BOMBSHELL: New Report Shows Guccifer 2.0-DNC Files Were Copied Locally—Not Hacked

Due to the estimated speed of transfer (23 MB/s) calculated in this study, it is unlikely that this initial data transfer could have been done remotely over the Internet.

I can tell the article in the op is to complicated for your brain to comprehend.

No it isn't dumbass, I just downloaded a file at 40mb/s over internet, NUTS eh?

Do you know what the DNC server's ISP connection rate is?
Time to get real snowflakes, American Intelligence has made it perfectly clear who hacked DNC and why.

By beleiving CrowdStrike whose co founder belongs to the Atlantic Council backed by Victor Pinchuk who is tied to the Clintons.............riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Stop with the Intel agencies concluded crap. No one will beleive them because they didn't examine the server.
Time to get real snowflakes, American Intelligence has made it perfectly clear who hacked DNC and why.

By beleiving CrowdStrike whose co founder belongs to the Atlantic Council backed by Victor Pinchuk who is tied to the Clintons.............riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Stop with the Intel agencies concluded crap. No one will beleive them because they didn't examine the server.

You know you aren't helping your argument with all that. The more you say he knows how the Russians operate, a person with a sound scientific mind would conclude then, what better person to figure out the Russians did the hacking than someone familiar with their modus operandi?
Why should one sane person beleive the Intel agencies when they didn't examine the server? Why should anyone beleive in the FBI anymore when the two top dogs are mega D's?
Time to get real snowflakes, American Intelligence has made it perfectly clear who hacked DNC and why.

By beleiving CrowdStrike whose co founder belongs to the Atlantic Council backed by Victor Pinchuk who is tied to the Clintons.............riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Stop with the Intel agencies concluded crap. No one will beleive them because they didn't examine the server.

You know you aren't helping your argument with all that. The more you say he knows how the Russians operate, a person with a sound scientific mind would conclude then, what better person to figure out the Russians did the hacking than someone familiar with their modus operandi?

No one in their right mind would believe that the Russians hacked the DNC and made sure that they didn't make themselves look like any other country's hackers. Woolsey former head of the CIA has claimed China excels at looking like another country when they hack.

But lets really get down to brass tacks here. Why only the Russians? Do you know how many countries hate America's guts just after 8 years of Obama?

Why couldn't the hackers be from Egypt? You know the country that Obama put under the thumb of the Muslim Brotherhood till the country came to their senses>

How about Libyan hackers? They are ruled by various terror groups now. Why wouldn't a displaced Libyan want payback against the bitch that took out his leader?

Hey why not Syrian hackers? Obama gave the Syrians ISIS. Ditto Iraqi hackers.

Why not Israeli hackers? Obama tried to put Bibi's opposition in power.

And I guess you could throw in eastern Ukrainian hackers too! Obama and Clinton worked at overthrowing the duly elected government in Kiev and turned it over to Nazis.

So many enemies so many probable suspects.

Then on the other hand why not a Bernie supporter?

But until the intel agencies examine the DNC server they will never be believed.
Why should one sane person beleive the Intel agencies when they didn't examine the server? Why should anyone beleive in the FBI anymore when the two top dogs are mega D's?
Time to get real snowflakes, American Intelligence has made it perfectly clear who hacked DNC and why.

By beleiving CrowdStrike whose co founder belongs to the Atlantic Council backed by Victor Pinchuk who is tied to the Clintons.............riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Stop with the Intel agencies concluded crap. No one will beleive them because they didn't examine the server.

You know you aren't helping your argument with all that. The more you say he knows how the Russians operate, a person with a sound scientific mind would conclude then, what better person to figure out the Russians did the hacking than someone familiar with their modus operandi?

No one in their right mind would believe that the Russians hacked the DNC and made sure that they didn't make themselves look like any other country's hackers. Woolsey former head of the CIA has claimed China excels at looking like another country when they hack.

But lets really get down to brass tacks here. Why only the Russians? Do you know how many countries hate America's guts just after 8 years of Obama?

Why couldn't the hackers be from Egypt? You know the country that Obama put under the thumb of the Muslim Brotherhood till the country came to their senses>

How about Libyan hackers? They are ruled by various terror groups now. Why wouldn't a displaced Libyan want payback against the bitch that took out his leader?

