BOOM! Thanks dems! I truly appreciate it!

R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...
Agreed, its a sad day if we change the rules to cater to a completely partisan senate. Its bad enough as it is. The 60 rule at least makes each party work with each other and build consensus... With that out the door its going to be one party rules, how lazy and worthless is our leadership? It wasn't right when Harry did it and its not right if the Republicans do it.

We wouldn't be in this position if McConnell and the minority party under Obama hadn't filibustered everything! It was over-utilized and abused, actually shutting down the gov't so Republicans can kiss off whining about what a horrible day this is where the Senate will be as common as the HOUSE from now on! That's their lowlife choice! I gave up years ago that we set ourselves on a course of disaster years ago; culminating in a Trump presidency! We're TOAST! :argue: :321: :blowup:
I agree, it has been an ugly and frustrating show of oppression and ineffectiveness from our leadership. Complete hypocrisy as the Republicans move off 8 years of obstruction and the Dems now seem to be continuing off of their playbook. At some point we need to grow up and unfortunately we don't have a leader who is capable of helping that problem... He is a bigger child than the rest of our politicians so its only going to get worse

You are a stone cold two faced liars.

In the past 10 years, The Democrat Party has had a Super Majority, A Majority, or Held The POTUS seat.

And America didn't like it too much. We barely have a majority in The Senate, but we won back all of that from you because YOU SUCK.
Are you still in grade school? Thats what you sound like. Is that really supposed to be an intelligent argument? First off, i'm not a democrat. I have little love for either of the political parties. I also have plenty of critiques over many policy initiatives that Obama instituted over the past 8 years. I'm also embarrassed at how ineffective and obstructionist the Republicans became in congress. Both sides are to blame. Powers shift, they always have in our political world. The Reps will have their run, my guess is it will only last 4 years, then it will shift back to the Dems.
Dem Dumbasses are so painted in a corner with their false Russian Narrative and their Surveillance of The Trump team, No One Will Give A Phuck about their filibuster or if The Nuclear Option is used.
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...
Agreed, its a sad day if we change the rules to cater to a completely partisan senate. Its bad enough as it is. The 60 rule at least makes each party work with each other and build consensus... With that out the door its going to be one party rules, how lazy and worthless is our leadership? It wasn't right when Harry did it and its not right if the Republicans do it.

We wouldn't be in this position if McConnell and the minority party under Obama hadn't filibustered everything! It was over-utilized and abused, actually shutting down the gov't so Republicans can kiss off whining about what a horrible day this is where the Senate will be as common as the HOUSE from now on! That's their lowlife choice! I gave up years ago that we set ourselves on a course of disaster years ago; culminating in a Trump presidency! We're TOAST! :argue: :321: :blowup:
I agree, it has been an ugly and frustrating show of oppression and ineffectiveness from our leadership. Complete hypocrisy as the Republicans move off 8 years of obstruction and the Dems now seem to be continuing off of their playbook. At some point we need to grow up and unfortunately we don't have a leader who is capable of helping that problem... He is a bigger child than the rest of our politicians so its only going to get worse

You are a stone cold two faced liars.

In the past 10 years, The Democrat Party has had a Super Majority, A Majority, or Held The POTUS seat.

And America didn't like it too much. We barely have a majority in The Senate, but we won back all of that from you because YOU SUCK.
Are you still in grade school? Thats what you sound like. Is that really supposed to be an intelligent argument? First off, i'm not a democrat. I have little love for either of the political parties. I also have plenty of critiques over many policy initiatives that Obama instituted over the past 8 years. I'm also embarrassed at how ineffective and obstructionist the Republicans became in congress. Both sides are to blame. Powers shift, they always have in our political world. The Reps will have their run, my guess is it will only last 4 years, then it will shift back to the Dems.

I called your stank ass out with facts. You can't claim "obstructionism" when The Dem Party has held power for 10 straight years with a Majority, Super Majority, and The Presidency, and a slightly left leaning court.

Deal With It.

In order to be an Obstructionist, you actually have to be able to stop something like Obamacare from getting passed.
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...
Wasn't it the democrats who changed the rules?

Yeah they did for lower level items, not for SCOTUS, It wasn't right then and it isn't right now. If you opposed it then, how can you support it now without being a complete hypocrite?

Phuck the DemNazis.

They went to war against The American People the second Obama got in to office.

