BOOM: Trump Reveals First Dept. He’ll Cut as President… Liberals Howl in Horror!!!!


The Real Failure of Common Core | Ted Dintersmith
The Huffington Post
Aug 18, 2015 - There is the question of whether the Common Core curriculum will result in students working on material that is merely more difficult (and more ...
Editorial: The Trouble with the Common Core › Archives › Volume 27 No.4 - Summer 2013
Already hailed as the “next big thing” in education reform, the Common Core State ... By any measure, NCLB was a dismal failure in both raising academic ...
CURMUDGUCATION: AP Notices Common Core Failure
Aug 31, 2015 - Common Core boosters have dealt with this big slice of failure by simply ... "The whole idea of Common Core was to bring students and schools ...
Common Core's Top-Down Standards are Doomed to Failure
U.S. News & World Report
Feb 27, 2014 - Hence, Common Core standards, the latest in a long line of meddlesome attempts by government to control our children based on the ...
Who Set the Passing Marks for the Common Core Tests? A ...
Sep 10, 2015 - States that adopted the common core have anticipated tougher tests, but ... the cut scores when legislatures want to cover up failing schools, ...
failure of common core standard | - The Report Card
Tags: curriculum reform, educational standards, failure of common core standard, failure of education system, Great Hearts Academies, NAEP ...
Over 80 PERCENT Of New Yorkers Say Common Core Is ...
The Daily Caller
Jun 17, 2014 - Over 80 PERCENT Of New York Residents Say Common Core Is A Disastrous Failure. Photo of Eric Owens. Eric Owens · Education Editor.

Congress just passed and Obama signed a law removing any incentives for states to use Common Core standards. The idiots have won! Trump is talking about something that in the Navy we used to call OBE, because it was Overcome By Events.

Then we DON'T NEED an Education dept. after all! Glad you clarified that FACT! Bring it back to the states where it belongs!

No, we don't need states like Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana to actually educate their poor and special needs students. No one will be left to handle all of the Pell Grants and Federal Student Loan programs. I guess we can do away with all of that too. Nobody needs to go to college anyway!

You're right, today's college is just an indoctrination camp for you liberals! All I have to do is look at the human debris that comes out of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and others!

Liberals? I am just stating facts. I am a conservative Republican but I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not. I have an inside track to know what you do not.
And here I thought it was only ANNOYING to scum like you Bullshitter! Get used to it, UNLESS Cruz takes his place, then I have a whole other campaign to lay on your sorry ass!

Say it with me, Vagifail - "President Hillary"

View attachment 58231

But weren't You were one of the pond scum that was complaining that these polls didn't mean shit a YEAR away from the election...and we don't even have FIRM CANDIDATES yet? :ahole-1::fu:
That will get rid of the federal do you get rid of the local morons?
Vote them out. Local school board elections will become much more interesting and MAYBE people will take more of an interest in who in the hell they elect!

The Real Failure of Common Core | Ted Dintersmith
The Huffington Post
Aug 18, 2015 - There is the question of whether the Common Core curriculum will result in students working on material that is merely more difficult (and more ...
Editorial: The Trouble with the Common Core › Archives › Volume 27 No.4 - Summer 2013
Already hailed as the “next big thing” in education reform, the Common Core State ... By any measure, NCLB was a dismal failure in both raising academic ...
CURMUDGUCATION: AP Notices Common Core Failure
Aug 31, 2015 - Common Core boosters have dealt with this big slice of failure by simply ... "The whole idea of Common Core was to bring students and schools ...
Common Core's Top-Down Standards are Doomed to Failure
U.S. News & World Report
Feb 27, 2014 - Hence, Common Core standards, the latest in a long line of meddlesome attempts by government to control our children based on the ...
Who Set the Passing Marks for the Common Core Tests? A ...
Sep 10, 2015 - States that adopted the common core have anticipated tougher tests, but ... the cut scores when legislatures want to cover up failing schools, ...
failure of common core standard | - The Report Card
Tags: curriculum reform, educational standards, failure of common core standard, failure of education system, Great Hearts Academies, NAEP ...
Over 80 PERCENT Of New Yorkers Say Common Core Is ...
The Daily Caller
Jun 17, 2014 - Over 80 PERCENT Of New York Residents Say Common Core Is A Disastrous Failure. Photo of Eric Owens. Eric Owens · Education Editor.

Congress just passed and Obama signed a law removing any incentives for states to use Common Core standards. The idiots have won! Trump is talking about something that in the Navy we used to call OBE, because it was Overcome By Events.

