Bombing in Downtown Nashville

This is reminding me of the Boston Bomber coverage when they released photos of the two brothers. They were identified in no time, iirc.
Someone somewhere will recognize this RV and notice that it's no longer sitting in their neighbor's yard...unless it was a rental. In which case, the rental agent will. Good Move! Reports I saw said license plates were removed.
Maybe stolen? Those RVs cost money.
What makes you think these people didn't have money?

People take RV's like that and set up in the woods to use for hunting and fishing camps, too.
The Boston brothers had a religious motivation. I think this bombing is ideologically motivated Left...Right...Anarchist--remains to be seen..but they're trying to stake out the 'good guys' position with the warning. I imagine that there are some of both sides who will excuse them, on these grounds...if they're ideological soulmates~

All that being said...had they parked the RV on Wall St.----might have had an impact--Nashville?? Meh.
I'm guessing whoever is behind it is local to the Nashville area, but it sure does seem like a targeted communications hit. For Central TN without 911 and the people whose phones aren't working, it's more than a meh. For the people who did it, it is a learning exercise. It doesn't bring us any closer to guessing who did it, because anyone wanting to overthrow authorities would use the same strategy.
I'm not sure if the lines are down because of damage..or down because of overload...but down is still down.

This Bombing reeks of a cautionary tale---the perps will encourage people to say..What if? and postulate an escalation.
View attachment 433301

Building fronts just gone

Looks reminiscent to Oklahoma City.

That was done with Ammonium Nitrate, which is a commonly-used fertilizer. The substance came under federal regulation after the OKC bombing and a quantity that large is unobtainable. This had to be explosives.

Farmers cannot buy fertilizer anymore? You are wrong. The sales are registered.

Right, the sales are registered. But many places will look at you funny if you ask for 500 pounds of it, and they don't know you.

I know that because I jokingly asked the lady for that once at the feed co-op where I get my propane from, a few years ago.

Farmers order it by the ton!

Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up

Ahh..labor unrest..good bombing traditions there, eh?
View attachment 433301

Building fronts just gone

Looks reminiscent to Oklahoma City.

That was done with Ammonium Nitrate, which is a commonly-used fertilizer. The substance came under federal regulation after the OKC bombing and a quantity that large is unobtainable. This had to be explosives.

Farmers cannot buy fertilizer anymore? You are wrong. The sales are registered.

Right, the sales are registered. But many places will look at you funny if you ask for 500 pounds of it, and they don't know you.

I know that because I jokingly asked the lady for that once at the feed co-op where I get my propane from, a few years ago.

Farmers order it by the ton!
...and the feds track it by the ton.
Fertilizer is fun stuff!

One county tried it using it to hold down dust on dirt roads.

It worked. But it also caused the brush along the roads to grow out of control.

So they auctioned it off.

A friend of mine bid on "one lot of fertilizer" and got it cheap.

The paper sacks of that "one lot" nearly filled a 20-foot Conex. He used some to put in a putting green behind his rural cabin. He stored 50 gallon drums of his winter #1 fuel oil supply in the space left in the Conex.

One drum leaked.

Now he won't even open the door of the Conex because he's afraid it might spark.

He figures some schmuck will break into the Conex someday and get what he deserves.

Gonna be hell on the cabin, though.

Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up
THERE'S to many possibilities.
Took out the networks there, that could have been the target using Christmas as a ruse /cover and less risk to human casualties.
Christmas makes one think it was Radical Islamic groups, however Marxists are attacking such religious symbols too.
Then there's the fact that CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting System, a division of AT&T's WarnerMedia. Bernies bros and Antifa are not fans and have attacked CNN building in Atlanta.
More Marxist radicals embedded in BLM has made such threats to explode things.
There's a lot to look at here.
Including biz owners enough is enough statement or their insurance fraud to recoup losses by cashing in on their damage.
They also have to consider the 15 minute warning could have been to attract police to the scene in order for them to be the target as well.
Last edited:
View attachment 433301

Building fronts just gone

Looks reminiscent to Oklahoma City.

That was done with Ammonium Nitrate, which is a commonly-used fertilizer. The substance came under federal regulation after the OKC bombing and a quantity that large is unobtainable. This had to be explosives.

Farmers cannot buy fertilizer anymore? You are wrong. The sales are registered.

Right, the sales are registered. But many places will look at you funny if you ask for 500 pounds of it, and they don't know you.

I know that because I jokingly asked the lady for that once at the feed co-op where I get my propane from, a few years ago.

Farmers order it by the ton!

OK. That increases the possibility that it could have been a fertilizer bomb, and not commercial or military-grade explosives. Of course that doesn't rule out Tannerite, which is easily available. That stuff is normally shot with a rifle, but a blasting cap will detonate it. I know that for a fact.

Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up

Ahh..labor unrest..good bombing traditions there, eh?

Why not? Obviously not a right-winger, seeing as how you guys and girls keep claiming that we're all a bunch of low-tech ignorant hillbillies living in trailer houses.


Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up

Ahh..labor unrest..good bombing traditions there, eh?

Why not? Obviously not a right-winger, seeing as how you guys and girls keep claiming that we're all a bunch of low-tech ignorant hillbillies living in trailer houses.


LOL but at least our trailers have heat and indoor plumbing

Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up

Ahh..labor unrest..good bombing traditions there, eh?

Why not? Obviously not a right-winger, seeing as how you guys and girls keep claiming that we're all a bunch of low-tech ignorant hillbillies living in trailer houses.


I've never said that you are low-tech.


Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up
THERE'S to many possibilities.
Took out the networks there, that could have been the target using Christmas as a ruse /cover and less risk to human casualties.
Christmas makes one think it was Radical Islamic groups, however Marxists are attacking such religious symbols too.
Then there's the fact that CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting System, a division of AT&T's WarnerMedia. Bernies bros and Antifa are not fans and have attacked CNN building in Atlanta.
More Marxist radicals embedded in BLM has made such threats to explode things.
There's a lot to look at here.
Including biz owners enough is enough statement or their insurance fraud to recoup losses by cashing in on their damage.

Dont forget there are people are against the new 5g networks
I'm not sure if the lines are down because of damage..or down because of overload...but down is still down.
AT&T outage reported across Tennessee, Kentucky; EMS phones down
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — An outage has affected phone and internet service for AT&T customers across Middle Tennessee and Kentucky, including EMS lines in the area.

AT&T has confirmed that the outage is related to this morning's explosion in downtown Nashville. NewsChannel 5 is receiving reports that AT&T and DirecTV coverage is being affected, as well.


Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up
THERE'S to many possibilities.
Took out the networks there, that could have been the target using Christmas as a ruse /cover and less risk to human casualties.
Christmas makes one think it was Radical Islamic groups, however Marxists are attacking such religious symbols too.
Then there's the fact that CNN is owned by Turner Broadcasting System, a division of AT&T's WarnerMedia. Bernies bros and Antifa are not fans and have attacked CNN building in Atlanta.
More Marxist radicals embedded in BLM has made such threats to explode things.
There's a lot to look at here.
Including biz owners enough is enough statement or their insurance fraud to recoup losses by cashing in on their damage.

Dont forget there are people are against the new 5g networks

Why not 5g is a military crowd control weapon

Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up

Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up

Ahh..labor unrest..good bombing traditions there, eh?

Why not? Obviously not a right-winger, seeing as how you guys and girls keep claiming that we're all a bunch of low-tech ignorant hillbillies living in trailer houses.


That was a liberal high tech "surgical" strike.
I'm not sure if the lines are down because of damage..or down because of overload...but down is still down.
AT&T outage reported across Tennessee, Kentucky; EMS phones down
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — An outage has affected phone and internet service for AT&T customers across Middle Tennessee and Kentucky, including EMS lines in the area.

AT&T has confirmed that the outage is related to this morning's explosion in downtown Nashville. NewsChannel 5 is receiving reports that AT&T and DirecTV coverage is being affected, as well.

So..big enough explosion that the concussion tripped some relays...a near miss....and a potent demonstration..if you care to look at it like that.

Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up

Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up

Ahh..labor unrest..good bombing traditions there, eh?

Why not? Obviously not a right-winger, seeing as how you guys and girls keep claiming that we're all a bunch of low-tech ignorant hillbillies living in trailer houses.


That was a liberal high tech "surgical" strike.

You have no idea as to the ideological motivation for this, or even if there is one. Could be Q..could be Anarchists of several stripes---could be the Union..could be the Govt.~

Early reports were that it came from an abandoned RV

Rented by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard

Not that the media will report this or any other possible truth

Then how do you have this info You cited no source

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth

They never report the truth, and this is too fresh in the news for the lie to even have been crafted yet. The Iranian revolutionary guard has attacked multiple refineries in the USA not that the government will ever report the truth
This bombing has “ Trumper humper” written all over it.

Good to know, by tomorrow this time it will be confirmed as a Sanders supporter or BLM thug. That is almost always the case when some liberal jackass blames the right.

Possibly a labor union beef. 37 thousand layoffs at AT&T this year, and there's this:

"On the picket line in Nashville, Tennessee, workers said they had been told by union officials they could not discuss other issues because the strike was over unfair labor practices. But several spoke to the World Socialist Web Site about the deep class division between the rank-and-file workers, struggling to survive from day to day, and the corporate elite.

Jessica has worked for AT&T for 15 years and said, “We can’t get them to the bargaining table to even work with us.” She added that the reason the company won’t bargain is “because all the money is going to the top.” The last raise was last year about this time and amounted to only a two percent “cost-of-living” raise, she said."

AT&T strikers show their power, but face union-company gang-up

Ahh..labor unrest..good bombing traditions there, eh?

Why not? Obviously not a right-winger, seeing as how you guys and girls keep claiming that we're all a bunch of low-tech ignorant hillbillies living in trailer houses.


LOL but at least our trailers have heat and indoor plumbing

And I haven't seen right wingers blowing up their own homes. That's a democrat tactic.
I'm not sure if the lines are down because of damage..or down because of overload...but down is still down.
AT&T outage reported across Tennessee, Kentucky; EMS phones down
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WTVF) — An outage has affected phone and internet service for AT&T customers across Middle Tennessee and Kentucky, including EMS lines in the area.

AT&T has confirmed that the outage is related to this morning's explosion in downtown Nashville. NewsChannel 5 is receiving reports that AT&T and DirecTV coverage is being affected, as well.

So..big enough explosion that the concussion tripped some relays...a near miss....and a potent demonstration..if you care to look at it like that.
Why was it a near miss? It seems to have worked, just not in Nashville.
Someone didn't get what they asked for from Santa.

Domestic terrorism.
From their YouTube channel

The station also quoted officials as saying the explosion did not seem suspicious

I think you better pay attention it's all over the tv and it was intentional the rv was loaded with explosives. Someone called police at 6 am and told them there was a suspicious vehicle downtown and when police got there they called the bomb squad and when the squad on the way the rv exploded. Sounds like someone wanted to kill cops.
Propane tank? My grandparent's travel trailer blew up decades ago when my grandma lit a cigarette, propane tank.....fortunately, they got out with minor burns.

Much too big for a propane tank!
Yeah...I can see that now.

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