Hey why not Syrian hackers? Obama gave the Syrians ISIS. Ditto Iraqi hackers.

Why not Israeli hackers? Obama tried to put Bibi's opposition in power.

And I guess you could throw in eastern Ukrainian hackers too! Obama and Clinton worked at overthrowing the duly elected government in Kiev and turned it over to Nazis.

So many enemies so many probable suspects.

Then on the other hand why not a Bernie supporter?

But until the intel agencies examine the DNC server they will never be believed.

This argument has been done over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

The DNC is a private group. They hired one of the best Cyber-security companies in the entire world. Not just the United States, the entire world. Crowdstrike is a company that has worked with the federal government before. Crowdstrike cooperated with the federal intelligence agencies so that they could continue to monitor hacks and the information provided by Crowdstrike that showed the Russian hacking was corroborated by the other hacks into state voting offices across the country and several RNC people as well.

I'm not going to spend any long with this same old argument that has gone on for several months.

Go to Crowdstrike's web site and read up on the people that work there and their MANY MANY MANY accomplishments in the field.
Why should one sane person beleive the Intel agencies when they didn't examine the server? Why should anyone beleive in the FBI anymore when the two top dogs are mega D's?
Time to get real snowflakes, American Intelligence has made it perfectly clear who hacked DNC and why.

By beleiving CrowdStrike whose co founder belongs to the Atlantic Council backed by Victor Pinchuk who is tied to the Clintons.............riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Stop with the Intel agencies concluded crap. No one will beleive them because they didn't examine the server.

You know you aren't helping your argument with all that. The more you say he knows how the Russians operate, a person with a sound scientific mind would conclude then, what better person to figure out the Russians did the hacking than someone familiar with their modus operandi?

No one in their right mind would believe that the Russians hacked the DNC and made sure that they didn't make themselves look like any other country's hackers. Woolsey former head of the CIA has claimed China excels at looking like another country when they hack.

But lets really get down to brass tacks here. Why only the Russians? Do you know how many countries hate America's guts just after 8 years of Obama?

Why couldn't the hackers be from Egypt? You know the country that Obama put under the thumb of the Muslim Brotherhood till the country came to their senses>

How about Libyan hackers? They are ruled by various terror groups now. Why wouldn't a displaced Libyan want payback against the bitch that took out his leader?

Hey why not Syrian hackers? Obama gave the Syrians ISIS. Ditto Iraqi hackers.

Why not Israeli hackers? Obama tried to put Bibi's opposition in power.

And I guess you could throw in eastern Ukrainian hackers too! Obama and Clinton worked at overthrowing the duly elected government in Kiev and turned it over to Nazis.

So many enemies so many probable suspects.

Then on the other hand why not a Bernie supporter?

But until the intel agencies examine the DNC server they will never be believed.

This argument has been done over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

The DNC is a private group. They hired one of the best Cyber-security companies in the entire world. Not just the United States, the entire world. Crowdstrike is a company that has worked with the federal government before. Crowdstrike cooperated with the federal intelligence agencies so that they could continue to monitor hacks and the information provided by Crowdstrike that showed the Russian hacking was corroborated by the other hacks into state voting offices across the country and several RNC people as well.

I'm not going to spend any long with this same old argument that has gone on for several months.

Go to Crowdstrike's web site and read up on the people that work there and their MANY MANY MANY accomplishments in the field.

CrowdStrike is a DNC employee. Dmitri is anti Russian and pro Ukrainian. Dmitri is also on the board of the Atlantic Council who are all D and supported by Victor Pinchuk a mega Ukrainian oligarch who is tied at the hip by millions to the Clinton Foundation.

The Ukrainians and their ilk on this side of the Atlantic admit to lying about Paul Manafort to take him out. CrowdStrike is just one piece of the puzzle. Their analysis that the "Ruskies did it" has been held up to great scorn and ridicule. Cripes it looks like a Marvel Comic book. You come around to Fusion GPS and their pathetic Christopher Steele dossier. Barbara Cartland could have written a better more believable dossier.

