could happen is status quo by a different name.

Status quo is not the worst that could happen.

Think about how many more far left appointments -- including Supreme Court nominees -- Obama can make in the two years if we let them keep the Senate because we run crazies like Sharron Angle.
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With Boner (intentional) Obama already has his claque in command in both houses. The risk in primarying out the RINOs is that Democrats may win in the general election in some districts.

So if a RINO is replaced by a Democrat then what's the difference.

Primarying those closet socialists does pose a risk but the downside is very small given that the worst that could happen is status quo by a different name.

If we dont try to take back the GOP by running strong TP candidates in the primaries then we're totally and completely fucked. So the risk of Dems winning is worth it, imo.
Yeah, a little knowledge is an absurd thing. Your use of "aberration" is incorrect. English must not be your first languatge. Or you're a gross illiterate.
I am alleging that mandating a level of benefits and salary destroys jobs and thus keeps people in poverty. Doubtless that is too hard to grasp for someone who's native language is Kurdish.

Your reading comprehension disorder is worsening. A deflection is a deviation from the subject matter and hence it can be defined as an aberration.

Furthermore you have no evidence whatsoever that providing jobs with benefits "destroys jobs and thus keeps people in poverty". Until you can prove your allegation it will be given as much credence as the Republican fallacy that giving tax cuts to "job creators" creates jobs.

Sorry. You cannot post a definition and assume you are correct because you've missed the nuances.
Facts not in evidence again!
Greece proves that mandating benefits for jobs destroys them. Actually every place that mandates high levels of wages and benefits have experienced high structural unemployment.

Come back when you finish high school.

Yet another deviation on your part. Obviously you cannot substantiate your position so you have no other option but to deflect. I suggest that you come back when you can provide actual FACTS to support your allegation.
With Boner (intentional) Obama already has his claque in command in both houses. The risk in primarying out the RINOs is that Democrats may win in the general election in some districts.

So if a RINO is replaced by a Democrat then what's the difference.

Primarying those closet socialists does pose a risk but the downside is very small given that the worst that could happen is status quo by a different name.

Status quo is not the worst that could happen.

Think about how many more far left appointments -- including Supreme Court nominees -- Obama can make in the two years if we let them keep the Senate because we run crazies like Sharron Angle.

The answer is to have better candidates (duh...I know).

What I don't see the party doing is grooming people for these spots. There is no development or renewal going on.

The only thing saving us is that there are Anthony Wieners out there who help keep us in play.
I am pretty sure that Jake Starkey and John Boehner are the same person.

Has anyone ever seen a picture of them together? ...there you go.

This is news? He's an inside the beltway insider and has been for years.

This lie though that no one knew what was in the budget and criticized it is the one that is the nail in his coffin.

I was all set to back this "compromise budget" for a variety of political reasons and strategies so R's could take the House and Senate till he walked out and shit on so many people who backed candidates that were conservative.

HE the Lord Boehner has apparently truly forgotten who helped R's take the House in 2010.

It was all Tea Party.

Pay backs a bitch. And it's coming.
With Boner (intentional) Obama already has his claque in command in both houses. The risk in primarying out the RINOs is that Democrats may win in the general election in some districts.

So if a RINO is replaced by a Democrat then what's the difference.

Primarying those closet socialists does pose a risk but the downside is very small given that the worst that could happen is status quo by a different name.

Status quo is not the worst that could happen.

Think about how many more far left appointments -- including Supreme Court nominees -- Obama can make in the two years if we let them keep the Senate because we run crazies like Sharron Angle.

The answer is to have better candidates (duh...I know).

What I don't see the party doing is grooming people for these spots. There is no development or renewal going on.

The only thing saving us is that there are Anthony Wieners out there who help keep us in play.

Yes, grooming is needed.

But successfully groomed candidates would be criticized for the ties they'd made to other party members. If they had any sane record at all, it's likely it would have had some degree of compromise in it, and that is all the people who gave us Sharron Angle would need to call the groomed candidate too establishment and replace him/her with someone with little or no political experience -- someone with little or no serious campaign experience -- who would rev up the gaffe machine after the primaries and submarine our chances to stop Obama from two more years of being able to make extreme lifetime appointments to the bench.

