Booming Economy? For Who? The Untold Story Of The Trump Economy


First off, all money does not belong to government, and what they allow us to keep is a gift from them to us. That's a failed leftist theory. Government can only take more or less of people's money. Now who would it make sense to take less from, those who contribute none or little, or those who contribute the most?

Secondly if you think government is what's responsible for your financial failures, success, or stabilization, you are totally off the mark. You success or failures are based on your ability to earn, the exercise thereof, and making responsible decisions in your life. Not government.
So what you're saying is either you don't understand percentages or you're just gonna slavishly defend this failed tax cut no matter what.

For Future reference please let me know which one it is.

Of course I'll defend it because it's worked out great for everybody. High business confidence. High consumer confidence. Record breaking small business confidence; small business are our largest employers. Record low unemployment for minorities and women. Bringing home more pay and more of a tax refund. 3.25% GDP last quarter. No inflation. I hardly call it a failure by any measure.

All that and people are adding more debt than ever as if this will never end...we have a stupid populous.

Well, what programs are you willing to sacrifice to balance the budget?

The problem with government getting involved in every aspect of our life is they have to feed the dependency they created. That's expensive and yes, will eventually ruin our nation. Our problem isn't bringing money in, it's stopping the flow of money going out.

Actually in this case I was talking about consumers, you know us citizens. Personal debt is rising and people are saving less...during a good economy. Recipe for disaster

Okay, but who's fault is that?

I believe people today (especially younger people) are much less frugal than people years ago. Today we have to have the latest of everything and no name brand is too much to pay for. Today on Facebook I seen an advertisement for VR goggles. With these goggles you can play video games and all kinds of things. So I clicked the link just out of curiosity. $500.00 for this thing, and they are taking orders ahead of time to beat the expected rush after the item is manufactured.

I see younger people in the store whip out their debit card for every item they purchase. After they get their item checked out, they toss the receipt into the garbage can leaving the line. On rare occasion when I don't use cash, I keep that receipt in my wallet until it annoys me enough to deduct it out of my checking account. I keep track of every dollar I spend.
Forty percent of workers say they don’t have $400 for an unexpected expense. Twenty percent can’t pay all of their monthly bills. More than a quarter of adults skipped needed medical care last year because they couldn’t afford it. A quarter of adults have no retirement savings.

Corporations got the biggest cut in history, their rate sledgehammered down from 35 percent to 21 percent. The rich reap by far the largest benefit from those tax cuts through 2027, according to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center. And by then, 53 percent of Americans—that is, workers, not rich people—will pay more than they did in 2017 because tax breaks for workers expire.

The White House Council of Economic Advisers predicted the corporate tax cut would put an extra $4,000 in every worker’s pocket. They swore that corporations would use some of their tax cut money to hand out raises and bonuses to workers. That never happened. Workers got a measly 6 percent of corporations’ tax savings. In the first quarter after the tax cut took effect, workers on average received a big fat extra $6.21 in their paychecks, for an annual total of a whopping $233. Corporations spent their tax breaks on stock buybacks, a record $1 trillion worth, raising stock prices, which put more money in the pockets of rich CEOs and shareholders.

That’s continuing this year. Workers are never going to see that $4,000.

The untold story of Trump’s ‘booming’ economy

It's slowly trickling down. Wait for it now.

Thanks Obama.
/—-/ “Thanks Obama”
You mean the same Obama who said those jobs were never coming back? You mean the same Obama who said Trump needed a magic wand to bring back the roaring economy? You mean that Obama?
Okay, but who's fault is that?

I believe people today (especially younger people) are much less frugal than people years ago. Today we have to have the latest of everything and no name brand is too much to pay for. Today on Facebook I seen an advertisement for VR goggles. With these goggles you can play video games and all kinds of things. So I clicked the link just out of curiosity. $500.00 for this thing, and they are taking orders ahead of time to beat the expected rush after the item is manufactured.

I see younger people in the store whip out their debit card for every item they purchase. After they get their item checked out, they toss the receipt into the garbage can leaving the line. On rare occasion when I don't use cash, I keep that receipt in my wallet until it annoys me enough to deduct it out of my checking account. I keep track of every dollar I spend.

I agree people are less frugal than years past, I guess maybe that is why we do not seem to care as a nation that we are 22 trillion dollars in debt. When the next crash/correction hits both the country and the people are screwed and while end up with massive new debt.

I never carry cash, only use my card and once a week I check my on-line banking to make sure there are no unauthorized charges. My bank also has great tools and puts all my spending in categories and I can see with the touch of a mouse how much we spend on each. I have not "balanced" my checking account in more than a decade. I am a big fan of technology and let it do the work for me. And I am a mid-50s guy, so not really a younger person.
We have close to full employment in our country now thanks to Trump. God bless Trump for doing what that worthless failed asshole Obama could not do.

No need to have welfare any more.

The lazy fat bastards can put down their bong, get out the couch and go find a job because there are plenty of jobs available.

No need for me to have to work to give them food, health care subsidizes, housing, etc, is there?
Okay, but who's fault is that?

