BOOM. Investigation of 100-Ballot Sample in Arizona Finds 3% of the Ballots Were Deemed Fraudulent in Favor of Joe Biden – Larger Audit Granted

Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
So if they find more fraud, you don't think they should recertify? How rampant must the fraud be that they actually found any in 100 ballot sample.

Nope. Biden won. Get over it.
Wow, so the actual results don't even matter to you? Just the results you want. How sad.

Says the man STILL bitching about the results a month after the election was held.

How sad indeed.
I take it you haven't watched any of the state legislation hearings in VA, AZ and MI the past few days.You missed a lot of fraud info.

Until the courts weigh in...all of the bitching and moaning you guys are doing is meaningless.
Oh, it's going to the SCOTUS and we're not bitching and moaning.What is puzzling is no lefty is watching OANN or Newsmax where they are showing the committee hearings. CNN, MSDNC and the other Chicom fake news is burying the real news.
And when they rule against your blob...are you going to claim his appointments are deep state plants as well?

And if they rule for Trump, are you to claim they are nothing but Trumpers??

It wouldn't surprise me. But I wouldn't be in the position that you're in...having to claim that my one-time saviors were working for "the other side" all along
Oh look more trump tards fantasy land ... Read my lips no fraud was found !! Never seen so much trumped up shit in my life .. y’all do know Santa is not real ?!?

Yup, just like we know Xiden didn't win. Americans aren't that stupid.

The tard herd is if they still think tRump won. Even his hand picked bagboy Barr can't cover for him.

Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
So if they find more fraud, you don't think they should recertify? How rampant must the fraud be that they actually found any in 100 ballot sample.

Nope. Biden won. Get over it.
Wow, so the actual results don't even matter to you? Just the results you want. How sad.

Says the man STILL bitching about the results a month after the election was held.

How sad indeed.
I take it you haven't watched any of the state legislation hearings in VA, AZ and MI the past few days.You missed a lot of fraud info.

Hey dupe, if they are "legislation hearings" how come they are held in hotels and only Republicans are invited?
Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
So if they find more fraud, you don't think they should recertify? How rampant must the fraud be that they actually found any in 100 ballot sample.

Nope. Biden won. Get over it.
Wow, so the actual results don't even matter to you? Just the results you want. How sad.

Says the man STILL bitching about the results a month after the election was held.

How sad indeed.
I take it you haven't watched any of the state legislation hearings in VA, AZ and MI the past few days.You missed a lot of fraud info.

Hey dupe, if they are "legislation hearings" how come they are held in hotels and only Republicans are invited?
good point.
Associated Press is actually covering this! Wow!

2,500 ballots to be inspected in suit by Arizona GOP chief


December 2, 2020

PHOENIX (AP) — County election officials agreed Wednesday to expand their inspection of certain ballots in metro Phoenix that are being challenged in a Republican lawsuit that seeks to reverse Joe Biden’s victory in the state.

Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Kelli Ward, who filed a lawsuit contesting the election results, is looking for irregularities among the nearly 28,000 ballots in Maricopa County that were duplicated by elections officials because voters’ earlier ballots were damaged or couldn’t be tabulated. She requested a broader examination of the ballots after a court-ordered inspection of 100 duplicated ballots on Tuesday found two instances in which votes cast for Trump were cancelled in the duplication process.

Before the judge could rule on Ward’s request at a court hearing, the county offered to review 2,500 additional duplicated ballots.

“We put on a great election on Nov. 3, and we are happy to have people look more closely at it,” said Tom Liddy, a lawyer representing county officials. “We have nothing to hide.”

Ward’s lawyers say the inspection of 100 ballots found that one person’s vote for Trump was ultimately recorded as a Biden vote and that another person’s vote for Trump was cancelled when the reproduced ballot contained votes for both the Republican incumbent and a write-in candidate.
Oh look more trump tards fantasy land ... Read my lips no fraud was found !! Never seen so much trumped up shit in my life .. y’all do know Santa is not real ?!?

Yup, just like we know Xiden didn't win. Americans aren't that stupid.
Well you trump people call yourselves Americans , I’m seeing tons of Stupid!! Joe Biden is President .

