BOOM!! Scamming Sydney Eviscerated In Arizona Court

How many threads on the same topic are you gonna post?

At least change up the thread title, Troll.


BOOM!! When your cult stops acting like retards!
That hasn't happened during the past 50+ years, and after the impeached president trump's brainwashing, his devoted RWNJs are permanently brain damaged.

How many threads on the same topic are you gonna post?

At least change up the thread title, Troll.


BOOM!! When your cult stops acting like retards!
That hasn't happened during the past 50+ years, and after the impeached president trump's brainwashing, his devoted RWNJs are permanently brain damaged.

It'll be pretty freaking fascinating to see how many of them come out of the cult haze over the next few years.

It's tough to imagine that many will -- I doubt that many would leave even if he got nailed by the law -- but you never know.

so calling the IT guy working at your husbands office and asking his opinion about a potential fraud doesnt qualify your case in the court of justice...


And the cult is now 1-55.

View attachment 427181

This is not surprising to anyone outside the cult.

It's all political theater.

Actually it is all to donate to the fund so Trump can use the money to live off of after he leave office...

once Biden is office the Department of Justice should open investigations on the Fund and those that were involved with this nonsense to see if any wrongdoing was done...

I know Trump voting base will object and proclaim this is a witch-hunt while donating more to Trump so he can live the lavish lifestyle he is accustomed too while his voting base starve ...


The Department of Justice need to investigate him and this fund...
The fact that not one single case of fraud has been found in federal and eight state, appellate, and supreme courts

Are you a full time stoop mower mouth or is reality oblivious to you. Fraud has not been the issue and not one case has been dismissed for LACK OF EVIDENCE. It has all been on technicalities (legal wrangling): too late, no standing, don't want to hear it. The proof is obvious to anyone above an amoeba.
Well said.

I might be shopping online at

Fraud has not been the issue and not one case has been dismissed for LACK OF EVIDENCE. It has all been on technicalities (legal wrangling): too late, no standing, don't want to hear it. The proof is obvious to anyone above an amoeba.
Why then is Rudy Guilliani getting paid $20,000 a day if he can't even properly plead a case on behalf of Trump which can withstand a motion to dismiss due to any of the "technicalities" you listed? Attorneys are supposed to be familiar with (and adhere to) the court's rules and proper procedure and when they don't they rightfully should have their cases thrown out.

If the judges are dismissing them "without prejudice" then the plaintiffs have the option of re-filing the same suit again with whatever defect that previously plagued their legal action corrected, if possible (if the statute of limitations on the action has lapsed that is generally, in almost all cases, the end of the plaintiff's rights because they did not pursue the claim in the legal time allowed). However the article hyperlinked below explains in plain language, where many of the faults in the Trump team's pleadings lie (emphasis mine). They apparently expected (and want) their mere allegations to be accepted without having to provide a shred of corroborating evidence and apparently they aren't even properly alleging any actions that would provide them with a valid legal claim:

"In the case before Judge Brann, the Trump campaign asked to disenfranchise the state’s 6.8 million voters, or at least the 700,000 who voted by mail in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and other Democratic-leaning areas.​
One might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome, a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption,” Judge Brann wrote in his scathing ruling on Nov. 21. “That has not happened.”​

The meat & potatoes:

"“Free, fair elections are the lifeblood of our democracy. Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so. Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here,” Judge Stephanos Bibas wrote for the three-judge panel.​
The case had been argued last week in a lower court by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who insisted during five hours of oral arguments that the 2020 presidential election had been marred by widespread fraud in Pennsylvania. However, Mr. Giuliani failed to offer any tangible proof of that in court.​
U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann had said the campaign’s error-filled complaint, “like Frankenstein’s Monster, has been haphazardly stitched together” and denied Mr. Giuliani the right to amend it for a second time.​
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals called that decision justified. The three judges on the panel were all appointed by Republican presidents. including Judge Bibas, a former University of Pennsylvania law professor appointed by Mr. Trump.​
The judge also noted that the panel was not asked to assess the truthfulness of claims of restricting poll watchers or cured ballots. Instead, the case was brought to the 3rd Circuit though an appeal on the “very narrow ground” of whether the lower court abused its discretion by denying the campaign the opportunity to amend its complaint a second time. The appellate court decided there was no such abuse.​
Many of the claims in the complaint also involved state law, not federal law, Judge Bibas wrote. “The Campaign tries to repackage these state-law claims as unconstitutional discrimination. Yet its allegations are vague and conclusory. It never ***alleges*** that anyone treated the Trump campaign or Trump votes worse than it treated the Biden campaign or Biden votes.”​
“The number of ballots it specifically challenges is far smaller than the roughly 81,000-vote margin of victory,” the judge continued. “And it never claims fraud or that any votes were cast by illegal voters. Plus, tossing out millions of mail-in ballots would be drastic and unprecedented, disenfranchising a huge swath of the electorate and upsetting all down-ballot races too.”​
How many threads on the same topic are you gonna post?