Enter Senator Grassley. My hero on the hill. He's going after Fusion GPS hard core. Let the investigations continue. I really want all flushed out. And kudos to Senator Feinstein for going after Loretta Lynch which will lead her back to Comey.
Why should one sane person beleive the Intel agencies when they didn't examine the server? Why should anyone beleive in the FBI anymore when the two top dogs are mega D's?
Time to get real snowflakes, American Intelligence has made it perfectly clear who hacked DNC and why.

By beleiving CrowdStrike whose co founder belongs to the Atlantic Council backed by Victor Pinchuk who is tied to the Clintons.............riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Stop with the Intel agencies concluded crap. No one will beleive them because they didn't examine the server.

You know you aren't helping your argument with all that. The more you say he knows how the Russians operate, a person with a sound scientific mind would conclude then, what better person to figure out the Russians did the hacking than someone familiar with their modus operandi?

No one in their right mind would believe that the Russians hacked the DNC and made sure that they didn't make themselves look like any other country's hackers. Woolsey former head of the CIA has claimed China excels at looking like another country when they hack.

But lets really get down to brass tacks here. Why only the Russians? Do you know how many countries hate America's guts just after 8 years of Obama?

Why couldn't the hackers be from Egypt? You know the country that Obama put under the thumb of the Muslim Brotherhood till the country came to their senses>

How about Libyan hackers? They are ruled by various terror groups now. Why wouldn't a displaced Libyan want payback against the bitch that took out his leader?

Hey why not Syrian hackers? Obama gave the Syrians ISIS. Ditto Iraqi hackers.

Why not Israeli hackers? Obama tried to put Bibi's opposition in power.

And I guess you could throw in eastern Ukrainian hackers too! Obama and Clinton worked at overthrowing the duly elected government in Kiev and turned it over to Nazis.

So many enemies so many probable suspects.

Then on the other hand why not a Bernie supporter?

But until the intel agencies examine the DNC server they will never be believed.

This argument has been done over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.

The DNC is a private group. They hired one of the best Cyber-security companies in the entire world. Not just the United States, the entire world. Crowdstrike is a company that has worked with the federal government before. Crowdstrike cooperated with the federal intelligence agencies so that they could continue to monitor hacks and the information provided by Crowdstrike that showed the Russian hacking was corroborated by the other hacks into state voting offices across the country and several RNC people as well.

I'm not going to spend any long with this same old argument that has gone on for several months.

Go to Crowdstrike's web site and read up on the people that work there and their MANY MANY MANY accomplishments in the field.

CrowdStrike is a DNC employee. Dmitri is anti Russian and pro Ukrainian. Dmitri is also on the board of the Atlantic Council who are all D and supported by Victor Pinchuk a mega Ukrainian oligarch who is tied at the hip by millions to the Clinton Foundation.

The Ukrainians and their ilk on this side of the Atlantic admit to lying about Paul Manafort to take him out. CrowdStrike is just one piece of the puzzle. Their analysis that the "Ruskies did it" has been held up to great scorn and ridicule. Cripes it looks like a Marvel Comic book. You come around to Fusion GPS and their pathetic Christopher Steele dossier. Barbara Cartland could have written a better more believable dossier.

Enter Senator Grassley. My hero on the hill. He's going after Fusion GPS hard core. Let the investigations continue. I really want all flushed out. And kudos to Senator Feinstein for going after Loretta Lynch which will lead her back to Comey.

Crowdstrike is NOT a DNC employee. Do you realize if these guys got caught messing the DNC server and creating false evidence to frame Russia their entire careers for the rest of their lives would be over. One of the co-founders, the Russian you keep bad mouthing, got an award from MIT. He headed up McAfee's foreign cyber-securtiy division. It's obvious you haven't read anything about these guys other than from rag sites with conspiracy theories.

I'm done arguing about it. You are as bad as trying to talk to Dale.
Looks like everything is about to unravel exposing what really happened with the DNC server. This makes the best sense yet of what happened.

BOMBSHELL: New Report Shows Guccifer 2.0-DNC Files Were Copied Locally—Not Hacked
I was wondering when they would look at the source coding... SO this was done by staff who had access to the server and passwords. I wonder if this has links to Seth and his suspicious demise?
I think it links to Seth 100%.
of course it does

that is why he was made an example of

as the email says
And by the way, Guccifer 2.0 is widely known to security experts as a Russian Bear front. It is a meaningless source for ANYTHING not corroborated.