Not yet he isn't. You must have sold out to the chinese too. That or you are just an ignorant clod.
AZ was called way too early, by Fox no less. They want Biden in so bad. Wonder why? National lockdown.

If anyone here is not familiar with Gateway Pundit it is a little right-leaning for me, but you get breaking news unlike fake media. Just sayin'.

Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night while voters were still standing in line.

Fox News calling Arizona for Joe Biden gave cover to the corrupt Democrat machine in Maricopa County to produce enough ballots for Biden to backfill the number votes projected by Fox News.

The GOP filed a lawsuit in Arizona to audit a sample of 100 ballots to prove there was massive voter fraud.


“The audit found: one Trump vote arbitrarily excluded. Another Trump vote struck and then fraudulently added to Biden. Total fraud averaging 3%. Biden margin of fraud less than .05%. Thus if 3% fraud rate remains on larger sample Trump easily wins Arizona,” Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said.
Send money-170 million dollars just isn’t going to cut it. Remortgage your home if you have to.
The republic is just fine.
The republic is not fine

if the dems get away with this every election from now on will e soviet-style farce're gobbling a silly conspiracy that doesn't vet well.

The republic is fine. You might need to binge some netflix and take a breath, though.
So a little election fraud is ok?

what level of incompetence is allowable in your and AG Barr’s world?
If you're "concerned for the republic" you'd be calling for it. You're only bitching about the election because your blob lost. Stop pretending otherwise.
So its all or nothing for you?

if you as a lib want to challenge the vote in Texas or any other red state be my guest

I am focusing on election changing fraud in blue states that are actually purple trump states if the election were honest
AZ was called way too early, by Fox no less. They want Biden in so bad. Wonder why? National lockdown.

If anyone here is not familiar with Gateway Pundit it is a little right-leaning for me, but you get breaking news unlike fake media. Just sayin'.

Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night while voters were still standing in line.

Fox News calling Arizona for Joe Biden gave cover to the corrupt Democrat machine in Maricopa County to produce enough ballots for Biden to backfill the number votes projected by Fox News.

The GOP filed a lawsuit in Arizona to audit a sample of 100 ballots to prove there was massive voter fraud.


“The audit found: one Trump vote arbitrarily excluded. Another Trump vote struck and then fraudulently added to Biden. Total fraud averaging 3%. Biden margin of fraud less than .05%. Thus if 3% fraud rate remains on larger sample Trump easily wins Arizona,” Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said.
Can you idiots manage to post a source that isn’t rightwing garbage like the Gatewaypundit?
Sh+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++===============]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]ow me a non partisan news source that proves that the Gateway Pundit is wrong and has been "discredited"........I eagerly await your reply, Billycommie.......
Lol you’re such douche. ANY source that would would be automatically rejected by you. Don’t give me that shit. Here’s a better question: what news sources do you feel ARE non partisan?
Coming from a commie sack of worthless shit such as yourself? I have to laugh long and loud. At least you admit that you know that any news source that you would tout would be ripped into tiny, bite size pieces by yours truly, Billycommie.........
I don’t even have any knowledge of a legitimate news source calling OANN fake even though I’m sure one has. Your dumbass would reject the answer like the child you are regardless of what it would be. You know it’s true. Again I’ll ask: what news source do you consider to be non-partisan?
Post what you believe is a legitimate news source thus allowing me to "SMACK" it down.........what are you afraid of? That it can't pass my "scrutinizing" test? Simple bio searches of said writers of articles speak volumes...........bring it on, Billycommie.......
Lol you’re a joke if you think anyone takes you seriously to do that on any level.
AZ was called way too early, by Fox no less. They want Biden in so bad. Wonder why? National lockdown.

If anyone here is not familiar with Gateway Pundit it is a little right-leaning for me, but you get breaking news unlike fake media. Just sayin'.

Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night while voters were still standing in line.

Fox News calling Arizona for Joe Biden gave cover to the corrupt Democrat machine in Maricopa County to produce enough ballots for Biden to backfill the number votes projected by Fox News.

The GOP filed a lawsuit in Arizona to audit a sample of 100 ballots to prove there was massive voter fraud.