They always pull this shit!

They never play by the rules, and if the rules don't suit them, they cheat and change them.

Then when they are out of power, they whine and scold, and threaten you for daring to use The RULES THEY CREATED!

Phuck them all to Hell!
You got that one completely wrong as well... The American people overwhelmingly voted Obama in as president

They made a mistake. Twice. 50 years of crap education can do that.
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...
Wasn't it the democrats who changed the rules?

Yeah they did for lower level items, not for SCOTUS, It wasn't right then and it isn't right now. If you opposed it then, how can you support it now without being a complete hypocrite?
Would you like to see some hypocrisy?


Hypocrisy on both sides right?
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...
Wasn't it the democrats who changed the rules?

Yeah they did for lower level items, not for SCOTUS, It wasn't right then and it isn't right now. If you opposed it then, how can you support it now without being a complete hypocrite?

Phuck the DemNazis.

They went to war against The American People the second Obama got in to office.

They always pull this shit!

They never play by the rules, and if the rules don't suit them, they cheat and change them.

Then when they are out of power, they whine and scold, and threaten you for daring to use The RULES THEY CREATED!

Phuck them all to Hell!
i wanted to tell you, outside of politics, I hope none of your relatives were hurt in the terrorist bombing in Russia today!!! :eek:
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...
Wasn't it the democrats who changed the rules?

Yeah they did for lower level items, not for SCOTUS, It wasn't right then and it isn't right now. If you opposed it then, how can you support it now without being a complete hypocrite?

Phuck the DemNazis.

They went to war against The American People the second Obama got in to office.

They always pull this shit!

They never play by the rules, and if the rules don't suit them, they cheat and change them.

Then when they are out of power, they whine and scold, and threaten you for daring to use The RULES THEY CREATED!

Phuck them all to Hell!
You got that one completely wrong as well... The American people overwhelmingly voted Obama in as president

They made a mistake. Twice. 50 years of crap education can do that.
Great argument man!
i wanted to tell you, outside of politics, I hope none of your relatives were hurt in the terrorist bombing in Russia today!!! :eek:

I wanted to tell you, outside of politics, I hope all of your relatives were hurt...By Your Birth.
Judging by your posts here, it seems to be that they are morbidly embarrassed by you.

Phuck you scumbag.

You are the reason America put Trump in Office.
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Wasn't it the democrats who changed the rules?

Yeah they did for lower level items, not for SCOTUS, It wasn't right then and it isn't right now. If you opposed it then, how can you support it now without being a complete hypocrite?

Phuck the DemNazis.

They went to war against The American People the second Obama got in to office.

They always pull this shit!

They never play by the rules, and if the rules don't suit them, they cheat and change them.

Then when they are out of power, they whine and scold, and threaten you for daring to use The RULES THEY CREATED!

Phuck them all to Hell!
You got that one completely wrong as well... The American people overwhelmingly voted Obama in as president

They made a mistake. Twice. 50 years of crap education can do that.
Great argument man!

The record of history with the results of events usually is.
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...
Agreed, its a sad day if we change the rules to cater to a completely partisan senate. Its bad enough as it is. The 60 rule at least makes each party work with each other and build consensus... With that out the door its going to be one party rules, how lazy and worthless is our leadership? It wasn't right when Harry did it and its not right if the Republicans do it.

We wouldn't be in this position if McConnell and the minority party under Obama hadn't filibustered everything! It was over-utilized and abused, actually shutting down the gov't so Republicans can kiss off whining about what a horrible day this is where the Senate will be as common as the HOUSE from now on! That's their lowlife choice! I gave up years ago that we set ourselves on a course of disaster years ago; culminating in a Trump presidency! We're TOAST! :argue: :321: :blowup:
I agree, it has been an ugly and frustrating show of oppression and ineffectiveness from our leadership. Complete hypocrisy as the Republicans move off 8 years of obstruction and the Dems now seem to be continuing off of their playbook. At some point we need to grow up and unfortunately we don't have a leader who is capable of helping that problem... He is a bigger child than the rest of our politicians so its only going to get worse

Republicans proved they really didn't give a $#!t back in '09 when Obama took office! They decided before he took the oath of office that they would obstruct, delay, and fk over all concerned as a way of being relevant! All they showed is how unpatriotic and scummy they can be going after "the man" personally and putting the country thru HELL during those months of "debt ceiling" debate! I know I remember Reagan called it normal financial housekeeping! Today, McConnell and his TOOLS think it's worthy of shutting down the gov't and costing us billions! All they did was undermine the little confidence left of DC! Their seats have been so Gerrymandered they don't fear losing elections so they have no incentive to act like responsible adults! We have no one else to blame but ourselves; esp. women, minorities, & Mensa members who thought it would be beneficial to back & vote for Trump & this collection of losers wearing Russian Red! "Thanks GUYS!" :clap: :boohoo: :dunno: :dig:
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R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...

