Boehner supports military action in Syria...

I support the decision of the Speaker of the House.

He wouldn't toss his hat into the ring unless it were in the absolutely best interest of the American people, imho.

I regret that 100,000 people had to die by government murders in Syria without trial, and that there are now many, many Syrian children there who have no parents or who are so sick from being poisoned, they will likely die due to loss of health services.

Recent history has shown leaders who lash out at their own citizens with WOMD poisons are quick to attack neighbors like madmen, creating instability in the region.

We've been told it can be over quickly by top military advisers on tv today.

I still don't like it, but if it's the right thing to do, it's the right thing to do.

Just out of curiosity, what is my "best interest" that would require my government to spend hundreds of millions of dollars firing missiles into Syria? Is it the oil? Again? Cause that is the ONLY thing in the ME that I have an interest in.

But I bet missile manufactures wouldn't mind a re order of those multi million dollar cruise missiles. That re order would be in THEIR best interest.

Muslims have no problem with killing each other. Why should we make that killing our problem?

In Iraq, they were not killing each other in large numbers. And we still invaded. And what good did that do us. Except to make it more possible for Iraqis' to easily kill other Iraqis. After we got done killing a bunch of them. Yea, that "intervention" thing works so well.
TASB offers nothing on topic other than personal attacks.

zeke is offering comments that force folks to think.

We don't know they won't work. We do know if we do nothing that won't work either.

There is no more "just once more" on whether Assad's forces used gas: that argument is finished.

We will not go further than the cruise missile strikes. If they don't work, we at least tried.

so i guess in that case team obama will be handing over the proof it was assads forces to putin that he asked for and we can do this thing right as a coalition.
That question has already been settled.

That you don't accept it remains immaterial.
That question has already been settled.

That you don't accept it remains immaterial.

actually what matters is does putin accept it? or the rest of europe. remember this, Bush went in with a coalition. he had international support. Obama is going this one alone. Who is right? Obama or the rest of the world? I'll side with the rest of the world on this one.
Putin just drew a line in the sand and my sense is he's not going to do a Barack Sissyfag and say, "er, um, well, it's the Politburo that drew the line, not me, heh, ain't I clever?"
That question has already been settled.

That you don't accept it remains immaterial.

actually what matters is does putin accept it? or the rest of europe. remember this, Bush went in with a coalition. he had international support. Obama is going this one alone. Who is right? Obama or the rest of the world? I'll side with the rest of the world on this one.

Jake supports Obama's Cowboy Diplomacy that has already destabilized Egypt and Libya
That question has already been settled.

That you don't accept it remains immaterial.

actually what matters is does putin accept it? or the rest of europe. remember this, Bush went in with a coalition. he had international support. Obama is going this one alone. Who is right? Obama or the rest of the world? I'll side with the rest of the world on this one.

Jake supports Obama's Cowboy Diplomacy that has already destabilized Egypt and Libya

you know those actions are going to haunt us in years to come
Obama is not invading anyone.

Let's stay in reality.

reality is, he is trying and reality is if we don't keep the pressure on him, he will. obama is your typical left wing reactionary. he truly believes he has a mandate because he was reelected. he couldn't be more wrong on this one.

Moveon, a left wing propoganda and fund raising organization took a poll. Should the USA get involved in Syria? now most people voting on this poll are there left wing supporters. the results were 73% no. there is no poll taken that supports obama's proposed actions. in fact the only ones that do support it are the left wing reactionaries and a handfull of terrorists in the middle east
I support the decision of the Speaker of the House.

He wouldn't toss his hat into the ring unless it were in the absolutely best interest of the American people, imho.

I regret that 100,000 people had to die by government murders in Syria without trial, and that there are now many, many Syrian children there who have no parents or who are so sick from being poisoned, they will likely die due to loss of health services.

Recent history has shown leaders who lash out at their own citizens with WOMD poisons are quick to attack neighbors like madmen, creating instability in the region.

We've been told it can be over quickly by top military advisers on tv today.

I still don't like it, but if it's the right thing to do, it's the right thing to do.

Just out of curiosity, what is my "best interest" that would require my government to spend hundreds of millions of dollars firing missiles into Syria? Is it the oil? Again? Cause that is the ONLY thing in the ME that I have an interest in.

But I bet missile manufactures wouldn't mind a re order of those multi million dollar cruise missiles. That re order would be in THEIR best interest.

Muslims have no problem with killing each other. Why should we make that killing our problem?