So bullshit source, with piss poor analysis, being reported on by some blogger on bullshit website. That's the the totality of the case that American Intelligence and all the facts of the matter we know is wrong.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad that people are willing to take this nonsense seriously.
And by the way, Guccifer 2.0 is widely known to security experts as a Russian Bear front. It is a meaningless source for ANYTHING not corroborated.

So bullshit source, with piss poor analysis, being reported on by some blogger on bullshit website. That's the the totality of the case that American Intelligence and all the facts of the matter we know is wrong.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad that people are willing to take this nonsense seriously.
The Gateway Pundit is an impeccable ethical news source. It's why they were given membership to the White House press corps recently. They are America's new source for truthful news compared to the now defunct MSM fake news sources.
Time to get real snowflakes, American Intelligence has made it perfectly clear who hacked DNC and why.
You obviously don't have a clue about data transfer rates and protection systems which kill transfers and limit speeds to keep data safe.. The only way they could have reached this speed in data transfer is by having direct access to the server on its own network.
And by the way, Guccifer 2.0 is widely known to security experts as a Russian Bear front. It is a meaningless source for ANYTHING not corroborated.

So bullshit source, with piss poor analysis, being reported on by some blogger on bullshit website. That's the the totality of the case that American Intelligence and all the facts of the matter we know is wrong.

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad that people are willing to take this nonsense seriously.
The Gateway Pundit is an impeccable ethical news source. It's why they were given membership to the White House press corps recently. They are America's new source for truthful news compared to the now defunct MSM fake news sources.

WOW, the White House? You mean this Trump White House? Inhabited by a guy who went out of his way to appeal to Alex Jones nutter crowds?

They will give membership to ANYONE willing to lick Trump's ass.
I don't know about your ISP, but I regularly get download speeds upwards of 150 Mbps.
Not if you're hacking and trying not to leave a trail.

We will see if anything comes of this but I always suspected a Bernie supporter did it.

Here's the thing.

The file discussed in the OP came from a different server than the leaked emails did. It was a separate "hack". Aside from that, there were at least 6 or 7 other hacks (of John Podesta, etc) that have been traced back to Russian hackers.
How do we know that? None of the servers have been investigated by anyone other than DNC hired operatives. If they truly believe Russia did it why would the FBI not be called in immediately? You're going to have to excuse my distrust of what a political party finds investigating itself. They destroyed that trust.
Why should one sane person beleive the Intel agencies when they didn't examine the server? Why should anyone beleive in the FBI anymore when the two top dogs are mega D's?
Time to get real snowflakes, American Intelligence has made it perfectly clear who hacked DNC and why.

By beleiving CrowdStrike whose co founder belongs to the Atlantic Council backed by Victor Pinchuk who is tied to the Clintons.............riiiiiiiiiiiiight.

Stop with the Intel agencies concluded crap. No one will beleive them because they didn't examine the server.

You know you aren't helping your argument with all that. The more you say he knows how the Russians operate, a person with a sound scientific mind would conclude then, what better person to figure out the Russians did the hacking than someone familiar with their modus operandi?

No one in their right mind would believe that the Russians hacked the DNC and made sure that they didn't make themselves look like any other country's hackers. Woolsey former head of the CIA has claimed China excels at looking like another country when they hack.

But lets really get down to brass tacks here. Why only the Russians? Do you know how many countries hate America's guts just after 8 years of Obama?

Why couldn't the hackers be from Egypt? You know the country that Obama put under the thumb of the Muslim Brotherhood till the country came to their senses>

How about Libyan hackers? They are ruled by various terror groups now. Why wouldn't a displaced Libyan want payback against the bitch that took out his leader?

Hey why not Syrian hackers? Obama gave the Syrians ISIS. Ditto Iraqi hackers.

Why not Israeli hackers? Obama tried to put Bibi's opposition in power.

And I guess you could throw in eastern Ukrainian hackers too! Obama and Clinton worked at overthrowing the duly elected government in Kiev and turned it over to Nazis.

So many enemies so many probable suspects.

Then on the other hand why not a Bernie supporter?

But until the intel agencies examine the DNC server they will never be believed.
Don't forget North Korea!

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