“The audit found: one Trump vote arbitrarily excluded. Another Trump vote struck and then fraudulently added to Biden. Total fraud averaging 3%. Biden margin of fraud less than .05%. Thus if 3% fraud rate remains on larger sample Trump easily wins Arizona,” Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said.
Can you idiots manage to post a source that isn’t rightwing garbage like the Gatewaypundit?
Show me a non partisan news source that proves that the Gateway Pundit is wrong and has been "discredited"........I eagerly await your reply, Billycommie.......
Lol you’re such douche. ANY source that would would be automatically rejected by you. Don’t give me that shit. Here’s a better question: what news sources do you feel ARE non partisan?
Coming from a commie sack of worthless shit such as yourself? I have to laugh long and loud. At least you admit that you know that any news source that you would tout would be ripped into tiny, bite size pieces by yours truly, Billycommie.........
I don’t even have any knowledge of a legitimate news source calling OANN fake even though I’m sure one has. Your dumbass would reject the answer like the child you are regardless of what it would be. You know it’s true. Again I’ll ask: what news source do you consider to be non-partisan?
Post what you believe is a legitimate news source thus allowing me to "SMACK" it down.........what are you afraid of? That it can't pass my "scrutinizing" test? Simple bio searches of said writers of articles speak volumes...........bring it on, Billycommie.......
Lol you’re a joke if you think anyone takes you seriously to do that on any level.
Silly Billy, I will take you on in this forum's "Bull Ring" section and beat you like a rented mule on ANY topic you wish to take umbrage with me over. I guaran-fucking-tee you that I have more credibility with the board masses by at least a three to one margin and I am not worried in the slightest about creating a thread proving that very salient fact. You suffer from an over-inflated sense of self and I want to give you some help in that area.

Hope this helps!!!!
Oh great you and I in the Bull Ring. We could have 2nd grade level discussion on chem trails and the deep state. I’m sure people would buy popcorn for that shit.
Silly Billy, if that is the case? Then why wouldn't you eagerly jump at the challenge I have put before you? Here is your chance to prove what you can defeat me in a debate. Afterall, you have been hiding that superior intellect under a bushel tree ever since you bailed on the topic of how this fiat currency works and what would correct it when I confronted you back in March of 2016. I am sure that you just abandoned the conversation because your "pundit-like" opinion time was better spent elsewhere. Here is your chance to "hip" the board masses to the ways of democrat communism using me as a conduit.....why would you pass up the opportunity?

Answer: We both know why you will refuse the challenge....because we both know that I would kick that cyber ass of yours in front of the entire forum for all to witness. Tis better for a poseur like yourself to attempt to maintain the illusion of relevancy than to walk into a situation where your ass is going to get handed to you on a silver platter. You may be hopelessly ignorant, but you at least have some modicum of common sense.

Get a life
Literally you had trucks coming at 4 am with hundreds of thousands of minted ballots and all for basement Biden
Get out your checkbook and send Donald Trump as much money as you possibly can. Seriously, break the bank. Do the same tomorrow.
The republic is just fine.
The republic is not fine

if the dems get away with this every election from now on will e soviet-style farce're gobbling a silly conspiracy that doesn't vet well.

The republic is fine. You might need to binge some netflix and take a breath, though.
So a little election fraud is ok?

what level of incompetence is allowable in your and AG Barr’s world?

Election fraud should have much much higher sentences.
If you're "concerned for the republic" you'd be calling for it. You're only bitching about the election because your blob lost. Stop pretending otherwise.
So its all or nothing for you?

if you as a lib want to challenge the vote in Texas or any other red state be my guest

I am focusing on election changing fraud in blue states that are actually purple trump states if the election were honest


If you're concerned about the election's integrity, you'd be concerned about the entire election; not just the states you won or lost.

I think the election was fine. You and your sad crew are the ones with problems and are claiming that your quest is to make sure the election's integrity was in-tact.'re just angry that your blob lost.
All you need is about four states to have the State Legislature vote to usurp the State Executive. No problem...right?
It may not be possible

in which case welcome to soviet russia and the sort of elections to communists ran and never lost

Ridiculous analysis....

But I'll play along... long as that means the blob is never in power again...worth it.

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