Bolsonaro supporters storm Brazilian Congress

As expected.

You rubes act as if proving something in a court of law is communist.
You act as if anyone needs to prove anything.

These people took action and sent their usurper packing.

Maybe we should do the same thing.
These courageous people know how to take their country back. They're going to install their duly elected leader who was cheated out of office.

MORE FROM BRAZIL – “Protesters” Have Entered in the Facilities Where Brazil’s Congress and Supreme Court Meet​

BREAKING: ENORMOUS CROWD – TENS OF THOUSANDS of Brazilians Descend on Brasilia, Storm Congress – SHOTS FIRED (VIDEO)​

You will.

We fully expect you and others on the neo-fascist right to again commit acts of treason and domestic terrorism.

1/6 wasn’t an isolated incident – the right’s war on democracy continues.

BRAZIL UPDATE 4: Banner at Capital Protest “WE WANT THE SOURCE CODE”​


Per a retweet from Mathew Tyrmand, the Brazilians want to know what is in the source code that is used in the election machines in that country.

Sounds like the fraudster Steve Bannon is advising them!
In July 2017, Lula was convicted on charges of money laundering and corruption in a controversial trial, and sentenced to nine and a half years in prison. The federal judge of the case, Sergio Moro, later became Minister of Justice and Public Security in Bolsonaro's government.[18] After an unsuccessful appeal, Lula was arrested in April 2018 and spent 580 days in jail.[19][20][21] Lula attempted to run in the 2018 Brazilian presidential election but was disqualified under Brazil's Ficha Limpa law.[22] In November 2019, the Supreme Federal Court ruled that incarcerations with pending appeals were unlawful and Lula was released from prison as a result.[23] In March 2021, Supreme Federal Court Justice Edson Fachin ruled that all of Lula's convictions must be nullified because he was tried by a court that did not have proper jurisdiction over his case.[24] Fachin's ruling, which was confirmed by other Supreme Court Justices in April 2021, restored Lula's political rights.[25] The Supreme Federal Court ruled later in March 2021 that judge Moro, who oversaw his corruption trial, was biased.[26] All of the cases Moro had brought against Lula were annulled by 24 June 2021. Following the court ruling, Lula was legally allowed to run for president again in the 2022 elections, and defeated Bolsonaro in the runoff.[27] He was sworn in on 1 January 2023.[28][29][30]
Lula is a rather typical corrupt radical leftist…sadly that makes up most of South American politicians and govts. it’s why dems support them so much
These courageous people know how to take their country back. They're going to install their duly elected leader who was cheated out of office.

MORE FROM BRAZIL – “Protesters” Have Entered in the Facilities Where Brazil’s Congress and Supreme Court Meet​

BREAKING: ENORMOUS CROWD – TENS OF THOUSANDS of Brazilians Descend on Brasilia, Storm Congress – SHOTS FIRED (VIDEO)​

You know Lula was democratically elected and you just proposed a coup...

Did't work in J6, what do you think you learnt which you will do this time..
The Generals need to get off their asses, before commie Lula has the ones he doesn't like shot.
Thanks for your opinion on democracy...

So you want the Generals to despose of an elected leader of a country and install an unelected far-right crook with questionable Human Rights record...

How did that go before?
Sounds like the Brazilian population is waking up to the reality of life in the "left lane"! Don't be surprised to see physical beatings & even lynching's performed on the lefties in Brazil. Folks are getting sick & tired of the lack of morality, deceit/corruption & destruction the lefties have perpetrated throughout history. The statist left has left quite a dark trail through history with their Idi Amin's, Mao's, Hitler's, Pol Pot's, Stalin's etc. I am happy to see folks waking up to the statist lefts religion of darkness!
Idiotic comment...

Far Right doesn't like elections... Want to pick leaders by force now..
Oh look, one gang of South American CIA compliant criminals has displaced another gang of slightly less CIA compliant criminals. Rioting has escaped it’s normal confines of futbol stadia (must be the off season) as supporters of team Mao take on team Tito.

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