I believe people today (especially younger people) are much less frugal than people years ago. Today we have to have the latest of everything and no name brand is too much to pay for. Today on Facebook I seen an advertisement for VR goggles. With these goggles you can play video games and all kinds of things. So I clicked the link just out of curiosity. $500.00 for this thing, and they are taking orders ahead of time to beat the expected rush after the item is manufactured.

I see younger people in the store whip out their debit card for every item they purchase. After they get their item checked out, they toss the receipt into the garbage can leaving the line. On rare occasion when I don't use cash, I keep that receipt in my wallet until it annoys me enough to deduct it out of my checking account. I keep track of every dollar I spend.

I agree people are less frugal than years past, I guess maybe that is why we do not seem to care as a nation that we are 22 trillion dollars in debt. When the next crash/correction hits both the country and the people are screwed and while end up with massive new debt.

I never carry cash, only use my card and once a week I check my on-line banking to make sure there are no unauthorized charges. My bank also has great tools and puts all my spending in categories and I can see with the touch of a mouse how much we spend on each. I have not "balanced" my checking account in more than a decade. I am a big fan of technology and let it do the work for me. And I am a mid-50s guy, so not really a younger person.

I don't even know how to balance a checking account. When I write a check (or make a withdrawal) I deduct it out of my account in my checking book. It doesn't matter to me when a check is cashed or when a withdrawal is made. Once I make that command, it's deducted that minute, and I've never had a problem. Then when I get my bank statement, I once again check off each item they deducted in my check book.

With cash, I have no worry about somebody putting a scanner in a machine and getting my information. Plus most of my tenants pay rent in cash, so I have to get rid of it somehow. Instead of depositing my check and making a cash withdrawal, I only deposit my check and that pays the bills. The cash from rent I use to buy prescriptions, buy merchandise, buy gasoline, anything I purchase in person.
Forty percent of workers say they don’t have $400 for an unexpected expense. Twenty percent can’t pay all of their monthly bills. More than a quarter of adults skipped needed medical care last year because they couldn’t afford it. A quarter of adults have no retirement savings.

Corporations got the biggest cut in history, their rate sledgehammered down from 35 percent to 21 percent. The rich reap by far the largest benefit from those tax cuts through 2027, according to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center. And by then, 53 percent of Americans—that is, workers, not rich people—will pay more than they did in 2017 because tax breaks for workers expire.

The White House Council of Economic Advisers predicted the corporate tax cut would put an extra $4,000 in every worker’s pocket. They swore that corporations would use some of their tax cut money to hand out raises and bonuses to workers. That never happened. Workers got a measly 6 percent of corporations’ tax savings. In the first quarter after the tax cut took effect, workers on average received a big fat extra $6.21 in their paychecks, for an annual total of a whopping $233. Corporations spent their tax breaks on stock buybacks, a record $1 trillion worth, raising stock prices, which put more money in the pockets of rich CEOs and shareholders.

That’s continuing this year. Workers are never going to see that $4,000.

The untold story of Trump’s ‘booming’ economy

It's slowly trickling down. Wait for it now.
So, you or I should say, this left-wing website is saying that 40% of all workers are too stupid to manage their money. I smell a government program coming on.

BTW...Real wages are going up, that 6% of the tax savings to the corporations is 6% more than they had.

This is nothing but a bitch session about the government not being able to run our lives.

Cut spending, cut spending NOW!
The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics.

Thomas Sowell
The Trump economy indeed is an untold story on CNN. Basically a miracle...

For who? Americans...
Trump could cure cancer and you’d still bitch and moan.

Give it a rest already.

In other words...'stop saying things that makes my messiah sound less than perfect'.
/—-/ We never said or thought Trump is perfect. We do Know he’s doing a great job as POTUS and reducing you libtards to whiners.

It's amusing that the worm tried to use the term 'messiah' about Trump.

The only ones who applied that term, and god, and Jesus, to a political candidate, were Liberals/Democrats/Progressives. did the worm put his foot in his mouth.... I don't believe worms have feet???
Trump could cure cancer and you’d still bitch and moan.

Give it a rest already.

In other words...'stop saying things that makes my messiah sound less than perfect'.
/—-/ We never said or thought Trump is perfect. We do Know he’s doing a great job as POTUS and reducing you libtards to whiners.

It's amusing that the worm tried to use the term 'messiah' about Trump.

The only ones who applied that term, and god, and Jesus, to a political candidate, were Liberals/Democrats/Progressives. did the worm put his foot in his mouth.... I don't believe worms have feet???

You mean the God-Emperor?

Trump is still riding President Obama's coattails on the economy. Obama did better!

Trump is still riding President Obama's coattails on the economy. Obama did better!
/—-/ You mean the one Obozo said Trump needed a magic wand to create? You pathetic loser. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Trump is still riding President Obama's coattails on the economy. Obama did better!

Too bad you can't point to anything DumBama did to stir up the economy. Imagine how much better and faster the economy would have recovered if we had a Republican President instead. You leftists are such thieves you'll even steal the accomplishments of another.

You didn't build that!

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