In Iraq, they were not killing each other in large numbers. And we still invaded. And what good did that do us. Except to make it more possible for Iraqis' to easily kill other Iraqis. After we got done killing a bunch of them. Yea, that "intervention" thing works so well.
Zeke, Iraq was killing his enemies at an alarming rate of 52,000 per year over a 25-year period. I don't know where you got your ideas from, but it wasn't the Clinton State Department nor that of Madeline Albright's successors. Saddam started war with his neighbor Iran over a 25-mile stretch of beachfront property he wanted badly. In his almost decade-long battle with Iran, over 900,000 people died in battle and from I.E.Ds that he placed in Iran and that Iran recruited poor or unwanted children to skip through the area to "find" the bombs for Allah, tying them together in groups and goading them along with prods when necessary. It's the most heinous war I ever heard of.

If you took a course in Middle Eastern history, why was this fact omitted from your courseload? Enquiring minds want to know. Saddam also invaded Kuwait and killed a lot of bright people there, and he sought after but did not find the rulers, who eluded them but went back after Saddam was run off. But not before he killed a lot of oil people and set the biggest oil well fire in history by lighting fires to Kuwait's largest oil field, which would have destroyed 5% of the world's then-known oil reserves if it hadn't been for some specialists in putting out oil-well fires from Texas. Saddam put more chemicals in the air than any other person or group on earth, and he plotted to murder President George H.W. Bush for stopping his greed for power and oil at any cost including destroying his neighbors.

You're wrong about Iraq not having casualties. In 25 years, there were well over 1,300,000 deaths, countless rapes and maimings. IOW, Saddam Hussein killed 1/20 of his people, more or less.

Did you not read the CENTCOM and newspapers that showed pictures of our troops digging up tens of thousands on top of tens of thousands of Kurdish village entire populations who were mass murdered with Saddam's chemical WOMDs? Where have you been for 25 years that Saddam was doing all this murdering people and his sickening sons who took charge of rape and torture rooms in that realm?
I just wish I was convinced that Assad and his regime are the bad guys and that the rebels are the good guys over there. That would make it much easier to know which side to take. What I fear is that neither side has even a tarnished halo and we're just going to break some stuff, kill some people, and leave Syria is the same miserable shape as we left Lybia.
I just wish I was convinced that Assad and his regime are the bad guys and that the rebels are the good guys over there. That would make it much easier to know which side to take. What I fear is that neither side has even a tarnished halo and we're just going to break some stuff, kill some people, and leave Syria is the same miserable shape as we left Lybia.

and egypt, and iraq, and afghanistan.....

IDK, you keep reading the rebels have al queda ties. that can't be good.
I just wish I was convinced that Assad and his regime are the bad guys and that the rebels are the good guys over there. That would make it much easier to know which side to take. What I fear is that neither side has even a tarnished halo and we're just going to break some stuff, kill some people, and leave Syria is the same miserable shape as we left Lybia.

and egypt, and iraq, and afghanistan.....

IDK, you keep reading the rebels have al queda ties. that can't be good.

Plus there are five themes running around the underground news network:

1. Assad used chemical weapons on the rebels.

2. The rebels used chemical weapons on their own people and blamed it on the Syrian military to generate sympathy and assistance from the west.

3. Neither side used chemical weapons but this is the ploy Obama is using to justify intervening in the conflict.

4. The USA conspired with the rebels to plant some Sarin gas and concocted the stories to justify attacking Assad's forces.

5. Both sides have used chemical weapons--there were tons of it delivered by Saddam Hussein who shipped it to Syria as the American forces were assembling. If that is the correct version, then what is the moral highground to deal with that?

So which of these versions is the correct one? Can any of us say which with any great confidence? More than one is correct? Or none are correct?

Shouldn't we know before we go in with guns blazing and bombs falling?
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Obama is a global embarassment....the man a joke.

I too have been wondering about Obama's global popularity. As an Independent I voted for him in 2012. However, I would not go so far as to call Obama a "global embarrassment." Here are the results of a Pew poll done in June New Poll Shows Obama's Global Popularity Slipping

"From Europe to Russia, the Middle East to Asia, support for Obama’s foreign policy has declined. In 2009, 78 percent of Europeans approved; now only 63 percent do. Among Muslim nations, the average approval rating has plunged from 34 percent to 15 percent. Similar declines have occurred in China, Japan, Russia, and Mexico."

At least I am glad to see that Muslims do not like Obama. At the end of his White House stay, I believe historians will view President Obama as "mediocre."

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Obama is a global embarassment....the man a joke.

I too have been wondering about Obama's global popularity. As an Independent I voted for him in 2012. However, I would not go so far as to call Obama a "global embarrassment." According to this Pew poll done in June 63% of the planet thinks Obama is doing a good job. New Poll Shows Obama's Global Popularity Slipping

50% of the people on the planet don't have any idea what obozo is doing, so subtract 50 from 63 and you may have the real number of people that think he is doing a good job --13%
Boehner supports military action in Syria...

If nothing else, Boehner knows how to count votes. That's all this is.

last report shows the measure failing in the house. The american people are letting their congressmen know that they will be out of office if they vote for this idiocy.

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