Then we DON'T NEED an Education dept. after all! Glad you clarified that FACT! Bring it back to the states where it belongs!

No, we don't need states like Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana to actually educate their poor and special needs students. No one will be left to handle all of the Pell Grants and Federal Student Loan programs. I guess we can do away with all of that too. Nobody needs to go to college anyway!

You're right, today's college is just an indoctrination camp for you liberals! All I have to do is look at the human debris that comes out of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and others!

Liberals? I am just stating facts. I am a conservative Republican but I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not. I have an inside track to know what you do not.

Well, ACT like a conservative! Your OPINION is worth the SAME as my opinion! But you'll act like a liberal college grad!
And here I thought it was only ANNOYING to scum like you Bullshitter! Get used to it, UNLESS Cruz takes his place, then I have a whole other campaign to lay on your sorry ass!

Say it with me, Vagifail - "President Hillary"

View attachment 58231

But weren't YOu one of the pond scum that was complaining that these polls didn't mean shit a YEAR away from the election...and we don't even have FIRM CANDIDATES yet? :ahole-1::fu:

Yet, you keep spamming the board, Trump Fluffer.

37 Trump v Clinton polls. Trump is losing in 32 of them.
Liberals? I am just stating facts. I am a conservative Republican but I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not. I have an inside track to know what you do not.

No, no, no. You don't understand.

Unless you react without thinking, like the uneducated conservative "base" to whatever the highly charged issue of the day may be, then you are a liberal, or a "RINO."
And here I thought it was only ANNOYING to scum like you Bullshitter! Get used to it, UNLESS Cruz takes his place, then I have a whole other campaign to lay on your sorry ass!

Say it with me, Vagifail - "President Hillary"

View attachment 58231

But weren't YOu one of the pond scum that was complaining that these polls didn't mean shit a YEAR away from the election...and we don't even have FIRM CANDIDATES yet? :ahole-1::fu:

Yet, you keep spamming the board, Trump Fluffer.

37 Trump v Clinton polls. Trump is losing in 32 of them.

3 months ago he was losing in ALL of them... but you aren't smart enough to figure that out!
Liberals? I am just stating facts. I am a conservative Republican but I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not. I have an inside track to know what you do not.

No, no, no. You don't understand.

Unless you react without thinking, like the uneducated conservative "base" to whatever the highly charged issue of the day may be, then you are a liberal, or a "RINO."

Or stupid, you are that poster child!
I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not.

if you are any good at educating, why are there so damn many dumbass kids entering college who can not spell, and if they do spell a word correctly it is wrongly used, evidence can be found right here on USMB, e.g., there - their, and my favorite.., "were are you at" !!
The more I discuss the mechanics of Common Core, the more I am convinced that we might as well attempt to teach a 1st grader Constitutional Law.

Common Core is standards. There are no "mechanics".

Common Core is having 1st graders EXPLAIN why 2 + 2 = 4 before they learn 2 + 3 = 5.
There are certain facts one must accumulate at a young age before learning the philosophy of why nations go to war.
It is pointless for a 5th grader to understand and be able to elaborate upon the irony of every page of The Great Gatsby.

You have no understanding about Common Core. Please quote the standard you are trying to convey in your example. I'll bet you cannot find it.

Common Core is a set of standards, such as 1st grade students will be able to add single digit numbers. That's it! The "how to do it" is the curriculum, which is NOT Common Core.

I teach Algebra using the Common Core standards. The "how to do it" is my choice entirely.

I have a lot of teachers in my community and they are forced to present their material in this manner.
They complain that the students are expected to master concepts at an age the teachers consider inappropriate.
I guess NYS operates in this manner.

They are following a mandated curriculum that is aligned with Common Core standards, but Common Core does NOT tell you how to teach it!

Many textbook publishing companies sell curricula that school districts mandate, but that is NOT Common Core. It may have Common Core written all over it, like the ridiculous worksheets you see posted on social media, but it is not the standards.

I have taught Common Core for 4 years. I do not have a written curriculum for my class, as I do not need one. The two other teachers in my subject area do not either. We do not teach the same methods in a few cases, but we follow the exact same set of standards and all of our students take the exact same tests at the end of each grading period so we can compare results. In 4 years there has been no appreciable difference in the results.

A question none of the teachers I know ever answer...
Is the purpose of Common Core to provide the same education nationwide by grade level?
Common Core passed in 43 states. Then Obama said he liked it, too. So the Right went full retard and said, "We have always been at war with Common Core."