At least change up the thread title, Troll.


BOOM!! When your cult stops acting like retards!
That hasn't happened during the past 50+ years, and after the impeached president trump's brainwashing, his devoted RWNJs are permanently brain damaged.

It'll be pretty freaking fascinating to see how many of them come out of the cult haze over the next few years.

It's tough to imagine that many will -- I doubt that many would leave even if he got nailed by the law -- but you never know.

The RWNJs' cult mentality didn't begin with the impeached president trump, he simply took them from cult status to blind, raving fanaticism. Coming back after going that far removed from reality will require professional help, and rational Americans are well aware of the fact that the RWNJs believe they know more than any expert, so their right-wing paranoia will continue to grow.

The RWNJs' long-standing cult mentality can be seen, in most instances, just by reminding them of Nixon resigning the presidency rather than face impeachment and a guilty verdict by the Senate. The RWNJs still believe "Tricky Dick" Nixon had no involvement in the Watergate scandal. This includes RWNJs born decades afterward. They have learned of Nixon's "innocence" from the older, RWNJ cultists.

These younger RWNJ, Republican cultists feel strongly concerning a known GOP crook's "innocence". Given their perceived feeling of their "close relationship" to the impeached president trump is equal to that of the older RWNJs, imagine the reaction of these unbalanced cultists if their beloved, cheeto-in-chief is convicted of his many crimes committed while and before he was POTUS. (A presidential pardon has no power over the many state level charges the trump criminal family is facing after 1/20/21.)

So, the long-range future of the impeached president trump's devoted RWNJs will include protests (likely violent) at court proceedings prosecuting trump, family members, and cronies. Also, acts of murder against the "perpetrators" of the so-called "election fraud" that ended their cheeto-in-chief's presidency can be expected. If he stays out of prison, Michael Flynn will gladly lead the RWNJs in criminal assaults all the way up to and including acts of sedition.

Yes, 80 million U.S. voters should have thought twice before kicking the RWNJs' cheeto-in-chief out of the White House. There's going to be he11 to pay, now.

And the cult is now 1-55.

View attachment 427181

This is not surprising to anyone outside the cult.

It's all political theater.

As expected now it goes to the high court where it needs to be...

Oh, so you want to believe trump has packed the court to support him and the five judges, and they will toss 244 years of democratic elections into the sewer? What does that make you? Not an American Patriot.

Biden wants Open Borders aka No actual USA, so what's the point of using the American Patriot phrase?
And the cult is now 1-55.

View attachment 427181

This is not surprising to anyone outside the cult.

It's all political theater.

As expected now it goes to the high court where it needs to be...

Oh, so you want to believe trump has packed the court to support him and the five judges, and they will toss 244 years of democratic elections into the sewer? What does that make you? Not an American Patriot.

Biden wants Open Borders aka No actual USA, so what's the point of using the American Patriot phrase?

Biden does not support Open Borders; this is one of dozens of BIG LIES used by biddable fools, damn liars and many loyal supporters of Donald Trump who are out of touch with reality.
And the cult is now 1-55.

View attachment 427181

This is not surprising to anyone outside the cult.

It's all political theater.

As expected now it goes to the high court where it needs to be...

Oh, so you want to believe trump has packed the court to support him and the five judges, and they will toss 244 years of democratic elections into the sewer? What does that make you? Not an American Patriot.

Biden wants Open Borders aka No actual USA, so what's the point of using the American Patriot phrase?

Biden does not support Open Borders; this is one of dozens of BIG LIES used by biddable fools, damn liars and many loyal supporters of Donald Trump who are out of touch with reality.

Thanks for admitting you never watch his interviews or speeches.
Then again, what was I expecting?
And the cult is now 1-55.