[ame=]Christine O'Donnell ad - YouTube[/ame]

In the meantime, before the necessary development has happened, is there any good reason to primary out incumbents if we don't have good people to replace them with?
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We can all whine all we want.

We can work to fire who we want to fire and keep who we want to keep.

If we are in the majority.....we will get what we want.

If not, we'll have to work harder.

What is so encouraging is that the GOP is a f**cked up mess. And yet, they still own the house (two years after Chris Matthews and the rest of the kitty cats on MSNBC were coughing up furballs on how the GOP was dead)....

Imagine what we could do if we got our act together !!!

I think think may have changed dramatically with this latest event. The Speaker has drawn a line in the sand for the far right and TP. The case may have changed from the GOP and TP, it may now be the GOP vs the TP. If it is, I applaud the GOP. They have been allowing the TP to drag them around by the nose for some time.

The GOP owns the house because of Gerrymandering. But with the changing demographics, that is slipping away. Boehner did the right thing. He has called the TP and far right loons out.:clap2:
This is news? He's an inside the beltway insider and has been for years.

This lie though that no one knew what was in the budget and criticized it is the one that is the nail in his coffin.

I was all set to back this "compromise budget" for a variety of political reasons and strategies so R's could take the House and Senate till he walked out and shit on so many people who backed candidates that were conservative.

HE the Lord Boehner has apparently truly forgotten who helped R's take the House in 2010.

It was all Tea Party.

Pay backs a bitch. And it's coming.

He is trying to save the GOP from the far right and TP. He did what he had to do.
I was hoping the nutters would shut it down again.

I think that is one reason the Speaker said what he did. He did not want a repeat of the shutdown. He knows that the GOP was hurt by it because most people blamed then, even though some of the loons on the board still deny that.

I really think the gloves are off for the GOP. The GOP vs TP war has officially begun! Pull up a chair and make some popcorn!
I was hoping the nutters would shut it down again.

I think that is one reason the Speaker said what he did. He did not want a repeat of the shutdown. He knows that the GOP was hurt by it because most people blamed then, even though some of the loons on the board still deny that.

I really think the gloves are off for the GOP. The GOP vs TP war has officially begun! Pull up a chair and make some popcorn!

The only idiots who blamed the Republicans for the Shutdown were those too partisan to be honest and those who were stupid enough to believe the Partisan liars.
I was hoping the nutters would shut it down again.

I think that is one reason the Speaker said what he did. He did not want a repeat of the shutdown. He knows that the GOP was hurt by it because most people blamed then, even though some of the loons on the board still deny that.

I really think the gloves are off for the GOP. The GOP vs TP war has officially begun! Pull up a chair and make some popcorn!

The only idiots who blamed the Republicans for the Shutdown were those too partisan to be honest and those who were stupid enough to believe the Partisan liars.

pfft. Go play in a sandbox and ignore cruz.
I think that is one reason the Speaker said what he did. He did not want a repeat of the shutdown. He knows that the GOP was hurt by it because most people blamed then, even though some of the loons on the board still deny that.

I really think the gloves are off for the GOP. The GOP vs TP war has officially begun! Pull up a chair and make some popcorn!

The only idiots who blamed the Republicans for the Shutdown were those too partisan to be honest and those who were stupid enough to believe the Partisan liars.

pfft. Go play in a sandbox and ignore cruz.

He will be hard to ignore when he becomes a candidate for President in 2015...
I was hoping the nutters would shut it down again.

I think that is one reason the Speaker said what he did. He did not want a repeat of the shutdown. He knows that the GOP was hurt by it because most people blamed then, even though some of the loons on the board still deny that.

I really think the gloves are off for the GOP. The GOP vs TP war has officially begun! Pull up a chair and make some popcorn!
There was never any threat of a shutdown. There would just have been another CR, with the sequester still in place.

Boehner threw his little carefully scripted and choreographed tantrum to distract from the fact that the neocon republicans want to spend, spend, spend, just like the democrats do.
The only idiots who blamed the Republicans for the Shutdown were those too partisan to be honest and those who were stupid enough to believe the Partisan liars.

pfft. Go play in a sandbox and ignore cruz.

He will be hard to ignore when he becomes a candidate for President in 2015...

wouldn't surprise me. Didn't he raise $800,000 during his ploy which consequently cost this great nation $24 BILLION in lost GDP?

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