Too bad their kids will have to grow up stupid and ignorant, too, because of their partisan hack retarded parents.
I think kids were well educated in the United States before Common Core passed, and I'm sure they will be well educated in the long as we keep liberals from dumbing our education system down.
Congress just passed and Obama signed a law removing any incentives for states to use Common Core standards. The idiots have won! Trump is talking about something that in the Navy we used to call OBE, because it was Overcome By Events.

Then we DON'T NEED an Education dept. after all! Glad you clarified that FACT! Bring it back to the states where it belongs!

No, we don't need states like Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana to actually educate their poor and special needs students. No one will be left to handle all of the Pell Grants and Federal Student Loan programs. I guess we can do away with all of that too. Nobody needs to go to college anyway!

You're right, today's college is just an indoctrination camp for you liberals! All I have to do is look at the human debris that comes out of Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and others!

Liberals? I am just stating facts. I am a conservative Republican but I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not. I have an inside track to know what you do not.

Well, ACT like a conservative! Your OPINION is worth the SAME as my opinion! But you'll act like a liberal college grad!

How? I told you the truth. Your opinion, while worthwhile, is not based on the same level of knowledge I have in my area of expertise. I have a Master's degree in the subject for a reason. That reason is to be a better teacher and administrator.

You must be a true liberal if you prefer people to lie to you. I may not like any better than you do, but facts are facts, despite what most libs try to tell you.

Do not feel alone, because many people jump to conclusions because the see my statements on education, but that is one area where most conservative never tread, so they are in unfamiliar territory at all times.
I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not.

if you are any good at educating, why are there so damn many dumbass kids entering college who can not spell, and if they do spell a word correctly it is wrongly used, evidence can be found right here on USMB, e.g., there - their, and my favorite.., "were are you at" !!


I clicked reply to address how insanely stupid this is. But I find myself speechless, and incapable of describing the depth of stupidity you demonstrate here.

You are wrong.
Common Core is standards. There are no "mechanics".

Common Core is having 1st graders EXPLAIN why 2 + 2 = 4 before they learn 2 + 3 = 5.
There are certain facts one must accumulate at a young age before learning the philosophy of why nations go to war.
It is pointless for a 5th grader to understand and be able to elaborate upon the irony of every page of The Great Gatsby.

You have no understanding about Common Core. Please quote the standard you are trying to convey in your example. I'll bet you cannot find it.

Common Core is a set of standards, such as 1st grade students will be able to add single digit numbers. That's it! The "how to do it" is the curriculum, which is NOT Common Core.

I teach Algebra using the Common Core standards. The "how to do it" is my choice entirely.

I have a lot of teachers in my community and they are forced to present their material in this manner.
They complain that the students are expected to master concepts at an age the teachers consider inappropriate.
I guess NYS operates in this manner.

They are following a mandated curriculum that is aligned with Common Core standards, but Common Core does NOT tell you how to teach it!

Many textbook publishing companies sell curricula that school districts mandate, but that is NOT Common Core. It may have Common Core written all over it, like the ridiculous worksheets you see posted on social media, but it is not the standards.

I have taught Common Core for 4 years. I do not have a written curriculum for my class, as I do not need one. The two other teachers in my subject area do not either. We do not teach the same methods in a few cases, but we follow the exact same set of standards and all of our students take the exact same tests at the end of each grading period so we can compare results. In 4 years there has been no appreciable difference in the results.

A question none of the teachers I know ever answer...
Is the purpose of Common Core to provide the same education nationwide by grade level?

Yes. One of the biggest supporters of Common Core were military families who often moved across country. If a Navy family had a child in Algebra in Florida and they were transferred to California, they wanted the information covered to be the same in both states. If Florida is covering a topic in Algebra, the same topic will be covered in California.
I am an educator first and I know the details that you do not.

if you are any good at educating, why are there so damn many dumbass kids entering college who can not spell, and if they do spell a word correctly it is wrongly used, evidence can be found right here on USMB, e.g., there - their, and my favorite.., "were are you at" !!

Well, typos can happen to anybody. But I'm a landlord and advertise my apartments on Craigslist. Some of the e-mails I get are frightening.

I get responses that one would think were written by an 8 year old. At times, I can't even figure out WTF they are asking me.

The housing bubble hit landlords particularly hard. Because of home sales, we got the bottom of the barrel when it came to potential tenants. You had to just about take anybody that could pay the rent.

So I was forced to interview some of these people with no ability to communicate. What I found is that most of them were high school graduates. A few of them even attended college for a short time; probably failed and dropped out.

But the question I had was, how did any of these people get a high school diploma writing the way they did, and how do these people find jobs filling out applications in the same way?

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