View attachment 427181

This is not surprising to anyone outside the cult.

It's all political theater.

As expected now it goes to the high court where it needs to be...

Oh, so you want to believe trump has packed the court to support him and the five judges, and they will toss 244 years of democratic elections into the sewer? What does that make you? Not an American Patriot.

Biden wants Open Borders aka No actual USA, so what's the point of using the American Patriot phrase?

Biden does not support Open Borders; this is one of dozens of BIG LIES used by biddable fools, damn liars and many loyal supporters of Donald Trump who are out of touch with reality.

Thanks for admitting you never watch his interviews or speeches.
Then again, what was I expecting?

Define what you mean by Open Borders.
And the cult is now 1-55.

View attachment 427181

This is not surprising to anyone outside the cult.

It's all political theater.

As expected now it goes to the high court where it needs to be...

Oh, so you want to believe trump has packed the court to support him and the five judges, and they will toss 244 years of democratic elections into the sewer? What does that make you? Not an American Patriot.

Biden wants Open Borders aka No actual USA, so what's the point of using the American Patriot phrase?

Biden does not support Open Borders; this is one of dozens of BIG LIES used by biddable fools, damn liars and many loyal supporters of Donald Trump who are out of touch with reality.

Thanks for admitting you never watch his interviews or speeches.
Then again, what was I expecting?

Define what you mean by Open Borders.

Thanks for admitting you never watch his interviews or speeches.
I don't have to define them as Biden has more than once in his interviews and speeches of the last few months.
I will not put words in Biden's mouth.
And yes, I can watch Biden for an hour or more without one emotion within me being invoked.
I bet you can't say the same when you "watch" Trump.
And the cult is now 1-55.

View attachment 427181

This is not surprising to anyone outside the cult.

It's all political theater.

As expected now it goes to the high court where it needs to be...

Oh, so you want to believe trump has packed the court to support him and the five judges, and they will toss 244 years of democratic elections into the sewer? What does that make you? Not an American Patriot.

Biden wants Open Borders aka No actual USA, so what's the point of using the American Patriot phrase?

Biden does not support Open Borders; this is one of dozens of BIG LIES used by biddable fools, damn liars and many loyal supporters of Donald Trump who are out of touch with reality.

Thanks for admitting you never watch his interviews or speeches.
Then again, what was I expecting?

Define what you mean by Open Borders.

Thanks for admitting you never watch his interviews or speeches.
I don't have to define them as Biden has more than once in his interviews and speeches of the last few months.
I will not put words in Biden's mouth.
And yes, I can watch Biden for an hour or more without one emotion within me being invoked.
I bet you can't say the same when you "watch" Trump.

When watched, Trump does the same act over and over, not only in different venues, but in the same act and most times in the same run-on and on paragraph.

Have you not noticed Trump has a very limited vocabulary, his speeches are clichés and never supported by evidence? Fake news, one of his favorites BIG LIES, is uttered as often as a cow gives milk.
And the cult is now 1-55.

View attachment 427181

This is not surprising to anyone outside the cult.

It's all political theater.

As expected now it goes to the high court where it needs to be...

Oh, so you want to believe trump has packed the court to support him and the five judges, and they will toss 244 years of democratic elections into the sewer? What does that make you? Not an American Patriot.

Biden wants Open Borders aka No actual USA, so what's the point of using the American Patriot phrase?

Biden does not support Open Borders; this is one of dozens of BIG LIES used by biddable fools, damn liars and many loyal supporters of Donald Trump who are out of touch with reality.

Thanks for admitting you never watch his interviews or speeches.
Then again, what was I expecting?

Define what you mean by Open Borders.

Thanks for admitting you never watch his interviews or speeches.
I don't have to define them as Biden has more than once in his interviews and speeches of the last few months.
I will not put words in Biden's mouth.
And yes, I can watch Biden for an hour or more without one emotion within me being invoked.
I bet you can't say the same when you "watch" Trump.

When watched, Trump does the same act over and over, not only in different venues, but in the same act and most times in the same run-on and on paragraph.

Have you not noticed Trump has a very limited vocabulary, his speeches are clichés and never supported by evidence? Fake news, one of his favorites BIG LIES, is uttered as often as a cow gives milk.

I voted for the platform, not the mannerisms.
The issue is with Biden, and, in fact, with everyone other than Trump, is that I know their platforms and they sell out their fellow Americans all the time.

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