Why ? Not like it ain't been done before and it worked out just fine for Dirty Harry.

Reid, Democrats trigger ‘nuclear’ option; Senate eliminates most nominee filibusters in party-line vote

"Senate Democrats took the dramatic step Thursday of eliminating filibusters for most nominations by presidents, a power play they said was necessary to fix a broken system but one that Republicans said will only rupture it further."

They decided before he took the oath of office that they would obstruct, delay, and fk over all concerned

Most rational people knew exactly what Obama was, ergo of course the decision was made before he took the oath.

And, things under Obama pretty much proceeded as predicted.

Now it's clean up time.
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...

Why ? Not like it ain't been done before and it worked out just fine for Dirty Harry.

Reid, Democrats trigger ‘nuclear’ option; Senate eliminates most nominee filibusters in party-line vote

"Senate Democrats took the dramatic step Thursday of eliminating filibusters for most nominations by presidents, a power play they said was necessary to fix a broken system but one that Republicans said will only rupture it further."

Republicans filibustered many many OPEN Judicial seat nominations for OVER 3 + YEARS just to obstruct and hurt Obama's presidency, leaving the seats empty and judges short handed in all districts for Reid blew his top and said, enough is enough....was it a mistake...seems like it.
They decided before he took the oath of office that they would obstruct, delay, and fk over all concerned

Most rational people knew exactly what Obama was, ergo of course the decision was made before he took the oath.

And, things under Obama pretty much proceeded as predicted.

Now it's clean up time.

The "rightwing" delusions continue I see! They conveniently forget the state of affairs in '09; rampant unemployment, stock market crash, budget indecisions in Congress, and gov't shutdowns! The cleanup was done by Obama "thank you very much!" :blahblah: :anj_stfu: :9:
i wanted to tell you, outside of politics, I hope none of your relatives were hurt in the terrorist bombing in Russia today!!! :eek:

I wanted to tell you, outside of politics, I hope all of your relatives were hurt...By Your Birth.
Judging by your posts here, it seems to be that they are morbidly embarrassed by you.

Phuck you scumbag.

You are the reason America put Trump in Office.
Yes, he is definitely a grade schooler... They should do age verification to join this message board.
Yeah they did for lower level items, not for SCOTUS, It wasn't right then and it isn't right now. If you opposed it then, how can you support it now without being a complete hypocrite?

Phuck the DemNazis.

They went to war against The American People the second Obama got in to office.

They always pull this shit!

They never play by the rules, and if the rules don't suit them, they cheat and change them.

Then when they are out of power, they whine and scold, and threaten you for daring to use The RULES THEY CREATED!

Phuck them all to Hell!
You got that one completely wrong as well... The American people overwhelmingly voted Obama in as president

They made a mistake. Twice. 50 years of crap education can do that.
Great argument man!

The record of history with the results of events usually is.
History shows that power shifts from left to right like a pendulum... Your logic would conclude that pretty much every election was a mistake.
R's will regret it if they use the nuclear option...

Why ? Not like it ain't been done before and it worked out just fine for Dirty Harry.

Reid, Democrats trigger ‘nuclear’ option; Senate eliminates most nominee filibusters in party-line vote
Republicans filibustered many many OPEN Judicial seat nominations for OVER 3 + YEARS just to obstruct and hurt Obama's presidency, leaving the seats empty and judges short handed in all districts for Reid blew his top and said, enough is enough....was it a mistake...seems like it.

"Senate Democrats took the dramatic step Thursday of eliminating filibusters for most nominations by presidents, a power play they said was necessary to fix a broken system but one that Republicans said will only rupture it further."


May have been a mistake. But it cut right through all the politics and got shit done weather you l or whomever liked it or not. It was done and it will again until it becomes the new norm. This really cuts both ways for both parties.

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